This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1673 Huge Reward

The hand of overcoming disaster can not only be used to suppress powerful enemies, but also has the power of refining.

At this time, Supreme Mingyu, who was tightly held in Du'e's hand, flashed with light, with an expression of extreme pain on his face.

"Minglong, Minghai, save me!" Supreme Mingyu struggled and roared.

However, the Minglong Supreme and Minghai Supreme that he spoke of were intercepted by Kongtian Emperor and Mengtian Emperor in the heaven, and there was no way they could rush over to save him.

Seeing that she could not break through the interception of Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian in a short period of time, the anxiety on the beautiful face of Minghai Supreme became uncontrollable. She compromised and said: "Everyone in the heaven, as long as you are willing to let go Mingyu, my church will never invade your heaven from now on, what do you think?"

Minglong Supreme also let out a roar like thunder at this time: "If you in the heaven dare to kill Ming Yu, our Holy Church will fight with you in the heaven to death, and you just wait to be destroyed!"

For a great world, the strongest person is really too important.

It can even be said that the life of every powerful person is related to the life and death of this great realm!

Just like the church.

The Holy Temple is very strong, with five powerful men sitting in charge. Among the current nine realms, this strength is enough to rank at the forefront.

But once Supreme Mingyu falls, there will only be four strongest men left in the temple, and their ranking among the nine realms will only be in the middle.

What does the drop in ranking mean?

This means that the chance of the Holy Church successfully passing through this era and extending to the next era will be greatly reduced!

This result is something that the entire church is unwilling to accept.

Minghai Zhizun and Minglong Zhizun are trying to persuade Heaven to let him go.

In this regard, neither Emperor Kongtian nor Emperor Mengtian were unmoved at all.

They are not stupid, there is no way they would do something like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

In the distance, Hongzu did not swim here, but watched the battle while swinging his slender snake tail and swam towards the bloody crack belonging to the Cangqing Realm.

It can be seen that Hongzu is determined not to get involved in the battle between the heaven and the temple.

Since Heaven doesn't plan to teleport him, he will go on his own.

In the distance, after breaking through the defensive restrictions of the sentient beings system, Lingao in the Oyunbatu world started to disappear and disappeared.

Xiao Zhi relied on his absolute control over this space, but he could vaguely feel that this Ling'ao was flying through the sky at an extremely fast speed after hiding its figure.

Judging from Ling'ao's flight direction, his target was the bloody crack belonging to the Oyunbatu realm.

The defensive restrictions of the sentient system were broken, and the monsters that invaded from all major realms scattered in all directions and flew towards the heavens as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

What can be expected is that these monsters will invade all the worlds in the future, which will be another huge disaster for the heavens.

At the bloody crack belonging to the temple, the torn heavenly net began to disintegrate inch by inch.

From the disintegrating Tianluo net, streaks of light flew out.

Among these streams of light, there are figures of players, Wing Guards, and some intruders who are not Wing Guards.

Yes, the player figure.

This time, many high-level players who were responsible for blocking the enemy in the Tianluo Net survived.

The main reason why they were able to survive was because Minglong Supreme and Minghai Supreme wanted to break the formation and rush out to rescue Mingyu Supreme. They had no time to pay attention to these high-god-level 'miscellaneous fish'. The Shaogao Shen player managed to survive by chance and would not be wiped out by the group.

Among the figures of these players flying out, Xiao Zhi sensed the presence of Emperor Cang Yan.

At this time, Emperor Cang Yan looked extremely miserable. Most of his divine body had disappeared, leaving only a small half of his body including his head.

Among the high-level players, there were several who were seriously injured like him.

They were lucky enough to at least survive.

There are also several high-level players who have disappeared forever from Xiao Zhi's induction, including Emperor Si Yu who had some issues with Xiao Zhi before...

In less than a minute, several more high-level players died...

This made Xiao Zhi feel a little depressed.

After suppression, there is anger!

Strong anger filled Xiao Zhi's chest, making Xiao Zhi's face become even more ferocious and terrifying.

‘Go to hell! Go to hell! ' Xiao Zhi's eyes were fixed on Mingyu Supreme, who was tightly held in his hand by his Du'e hand, and he yelled in his heart.

Refining continues.

In his Du'e hand, light flashed non-stop.

Although Supreme Mingyu was extremely weak, he was still struggling hard and was unwilling to be refined.

‘Go to hell! ’

At this moment, Xiao Zhi, the split soul, opened his mouth and spat out a stream of golden light towards Mingyu Supreme, who was tightly held in Du'e's hand.

This golden stream of light is the Sanskrit word for ‘sealing’.

The next moment, True Buddha Xiao Zhi also opened his mouth towards Supreme Mingyu and spat out a stream of golden light.

This golden stream of light is also the Sanskrit word for ‘sealing’.

Supreme Mingyu, who was already extremely weak, was hit by two universal mantras one after another. Finally, he could no longer hold on.

At this moment, Supreme Mingyu's illusory old face showed an expression of unwillingness and despair, and he let out a scream of extreme despair.

However, as soon as his scream came out, it stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, Supreme Mingyu had been completely refined by Xiao Zhi's hand of overcoming misfortune.

The refined Mingyu Supreme was completely turned into nothingness, leaving nothing behind.

'It has been refined to the point where there is no residue left, this Supreme Mingyu must be completely dead...' Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

Xiao Zhi immediately called up his character attribute panel and looked at the kill records in it.

‘Kill the supreme invader and you will receive 1,000,000 Sky Points. ’

‘Kill the Xeon-level intruder and you have obtained 100,000 authority points. ’

When Xiao Zhi saw these two kill records clearly, his always-suspicious heart finally relaxed, and he thought: 'Great, Supreme Mingyu has finally been killed. ’

Only then did he notice the reward for killing Supreme Mingyu given to him by the sentient being system.

When he counted exactly how many 0's there were after 1, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

This time he refined Mingyu Supreme, and the sentient system actually rewarded him with a full 1 million sky points and 100,000 authority points!

Whether it is 1 million sky points or 100,000 authority points, this is an extremely exaggerated number for him!

He has lost his temper!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi heard an extremely angry roar.

This is the roar that belongs to Minglong Supreme.

"Okay! Very good! Heavenly Realm, you just wait to be destroyed! Our Holy Church will fight you until death, until death!" Supreme Minghai said in a sharp voice, which contained overwhelming murderous intent.

At this moment, the voice belonging to Emperor Kongtian also rang in Xiao Zhi’s ears: “Xiao Zhi, is Supreme Mingyu dead? Take a look quickly!”

Xiao Zhi used his mind to disperse the light curtain in front of him, and transmitted messages to Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian respectively: "Dead! Supreme Mingyu is dead! I just saw his kill record, Supreme Mingyu has been confirmed dead. !”

"Okay! Very good!" The voice belonging to Emperor Kong Tian rang in Xiao Zhi's ears again, with joy in his voice.

"Not bad." The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian also rang in Xiao Zhi's ears. Compared with the voice of Emperor Kongtian, the voice of Emperor Mengtian seemed much indifferent.

Xiao Zhi then sent a message to Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian respectively: "Thank you two emperors for giving me the kill of Supreme Mingyu."

This time he refined Mingyu Supreme, and the rewards given to him by the sentient being system were too many and too generous.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense that there are so many rewards for killing Supreme Mingyu.

After all, this is the most powerful person!

Now he has a deep understanding of how powerful, how difficult to kill, and how important the most powerful person is.

The voice belonging to Emperor Kong Tian quickly responded: "Hahaha, there is nothing to give in to. You deserve this. If you hadn't taken great risks and found Supreme Mingyu, our operation would have fallen short." Yes, so you deserve it."

Emperor Mengtian chose silence and stopped transmitting messages to Xiao Zhi.

In fact, it cannot be regarded as silence.

At this moment, Emperor Mengtian was fighting fiercely with Supreme Minghai.

Emperor Kongtian was fighting fiercely with Supreme Minglong.

With Xiao Zhi's current strength and vision, he could already see a lot of things while watching the Battle of the Strongest.

He quickly saw that Emperor Mengtian was at a disadvantage in the battle with Minghai Supreme, but this disadvantage was not obvious.

Emperor Kongtian had a slight upper hand in the battle with Supreme Minglong.

Xiao Zhi could feel that neither Minghai Supreme nor Minglong Supreme were as powerful as Mingyu Supreme.

Mingyu Supreme's strength should be considered relatively powerful even among the strongest.

Because of this, he is so difficult to kill...

In an instant, Xiao Zhi thought of so many things.

He then sent a message to Emperor Kongtian: "Emperor Kongtian, the blockade of our heaven has been broken. Ling'ao from Aoyunbatu Realm is rushing back to Aoyunbatu Realm after breaking through our defensive restrictions. On the way to the teleportation array, please give me instructions on what I should do now!"

At this time, Emperor Kongtian was urging his space divine realm to collide violently with the golden divine realm of Minglong Supreme.

The collision between the strongest divine realms caused the entire sky to shake violently.

The voice belonging to Emperor Kong Tian soon rang in Xiao Zhi’s ears again: “Xiao Zhi, don’t try to intercept Ling Ao. Although your growth rate is ridiculously fast, you are no longer as powerful as the real strongest. There is still a certain gap between them. You are not yet a match for Ling Ao. If he wants to leave, just let him go!"

After Xiao Zhi heard what Emperor Kongtian said, although he felt a little unwilling, he also knew that what Emperor Kongtian said was the truth, so he nodded and replied through a message: "Okay, I understand, I don't I will intercept Ling'ao."

The voice belonging to Emperor Kongtian said: "Go and clear out those intruders. Kill as many as you can."

"Okay!" Xiao Zhi nodded.

Emperor Kongtian did not ask Xiao Zhi to stay and help them fight.

And Xiao Zhi did not take the initiative to ask for a fight to help Kong and Meng Emperors deal with the two most powerful men in the temple.

Because they all know that doing so does not make much sense.

If there is only one powerful person in the church who rushes to rescue them, then if they join forces, they may severely injure this powerful person, or even keep this powerful person forever.

But the other party came to support this time with two powerful men!

Minglong Supreme and Minghai Supreme were together, supporting each other. Not to mention that Hongzu had run away, even if Hongzu had not run away, he still stood firmly on their side and acted as a thug to help them deal with these intruders in the temple. It is also almost impossible for them to kill the two most powerful men in the temple.

In this case, there is no need to spend all the top combat power on the two most powerful men in the temple. The most rational approach is to take action from the two emperors Kong and Meng, who are responsible for holding back the temple. Of these two strongest men, Xiao Zhi took advantage of his mobility to kill as many monsters as possible.

The more monsters are killed, the less damage their heaven will suffer during this crisis.

Xiao Zhi is a man of action. After a few words of communication with Emperor Kongtian, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on his body.

Not only the deity Xiao Zhi, but also the separated soul Xiao Zhi and the real Buddha Xiao Zhi had spatial ripples visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, the original figure of Xiao Zhi and his two clones disappeared into the air.

When he reappeared, Xiao Zhi's figure was already 20,000 miles away.

What he saw were countless gargoyle-like blue-gray monsters.

The moment Xiao Zhi was teleported, he unfolded his Water God Realm. At the same time, he also used the big black seal of the Great Powerful Heavenly King to create a large invisible suppressive field.

Thousands of miles away, the figure of Xiao Zhi, the separated soul, appeared out of thin air. The moment he appeared, he gathered his hand to fight against evil and swatted at the densely packed spirit birds in front of him.

Thousands of miles away, in another place where monsters gathered, the real Buddha Xiao Zhi appeared. After appearing, he also raised one of his arms high and condensed a shield in the sky. Heavenly golden hands...

In addition to the two quasi-powerful combat powers of the split soul Xiao Zhi and the true Buddha Xiao Zhi, the original Xiao Zhi also sent the demon Li Kuo and his own soul.

Xiao Zhi's killing began.

Although Xiao Zhi's current strength is not yet able to compete head-on with the strongest, he can deal with these monsters easily and happily, sweeping away a large number of them!

The effect that he alone can exert when killing monsters is equivalent to that of several top overlord teams, or even worse!

However, there were too many monsters. Monsters were everywhere as far as the eye could see. Even Xiao Zhi felt a deep sense of powerlessness against this.

While struggling to kill monsters, Xiao Zhi once again set his sights on those high-level players...

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