This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1674 Signs of Breakthrough

Nowadays, apart from Xiao Zhi, there are only nine high-level players left alive in the heaven.

Among them, there were four high-level players who were seriously injured like Emperor Cang Yan.

The remaining five high-level players were either uninjured or only slightly injured, so they were all worthy of a fight.

What Xiao Zhi was fighting was the idea of ​​these five high-level players.

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi soon rang in the ears of these five high-level players: "I am Yongchang. The defense restrictions in my heaven have been breached. Intruders are raging and catastrophe is coming. Emperor Kongtian ordered me to clean up. These intruders, would you like to join me in slaying the demons?!"

When Xiao Zhi's voice sounded, the five high-level players had different expressions.

Some high-level players nodded without hesitation: "I am willing to join Emperor Yongchang in slaying demons!"

Some high-level players showed hesitant expressions and said: "Emperor Yongchang, it is our duty to slay demons and demons, but before that, can I go and meet my companions in the world?"

After Xiao Zhi heard this, he immediately responded: "No problem, I will teleport you to join them, and then you will take them with you!"

Space ripples visible to the naked eye soon appeared on the bodies of these five high-level players. Soon, the figures of these five high-level players disappeared into the air.

Immediately, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on the bodies of the seriously injured high-level players such as Emperor Cang Yan.

They also accepted Xiao Zhi's space teleportation, and were teleported to the players in their respective worlds by Xiao Zhi.

For these four seriously injured high-level players, Xiao Zhi did not let them fight. Instead, he teleported them and the players in their world to some areas where monsters were rare, allowing them to rest in peace and recuperate.

Just after joining the players in Xuanwei World, Emperor Cangyan shouted into the air: "Emperor Yongchang, I can still fight, quickly teleport me to kill monsters!"

Xiao Zhi's voice rang in the air: "Cang Yan, you are already like this, you should take a good rest first."

However, Emperor Cang Yan seemed very stubborn. A powerful energy wave erupted from his body, shouting: "Look, I can still fight. Don't look at me. I look miserable. The damage to my origin is actually not serious." , I am not strong enough to stop the strongest, so I can only kill these little monsters."

Emperor Cang Yan said so, what else could Xiao Zhi say?

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said: "Okay, then be careful. You guys should keep an eye on Emperor Cang Yan."

The second half of his sentence was addressed to the god-level players in Xuanwei World.

"Emperor Yongchang, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of the emperor." Several god-level players in Xuanwei World said quickly.

Soon, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on the bodies of Emperor Cang Yan and the other god-level players in Xuan Wei World. The next moment, their figures turned into nothing and disappeared into the air.

Not only Emperor Cang Yan, but also a seriously injured high-level player also asked Xiao Zhi to kill the enemy with his seriously injured body. After Xiao Zhi considered it in his heart, he was also right.

Not only the high-level players, but also the overlord teams that lost their high-level players were also arranged by Xiao Zhi to kill monsters.

What Xiao Zhi has arranged for these teams are relatively small-scale, non-dangerous monsters, so that these player teams can gain more sky points. This can be regarded as Xiao Zhi's plan for these overlord worlds. kind of compensation.

That's all Xiao Zhi can do.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon after Supreme Mingyu was killed, Hong Ancestor returned to the Cangqing Realm through the bloody crack.

However, the monsters belonging to the Cang Qing Realm were still raging in the Heaven Realm and were not brought back to the Cang Qing Realm by him.

Obviously, the cooperation between Hongzu and Emperor Mengtian is a very limited cooperation, not the kind of comprehensive cooperation between two great realms.

Not long after, Ling'ao from the Oyunbatu realm quietly returned to the bloody crack belonging to the Oyunbatu realm.

Xiao Zhi's heart was actually full of murderous intentions for Ling'ao who had broken the heavenly blockade this time. However, his strength was not enough to kill the other party. Therefore, although he could sense the other party's existence, he could only pretend to watch. Less than.

Ling'ao stayed near the bloody crack for a moment, and then his figure passed through the bloody crack and left the heaven quietly.

It wasn't until Ling Ao left the heaven that Xiao Zhi felt relieved.

After all, Ling Ao is the most powerful person. If such a powerful person from outside the world stays in the heaven, it is an untimed bomb. No, it should be said to be an untimed nuclear bomb. The threat to the heaven is really great.

The two Heavenly Emperors Kong and Meng were still fighting fiercely with the two most powerful men in the temple, Minglong and Minghai.

The strength of these most powerful people can be said to be evenly matched, and no one can defeat anyone in a short period of time.

time flies.

The space fluctuated like water, and the figure of Xiao Zhi appeared out of thin air in front of a large group of vine snakes. The moment he appeared, he unfolded his water-walking divine realm and expanded his water-walking divine realm to the limit. At the same time, he also expanded the invisible suppressive field he possessed to the limit.

He found that when dealing with monsters below the god level, his Water God Realm was better than any type of group attack method. Under the coverage of his Water God Realm, those monsters below the god level died so quickly. …

As for the god-level monsters mixed in the monster group, after he killed all the monsters below the god-level through group attacks, he would then use his blue water knife to kill them one by one.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was like a war machine running at high speed.

Not only does he need to participate in the battle, he also has to control the demon Li Kuo and his soul, and his clones to participate in the battle together.

At the same time, he also has to watch six directions and listen in all directions to sense the fighting situation of each player team.

If these player teams have cleared the monsters in their area, he will teleport this player team to another area with denser monsters, allowing this player team to save time on the road and get back into the fight.

Moreover, the monster groups he selected for these player teams are all monster groups that are more suitable for these player teams.

Once a certain player team encounters danger during the battle, Xiao Zhi will intervene as soon as possible, either teleporting the player team away urgently, or teleporting there himself to resolve the danger...

At the same time, Xiao Zhi also maintained a high degree of vigilance towards the four bloody cracks.

Especially the bloody crack belonging to the temple, Xiao Zhi was even more wary of it.

At this time, the two Heavenly Emperors Kong and Meng could still maintain a balance of power against Supreme Minglong and Supreme Minghai. No one could do anything to anyone in a short period of time. But once the Holy Church sent another powerful person over, even If the two most powerful men come over, it will be difficult to maintain this balance of power. In this case, the heaven will be in danger.

Fortunately, under Xiao Zhi's vigilant attention, no new powerful person has invaded the temple yet.

Every moment, Xiao Zhi's head was running at high speed, sensing and controlling everything in this space.

When he did this, the effect was obvious.

The player's power is highly integrated by him in this way.

As a result, the player's enemy-killing efficiency has increased several times compared to before the integration!

Xiao Zhi's own strength is completely superior to these players.

In the battle, the number of monsters killed by Xiao Zhi and his clones was much more than the number of monsters killed by the player team combined.

This is not even counting the demon Li Kuo.

If the monsters killed by the demon Li Kuo are also included, the number of monsters killed by Xiao Zhi will only be even greater.

Time is still passing by minute by minute.

Xiao Zhi's spirit was highly tense and he was fighting one battle after another. At the same time, he was also coordinating the overall situation and teleporting himself, his clones and other players again and again.

As time passed, Xiao Zhi, who had just finished clearing a wave of monsters and was about to teleport to a new battlefield, suddenly changed his expression slightly and his figure stopped in the air.

Immediately, a hint of surprise appeared on his face!

Just now, he felt that his [Tianji Holy Body] had a faint sign of breaking through.

This feeling has never appeared before!

what does that mean?

This means that he is not far away from breaking through [Tianji Holy Body].

Xiao Zhi was ecstatic!

But soon, Xiao Zhi suppressed the ecstasy that emerged in his heart and began to analyze it calmly in his heart.

‘The reason why this sign of breakthrough appears is related to my frequent induction and frequent teleportation during this period? ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

‘If that’s the case, then I have to keep working hard. ’

As a result, Xiao Zhi devoted himself even more diligently to the next battle.

Time passed, and every moment, a large number of monsters were killed in the space controlled by Xiao Zhi.

However, there are simply too many monsters.

Even though Xiao Zhi and a group of god-level players were working very hard to kill monsters, as time passed, many monsters still flew away from the space controlled by Xiao Zhi and disappeared into the distant sky.

Once these monsters leave the area controlled by Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi has nothing to do with them for the time being.

Like this, another moment passed.

Xiao Zhi, who was killing monsters, suddenly had a condensed expression.

At this moment, in his induction, a figure floated out of the bloody crack in the temple.

This is a young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

The young man was wearing an ordinary gown, with long golden hair flowing behind him.

The young man's appearance was very ordinary, but his eyes were as bright as stars. The most important thing was that the aura exuding from him had a hint of aloofness.

This is the transcendent breath that belongs to the most powerful.

This means that this young man who looks unattractive is actually a powerful man!

At this moment, what Xiao Zhi least expected to see happened after all.

In the temple, another powerful person has invaded!

As the young man's figure floated out of the bloody crack, the remaining wing guards around the bloody crack all knelt in the void and shouted out a name respectfully.

The name they shouted was - Myojin Supreme!

"It's Supreme Mingshen here." Supreme Minghai showed a smile on his beautiful face.

"Supreme Mingshen is here! You are dead!" The golden light on Supreme Minglong's body surged, and his roar was like thunder!

Emperor Kongtian's expression suddenly became solemn.

Emperor Mengtian's face also looked very ugly at this time.

After Xiao Zhi sensed this, he couldn't help but send a message to Emperor Kong Tian: "Is this Ming Shen Supreme very strong?"

"Yes, very strong." Kongtian Emperor replied through a message.

"Stronger than Supreme Mingyu?" Xiao Zhi asked again via voice transmission.

"Well, the Supreme Mingshen is the strongest person in the temple." Emperor Kongtian replied via message.

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his expression became serious.

"The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it." Emperor Kongtian sent a message to Xiao Zhi: "Xiao Zhi, just be responsible for cleaning up those intruders. This Mingshen Supreme is here for me and Emperor Mengtian. Although he is very strong, But I’m not a weakling, and it’s not that easy for him to kill me and Emperor Meng Tian!”

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission, and said secretly in his heart: 'Wait for me...after I have almost cleared up the monsters in this area, I will come to help you! ’

Although he is not the strongest, his men have two quasi-strongest levels of combat power, which makes him qualified to participate in the battle of the strongest.

‘With the two Heavenly Emperors Kong and Meng plus me, our Heaven Realm can be considered to have two and a half supreme level combat powers. Two and a half versus three, our Heaven Realm is not so easily defeated! ’ Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

With this thought in his mind, Xiao Zhi began to devote more effort to the battle.

The result was consistent with what Emperor Kongtian had guessed. After the invasion of the Holy Temple, the Mingshen Supreme went straight to the area where the Battle of the Strongest broke out.

Somewhat different from other supreme beings, when the Ming Shen Supreme was flying through the sky, there were not many visions around him, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Finally, when the eyes of the Supreme Ming Shen were extremely bright, two dazzling rays of light shot out from the eyes of the Supreme Ming God, just like two dazzling laser beams, shooting straight into the distance. The two emperors of Kong and Meng!

The speed of these two divine lights was incredibly fast.

In a very short period of time, these two divine lights were already approaching the two Heavenly Emperors Kong and Meng!

Emperor Kongtian snorted coldly, and he condensed a crystal sword and slashed at the divine light that hit him!

Emperor Meng Tian also in an instant condensed a ferocious phantom beast with spikes all over its body, and it pounced on the divine light that hit him.

The divine light that shot towards Emperor Kong Tian and Emperor Meng Tian was shattered one after another.

Among the divine light that filled the sky, a figure turned from illusory to solid.

This figure is clearly the Supreme God of Ming!

The Supreme God of Ming standing in a distant place has become illusory and disappeared into the air.

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