This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 556 The plague is burning on the torch

"Today is January 1, 2342 in the old calendar, January 1, 213 in the Wasteland Era,

"The New Year's Eve activities concluded successfully, and all settlements in the alliance held grand celebrations that night to celebrate the arrival of the new year..."

"The City Hall of Boulder City announced that it will lift the curfew starting today, and the blockades at the gates of the giant wall will also be officially lifted from now on. At the same time, the city entrance tax collected for the construction of the giant wall will be cancelled, and the height of the giant wall will be reduced. No more increases.”

"On the other hand, in order to deal with the impact of the unrest in Qingquan City, a 200-person volunteer team composed of teachers, medical staff, biologists and engineers has arrived at Shuguangcheng North Airport from Ideal City."

“In his New Year’s Eve speech, the administrator stated that improving residents’ living standards remains the focus of the Alliance’s work in the new year. Currently, the Alliance’s registered population has exceeded one million. In addition to affordable housing and rail transit under construction, the Alliance There will also be 12 new full-time schools and 8 social support facilities..."

"Daily Survivor Radio reports for you!"

The fire crackled in the fireplace.

The warm temperature makes people sleepy, as if even the smooth voice on the radio and the movement of the clock on the wall are stretched out.

This is Chenchen Town, located on the edge of the ruins of Jinhe City in Jinchuan Province. It is seven or eight hundred kilometers away from Qingquan City, which is equivalent to the distance from Jiangcheng to Mountain City in reality.

Since Boulder City joined the alliance, the alliance has recently built several new signal stations, and many broadcast stations, including the "Daily Survivor", have added medium wave and short wave signal bands.

Although the existence of special climates such as radioactive clouds in the wasteland will affect electromagnetic wave signals, this interference is not absolute.

Now Jinchuan Province can also hear some voices from the alliance intermittently.

"so good."

Listening to the content on the radio, I think Jingjing had a little fascination on his face.

For the New Year's Eve event, I heard that anyone who participates will receive a red envelope. The minimum prize is 6 silver coins, and the maximum prize is a Dragoon power armor.

And it’s the kind with no level restrictions!


This event is only available within the alliance.

There are only three players in the entire Dust Town. Although the locals were led by them to hold a sacrificial event, the food as tributes was only a pitiful kind.

He distributed the uneaten tribute to the children in the village. He didn't go online at all last night and went offline to order a takeaway to enjoy. _o_

Sighing, he quietly looked at the lizard huddled next to the fireplace and warmed himself up and shouted.

"Hey, trash brother."

The garbage-picking level 99 guy buckled his buttocks, changed his position and lay down, and replied lazily.

"What are you doing?"

I think Jingjing couldn't help but say.

"We have been staying in this wretched place for half a year, how long are we going to stay?"

We agreed to go south together.

As a result, the other two guys stayed here and refused to leave.

Jun Jun said with a smile.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. The matter of 'receiving fruits' has not been resolved yet. We can't just leave the villagers alone, right?"

According to the information on the official website, it has been confirmed that nago and jade fruit are the same thing. They are suspected to come from the Nanyang Islands and flow into the southern part of the Central Continent through the ports on the Death Coast.

Jinchuan Province is one of the most affected provinces.

Combined with the predictions about the next version on the official website, Mr. Jun and Brother Qiangren agreed that there was some kind of ulterior conspiracy behind the fruit.

So they decided to stay.

On the one hand, we observed the situation of the user in the village, and on the other hand, we sent some observed samples back to the biological research institute within the alliance.

At the same time, monitor the movements of the mutant tribe called "Qi".

However, several months have passed, and neither Naguo nor the mutant tribe has made any new moves. I think Jingjing feels a bit like it. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

A little impatient.

They haven't made any progress for months!

Forget it if you don’t continue going south, let’s form a team and go home to save a file!

Looking at the laid-back trash man, I thought Jingjing couldn't help but complain.

"You're not addicted to being a god, are you?"

Jun Jun was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Hahaha, how could it be!"

That smile was somewhat false.

I think Jingjing couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

At this time, Dongdongdong's knock sounded outside the door, and the sound seemed to come from close to the floor.

Guessing who was coming, he sighed, got up from the chair covered with blankets, walked over and opened the door.

A fat mouse as high as his knees slipped in from outside, and the cold wind swept into the house made Mr. Garbage couldn't help but shrink his neck.

"Something happened."

As soon as she heard that something had happened, Jingjing suddenly became excited. Jun Trash, who was lying by the fireplace to warm himself up, was no longer sleepy. He got up and came over.

"what's up?!"

"Speak quickly!"

Seeing the excited expressions of his two companions, Qiangren cleared his throat and said mysteriously.

"Didn't I keep an eye on that Hope Town during this time? There were some magicians there yesterday."

I wanted to be stunned for a moment.

"Magic stick?"

"Well, they were pastors or apostles anyway. I thought there was something wrong with those people, so I followed them and eavesdropped on their conversation. They talked a lot about it. In short, the light of heavenly fire will soon shine on this place. A land corrupted by Chaos, all sins will be cleansed, and by embracing glorious evolution you can join the Kingdom of God, far away from all suffering and disease... Then they immediately asked the locals to build a church for their Holy Son."

I wanted to ask quietly.

"What does evolution mean..."

This was the only keyword he understood.

The strong man shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe it's Naguo. At first I thought Naguo was brought by mutants, but I didn't expect it was caused by those guys from the south..."

As he spoke, he dipped a finger into the snow on his hair and drew two inverted triangles on the floor.

"Their robes have this symbol painted on them."

Mr. Junk came closer and took a look, his brows gradually furrowed.


The strong man nodded.

"Yeah, Torch Church."

I wanted to touch the back of my head quietly and said with some incomprehension.

"Actually... I don't quite understand why you are so focused on the Torch Church. As long as they don't cause trouble, it doesn't matter what they believe."

It seems that many people in the Alliance believe in the Great Horned Deer God, and most of the survivors in Luoxia Province also believe in their Sand Sea Spirit.

When there are no laws to restrict people's words and deeds, faith can play a small role.

Although the Torch Project is not a good thing, the Torch Church does not seem to have anything to do with it except for their similar symbols.

He is a newcomer who came in from the B-test, and he doesn’t know much about what happened in the A-test.

A strong man glanced at him. @*First update~~

"What if there are mutants among the missionaries?"

I wanted to be stunned quietly.


Don’t mutants treat people as food?

How can such a popular belief assimilate all mutants! ?

Mr. Garbage said with a grin.

"Even if this thing hadn't happened, we wouldn't have let them go. I haven't forgotten that when the Bone Chewing Rebellion was

At that time, the Legion and the Free State provided weapons to the group of plunderers, and they provided faith and high technology to the group of plunderers. The earliest batch of neural connection equipment in the Alliance was captured from them. "

all. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Almost the entire central part of the river valley province was slaughtered by these guys. Many residents of the Alliance are survivors of that heroic incident, and this debt will have to be settled sooner or later. Error-free updates @

The strong man frowned and said: "I don't know what they plan to do, but I have a bad feeling... And if the surrounding settlements all believe in that torch, what will happen to the big-horned rat and the big-horned deer gods?"

When I heard the first half of the sentence, I think Jingjing was still thinking seriously, but when I heard the second half, I almost choked on my own saliva.

"...You're just worried about being kicked off the altar!"

Junk Jun coughed and ignored his complaints.

"No matter what... when it comes to the Torch Church, we can't take this matter lightly. I'll go to the official website first and ask everyone for their opinions."

What he was really afraid of was another thing.

Maybe it's not that the Torch Church has assimilated mutants, but that those lunatics have planned to turn people into mutants in some way, and have made the land here suitable only for mutants to survive.

Generally, long-term consumption of natto by humans and animals will produce hallucinogenic effects and enter a state called "fugue".

However, for mutants, the effect of eating fruit seems to be only good. They will become stronger and more likely to fight and reproduce.

The mutant tribes that make a living by raiding can only number a hundred or so at most, but the mutants in the desert have learned to plant, breed, and master social division of labor, increasing their number to more than a thousand.

But here, the mutant tribe called "Qi" has a scale of more than 10,000 people!

It is impossible to maintain such a large population by relying solely on primitive breeding methods.

His intuition told him that there might be some terrible conspiracy brewing in this land...

Closing his amber eyes, the "Lizard God" of Dust Town hurriedly logged off and went to the official website.

Jingjing opened his mouth and was about to say something when a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

I walked over and opened the door, only to see the village chief standing at the door, saying nervously.

"Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you... there are guests at the entrance of the village."

Jingjing asked with a frown.

"Guest? What guest?"

It's winter now, and there are almost no merchants wandering around outside. For the sake of safety, some merchants go straight to their destinations. Unless they are running out of supplies, they won't go near those settlements that don't look very wealthy. .

The village chief lowered his eyebrows and said respectfully.

"That guy claimed to be a servant of the Holy Son. He was talking nonsense. He said that we were blinded by barbarism and wanted to save us from suffering..."

As he spoke, the old man clenched his fists and cursed angrily.

"I've told them that we have our own beliefs and we don't need their fallacies, let alone their consequences!"

Jingjing glanced at the fat mouse behind her.

Good guy!

Did it all come here?

This speed is too fast!

Browser*search*: @

"Wasteland OL" official website.

The forum is still as joyful and lively as ever.

[Event Announcement: The New Year’s Eve event has concluded successfully! 】

Boulder City Division Selection Results: The most popular food among players is "Cream Leech Mushroom Soup", the most popular food among wastelanders is "Marshmallow", and the most popular food among managers is "Beef Corn Fried Patties"! 】

[Update: Added "Mercenary Guild" system]

[Explanation: Some of the commissions from the Merchant Guild have been transplanted to the Mercenary Guild. Now players can register as mercenaries and receive tasks through v. 】

Tails: "Whoa, whoa, mercenary guild! My mercenary guild! I was the one who came up with it first! qaq"

Quit smoking: "Haha! Aguang copied the forum for real! (bad smile)"

Sisi: "Touch your head, Awei won't cry, we. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

We can get one outside the alliance. "

Guigui: "Oh oh oh! Our marshmallow was selected!"

Feng Qing: "Okay, the limited title is unlocked! Hehe, happy!"

Ye Shi: "Damn it, why is it sweets again! It seems that last year I also had sweets! Do these wastelanders like eating sweets so much! (Crazy)"

Tomato scrambled eggs: "That's right! Why can't our braised warship shrimps work! It's so delicious! tt"

Ye Shi: "The most disgusting thing is that Fang Chang's wife only gave us 8 points!"

Fang Chang: "You chose a group of pretty girls as judges because you insist on looking at their faces, and you blame them for liking sweets. (Squint)"

Last night, he took Dolly to visit the brothers' stall, and ordered a large bowl to show his respect.

As a result, Dolly didn't take two bites because it was too oily, and all the shrimp he peeled went into his stomach.

Out of 10 points, 8 points is actually a lot.

However, since the final score of the event is not a simple average score or the accumulation of scores, but is calculated according to a specific formula, the "positive rating" and the number of attracted judges are both very important weighting values. It is obviously very important to have only one high score. Hard to win.

Although the gas pedal warship shrimp with the heavy smell of oil smoke did attract many customers, they couldn't stand the marshmallows floating on the whole street last night.

Unfortunately, that thing doesn't take up enough space in the stomach, so even if you are full, you can still take two bites.

With so many buffs superimposed, the outcome seemed to be determined from the beginning...

Ye Shi: "Hey...that's sloppy!"

Lao Bai: "Hahaha, I understand. Next time, choose a few of your drinking buddies! Make some snacks or something! (Smirk)"

Teng Teng: "Hey, having said that, seeing the happy face of the little fish soaking in the marshmallow is so therapeutic. ( @)"

Crow Crow: "Yes~"

Ye Shi: "!!! I vote for Xiaoyu!"

There are really mosquitoes in wc: "Ooooooo, damn it, I want to raise one too!"

Tails: " @Light, uncle policeman, that's the guy! (`')Ψ"

There are really mosquitoes in wc: "Damn! I just want to get high orally! (horror)"

Yin Leina: "Be prepared, brother. (Funny)"

There are really mosquitoes in wc: "%¥#@!"

Trash Picking Level 99: "Big news! There seems to be some movement in the expansion pack in the south!"

Fang Chang: "What's the noise?"

Garbage Picking Level 99: "Several apostles from the Torch Church have come to Dust Town to preach! They have already reached out to a place only over 800 kilometers away from us!"

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Where is Dust Town..."

Trash Picking Level 99: "Well, it's the place I told you about before, hehe."

Debt-eyed: "Oh, it's just your village. (Funny)"

The construction site boy and Brick: "Ham, what big deal did I have at that time? (Funny)"

Trash Picking Level 99: "Damn! I'm talking about serious business!"

Lao Bai: "Brother Garbage, your settlement is near Jinhe City, right?"

Trash Picking Level 99: "Yes! Right there!"

Lao Bai: "Okay, we have a mission in just two days and have to go to Jinhe City to see what's going on there. (Baring teeth)"

Edge of water: "Damn! What mission?"

Lao Bai: "Recycle nuclear fuel. (Baring teeth)"

Edge stroke: "Awesome!!!"

Commander Quan Shui: "I'm crying with envy!"

Lao Bai: “Hey, I’ll leave you with the supplies!”

Garbage Picking Level 99: "Haha, don't worry! We are short of everything here, except for food! By the way, bring us some bags of seeds and fertilizers. No caravans have come here for a long time!"

Ye Shi: "Damn, you are helping the poor over there!"

Garbage Picking Level 99: "What does poverty alleviation mean! This means helping the alliance expand its territory!"

. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Elf King Fugui: "Aren't you a magic stick? (Funny)"

Garbage Picking Level 99: "Hey, that's all bragging, don't take it seriously..."

Yin Leina: "Why did I hear that there are already statues of gods? (Funny)"


Boulder City Hall Manager's Office.

While the players were discussing it on the official website, an investigation report from the Guards Corps was being held in Chu Guang's hands.

Long before it started snowing, he asked Lu Bei to detach a hundred-man team from the Guards Regiment and head to Jinchuan Province in the south to collect information about "Naguo".

At that time, Naguo first appeared at the alliance's celebration.

Although Heya told him that the thing was not as scary as he imagined, he still smelled a hint of conspiracy in it.

The survey results of the Guards Corps and the discussions of players on the forum also confirmed his previous guesses. _o_

"It seems that not only viruses and bacteria... but also the Torch Church, mutants, and slave owners in the South, these three trash that cannot be beaten, are all mixed together by this little fruit."

After reading the report in his hand until the end, Chu Guang couldn't help but click his tongue.

According to the investigation results of the Guards Corps, the sphere of influence of the Torch Church highly overlaps with the cultivation scope of Naguo! This is obviously no coincidence!

Those believers took advantage of the fact that the slave owners in Jinchuan Province had lost the food market in the southern part of the River Valley Province, secretly promoted a cash crop called "Naguo", and then exported it to the settlements of survivors who were completely inseparable from Naguo. Torch of Faith.

As for why the survivors were so obedient, the clue discovered by the Guards Corps was that the Torch Church possesses an antidote called "Holy Water."

It is known that most people and animals will become more and more docile after long-term consumption of nachos, and will enter a hallucinogenic state called "fugue" from time to time.

The specific manifestation is that it loses response to all external stimuli, is immersed in the illusion of happiness until death, and will not resist even if it is preyed on.

Like iron worms to praying mantises.

Considering the characteristics of nago, people or animals who enter the "fugue" state will become nago in another sense, passing the "seeds" along the food chain.

Only mutants and deathclaws, powerful species that were born in laboratories, can be exempted from Nago's captives to a certain extent.

The holy water developed by the Torch Church can wake people up from the "fugue" state and live clearly in the illusion of happiness.

At first, some slave owners just let their slaves eat nacho so that the slaves would become docile and obedient. Later, after the slave owners realized the "benefits" of nacho, they began to eat it themselves, and finally willingly offered it to the torch holding the holy water. The church offers fidelity.

And the Torch Church does more than just that.

On the one hand, they play the role of shepherds, civilizing the settlements of survivors and turning the people there into sheep in the sheepfold.

At the same time, they used the lambs in the sheepfold to bribe the mutants in Jinchuan Province.

Addicts who enter the "fugue" state will not break down no matter how hard they try. For the brutal mutants, they are not only the most delicious delicacies, but also the best seedbed for breeding offspring.

This is also a clue discovered by the Guards Corps during its investigation.

Originally, the slave owners of Jinchuan Province were able to compete with the mutants by relying on the weapons produced in the southern part of the River Valley Province.

However, after being infected by Naguo, the survivor colonies that had the upper hand almost immediately lost their combat capabilities and were quickly included in the sphere of influence of the Torch Church.

At the same time, mutants will almost never invade the survivor settlements that are included in the sphere of influence of the Church of the Torch, and they will quickly withdraw even after a brief invasion.

This undoubtedly shows that the Torch Church and the mutants in Jinchuan Province should have reached some kind of tacit understanding, or even a contract.

After reading the report on Naguo, Chu Guang then looked at another investigation report on the Torch Church.

Previously he was one. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

He had always suspected that there was a connection between the Torch Church and the Enlightenment Society, but to his surprise, the investigation results of the Guards pointed in the opposite direction.

The core of the Torch Project is to first destroy the world and then create it, and finally achieve nirvana and rebirth in a civilized sense.

The teachings of the Torch Church are in the same vein as the unfinished Torch Plan. They also agree that the world should be destroyed once, but the specific route is completely different from that of the Enlightenment.

What they want to build is not a new world ruled by the pre-war elite, but they hope that through biological technology, humans can complete the cocoon of the species in the sense of becoming a butterfly - that is, using the cultural heritage of the old humans to hatch the cocoons of new humans!

They do not have efficient neutron killing technology, and they do not expect to be able to remove all species on the surface with one click.

Their real purpose is to use their best biotechnology to make this land suitable only for "their own defined life forms" in a long and slow process.

They promised their believers that all survivors who endured suffering or sin in the old world would receive eternal blessings in the new world.

In human terms, as long as believers work diligently and contribute to the plans of the Torch Church, they can become great "complete life forms" in the new world.

The so-called Gestalt life form is the source of the Vaillants, the eight-fold growth clones, and the mutants—the singularity technology that was not completed in the pre-war era.

This is undoubtedly a crazy plan.

If the Enlightenment Church is a terrorism against the post-war order and the old civilization, then the Torch Church is a terrorism against the old humanity in a species sense.

In the teachings of the Church of the Torch, mutants are explained as "intermediate products on the road to the completion of human beings."

Those vulgar and savage green orangutans are not perfect, both in an aesthetic sense and in a civilized sense. However, according to the teachings of the Torch Church, mutants who are more adaptable to the wasteland than the old humans are still higher than Old humanity, and has a higher "" than the old humanity. @*First update~~

Therefore, they will use biological technology to turn some devout believers into noble mutants, giving them incomparably strong bodies and privileges over ordinary human believers-that is, those docile lambs!

However, the top leaders of the Torch Church will not take the initiative to become mutants.

They are still waiting for a more perfect container.

And those middle-level members of the church who have become mutants are also waiting for better containers, ready to transform into new life forms at any time.

"...There is no doubt that the Torch Church is the most urgent problem at the moment, far more urgent than the criminals in the north."

After reading the report to the end, Chu Guangyan made a concise and comprehensive evaluation.

"I think so too," Lu Bei, who was standing next to him, nodded and continued in a deep voice, "But there is one thing that makes me a little concerned. The nuclear fuel given to us by the college happens to be in Jinhe City. The one called 'Qi' 's mutant tribe is there too... I suspect those cunning researchers are planning to use us as gunmen."

Although it was an obvious thing, Chu Guang still looked at the young man unexpectedly and smiled approvingly.

"Yes, I'm glad you can see that."

Lu Bei smiled sheepishly.

"It's all your guidance..."

Chu Guangdan smiled and looked at the map hanging on the wall. His eyes crossed the Free State and the Great Rift Valley and landed on the Wandering Swamp in the north.

"Many of us have the impression that the academy is a group of nerds. In fact, those guys are not dull at all, but are very cunning."

"They may have more intentions than the legion and the enterprise combined, and they are good at disguising. In order to make us willing to take the bait, they will deliberately pretend to let us take advantage of it. We have a fierce fight with the legion in Luoxia Province

By the time we arrived, they were probably already eyeing our south. "

Lu Bei frowned.

"As expected..."

Chu Guang nodded.

"This is. (This chapter is not over yet!)

Yangmou, even if we know they are using us, at present we can only go in the direction they envision. "

That’s one thousand cubic meters of liquid helium-3!

A full 127 tons of nuclear fusion fuel!

Whether it's for the alliance's power armor or for the fusion reactor in Xizhou City, he must get these energy sources!

Even if he helps the college with one more job, this generous amount of energy will be more than enough as a reward.

Moreover, the Torch Church will soon reach out to Jinhe City. If the alliance does not take any action, the nuclear fuel may be in the hands of the Torch Church.

Looking away from the map, Chu Guang slowly spoke. _o_


An energetic voice came from my ears.

"I'm here, Master."

Without any hesitation, Chu Guang immediately ordered.

"Inform the Burning Corps and ask them to put at least one hundred-man team on standby in Boulder City and send them to Jinhe City, Jinchuan Province within three days!"

There was no hesitation in responding to his voice.


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