This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1423 Honor Title

A few days later, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on top of a black cloud, thinking about how to continue to optimize his token, when suddenly his heart moved, and he looked at the bloody vortex thousands of feet away.

At this time, the slowly rotating bloody vortex suddenly began to shrink in size.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time sighed in his heart.

This guarding mission is coming to an end soon.

It is a good thing to be able to successfully survive this guard mission.

However, what made him feel a little disappointed was that although two bloody vortexes appeared in this defense mission and the task difficulty increased, the sky points he gained were compared with the last defense mission. The increase is not obvious.

Not only Xiao Zhi noticed the change of the bloody vortex, but also Lu Zhong and the others, who were three hundred miles away, also noticed it at this time.

Hearing Zhao Yan's voice cursing, "This is the end? This is too bad, I didn't kill a few monsters at all!"

The voice belonging to Lu Zhong said quietly: "You can be content, those dwarf monsters were all killed by you, but Yiyi and I just killed some worthless mobs, and the harvest is very little."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he felt a little sympathetic to Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi.

Lu Zhong's own combat effectiveness is not strong, relying on Ku Luoxian.

However, in this guard mission, the Ku Luoxian he relied on had no chance of appearing at all.

After all, it takes time to summon Kuluoxian. By the time he spent time to summon Kuluoxian, Zhao Yan had already cast the [Breakthrough Sword Art] and killed the 'most valuable' dwarf monster , the rest are worthless mobs.

Soon, the bloody vortex that Xiao Zhi was guarding had shrunk to the size of a fist, and then disappeared completely after a flash.

At this moment, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient beings system rang in Xiao Zhi's ears: "This guard mission is over, and you have received a fixed reward of 100 sky points."

Soon, the ethereal voice belonging to the system of sentient beings rang in Xiao Zhi's ears again: "In this defense mission, you obtained an additional 1907 sky points by killing the intruders, plus the fixed 100 sky points, you have obtained a total of 2007 sky points."

"The guardianship mission is over, and the blockade of the mission area has been cancelled. You can call the system at any time to send you back to the world of sentient beings for free, or you can continue to stay in the heaven..."


The voices of the sentient beings system rang in Xiao Zhi's ears one after another.

Xiao Zhi listened silently, with a very calm expression on his face.

Because he had already calculated his gains this time in his heart, so he was not surprised at all by the final data reported by the sentient beings system.

This time, the reason why he could barely break through to more than 2000 points in the sky that he had harvested was mainly due to the contribution of the armored old man.

He killed the armored old man, and the sentient beings system rewarded him with 1000 sky points all at once!

Although the strength of this armored old man is strong, in Xiao Zhi's opinion, the strength of this armored old man is definitely not worth 1000 sky points.

However, the system gave him 1000 sky points.

From this point, it can also explain the unusualness of this armored old man.

This armored old man is definitely not an ordinary intruder.

It's a pity that he couldn't understand what the armored old man said, and couldn't communicate...

Xiao Zhi thought of another old man in magic robe who had appeared in this guarding mission. Unfortunately, this old man was too timid, and he fled back through the bloody vortex not long after he appeared.

If this old guy hadn't been so timid, he should still have 1000 sky points in his account.

No, there may be more than that.

After all, in terms of the strength of the air mechanism alone, the old man in the robe is stronger than the old man in armor...

Not long after, Xiao Zhi and Lu Zhong joined together.

Xiao Zhi looked at Zhao Yan and asked, "Zhao Yan, how many sky points have you gained in total this time?"

Zhao Yan deliberately revealed a humble expression on his face, and said, "Not too much, not too much, I only got 589 sky points in total this time including the guaranteed 100 sky points."

Lu Chong heard the words, and said quietly from the side: "I only got 197 sky points in total, your name is not much, then what is my name?"

Luo Yiyi also said quietly: "I got a total of 213 sky points, Lu Zhong, the two of us are in the same boat... Zhao Yan is a good guy after getting the benefits, he shouldn't have given the most valuable dwarf to this guy kill."

Lu nodded his head and said: "It makes sense, then we have to adjust the division of labor for the next guard mission."

"Don't." Zhao Yan hurriedly said: "Don't be like this, we are good comrades-in-arms, good partners, there is no need to distinguish so clearly, my sky points are yours, if you need them, Come find me anytime!"

"That's about the same." Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Brother Zhi, how much did you gain this time?" Zhao Yan didn't want to talk to Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi, but looked at Xiao Zhi and asked.

Zhao Yan likes to show off more, but Xiao Zhi doesn't have this kind of hobby. He just said vaguely: "Me, the sky points I got are about the same as last time."

Zhao Yan wanted to ask again, but Xiao Zhi changed the subject and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, since the guarding mission is over, it's time for the three of you to return to the world of sentient beings. Bring it back to you."

As he said that, Xiao Zhi began to get rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on gathering the token.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi had already begun to collect tokens, Zhao Yan opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

The process of condensing tokens is relatively complicated, and there are many things that need to be added, not only divine power, but also a part of his soul.

After a while, Xiao Zhi condensed a kun fish that was only the size of a thumb but looked alive.

Zhao Yan stared at this pocket kun fish, and couldn't help but praise: "This fish looks so spiritual, Brother Zhi, you have made progress in making this keepsake."

Xiao Zhi said with a light smile: "After all, it took time, and we must see some results."

For Xiao Zhi, condensing the token was more difficult than condensing the demigod clone.

After Xiao Zhi rested for a while, he began to condense the second token.

Followed by the third.

After Xiao Zhi condensed the third token, his face was already a little pale, and his aura seemed a little sluggish.

Xiao Zhi, who wanted to continue to condense the fourth token, looked inside himself, and finally gave up on condensing the fourth token.

He handed the three tokens in his hand to Lu Zhong and the other three, and said weakly: "Okay, you can return to the world of sentient beings."

The three of Lu Zhong stretched out their hands and took the token from Xiao Zhi's hand.

Zhao Yan said: "Brother Zhi, don't worry, after I return to the world of sentient beings, I will immediately use this token to try to contact you and see if I can contact you."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi nodded with a smile, "Okay."

Not long after, the figures of Lu Zhong and the three disappeared into thin air and disappeared from Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

After Lu Zhong and the others left, Xiao Zhi's figure also fluctuated like water, and also turned into a bubble, dissipating in the air.

The difference is that Lu Zhong and the others were transported back to the world of sentient beings by the sentient beings system, while Xiao Zhi used the supernatural power of [God's Hidden Art] and entered the state of hidden gods.

After entering the hidden state, Xiao Zhi propped up a black umbrella above his head.

After finishing all these, he took off into the air, and in a blink of an eye, he was at a height of ten thousand zhang.

He looked towards the distance where the three bloody vortexes existed.

A vast voice that only he could hear said: "It will increase his eyesight by ten times!"

Immediately, from his eyes, a real blue light burst out.

As a result, this time, what he saw with ten times the vision was darkness, and the three bloody vortexes had disappeared.

'Go and have a look. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Xiao Zhi is an activist.

Soon, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the distant sky.

Xiao Zhi was flying through the air, suddenly his expression moved slightly, and he felt a little strange in his heart.

This strange feeling made him feel familiar.

This is his token being activated by someone.

"It's done?!" Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a happy expression on his face, and his figure suddenly stopped in mid-air.

He held his breath, and began to try to sense his token.

After sensing for a while, the joyful expression on his face gradually faded away.

It turned out that the token he created can indeed communicate across space, but the communication signal is extremely poor, and it is also very unstable, and it happens from time to time.

In this case, let alone use the token as a medium to separate out a wisp of consciousness to communicate with Lu Zhong and the others 'face to face', even if it is through the token to transmit some information such as video and sound, it cannot be done. arrive.

Fortunately, he had already considered this when he was researching the keepsake.

Therefore, the token he condensed also has a built-in 'minimalist' communication mode.

The so-called 'minimalist' communication mode refers to a communication mode that abandons video and sound and only exists in text.

The amount of information occupied by text is much lower than that of video and sound, which means that it is more convenient for cross-border transmission.

And to communicate with text, barely enough.

At this time, a line of words appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: 'Brother Zhi, I am Zhao Yan, can you see it? '

A smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's face again, and he also responded in words: 'Yes, I can see it. '

A few seconds later, another line of text appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "That's great. In this way, we can communicate with Brother Zhi. If something big happens , We were able to contact you, brother Zhi, in time. '

'Yes. ’ Xiao Zhi responded through text, and the smile on his face gradually expanded, covering his entire face.

Although the tokens he condensed are not as good as Zhenlan's tokens, as long as they can communicate across space, they are barely usable.

His token is just something he hastily drummed up in more than ten days, and there is still a lot of room for optimization.

Also, he is only a middle god now, and his strength is limited. Once his strength breaks through to the high god level, the power of the tokens he condenses will also increase a lot.

After finishing the text communication with Zhao Yan, Xiao Zhi received another text message from Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi.

This is still an experimental communication.

After the arraignment was over, Xiao Zhi took out a snow lotus petal that had been sealed for a long time from his storage ring.

This snow lotus petal is Zhenlan's token.

Zhen Lan has been away from the world of sentient beings for a long time. After he left, the snow lotus petal as a keepsake has never seen any movement.

'Zhen Lan said he was going back to the capital world to look for his remains, but he didn't know if he found them...'

'I don't know what's going on with this guy. '

Xiao Zhi shook his head lightly, put the snow lotus petals in his hand back into his storage ring, then increased his speed, and continued to fly forward.

After a while, Xiao Zhi finally arrived at the destination of his trip.

This is also a wasteland that can't be seen at a glance. Above the wasteland, there is a faint black mist.

Xiao Zhi opened a pair of blue eyes, and carefully scanned the wasteland in front of him.

He could see that there were obvious signs of destruction on the ground.

Even in the air, there are still energy fluctuations that have not dissipated.

Xiao Zhi's gaze finally landed on the ground dozens of miles away.

At this time, above the ground, there was a blazing blue flame burning fiercely for a long time.

Where the flame spreads, everything is inflamed, and the soil and sand have all become its fuel.

There are still several places in this area where the ground is burning like this.

Ordinary flames can never do this.

This is what the fire gods left behind during the battle.

Judging from Xiao Zhi's current perspective, it is not an ordinary god who can leave flames of this level, and there is a high probability that it will be a flame god!

If the abnormal fire left over from this kind of god-level battle is not dealt with, there is a high probability that it will evolve into some extreme environment, extremely dangerous.

In this heaven, extreme environments like this can really be seen everywhere.

Part of it was formed naturally, but a considerable part was left over after the outbreak of the battle of gods.

Don't talk about others, even he, after this battle of gods, probably left some extreme environments in some places.

Xiao Zhi stayed here for a while, and then he was about to leave here, go to Tianhu, and continue his cultivation.

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

This is someone trying to contact him through his token.

The person who contacted him was Zhao Yan.

A few seconds later, a line of words appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: 'Brother Zhi, have you ever thought about setting yourself a title? '

Thanks to Wen Buyi for the reward.

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