This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 596 The Kingdom of Heaven Comes

As long as she can remember, Yinyin has lived in her own garden. She still remembered that two years ago, when she was six years old, she sat on her father's shoulder and took a look at the world outside the farm. Her father asked her how she felt. She thought for a while, shook her head and said, although the outside world is vast, it is It's still far behind the garden in the manor.

She still remembered that her father seemed to smile heartily, and then said something else. She could not remember the specific words, but she only remembered that the forest, mountains, and plains outside would soon become part of the farm, and they would have a larger manor.

And by then, she will transform from a farmer's daughter into a princess of the kingdom.

At first she did not understand her father's thoughts, until she later learned the word ambition from her tutor.

But what still confused her was that the idea didn't sound bad, so why did everyone want to escape from here, so that her father had to take a child about her age as a hostage, and that person was still her friend.

Of course this is just one of many confusions.

What confused her even more was that the idea didn't sound bad...

But why from that day on, the outside of the fence was still the same barren wasteland, but the inside of the fence became more and more like the outside day by day.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a pure white space. The soft light shone on the light eyelashes, but she didn't feel the slightest glare.

She looked around blankly.

I found myself in a pure white space.

"I...where is this?"

Strange sounds seemed to come from far away.

"Welcome to the main god space."

Yinyin was stunned for a moment and looked at the stranger who suddenly appeared in this space. She didn't come back to her senses for a while.


"Ahem...Sorry," Chu Guang originally planned to make a harmless joke in order to make the atmosphere less heavy. However, as soon as he said the words, he remembered that people in this world could not understand what he knew, so he lightly He coughed slightly.

Looking into those confused eyes, he straightened his expression and continued.

"This is a sanctuary."

Yinyin looked at him blankly.


Chu Guang nodded slightly.


The confusion in her heart did not diminish at all. Yin Yin looked at him nervously and asked cautiously in a low voice.

"Then...who are you?"

Chu Guang continued in a gentle tone.

"I am the manager of the alliance."


Yinyin's face was filled with confusion.

She had heard of the alliance, and seemed to have heard the word manager somewhere, but she didn't know what he did. Speaking of which...

Am I dead?

The memory covered with a layer of white fog gradually became clear in her mind, and she gradually recalled the last second before she closed her eyes.

In order to save her best friend, she stood in front of the lamb, and the bullet hit her back and passed through her body.

The man walked up to her and was about to take action when someone suddenly rushed over and struggled with the man. The two of them fell out of the window together.

And then.....

There's no after that.

"Sheep, she--"

Knowing what she wanted to ask, Chu Guang looked at her and said.

"Thanks to you, she is still alive and is now under our protection."

Yinyin breathed a sigh of relief.

After a long silence, her lips trembled slightly and she squeezed out a sentence in a small voice.

"Am I...dead?"

Chu Guang was silent for a while, thinking about whether to tell her the truth, but after thinking about it, he finally nodded lightly.


Yinyin's face showed such an expression.

But to his surprise, she was not sad. Instead, she relaxed her tense shoulders and smiled softly.

Although that smile is somewhat lonely and forced.

"So this is what death feels like..."

She looked at her hands, then raised her head to look at the pure white ceiling, smiling to herself and saying, "It doesn't seem to hurt as much as she imagined."

Chu Guang didn't know how to answer this sentence.

Regarding the memory of death, he mostly only saw it in his dreams.

However, maybe his little players will have more say.

After a pause, he decided to answer her previous question first.

"Going back to the previous question, although your body is dead, your consciousness is preserved in a bionic chip... Its name is the Holy Land, which is the space under your feet, and this is also our The reason why we can communicate face to face.”

The memory in my mind is completely clear.

Yinyin nodded as if understanding, then lowered her head and said after a moment.

"The Holy it where the Holy Son lives?" Chu Guang nodded, then shook his head slightly.

"The person who has been communicating with you is actually named Luo Gan. He may have told you that he is called the Holy Son, but in fact the Holy Son is someone else."

She was not angry because she was deceived. She seemed to have expected what he said. She just glanced around and asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Does he live in a place like this..."

"And he has lived here for nearly twenty years," Chu Guang nodded slightly, then paused and continued, "He gave this place to you in the end."

"What about him? Where did he go?" Yinyin's eyes searched the room, as if she wanted to find the person who had been communicating with her.


"I don't know, that guy may have been poked in a painful spot by me and ignored me all the time. After everything he did, he disappeared from this space."

Chu Guang looked at the center of the room. There was an ordinary chair there before, and the old man was sitting there.

After a pause, he continued.

"There is no more data about him in this chip, including the apostle...and his presence can no longer be sensed. I am more inclined to believe that he may have given this world to you."

"Give it to me..."


Yinyin looked at him confusedly and asked.

"Why did he do this."

"No one knows. You may be the only person who has communicated with him as a human being. I think you may know the answer."

"That kind of could I possibly know,"

Yinyin hugged her head, with a hint of pain on her expression, "I also have many, many questions to ask him. I said I would believe him, but why did he want to turn everyone into that? What kind of need does the Kingdom of Heaven have?" We have to do those things to achieve it, so...can we not go there?"

On her deathbed, she had figured everything out.

Including why everyone became like that, including her father

Why did Qin die, including why those people came to kill her friends again... But she was still not smart enough after all, and it was too late to figure it out.

If she had realized all this earlier and realized who the real culprit was, she would have been able to tell her secrets to her brothers and sisters who came to help her in time.

Maybe those tragic things didn't have to happen, and the big brother didn't have to die to save himself and the lamb.

There was only one thing she was thankful for. She was standing next to the lamb.

At least at the end of her life, she did not make a mistake that she regretted deeply - killing her best friend because of her blind trust.

"....Choice is something more expensive than survival, from the birth of the Alliance

We have been fighting for this power all our lives." Still unable to bear the look of sadness, Chu Guang sighed softly and said in a gentle tone, "We will try to let you walk in the original world, but this requires Take a moment, I might have to trouble you to stay here for a while during this time.”

"If you remember anything, you can call my name."

He was planning to leave this space.

At this time, Yinyin, who was holding her head, suddenly raised her head and called him.

"Wait a moment....."

Chu Guang stopped and cast a questioning look at her.

"What's wrong?"

"That fog..."

"Wist?" Chu Guang frowned slightly, "What did you think of?"

Yinyin nodded slightly, her face pale.

"I may have remembered...what the fog is."

That person once told her. And more than once--

She recited the words softly.

"...The eternal kingdom of heaven will come to the land of mortals when the gray mist rises, and the creatures shrouded in the kingdom of heaven will return to eternal peace and tranquility."

Chu Guang's pupils shrank slightly. He seemed to have guessed something...Jinhe City.

A cold, dead city.

Gazing at the gray-green haze that gradually spread over the abandoned buildings and the sunset that was gradually blocked in the distance, the stooped high priest Gomo frowned slightly and muttered softly.

"It's earlier than expected."

Standing next to him, Qi Gaen said expressionlessly.

"Wouldn't it be better to go earlier?"

Unlike Gomo.

His eyes were fixed on the steel airship in the distance.

Rather than the plan of the Torch Church, he wanted to know how to defeat that guy.

Even if the Kingdom of Heaven comes to the earth and makes the sheep in the sheepfold more docile, if they want to expand the size of the group, they still have to do it through external wars.

The north is undoubtedly the most ideal target.

It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of people in Boulder City, and it is surrounded by towering giant walls, which can be used as a natural pasture.

The problem, however, is that those guys have such terrifying weapons.

Just a few hours ago, the majestic steel behemoth projected terrifying firepower towards the west of Pinecone Farm.

Even though he was more than ten kilometers away, he could still feel the trembling of the earth and air.

It is clear--

The ferocious firepower was directed towards Kuru, the commander under his command.

To be honest, Ga En doesn't like those magic sticks. After all, even though those guys promised them many benefits, they are still old humans in the end.

However, he had to admit that his tribe really needed the power of those magic sticks.

Compared with those old human civilizations that have accumulated for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, the civilization of mutants is still too young.

Only the wisdom of the old man can confront that terrifying power.

He occasionally needs to compromise with reality.

Gomo knew what the leader was anxious about, and sighed softly.

"I don't feel bad. The sooner the Kingdom of Heaven comes to earth, the stronger our dominance over this land will be...I just wonder if it's too hasty."

Ga En looked at him and asked.

"What about Luo Gan? Just ask him."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Gomo's old face.

"....I can not reach him."

Gaen frowned.

"could not be reached?"

The final "ceremony" is about to begin, and the thick gray

The fog has spread to the urban area of ​​​​Jinhe, and soon this area spanning dozens of kilometers will be swallowed up.

You can't contact that guy at such a critical moment?

Gomo lowered his head

Not daring to look at the leader, he whispered.

"Actually, it doesn't matter... The plan has been made. All you need to do is implement it step by step. It's the same if we perform the last rituals."

Ga En clicked his tongue and looked at the distant sky with hatred.

"None of these two-legged beasts can be trusted..."

He swore.

Sooner or later he will kill them all!

The Jinhe City area is like boiling water, and the official website forum of "Wasteland 0l" is the same.

When the brothers from the jungle corps brought the results of Brother Killing to the forum, 666 replies immediately flooded the screen in the post reporting the results.

Although there are a lot of sad people who are frustrated in casinos, there are more people who just call the experts and awesome people.

Outlaw gangster: "Brother Chicken is awesome!!! (broken voice)" You kid: "Twenty-one! Too strong!"

Macabazi: "Not like a certain lizard, 嶸! (funny)"

Trash Picking Level 99: "%¥#@!"

Tails: "Aww, I'm crying with envy! Sis! Tails also wants to change his profession and become an Astartes! qaq"

Si Si: "Touch my tail, I won't cry if I don't cry. ヾ(··.)"

Roshan Big Momo: "Hey...a tail that is two and a half meters tall and one meter wide at the shoulders? I can't imagine it at all!"

Aoao Sesame Paste: "Ahaha... Rourou will be crushed to death. (*_~_x)

Midnight kill: "The coordinates of the NPC for job change, Ibbers, the giant military industry! I'm not bragging, it's really useful! (silly laugh)"

Trash Picking Level 99: "Damn it, you guys didn't even call me once when you started a group!"

Xiao Xiaoxiao bookworm: "You are not from our group, why are you calling me?"

Trash Picking Level 99: "Gan! Are you so heartless?"

Forcing others to do something difficult: "Damn it, I have to let this guy pretend all by himself!"

Model Worker: "Brother Mouse, where are your little brothers? (Funny)"

Forcing others to do something difficult: "I picked it up a long time ago. It only takes a day for me to resurrect the CD. (Baring teeth)"

Model worker: "6666!"

Speaking of this, there is another small episode. After Qiangren turned into a ray of light and disappeared on the battlefield, his younger brothers did not leave too far.

It's not because of loyalty to the boss, but mainly because rats are not taboo, and the mutants have enough scraps left to eat for a long time.

As a result, all the little rats only grieved for a few minutes before feasting and partying at the place where their boss died in the battle.

And on the second day after the rats were enjoying their meal, the horned rat that had just been eaten clean by them suddenly came back.

This move of "resurrection on the spot" made all the mice dumbfounded, and they kowtowed in obeisance.

Although I couldn't understand what those rats were talking about, I could clearly feel that my image in the minds of the rat boys was becoming more sacred and majestic.

I wanted to be quiet: "But why doesn't this fog clear up?"

Ye Shi: "I always have an ominous premonition."

Quit smoking: "What a hunch."

Ye Shi: "According to the general RPG routine, after clearing the miscellaneous soldiers, doesn't there have to be a boss fight or something?"

Quit smoking: "What the fuck?! You're already going down, so stop being such a mouthful!"

Irena: "I believe in Ye Shi's perception system.


Fang Chang: "Well, this possibility cannot be ruled out. The Torch Church seems to be very sensitive to our research on antibodies that inhibit Nago hyphae. If that mutant army is their entire back-up force, it would be a bit too hasty."

Mole on the run in the canyon: "And it's's just the antibody carrier that needs to be eliminated, right? Is it really necessary to send out an entire mutant army?"

With such a high-profile operation, even if they arrive at Pinecone Farm, the Alliance will still have enough time to send a plane to pick up the key personnel, right?


Might as well send a few more assassins.

Commander Quanshui: "Hmm... I always feel that the fog is not so much covering the mutants' march, but more like the latter is covering the former."

Ye Shi: "What do you think it will be?"

Commander Quanshui: "How do I know... Anyway, brothers who are still alive, please be careful."

Facts have proved that although he died early, Ye Shi's crow's mouth seems to have come true again.

According to reports from players stationed in the Pinecone Wood Farm area, local residents invariably entered a fugue state shortly after the fog started.

And this is without the influence of the mind interference device!

Fortunately, the players have overridden the brainwashing of Band 03 through that device, otherwise the disaster that happened last night might have to happen again.

Due to their preparation in advance, most of the survivors stayed at home, standing or sitting motionless even if they entered a fugue state.

But what is disturbing is that the fog with a radius of more than ten kilometers is slowly spreading farther away, and by dusk, it has spread to the edge of Jinhe City.

The fog is gradually thinning and visibility is recovering, but the area covered by this thick fog is getting wider and wider.

Not only that, the area where the spore cloud stays is no longer limited to the surface, but spreads to the sky and even begins to touch the edge of the clouds.

This is what is happening in Jinhe City at this moment.

"...This feeling is like a stone falling into the lake. The height of the ripples is decreasing, but the outline of the circles is spreading from the center of the lake to the shore."

Aboard the Heart of Steel.

After listening to the captain's explanation of the current situation, Chief of Staff Vanus, who rushed to the front from the rear, pondered for a moment and then expressed his opinion.

The captain frowned slightly

"What do those idiots want to do?"

Chu Guang, who had been staring out of the floor-to-ceiling window without speaking, suddenly said.

"I actually care about another thing more."

Vanus looked at him and asked.

"What's up?"

Chu Guang continued.

"What is that eternal kingdom of heaven?"

Vanus was lost in thought.

At this time, the hatch of the bridge opened, and Hanshuang walked towards everyone from the direction of the door.

"...Our air force's reconnaissance drone cruised south for hundreds of kilometers and then photographed these things."

With that said, it handed a tablet to Chu Guang's hand.

Taking the tablet from Han Shuang's hand, Chu Guang looked at the screen with a hint of surprise on his brows.

I saw patches of thick gray-green fog covering the ground, with only a few mountains and forests leaking through without being swallowed up.

Further south, the thick gray fog was like an airtight wall, seeming to freeze the entire space.

It's impossible to see what's going on in the fog from the outside.

He frowned slightly and looked at Hanshuang and asked.

"This is where?"

"The southern part of the Jinchuan Province is the Haiya Province located on the southern coast of the Central Continent. Our drones encountered signal interference and electronic warfare attacks when they entered the sky above the Haiya Province. However, our AI technology is superior. We have returned now."

When saying this, Hanshuang's expression showed a hint of pride.

Controlling drones is her specialty, and electronic warfare is Eclipse's unique skill. A group of amateurs want to rely on the skills of the three-legged cat to bring down the aircraft controlled by it, but they are still far away.

But what Chu Guang cares about is not these trivial matters. He has already learned the technology of the Torch Church.

What he cares more about is another thing...

"Since when did it become like this?" Staring at the screen in surprise, the captain standing aside asked Chu Guang's doubts.


It was obviously impossible for Hanshuang to know that it was just a bionic man, so he shook his head in embarrassment.

Vanus, who was standing aside, thought for a long time before speaking.

"I guess it was during these few months when we were fighting against the Legion, otherwise such a big thing would not have been possible all at once.

Not even a bit of news reached Dawn City. "

Chu Guang nodded.

"I think so too."

However, this is only a speculation based on limited information.

In fact, even if the gang of magicians had completed their stated plan a long time ago, they would still be fully capable of blocking the news within their own territory.

Judging from their behavior around Jinhe City, they will promise some benefits to the local survivors in the early stages, and then gradually reveal their fangs when the local survivors are completely inseparable from them.

In the process, the plants and animals corroded by the fruit have spread all over the land, and the all-pervasive mycelium has eroded almost every inch of the soil.

Plus the influence of the mind interference device.

When the realm called the Kingdom of Heaven fully unfolded on this land, the local survivors had long since become captives of the church.

It makes sense that no news got out.

If it weren’t for the alliance having a large number of merchants and mercenaries from Jinchuan Province, and if some players hadn’t gone to the south, I’m afraid they would still be kept in the dark until Jinhe City became part of the “Kingdom of Heaven”. Nothing is known about what is going on here. Chu Guang looked at Hanshuang.

"What's the council's opinion?"

"The council believes that this is undoubtedly an emergency, and..." Hanshuang swallowed back the words mid-sentence.

Chu Guang knew what the second half of her sentence was that she didn't say.

All the suffering here is inextricably linked to the conflict a century and a half ago.

Even if Ideal City is not the direct cause of this disaster, as descendants of the Production Department, they still bear unshirkable responsibility for what is happening here.

But now is not the time to hold anyone accountable. Chu Guang passed over this heavy topic and continued.

"Our researchers believe that spore release is the third stage of the biological evolution of the Nagozoella flora. Based on the current experimental results, it can be deduced that infected people shrouded in gray fog will gradually enter a fugue state within 12 to 72 hours."

"People who have not eaten nacho will also be slowly poisoned in this field until their immune system is broken down and eventually become part of this field..."

"And this is the essence of the Kingdom of Heaven."

If it is said that whether or not to swallow the fruit is a voluntary choice of the survivors at the beginning, then in the third stage of "Kingdom of Heaven", it has nothing to do with the word voluntary.

The originally gentle flora will force the spores secreted all the time into the respiratory tract and mouth of every organism.

Regardless of whether the local survivors accept it——

The eternal kingdom of heaven that the Torch Church talks about will come. The organism shrouded in the kingdom of heaven will lose all suffering forever, and the price is the loss of self, living as a seedbed for the breeding of fruit-bearing fungi, and being manipulated by mind interference devices to perform some simple tasks.

Except for the more powerful mutants, the chosen apostles, and the gestalt life form they are designing, no living thing can survive in this realm for a long time.

Until the technology of Gestalt life forms is finally completed, this place will undoubtedly be hell.

Looking at Han Shuang, whose electronic pupils were slightly dilated, Chu Guang continued.

"According to the conclusion of Heya's research, this gene is a fragment cut from the DNA of the mutant slime mold, and referring to the mother nest in Qingquan City, the essence of the spores is a medium used to transmit information, so it can be inferred There must be something like a brood nest in this area.”

The Holy Land is a decentralized network without a core, but the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is different... It is purely a pseudo-utopia constructed by biotechnology.

The holy realm that does not exist on earth is its spirit

The divine core, and its physiological core must be somewhere in this land. It's at the heart of everything--

It gives orders to all the hyphae to make this paradise

to maintain it.

Hanshuang looked at him seriously and asked.

"Where do you think it is?" Chu Guang looked at it and said.

"The most likely one is the Biological Research Institute of the Champion Group in Jinhe City... What are you going to do?"

Hanshuang said seriously.

"I will recommend that the council use strategic weapons to destroy it. The harm caused by this research project has far exceeded the scope of regional harm."

Chu Guang seemed to have guessed what it would say and sighed softly.

"The underground experimental facility there is at the level of a nuclear bunker. It's like an unnumbered shelter. What weapons are you planning to use against it?"

This is what he saw in the memory of the apostle named Yule. The elevator was not very deep. You had to wait for a long time before reaching the surface.

Hanshuang was stunned for a moment.


Before it could analyze the alternatives, Chu Guang took the lead and continued.

"We need that artificial nest, and only by understanding it can we

can solve it. Our people will go and snatch it, but the mutants there will definitely not let us get it easily. I need you to provide the necessary support. "

It seems that permission has been obtained from somewhere.

Hanshuang heard this without any hesitation and nodded in agreement.

"No problem, we will provide all necessary support."

"This is no longer just a threat to you."

"It's ours too."


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