This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 595 Record Broken

Li Jinrong was completely stunned.

The same goes for Xiao Yue lying next to him.

The thick haze had dissipated a lot. The two of them held telescopes in their hands and stared intently at the battlefield covered by artillery fire.

If the previous round of artillery fire coverage only gave him a shock at the Firepower of the Heart of Steel, then this frontal battlefield battle simply subverted his understanding of people.

Are those guys... really still human?

He had never seen a human soldier who could fight mutants back and forth in hand-to-hand combat.

At this moment, he saw with his own eyes a guy wearing a heavy exoskeleton, using a chain saw to split the two-meter-tall prosthetic mutant in half, and then smoothly taking out a shotgun he picked up and blasting it. Crushed a green guy's head.

What was even more incredible to him was that the beasts started to get scared. Yes.

The expressions of fear clearly appeared on the faces of the demons

He couldn't even believe his eyes - the beasts that worshiped death and killing were actually frightened by a group of guys who were even more desperate.

The sun is really coming out in the west!

"...It seems Brother Ji has already taken care of it." Fang Chang, who put away the telescope in his hand and stood not far from the two of them, said calmly.

The battle itself is no longer suspense.

In the past, Brother Chicken with more than 20 brothers could resist a thousand-man army, but now 120 fully equipped heavy infantry can deal with a group of guys who were crippled by bombs. If this can still turn over, I can delete my account and practice again. .

Even though this group of guys is much stronger than the previous one.

But in the end, a beast is still a beast. Even if it uses human weapons and learns human tactics, it still cannot change its savagery in its core.

The only suspense now is how many heads Brother Chicken has chopped off. The idle guys on the official website started a game and asked him to be the referee.

Unfortunately, the view here is not good and we can only see the general outline.

At that time, you still have to ask Brother Chicken himself how many he has killed.

Xiao Yue swallowed, got up from the ground, looked at Fang Chang aside, and couldn't help but ask.

"Um...are those people the Burning Legion?" If they are those guys...

He didn't think it was too strange to be able to capture a monster like the Heart of Steel.

Fang Chang was stunned for a moment, scratched the back of his head, and said with a smile.

"You said they...those guys are brothers from the Jungle Corps, although they are also a bunch of ruthless people."

Jungle Corps?

Li Jinrong and Xiao Yue looked at each other in confusion, exchanging the confusion in each other's eyes, and a trace of shock gradually appeared on their faces.

He had vaguely heard from merchants from the north that the Alliance's trump cards in the battle with the legions in the Luoxia Province included the Storm, Death, Skeleton and other legions in addition to the Burning Legion. However, he had never heard of the Jungle Legion. Name taboo.

A little-known regiment can have such combat effectiveness...

How awesome must the legendary Burning Legion be?

But speaking of it, the man in front of him seemed to be from the Burning Corps.

Probably because they remembered this matter, the two NPCs looked at Fang Chang differently.

Xiao Yue glanced at Li Jinrong excitedly. The province of Haiya is saved! '

Li Jinrong also nodded excitedly.

'Um! '

With such a powerful neighbor as an ally, why worry about not being able to regain Haiya Province!

He finally saw hope of realizing his ambition to expel those evil believers from his hometown!

On the other side, next to the abandoned water tank, the hunters who came from Hope Town stared at the dusty battlefield in stunned silence.

The terrain here is relatively high, and the field of vision is better. They can see the center of the battlefield that Fang Chang and his group cannot see.

I saw the green-skinned monster with teeth and claws stabbed through the chest by a long and thick chain saw, and the blood and

The minced meat was thrown several meters high by the rolling saw blade.

The sun shines through the increasingly thinner gray-green dust haze, vaguely forming a colorful bridge in the spreading blood mist.

Standing in front of the green-skinned monster, the ruthless man with his left arm raised was covered in blood, mixed with the blood-stained steel armor.

Liu Youxiong was stunned, his mouth opened wide, he couldn't close his chin, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

It took him a while before he managed to squeeze out a sentence from his frozen throat.


A human...let's just say that guy is still a human, actually killed a cybernetic mutant in a one-on-one fight!

And from the looks of it, the guy he killed seemed to be a mutant centurion or even a leader of thousands.

Gradually, the disbelief etched in those eyes turned into the color of admiration.

At this time, the voice of aging sounded in his ears. "Are you envious?"

Liu Youxiong was startled and looked aside hurriedly. However, there was nothing next to the rusty guardrail.

The voice seemed to be in his head. He swallowed and answered truthfully. "I... am quite envious."

The air was quiet for a while.

Just when he awkwardly thought he had hallucinated something, to his surprise, the voice came back again.

"Poor guy..."

There was a hint of pity in the voice, but Liu Youxiong did not feel any comfort and muttered with his head lowered.

"You don't need to tell me, I know."

What Hope Town lacks the most is hope. Being born there is definitely bad luck for eight lifetimes. No one needs to tell him this. He knows this.

His father was eaten by a bear, so his mother named him after a bear and told him to always be wary of wild bears in the forest.

However, when he picked up the shotgun and walked outside the village, he discovered that a few wild bears were not dangerous at all. Monsters more terrifying than that were everywhere in the wasteland.

But he had to go out.

The only thing his father passed down to him was the shotgun that often misfired, and he had no other skills. If he didn't go hunting, he would starve to death.

The voice was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking.

After a moment, the old voice continued.

"What would you do if you had that power?"

Liu Youxiong answered almost without hesitation.

"earn a lot of money!"

He heard that those mercenaries were very profitable. Whether it was golden coins or colorful pieces of paper, they could exchange for many things that he couldn't exchange for prey.

But he doesn't have the ability to fight, and he doesn't have those sophisticated weapons.

If he had that much power...

Presumably, they can be like the mercenaries sitting in the Grizzly Bear and Street Lamp Tavern, eating meat and drinking wine.

In his opinion, that's what life is like.

The voice did not laugh at his ideals, but continued to ask calmly.

"Then what?"

Liu Youxiong was stunned for a moment.

" a piece of land?"

The voice continued to ask.

"What happens next?"

Liu Youxiong was a little annoyed by the question. Since this guy could appear out of thin air in his mind, why not pry open his brain and take a look?

"How can there be so many and then..."

He didn't want to cooperate with that pretentious guy anymore, but unfortunately, he couldn't find the button to turn off the sound.

The voice ignored his troubles and continued talking to itself.

"The strong eat the weak, and once the weak have power, they will not think about ending this wasteland, but become the next cannibal... I have learned about your past, and I understand After passing through Boulder City, we would search for those few places wherever we went.

It is almost impossible to exist, but it is a pity that what we see are things uglier than beasts. Guys who should live like humans put themselves and others

They all turned into forest animals. "

Liu Youxiong swallowed as he gradually couldn't understand what the man said.

"who are you...."


The man paused for a moment, as if hesitating whether to say his name, but finally said it calmly.

"It's Luo Gan."

Usually he would tell mortals that he is the Son and the apostles that he is the forerunner, because this can save unnecessary and cumbersome explanations.

Unknowingly, he himself also took on the role of a god, using divinity instead of humanity to think about everything.

However, at this moment, he changed his mind.

Relying on the technology left over from the People's Alliance era, they built a nearly perfect system for that great plan, and sacrificed themselves first before sacrificing everyone else, in exchange for eternal time to ensure that the plan could be implemented step by step.

But the irony is that I, who should not have made the mistake the least, felt a little shaken in my heart at the last moment.

Is it really necessary to tear down the entire house just to stop a rat from sneaking into the house?

What shook his heart was not the ridicule of the league manager, but the fact that he sincerely looked down on those who had trouble treating people.


They seem to solve every problem step by step, but they never get to the core of the problem.

The administrators of that alliance were no greater than the original administrators of Boulder City, but what became of that settlement afterwards?

Singularity City is no different.

I don’t know from which day the lofty ideal of saving everyone and relying on the heaven and the earth rather than relying on oneself has compromised with reality and turned into something else that was never imagined. Those guys are not even as good as the nobles of Boulder City. At least those dog-like guys don't use stew pots to eat people.

The Torch Church's approach may be a bit extreme, but Luo Gan feels that compared to the real Torch Plan thought up by the elites before the war, they are much more benevolent.

At least, they don't plan to kill all life on the planet to create a pure paradise.

They truly intend to save everyone, make mankind a higher being, and make the wasteland disappear completely.

Luo Gan had no doubt that he was doing the right thing, and he didn't care at all about the cynicism of those guys who didn't understand anything.

However, just when he was about to cut off the voice with his own hands, he thought of the little girl lying in a pool of blood.

He left many chips in this parish, but only that

One was special to him. He split his divinity into countless parts and scattered them across the land, but left the only humanity to her.

When the chip carrying the memory of death was reactivated and the cut data flowed back into his body, his soul finally trembled uncontrollably.

The lingering voice echoing in his ears tortured himself repeatedly.

Which one is more, the lives they have sacrificed step by step and in batches over the past twenty years, or the monsters and monsters in the wasteland?

At that moment, Luo Gan suddenly realized that on the road leading to Utopia, he seemed to have become a part of this wasteland.

This is a weight that cannot be measured at all...

There is still one last step before the Kingdom of Heaven comes, and the alliance does not seem to realize what this fog means.

But at the end, he couldn't take it anymore. As Luo Gan, he wanted to ask ordinary people for their opinions. As a human being, not as a deity.

This was something he hadn't done in a long time.

"...Luo Gan?" Liu Youxiong looked confused when he heard that name.

He has never heard of this name, but he vaguely remembers it

Where have you heard it.

Is it from the priest or the mayor? Luo Gan

He didn't care and asked patiently. "Why do you believe in the torch?" Liu Youxiong scratched his head in confusion.

"I... don't know. In fact, I have believed in the giant horned deer god before, but the big shots in the town told us that if we believe in this, mutants will not bully us, so we believed in it."


It's to avoid being bullied by mutants. He almost forgot!

Liu Youxiong felt a fire in his heart.

He felt cheated because things were not at all what the guys said they were.

Those green-skinned guys didn't care at all about what they believed or didn't believe, and the aloof Holy Son didn't even care about them. Instead, he used divine punishment to intimidate them. Which came first, deception or their wavering?

He is just a hunter. Why does he have to go to that heaven? Is there anything wrong in wanting to live a better life after gaining strength? The day was blue, so the clouds were white, so it had to be wrong!

Luo Gan didn't pay attention to his anger and continued to ask calmly.

"Then do you want to go to the heaven described by the Son?"

Liu Youxiong didn't have any good impression of the Holy Son anymore, so he didn't dare to curse out loud, but he still couldn't help but sneer and sneer.

"What about heaven? Ha, you mean this piece of fog that smells rancid? If it's as foggy as here, I'd really pity the people who live there!"

He waited for a long time but didn't hear a response, and he couldn't help but feel a little panic in his heart.

That Luo Gan...

Could he be an apostle sent by the Son? He shouldn't be snitching.

Uneasy in the silent atmosphere, a drop of cold sweat slowly ran across Liu Youxiong's forehead.

At this time, a gentle sigh came from his ears. "I see."

Sure enough, my practice is not enough...

Luo Gan thought silently in his heart and left his side.

"What do you know?"

Listening to those meaningless words, Liu Youxiong looked around blankly, but he couldn't see anything except the empty ruins.

Saw a figure.

He was sure he wasn't crazy.

Someone did come here, but after not getting his approval, he seemed to leave disappointed.

It's like I've never been here before... right in the middle of the battlefield.

Looking at the chain saw inserted into his chest, Kulu slowly raised his stiff neck and looked at the iron lump standing in front of him.

The guy's condition wasn't that good either. He and I fought each other for dozens of rounds. The blood-soaked armor was covered with dents and cracks, and the chain saw in his hand was only slightly A little bit could split this guy in half.

However, this was not even a comfort to him.

As a warrior named by the leader, he lost to a human.

And it was in the strength and courage that he was most proud of. Tonight he will probably become the laughing stock of all the tribesmen.

The corners of Kulu's mouth opened in a cruel arc, staring at the helmet with only a crack left, and said in a hoarse voice.

"May I have your name?"


The eyes under the helmet looked at him ruthlessly, and this dull answer drifted out from the only gap.

Kuru didn't understand what he was talking about, so he just thought it was self-reporting.

He lowered his green-to-black head and muttered. "Twenty-one...?"

He will remember the name.

When he goes to the kingdom of the dead, he will wait for this guy to come down, and then have a good fight with him...

Next time, he will definitely not lose. Stab-!

With a heart-wrenching crunching sound, bones and flesh were thrown into the sky by the rolling saw blade.

Midnight Killer, a man of few words, suddenly raised the chain saw welded to his left arm and cut Kulu into two pieces from his chest to his shoulders.

The burly and majestic body hit the ground heavily, and the blood that gushed out quickly seeped into the muddy black soil.

Seeing the Centurion die at the hands of that human, the remaining mutants finally could no longer hold back the panic in their hearts.

Just like when they came howling, they were beaten all over and bruised, and they headed towards the urban area of ​​​​Jinhe City as if they were lifeless.


These guys are not human at all--

It's the devil!

And this also accelerated their collapse!

"Crush them!"

Midnight Killer roared loudly, straightened the 19 barrel of his right arm, removed the jammed ammunition feeder and inserted an explosive bomb.


A mutant soldier was shot in the back, and dazzling sparks came out of its chest. The guy didn't even have time to scream, and was pushed to the ground by the brutal and destructive force without a word.

"Flush them!"

"Want to run? There's no way!"


Other players covered in blood also picked up the bolters thrown aside, changed their magazines and fired at the fleeing mutant.

Tracers danced on the muddy battlefield, and the players firing and advancing were like meat grinders.

Under the baptism of bullets, the last dozens of mutant soldiers were killed one by one, and soon no one was left. The battle is completely over.

Everyone began to count the casualties.

There were one hundred and twenty of them when they came, and now there are still ninety-seven of them left, and only twenty-three of the unlucky brothers died at the hands of the mutants.

As for how many they killed, most players no longer remember, and can only roughly estimate that there were five or six hundred.

There is no doubt that this is a hearty victory!

Not only did they severely defeat the arrogance of those green-skinned guys, they also proved to the survivors on this land that those beasts were not invincible!

Cheers of victory resounded on the battlefield.

"Brother Chicken is awesome!"

"Hahaha, so cool!"

"Brother! Do we have a chance to promote the pv?" "One shot is no problem!"

"Damn it, I'm so fierce, but it only takes one shot??"

"Damn! Aren't you satisfied with just one shot?"

"The main reason is that there are too many ruthless people in this server, and one minute of pv is not enough. Let the dog - ahem, let the planner make the video longer."

Looking at the brothers cheering for victory, killing chickens at midnight and the Picheng paratroopers, little bookworms, and model workers who came up

High five.

Before he could take a breath, the floor worker asked excitedly.

"How are you, brothers? How many are there?"

He also participated in the gambling game on the forum, and he only bet two hundred silver coins. Brother Bet Chicken will definitely break the previous record this time.

Brother Killer's strength is obvious to everyone.

Although this time it was a favorable situation and the few remaining heads were not enough for more than a hundred brothers, this guy never gave orders when fighting and rushed faster than anyone else.

There is still hope to break the record of sixteen kills!

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Midnight Killer, who had regained his senses, smiled honestly, raised the turned off chain saw and rubbed his helmet.

"It just broke the record."

And he broke all the records of Mr. Junk.

This time he was really happy!

Heart of Steel, the entrance to the infirmary.

Chu Guang, standing outside the corridor, looked past the porthole on one side and looked down at the gray-green haze in the distance.

Although the situation on the surface cannot be seen clearly from here, in every battle there are always seriously injured players who find it troublesome to repair themselves.

Just now, he had already learned the outcome of this battle in advance from the posts of those players through the official website forum.

Those players are his eyes.

Can see for him the places that he can't see


Walking behind him, Hanshuang, who usually looked not very smart, now lowered his head with a heavy expression.

"Sorry...we tried our best."

Chu Guang, who had his back turned to it, sighed softly.

"Don't blame yourself...we have done everything we can."

After Yinyin was shot, the players stationed there immediately called for the Viper transport plane and sent her to the airship accompanied by Chen Yutong.

Although the little girl was not a citizen of the alliance, it was the players' wish that she get better. Chu Guang also attached great importance to this and immediately contacted the medical staff sent by the company to the ship to rescue her.

Unfortunately, she had lost her heartbeat when she got off the plane, and even emergency replacement of bionic organs could not keep her alive.

He was a person who did not like to express his anger in words, and he had no sympathy for the farmer who had brought it upon himself.

However, after seeing the bloodless face, he couldn't help but let the solar eclipse activate the chip in her head, turning that

A guy hiding in the sanctuary cursed.

Hanshuang faced Chu Guang's back in silence, rarely saying a word.

It still cannot understand what kind of plan requires the sacrifice of tens of thousands of people to complete.

And when Chu Guang told her that this number was only what they saw, and those who didn't see it didn't know how many zeros had to be added, it almost couldn't believe what he said.

Is this the conclusion humans come to after thinking to no avail?

This is different from a simple war.

Even if it cannot agree with it, it can at least understand what the Legion wants to do, but these guys are stubbornly doing something that it cannot understand anyway.

Hanshuang was confused for a moment.

Xiao Qi, who was sitting on Chu Guang's shoulder, remained silent.

It can sense that its owner is not in a good mood, but it doesn't know what to say and can only stay by his side quietly.

At this time, the door of the infirmary suddenly opened, and the expressionless Sun Eclipse walked out of the room.

Chu Guang looked at it and was about to ask what the situation was now, but Sun Eclipse, who walked in front of the two of them, spoke first. "She's dead."

Hearing its death announcement, Chu Guang was not surprised at all and just sighed softly.

"I see."

Hanshuang's face was filled with sadness.

Sun Eclipse continued to look at Chu Guang expressionlessly, his pupils flickering slightly.

"But still alive."

Hanshuang: "?"

Xiaoqi: "???"

Chu Guang: "...?"




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