This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 555 It’s another new year

The bustling streets were crowded with people watching the fireworks, and long queues formed in front of the stalls made of wooden shelves.

Most of the stalls were set up by shelter residents, and a few were set up by local people, hoping to make some "new money" while taking advantage of the excitement of the festival.

"...So our job today is to eat and drink at the celebration?" Looking at the stamp pen in his hand, Pai raised his eyebrows and touched his chin.

Yesterday, Chu Guang found her in a serious manner. She thought it was some particularly annoying task, but she didn't expect it to be so simple.

Look for shelter residents' stalls on the street to eat and drink for free, then poke the stall owner VM's electronic score sheet and you're done.

What a strange mission.

"Shuo underestimated this important task." Seeing the disapproval on Pai's face, Xiaoyu, who was holding a stamp pen, said seriously, "Brother Chu said that this is a very important 'anjia activity." Many shelters The residents have been looking forward to it all year. If it gets good reviews, they will be happy all year long."

"And Brother Chu also said that there will be some strange food mixed in during the celebration. If you find it, you must press the VM alarm button immediately."

Because of her obsessive-compulsive disorder, she finished speaking without taking a breath, and coughed twice at the end.

"Wrong!? Is it so scary?"

Looking at the frightened Pai, Yu nodded seriously.

"Yeah! So, you must not take it lightly, especially when you encounter a guy named Mosquito."

Seeing that Xiaoyu didn't look like he was joking, Pai looked around nervously.

Alyssa, who was walking next to the two people, tilted her head.

"If you want to be happy as long as you get perfect scores... wouldn't it be enough to give them all high scores?"

She thought the shelter residents were very nice people, and she couldn't bear the thought of giving them a bad review.

At this moment, she was wearing a cotton-white windbreaker, a floppy white beret with yellow edges, and a red and black plaid scarf around her neck.

Perhaps because she has experienced too many things, her character seems to be much more mature. Although they are about the same age, when standing next to the two of them, she is obviously more like a sister.

The fish shook his head.

"That would be unfair to those who are serious about their mission."

"It shouldn't be underestimated. I didn't expect this simple task to have such rich connotations!" Pai said with full energy, "It's decided! Let Pai be this person!"

Let’s hit a few zeros first to add to the fun!

Xiaoyu frowned and said.

"No, we need a fair ruling!"

Otherwise, no one would choose her again.

Alyssa asked looking at Xiaoyu curiously.

"You guys have been talking about missions...but isn't this a celebration?"

Xiaoyu: "Actually, it means the same thing. Brother Chu said that everyone is a master of tasks, and it is wise to treat activities as tasks."

Pai came over curiously and asked.

"What is Wudaren?"

Xiaoyu shook his head.

"I don't know... maybe it means I will be happy if I complete the task)"

What a hard-working person...

Listening to the exchange between the two, Alyssa couldn't help but feel more respect for the residents wearing blue coats.

No matter what happens, rush ahead.

No wonder the people of the Alliance trust them so much.

"We can't live up to their efforts."

"Yeah!" Xiaoyu nodded heartily, "Come on!"

"Let's start with food!" Pai, who was on guard a minute ago, started looking around excitedly as soon as he reached the edge of the snack street.

Looking at the two people jumping in and the streets full of fireworks in front of them, Lisa smiled on her face.

This was a sight the Rock had never seen before.

In the past, let alone smiling faces, she couldn't even see their eyes.

They bowed their heads and walked in a hurry (this chapter is not finished yet!)

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Walking hastily, following the rules like a puppet on strings, going from one place to another without knowing where he is going)

Now that everything is starting over, people can think about this issue for themselves, think about how to take the future, what kind of person they want to be, which place or star they want to go to.

When Tian Tian talked with the manager, Alyssa suddenly had a realization in her mind. Why did the manager tell her, “That’s not the answer.

It is normal for everyone in the Workers' Association to feel confused about the future after victory. That in itself is a spoil for the winner.

Only mountains, rivers, birds and beasts are immortal.

“…It was great to talk to him.”

It would be better if you can go shopping with the manager...

You can tell yourself about this discovery.

Alyssa was thinking about it, and the brim of her hat with broken snow suddenly became puffy. She blushed and shook her head to get rid of this extravagant thought.

The respected manager, Mr. Ken, is busy doing his homework. It will trouble him to disturb him at this time.

‘…Father said, Alyssa is already old and can’t always rely on others. ,

Alyssa clenched her fists and thought silently in her heart.

There will be something delicious to eat soon, so he should bring some too!

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and caught up with Xiaoyu and Pai.

The two of them were standing in front of a strange machine, looking at the cotton wrapped around a log, their eyes shining.

"Oh oh oh! What kind of cotton is that?

"How do you eat this - ah! You are that mosquito!" Xiaoyu shouted in surprise when he recognized the man standing next to the machine at a glance.

Pai, who was standing nearby, immediately became alert and moved away from the machine.

Amused by the two people's actions, the God of Death suddenly laughed heartlessly and covered his face as he did not want to be remembered for his life together.

"Hahaha, have you achieved this level of notoriety?" Zhuihun said with a smirk as he poked the mosquito with his elbow.

"Tch! What does it mean to be notorious? What do I mean--" Mosquito, who rolled his eyes at his apprentice, was looking at the customer. When he saw Pai, his eyes widened instantly, "***?! Are you that saint?" -Ahem! Is it that oil?!"

"What?" Pai crossed his arms and said with a frown, "You are so rude... Hey, did I meet you somewhere?"

The mosquito's face showed a good look.

"That time was a misunderstanding... By the way, I never had the chance to thank you in person. Thank you so much for the aviation fuel! It was a big help!"

This is true both in and out of the game.

Being so carried away by the praise, Pai instantly put the little unpleasantness behind him and said proudly.

"You're welcome, it's a small matter."

"Hehe," Mosquito smiled sheepishly, rubbing his hands and said, "Is there any similar good stuff, finished product and formula?"

"Something like that?" Pai gave him a strange look, "What are you talking about? It's okay to just use some strange stuff. Are you planning to continue to build chemically powered aircraft?"

Mosquito said anxiously.

"Isn't it possible? It can be used, right?"

Pai shook it.

"Well, that kind of thing has been almost eliminated in the prosperous era. Who would take the time to study that thing. Asking me this question is like asking for the secret recipe for an improved black powder. All I can tell you is a little bit. Add some sugar."

Ming and Quanjia looked at each other, the latter shrugged helplessly, and the former scratched his head.

Mosquito sighed.

"So... what you said makes sense."

Think so.

After all, the Era of Prosperity is set, but in an era where FTL engine anti-gravity equipment has been developed, chemical-powered rockets may have been eliminated eight lifetimes ago.

Regarding "Tu OL", he probably knows a little bit about it. The background of the production team of this game is not simple. Although most of the technologies are completely unrealistic, one (this chapter is not over yet!)

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Some "low-based" technologies are supported by theory in reality.

In other words, it can be used directly)

Officials and the public have speculated a lot about this, and a tacit understanding has been formed, but these are beside the point.

Even if there weren't so many complicated interest entanglements, he still enjoyed this relaxed and happy girl.

"...I almost forgot about the real thing," Mosquito snatched three marshmallows from Death's hand, stuffed them into the hands of the three of them diligently, and handed the VM out with a smile, "Three judges, please trouble me." Give me a good review, thank you! "

Feng Qing, who was standing nearby, gave a kind reminder.

"Points will be deducted if you take the initiative to give positive reviews."

Mosquito was suddenly startled.

"***! I just said it casually, am I so strict?"

Same last time!

He just blurted out something in excitement, and was sent in by a certain hateful tail.

Gui Gui looked away with a subtle expression.

"Because some committees don't know how to refuse."

She actually didn't have much confidence in whether the original taste came out. Those were desserts she had only eaten when she was very young.

However, her worries were unnecessary.

Before waiting for a second, a scream sounded in front of the stall.

"Wow!!! This is delicious! Do you need to spit out the cotton? Wrong? It's not cotton? It melted in your mouth!"

Pai's eyes widened in surprise.

The little fish on the side has already put its face into the marshmallow, and its eyes have completely turned into the color of the marshmallow.

"How... is this made?!" Alyssa tasted the snow-white cotton with a sip of thought.

She looked excitedly at the people behind the stall, but soon seemed to have remembered something, and added in a low voice embarrassedly.

"Would it be inappropriate to ask about the formula? If it's not convenient to answer, I didn't ask."

Feng Qing said with a smile.

"Actually, it's not inconvenient. The principle is very simple. Just get a heater and a motor... Even if you don't ask, we plan to teach the survivors here later."

This is not a difficult technique and is easy to learn.

Alyssa watched excitedly.


In this way, you can have such a delicious and magical dessert in Boulder City in the future even if you don’t have to wait for the celebration!

Feeling a little embarrassed to be thanked, Feng Qing smiled shyly and said.

"You're welcome, I'm very happy to be able to help you all."

Blushing, she opened her eyes and looked at the ghost beside her.

"By the way, let's bring some to Orange and the others too."


Gui Gui chuckled and grabbed a small cart, moved an unused cotton candy machine and put it on it, shouting at the mosquito.

"Boss Mosquito, lend it to us!

Because the principle is very simple and the process is not complicated, they not only made a cotton candy machine, but also made some preparations to sell to the locals.

Mosquito laughed, waved his hand, and said generously.

"Take it and use it! It's up to you to open the B-side market!"

In fact, before Alyssa, many NPCs had come to him out of curiosity to learn where to buy the cotton candy machine. It seems it’s not just the marshmallows that are selling out tonight.

Goblin Technology’s “technology” will also be sold!

Eat at the other end of the street.

A handsome man with a thick scarf hanging around his neck was holding the little hand of a green-haired girl.

He stopped in front of a stall selling sundries, reached out and picked up a palm-sized display screen, and said casually.

"Boss, where did you get this?"

Seeing that the gadget that the man was interested in was finally taken by someone, the stall owner hid the secret joy between his brows and said cheerfully.

"Ah, this, I picked it up near the inner city. It is probably the collection of an old noble. If you like it... I'll sell it to you for 10 silver coins.

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

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"You're laughing. You can sell it for 10 silver coins even if it's useless? I think 10 chips are about the same."

Fang Chang smiled and was about to put the things in his hands back.

When the stall owner saw this, he immediately panicked and quickly changed his mind.

"5 silver coins! How about 5 silver coins?"

Fang Chang shook his head and gestured with his index finger.

"One silver coin, if it doesn't work, forget it. I still think it's in the way of holding it in my hand."

"...Okay, I'll pay for it!" The stall owner nodded with a bitter look on his face, but hid his joy in his buried forehead.

This was originally what he picked up.

Not to mention one silver coin, he earned half a silver coin!

Without revealing the joy behind the expression, Fang Chang smiled and left 1 silver coin on the stall. He gently pulled Dolly's little hand and led her forward.

Dolly, who was walking next to him, came to his hand and took a look curiously.

"What is It looks like the one you have!"

Fang Chang said jokingly.

"It's one person after all."


"Well, farewell, father and son," Fang Chang gently tossed the palm-sized trading device and smiled lightly, "This is my son."

The electricity in the battery has run out and there are no numbers or lines visible on the screen, otherwise it would have been exciting.

Speaking of which, he thought that the basic cultivator would come to the northern suburbs to find him, so he stayed in Shuguang for so long, but he didn't expect that coward to run away.

Just run away, he won't feel sorry for that fool.

Everything is self-inflicted.

Dolly glanced at Fang Chang and asked in a low voice.

"Did you finally press that button?"

"No," Fang Chang said in a relaxed tone after putting the trading device in his pocket, "You said not to press it, so I pressed it. Anyway, the result is no different."

He has taken away what he wanted from here, and what is left is just idle numbers)

Moreover, in the end, the chips themselves have collapsed, and the S coins linked to the chips have naturally lost their meaning. It makes no difference whether there is a final step or not.

"It's really unexpected to say it... I didn't expect that Boulder City would become so lively one day." Looking at the bustling streets in the distance, Dolly said with some emotion.

Fang Chang smiled and said.

“Have you got any ideas for tomorrow’s headlines?”

"Yeah!" Dolly nodded, her eyes suddenly lit up, she looked at him and continued, "Do you think someone might see the fireworks over Stone City and come all the way to join us?"

This suddenly occurred to her.

In addition to those well-known survivor settlements, there are actually many small and large survivor areas hidden in the wasteland.

There are even many in Qingshi City!

Fang Changzhang touched it.

"It's hard to say, but in fact, many survivors in the alliance came here this way."

I remember that when the Frostspear Tribe first came here, they saw the smoke lingering in the northern suburbs and brought the tribe over with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Unlike the ideals buried in the heart, prosperity is something that can be seen with the eyes.

When fireworks are reflected in people's eyes, people who yearn for light will naturally walk there under the light.

This is true for the Wastelanders, including Frostspear, and the same is true for the workers in Stone City.

In the future, more survivors who are fed up with the wasteland will unite under their common banner.

That is a greater weapon than guns.

And it can do things that guns and cannons cannot do...

Fang Chang didn't know at this moment that, just as he said, under the same night sky, no one was looking at the flames burning in the sky in the dark.

In the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City, more than a dozen bullock carts were parked beside the road outside the city. Several caravan guards gathered together and lit cigarettes with firewood.

"How can we spend the winter outside this year? The wave is ahead of schedule."

"There's something wrong with Boulder City, and we can't go there."

"Situation? What's the situation?"

"The sky has changed."

Slightly more mature (this chapter is not finished yet!)

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The guard glanced at the group of "cargoes" next to the bullock cart and turned away in disgust, "I'd better go if I didn't bring these guys with me."

In the past, the Alliance did not interfere with the slave trade. It only prohibited the abuse of slaves or killings on the Alliance's territory. Sometimes it would pay to buy slaves who were crossing the border.

But since they defeated the legion, the group of blue gophers suddenly stopped acting and began to imitate the settlements in Yunjian Province that prohibited all transactions involving human beings.

As a result, they now don't dare to go near the border of the United States, and they have to work separately to purchase supplies.

"These damn rats..." One of the guards cursed, threw the cigarette butt into the snow, and stamped it out with all his strength.

The other guard also cursed.

"Hope they don't spring!"

The slaves who were huddled next to the two-headed cow for warmth heard the curses of the guards and exchanged words in whispers.

"Where will we be taken?"

"I heard from the boss that he will go north."

"I remember it was called Bu Mo..."

The young man sitting in the corner suddenly said something.

"Free State?"

After hearing what happened, everyone looked at the young man)

They recognized this guy. Although he looked gray and gray, he was actually fair and fair. He was completely different from the dark and thin guys like us. He should be able to sell it more expensively.

About two weeks ago, not long after they entered the River Valley Province, they found this half-dead guy in the wild.

Then, he was caught by the gun guards, his luggage was robbed, and he was shackled and kept company with them.

Thinking he might know something, a boy with long hair asked curiously.

"you've been to?"

Another child who looked younger also chimed in.

"I heard it's a nice place."

Hearing their discussion, Ji Xiu curled up the cracked corner of his mouth.


After experiencing those things, he was no longer willing to believe what he heard.

A skinny young man approached him.

"Hey, you seem to know a lot of stuff."

Jixiu smiled to himself.

"You're not very discerning. What's in front of you is just trash."

The young man was stunned for a moment.

He had seen people with bad mouth, but this was the first time he saw someone with bad mouth.

This guy is really extraordinary.

" you know about the alliance?"

"The alliance..." Ji Xiu's eyes were a little complicated, and he muttered, "That might be a good place for you."

The curly-haired boy lowered his head and muttered a complaint.

"Come on, they are really so good, why don't they come to save us?"

Ji Xiu said casually.

"They only save themselves and those who can be saved."

Another boy couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What does it mean to be saved?"

"At least save yourself."

What an irony.

In the end, I became the person who understood those guys best.

Jixiu smiled to himself.

But it doesn’t matter.

He is already dead anyway...

Let it float wherever it goes.

Most of the slaves were looking at each other, not understanding his riddle, and turned around to continue chatting about their purpose, the place called the Free State.

Some people say that they actually went to the swamp in the north.

Although there is no point in discussing this thing, they can't decide where they will be sold, but they are still idle anyway.

Only the skinny young man squatting next to Ji Xiu was looking at the smoke in the distance with clear eyes, muttering to himself.

“He who is saved…he who saves himself.”

He learns more about the league.

It's not because of how beautiful it is in the legend, nor because of the beautiful fireworks there, but simply because the faces of those vicious guards changed when they mentioned the alliance.

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

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Like a mouse to a cat.

He wants to get that power too!

The power feared by the wasteland!

In the corner where everyone noticed, a seed had been quietly planted...

No one knows what it will look like.

The New Year's Eve celebrations are still going on, and the festive atmosphere is not only permeating the streets, but also spilling over to the shops on the streets.

The Pirate's Cove Tavern, located on the edge of Boulder City, had fire crackling in the fireplace, and the not-so-large place was packed with noisy guests.

Since that incident, the tavern has been undergoing renovations.

However, starting tonight on New Year's Eve, Boulder authorities have ended the curfew and the pub has been able to reopen.

Some of the customers sitting here drinking are mercenaries, some are workers from the settlement, and some are citizens.

Since last week, the industrial products from Boulder City have entered Luoxia Province through the trade hub of Luoye City, and the food from Luoxia Province has also flowed here through there.

The logistics cycle begins again, and watered-down, inferior beer becomes a thing of the past.

A kilogram of corn costs less than one silver coin, while a beer only costs one silver coin, and a large cup only costs two silver coins.

According to the league's latest minimum wage of 2 silver coins per hour, even the cheapest construction job can earn you two beers an hour.

Not to mention those mercenaries. Compared with hard work, the reward usually has to add one to two zeros.

“It hasn’t been this lively here for a long time.


Several cement factory workers sat together, drinking beer and grilling skewers while looking at the flashing fireworks outside the window and chatting.

"...That apartment building is awesome! Don't be afraid of your jokes, I have never lived in a house with a staircase one day!"

“It’s much more convenient to take a shower!”

At this time, someone drank too much and stood up and shouted.

"Praise the managers! Praise the couplet! Give us undiluted beer! And a room that does not leak air!"

There was a burst of laughter and laughter all around.


"Your wish is too humble. Let the Alliance help you find another wife!"

"There's no need to worry about that. I heard that the managers themselves don't seem to have it."

"Hey, I really hope he can have more babies."

"It's a pity that Lovett doesn't have a daughter. We can actually fight for it to make Boulder City and the alliance more closely integrated... in the sense of blood."

Although the Workers' Association always says that ideals are a stronger bond than blood, it still cannot withstand people's simple wishes and enthusiasm.

The arrogant men in the city are gone.

The gangs outside the city were wiped out.

The fierce and fierce mercenaries have also turned their tails between their legs.

The alliance's military strength is extremely strong.

They can light up the entire night sky with fireworks, and no one will doubt that they can also attack the surging waves with showers of shells.

At this time, a hooded man opened the door and walked into the bar.

The bartender standing behind the bar took a look and said in a normal tone.

"Want some?"

The man took off his hood and saw the bartender standing behind the bar with a surprised expression on his face.

"You guys are actually still alive?"

The wine smiled lightly and said.

"Is there any reason why I have to die?"

The man squinted his eyes and stared at the bartender for a while.

Of course, this person is not a bartender, but White Shark, the owner of the Pirate Bay Tavern.

This person likes to stand in front of the bar and wash glasses when he has nothing to do, so he is always regarded as a bartender. However, anyone who is familiar with this guy knows that this guy can't make drinks at all, and the poison remover can also be regarded as wine.

The sale of drinks is only one of the sources of income for this pub, and the bulk of the sales is actually another intermediary business)

The nobles in the inner city need manpower for inconvenient work, and it is difficult to come into contact with those vulgar mercenaries and gang members in person, so they will need middlemen (this chapter is not finished yet!)

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. Some businessmen who need to hire bodyguards will also use reliable middlemen to introduce reliable people.

And this guy named White Shark is probably the most reliable middleman in this settlement. Usually, if people need help from him, they will ask him for a glass of honey water.

Seeing that the man hadn't taken his order, the bartender put a glass of warm water in front of him.

The man didn't drink, he was talking to himself.

"The boss and hand of the Poison Gang are dead."

Shark said in a normal tone.

"Come on, I heard that he died quite miserably."

"I don't seem to be surprised at all. That's your big customer... Oh, I understand." The man's face showed a sudden expression, and he looked at him with a half-smile. The alliance becomes a dog."

If the alliance wants to get rid of the gangs outside the giant wall in the shortest possible time, it is undoubtedly an easy way to start with the business that these middlemen have contacted.

Without denying the statement of the person in front of him, Bai Shark said with a faint smile.

"Not everyone is qualified to be a dog in the Alliance. It is an honor for me to serve a real big shot... Also, if you don't want to be kicked out, you'd better change your name to a more polite one."

Such as informants.

This is what the Guards call him, and he prefers it.

"Don't be like this, man," the man smiled and waved his hands as if begging for mercy, "So? What should I call you?"

White Shark said in a casual tone.

"As long as it's the same as before, my job hasn't changed much anyway. I'm just a bar owner."

The man narrowed his eyes.

"What if I don't want to drink today and want to contact some reliable mercenaries?"

"Then you've found the right person."

Stopping wiping the wine glass, Baisha put the wine glass and it aside, looked at the man in front of the bar and continued.

"Tell me, what's the job?"

The man spoke slowly.

"Something happened to the students in the south. I need some guys who can fight. There must be at least ten people with enough firepower.

White Shark raises his eyebrows)


"No..." the man shook his head and said with a gloomy expression, "A job as simple as being a predator has something to do with mutants."

"Really? The ordinary mercenary group probably won't be able to meet your needs," Bai Shark touched his chin, asked for a moment, and asked from the bar.

After taking the tablet, the man was slightly stunned.

"This is?"

Baisha simply introduced.

"Bing Guild Terminal."

Seeing that the man's face was even more confused, he continued.

"You may not know this when you first come here. Some time ago, the Alliance set up a pilot mercenary guild in Boulder City. Now mercenaries in Boulder City need to register before they can take jobs."

Because the bars you join will be marked on the map provided by the mercenary guild, most of the bars for mercenary groups have become the "offline network" of the mercenary guild.

The man's brow twitched.

"You even have an organization?"

"Yes, and it is compulsory," Bai Shark shrugged. "The guild is responsible for assessing mercenary levels and assessing mission success rates. They say they need to match the difficulty of the tasks with their qualifications... and issue difficult missions to high-level mercenaries. Will bear joint liability."

The man said in surprise.

"This sounds a bit like the mercenary guild in the Bugla Free State in the north."

White Shark shrugged.

"It's not complete. For example, commission. In addition to the commission paid to the mercenary guild, there is an additional barrier paid by the employer."

The man asked with a frown.

"what is that?"

White Shark said casually.

"It's equivalent to insurance, but it's not quite like the deceptive things that Jushi Bank used to do. For example, someone will help you replace your prosthetic body when you become disabled, and you will be given a pension when you reach retirement age. I remember it in Bugra. Value-added services need to be purchased by yourself (this chapter is not finished yet!)

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, but it is mandatory here. "

The man curled his lips.

"Oh, let's tie those people up with money, right?"

White Shark chuckled.

"That's right. The old pension is linked to the mercenary level, so if you don't want your pension to go to waste, it's best not to do some unregistered dirty work. Deduction of points is a trivial matter, but revoking the qualification is a big deal."

This is indeed a clever idea.

The soldier's disobedience to discipline was largely due to his lack of scruples.

Most of them have no concept of saving and live a life of being drunk now. After all, they might die tomorrow because of a small mistake.

It is difficult to expect a person who has no intention of living beyond the age of 35 to think about things many years from now.

Now, through the mercenary guild, the alliance forces them to save for their future life, and uses this money as a constraint to control them.

If a mercenary accepts jobs normally, he will most likely receive jobs within his capabilities, and his current and future lives will be guaranteed.

And if you are caught doing illegal work that is not registered and violates alliance laws, you will not only be punished by law enforcement agencies, but also by the mercenary guild.

If the qualifications for employment - that is, the level of mercenaries - are lowered, not only will they not be able to get jobs, but their future living security standards will also be affected)

On the one hand, having the Military Association record the content of the entrustment can also play a role in creating a bond between the employer and the employee, reducing the cost of trust between the two and preventing the harm that the entrustment itself may cause to society.

Although they are both called mercenary guilds, the original intention and nature of the alliance's establishment of the mercenary guild are completely different from the Bugla Free State.

The latter is "labor outsourcing" for the benefit of the company, while the alliance's approach proposes a compromise solution to current social problems.

This is good for everyone.

"...It's not realistic to let a group of desperadoes change their careers on the same spot. There are too many places that need him in the wasteland. They don't know how to do other jobs, and they can't adapt to working step by step. But it's not possible to just leave it alone. Boulder City There are a bunch of these guys. As a compromise with the alliance, private armed forces are necessary to exist in the wasteland, but they must be supervised."

The man frowned and said.

"But if it is filed, wouldn't it mean that many commissions cannot be done?"

For example, some murder commissions.

"Haha, if you want to find someone to do dirty work, you can do it. I'm afraid I can't help you here... People in the alliance are watching me very closely. I don't want to spend money on my life, and you don't want to yourself either. Hit the muzzle?"

The man said nothing, Bai Shark smiled faintly, and continued in a soft voice.

"But if it's a clean job, like searching for traces, running errands and delivering goods, exterminating looters, etc... I can even hire more professional experts."

The man raised his eyebrows.

"More professional?"

White Shark nodded slightly.

"Yes, many residents of the shelter have also registered as mercenaries, and many of them are veterans who have returned from Luoxia Province. Whether it is equipment or experience, they are much better than those stragglers. If you want to deal with a group of mutants , there is no more suitable candidate than us.”

Hearing these words, the man held his breath.

Veterans from Luoxia Province!

If he could hire some blue coats from the League, his hometown might really be saved!

"How should I invite people?"

A cheerful smile appeared on Bai Shark's face, and he tapped the tablet in his hand with his index finger.

"I've already told you the method. You must register and file honestly, then pay a deposit and pay part of the remuneration in advance."

"Within 24 hours, someone will make arrangements for you."

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