This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1424 Confirm the title


After Xiao Zhi read the line of text sent by Zhao Yan, he couldn't help being startled.

His thoughts turned, and he saw through the little things in Zhao Yan's heart in an instant, and replied to the text:'I said Zhao Yan, do you want to give yourself an honorary title? '

The 'signal' seemed a little unstable, or maybe it was because of the large number of words. This time, after a full twenty seconds passed, only one line of words appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: 'How can it be? The main thing I care about is your title, brother Zhi. After all, you are the strongest in our Dachang world, and you are the face of our Dachang world. How can you do without a title? Doesn't this make people look down on us? As for my title, it's optional, just pick one. '

After Xiao Zhi read this line of text, he couldn't help laughing.

He replied with a text: 'I think it's good for everyone to call me Zhishen, and I think it's very pleasant after listening to it for a long time. '

A few seconds later, Zhao Yan's text came over: 'The title of Zhishen is really pleasant, but it is not an official title after all, not formal enough, nor domineering enough. '

Xiao Zhi began to think.

Gods generally have honor titles.

When he had just become a god before, someone brought up the matter of honor titles, but at that time, the world of Dachang was in turmoil and was in danger, how could he have the thought to promote the matter of honor titles?

The matter was shelved.

Later, he experienced a series of things. Apart from dealing with things, he had to practice hard, and gradually forgot about them.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Zhao Yan brought up this matter again...

Xiao Zhi thought about it carefully, and felt that Zhao Yan's words made some sense.

Dachang World is now the regional overlord world of Chentian District, and he should indeed have his own title now.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Zhi wrote back a paragraph: "What you said makes some sense, I'll think about it carefully and see what kind of title I should choose." '

Zhao Yan: 'Okay, then we will help you think about it too, think of a few more, so that Brother Zhi can choose for you. '

Xiao Zhi: ‘Okay. '

Before he entered the world of sentient beings, he was a small writer on the Internet. At that time, his readers complained that he was a waste of names, which made him a little bit shocked. Therefore, someone can help him to give him a title. He is more than happy.

Besides, the title of the gods is all donated by others, so how can there be any reason to take the title for yourself?

Zhao Yan: 'Then it's such a happy decision. '

Xiao Zhi: ‘Okay. '

After finishing this text exchange, Xiao Zhi took out the jade tablet that recorded the exact location of the Tianhu Lake bestowed by Emperor Kongtian, and threw it forward.

After the jade tablet hovered in front of him for a while, it slowly flew towards a certain direction.

This is called "immortal guiding the way". Wherever the jade card flies, the Tianhu Lake will be in that direction, which is very magical.

If this jade card does not have this ability, the sky is so big, and the visibility is so low. In this unfamiliar place, the place where the guardian mission is performed is not the same place every time. In this case, I want to know It is very difficult to be in any position in the heaven, and it is even more difficult to go to Tianhu.

If it weren't for this jade card that could indicate the location of the Tianhu Lake, Xiao Zhi would have to at least double the time he would need to rush to the Heaven Realm.

After confirming the direction, Xiao Zhi used the ability of "Words follow" to double his speed, and flew in this direction without any haste.

He didn't dare to fly too fast, after all, this is the heaven, and danger can be seen everywhere.

It would be ridiculous if the speed was too fast, and you crashed into a dangerous place without reacting.

For places like the heavens, he still has a certain sense of awe.

While Yukong was flying, Xiao Zhi was thinking about Zunhao.

Now that this matter has been brought up, it must be treated properly.

Not only his title, but the titles of Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, and Luo Yiyi must also be arranged, and it is best to have a unified format.

For example, in the Qingyuan world, all the god-level players in the Qingyuan world take the title of 'king'. Quicksand King, Yan King, Gai King, and the current Thunder King are all kings, that is, the kings of Qingyuan.

Another example is the former Xingyao World, where the god-level players of Xingyao World used the title of 'Xing Jun'.

In the former Qiyan world, the title of 'Emperor' was used.

In the former world of Kaimen, the title of "Emperor" was used.

In the former Tianqi world, the title of "Heaven" was even more important!

'Then what should I call a god-level player in Dachang World? ’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

After much deliberation, he still felt that it would be more appropriate for the god-level players of his Dachang World to be titled 'True Monarch'.

Dachang Zhenjun, the lord of Dachang Kingdom, takes the title of 'Zhenjun'. If these god-level players in the Dachang world also use the title of 'Zhenjun', they still seem very harmonious.

With this in mind, Xiao Zhi directly notified Lu Zhong and the others of his idea in the form of text through the token.

After more than ten seconds, a line of words appeared in his mind: "Brother Zhi, it's true that heroes see the same thing. We also think that it would be more appropriate to use the title of Zhenjun, but the title of Zhenjun is more appropriate." , is only suitable for the few of us to use. As for you, Brother Zhi, you are not suitable for using the title of Zhenjun. '

This is the text sent by Zhao Yan.

'Why? ’ Xiao Zhi was a little puzzled.

A few seconds later, another line of text appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Because Brother Zhi, your strength is far higher than ours. Brother Zhi, your strength has already reached the level of a high god. On the contrary, what about us , they are all just beginning gods, not even middle gods."

'It doesn't matter, does it? After all, I am not a high god yet. ’ Xiao Zhi responded in words.

A few seconds later, another text appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "How do you say this? We discussed it together and felt that there is a title that is more suitable for you than the title of 'Zhen Jun'." '

'What title? ’ asked Xiao Zhi.

'Emperor! '

When he saw the word 'Great Emperor', Xiao Zhi's body couldn't help but startled, and an inexplicable light burst out of his eyes!

But soon, the light in his eyes faded, and he responded in words: "Generally, only a high god is worthy of being called a great emperor. This is the unspoken rule of the world of us players, and I am not a high god yet." '

Ten seconds later, another text appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Brother Zhi, you are too modest. Although you are not yet a high-level god, your current strength has reached the level of a high-level god. You are called the Great Emperor." ,Deserved! '

‘It’s better to wait until I have become a high god, and then use the name of the emperor. After all, my current strength is still far behind those high gods who dominate the world. ’ Xiao Zhi responded in words.

Xiao Zhi thought of the Emperor Konghua in the Cangmeng world, the Emperor Cangyan in the Xuanwei world, and the Emperor Siyu. None of these emperors was his opponent.

He is the kind of person who seeks truth from facts and does not love vanity very much.

Although the title of Great Emperor is good, he feels that the current him is not qualified to have the title of Great Emperor.

‘Brother Zhi, actually, the reason why we think it’s more appropriate for you to take the title of ‘Great Emperor’ is because your strength has reached the level of a high god, and there is another layer of consideration. '

'What consideration? ’ Xiao Zhi asked in words.

‘Brother Zhi, do you still remember how the Quicksand King and the others disappeared? '

When this line of words appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but fell silent.

Of course he knew how the Quicksand King and the others died.

But what does the death of King Quicksand have to do with his title?

Xiao Zhi couldn't help thinking.

Xiao Zhi is the middle god, and his thinking speed is extremely fast. Soon, he wanted to understand Zhao Yan's other considerations, what kind of considerations it was.

Xiao Zhi responded in words: "You want me to use the name of the Great Emperor, and make me a high god to the outside world, and advertise it widely. If there are players in the world who transfer to our Chentian District in the future, they will find out about my Dachang World." Well, with a high god like me sitting in charge, their fear of us will increase a lot, and they won't dare to act rashly, right? '

'Yes, that's it. As expected of Brother I Zhi, I haven't had time to explain it yet, you have already guessed what we thought of. '

Xiao Zhi smiled, and responded in words: 'You guys are trying to bluff. '

'What about bluff? As long as it is good for our world. '

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and responded in words: "Okay, the emperor will be the emperor, I will pretend this time, since it is pretending, then you have to choose some domineering titles for me. It can also be stronger. '

‘Hahaha, Brother Zhi, don’t worry, we will definitely arrange a bunch of domineering and leaky names for you, and you will be satisfied! '

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and then sent another paragraph to Zhao Yan: "Since we are going to bluff, we must not only bluff externally, but also bluff internally, and publicize in the same way as externally, so as not to cause inconsistencies inside and outside, and cause people to suspect for nothing. Once it comes, it won't have the effect of bluffing. '

'Brother Zhi, don't worry, we will never make such a low-level mistake. '

'That's good, remember, the fewer people who know about it, the better. '

'Don't worry, Brother Zhi, I assure you that there will never be more than a hundred people in our entire Dachang world who know about this! We will keep this matter strictly confidential! '

'That's fine, please choose a few titles for me, so I can refer to them and pick the best one. '

‘Okay, Great Emperor, promise to complete the task! '

When this line of words surfaced in Xiao Zhi's mind, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Text communication has temporarily ceased.

Xiao Zhi continued to fly forward at double speed.

For him now, the immortal technique [Qingming Tianmu] has been cultivated to the perfection level by him, and with the blessing of the ability of "Speaking the Dharma", he can see things more clearly and see farther.

In this way, when he is on his way, he will be able to avoid more dangers and become safer.

A moment later, when Xiao Zhi was holding a black umbrella and flying in Yukong, the familiar strange feeling appeared again.

Soon, a line of words appeared in his mind.

What came to his mind this time was a dense pile of words, all of which were titles of great emperors.

Xiao Zhi 'looked' over one by one, and thought again after reading.

A few seconds later, another line of text appeared in his mind: 'Great Emperor, among these titles, are you satisfied? '

Xiao Zhi felt a little helpless: ‘Don’t call me Emperor, just call me Brother Zhi as before. '

'Let's get used to it in advance, hahahaha, I think it's quite fun to call the Great Emperor. '

It was still Zhao Yan who sent this text.

‘Then you can continue to call me the Great Emperor from now on, I have no objection. ’ Xiao Zhi responded in words.

'Don't, I'll continue to call you Brother Zhi, it's more affectionate this way, as for the Great Emperor, this title is too far away for us...'

‘Brother Zhi, among these titles, do you have a fancy? If not, let's think about it and make some adjustments for you. ’ This text was sent by Lu Chong.

Xiao Zhi responded in words: "There is no need to bother, among these titles, I think one is pretty good." '

'which one? ’ This text was sent by Luo Yiyi through the token.

'Emperor Yongchang. ’ Xiao Zhi responded in words.

This is the one he has chosen from dozens of titles that makes him feel more satisfied.

The main reason is that the meaning of this appellation is relatively good.

Yongchang Yongchang will always be prosperous and prosperous, which is exactly what he expects to see.

Moreover, in this name, there is also the word Chang of Dachang World, so that the title of 'Yongchang' is more suitable for him.

'This honorary title is not bad, I came up with this one, brother Zhi, you can choose it, it proves that you are still very discerning, hahahaha. ’ This passage was sent by Zhao Yan.

Although it was just a paragraph of text, Xiao Zhi could feel Zhao Yan's elation from the lines, as if he could hear Zhao Yan's loud laughter.

'Then I must thank you. '

‘You’re welcome, you’re welcome, Brother Zhi, you can choose this as your title, it’s my honor! ’ Zhao Yan sent another line of text.

'My honorary title has been settled, what about your honorary titles? Have you settled down yet? Shall I give you a reference? '

'My honorary title has been decided, and it will be called Zhenjun Huanyan. ’ Lu Zhong sent a text through Xiao Zhi’s token.

'My honorary title has also been decided, it is Yunchen Zhenjun. ’ Almost at the same time, Zhao Yan also sent a text through Xiao Zhi’s token.

'Principal Lord Huanyan... True Lord all chose to use your dao names, but this is not bad, it still sounds very pleasant to the ear. ’ Xiao Zhi responded in words.

'What about you, Roy? Have you decided on your title yet? '

Thanks to book friends 20170212204251840 for the reward.

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