This Game is Unusual

Chapter 212 Rescue Operation

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to report it to the sentient beings group.

Because there is no need to hide this matter at all, the sentient beings group will know about it sooner or later.

Concealing and not reporting, for him, there is no benefit, only disadvantage.

He is hiding it now, and when the players break through to the Dao Realm one after another in the future, what will the sentient beings group think of him after they know this?

After figuring this out, Xiao Zhi turned on his laptop, logged into the internal website of the All Beings Group, edited the text, and reported the special features of the Conscious Sea Space.

This time, it took less than half a quarter of an hour before the sentient beings group responded.

"Hello, thank you for the important information you provided. According to the evaluation, you have received a total of 1,000 contribution points."

1000 contribution points! so tall! ?

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised.

But it's normal to think about it. This information is indeed extremely important to the government.

In the real world, one can also perceive the existence of the sea of ​​consciousness space, what does this mean?

This means that the power that players cultivated in the world of sentient beings is not illusory, and it is indeed possible to bring it back to the real world.

This also proves once again the mystery and power of the game system of the world of sentient beings.

After this incident, the government's emphasis on the 'National War' will probably be raised to another level.

Xiao Zhi closed the computer and was about to go to bed when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Xiao Zhi answered the phone.

"I'm Liu Yi. We've read the information you submitted, but there are still some questions that I don't understand. I hope Xiao Zhi can help you answer them."

"Ask any questions." Xiao Zhi said.


For the next few days, Xiao Zhi was practicing the 'Canglong Visualization Picture'.

The process is painful, but the result is not bad.

In the depths of Xiao Zhi's consciousness, the small sea of ​​consciousness space has obviously expanded a little.

The cyan little dragon that was swimming in mid-air also became a bit more solid.

The drizzle floating in the sea of ​​consciousness space also became a little heavier.

The drizzle has been drifting for several days in a row, and there are finally some changes on the ground of the Sea of ​​Consciousness space.

On the void ground, a small puddle appeared.

This is a small puddle formed by the liquefaction of spiritual energy.

Over time, small puddles will become big puddles, then puddles, then lakes, and then the sea.

It's really exciting.

Over the past few days, Xiao Zhi also experimented with one thing.

The aura of heaven and earth accumulated in the sea of ​​consciousness space can be directly transformed into true essence.

But the true essence cannot be transformed into the aura in the sea of ​​consciousness space.

And the liquefied aura in the consciousness sea space has a very important relationship with the cultivation of the Dao realm.

what does that mean?

This means that until a critical moment, it is best for Wu Xiu not to rely on the aura accumulated in the sea of ​​consciousness space to supplement the consumption of his true energy.

Once the true energy is consumed, if you are reluctant to use spirit stones to replenish it, it is better to honestly rely on food to supplement the consumption of true energy.

Speaking of spirit stones, true essence cannot be transformed into spirit energy in the sea of ​​consciousness space.

The energy contained in the spirit stone is fine.

However, spirit stones are too expensive, one is worth 100,000 yuan.

Xiao Zhi is now a poor man, and he can't even afford the money to buy a storage ring, let alone buy spirit stones to speed up his cultivation.

This day, early in the morning.

Xiao Zhi was wearing a brown singlet, and after practicing the 'Canglong Visualization Picture' for a while, he was sitting on the ground to rest.

Vaguely, he heard a cell phone ringing.

Who's calling? Xiao Zhi was puzzled.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi's consciousness instantly returned to the real world.

In the real world, lying on the bed, he picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, glanced at it, and couldn't help but fix his gaze.

It's the number from the sentient beings group.

What is the sentient beings group calling here for?

"Hello?" Xiao Zhi answered the phone.

"It's me, Liu Yi." A middle-aged male voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Group Leader Liu, if you have anything to ask, just ask." Xiao Zhi said.

Liu Yi said in a low voice: "Xiao Zhi, I hope you can do us a favor this time and help us save people."

"Save someone? Who is it?" Xiao Zhi was taken aback.

Liu Yi said in a deep voice: "A few days ago, the sentient beings group sent a total of three teams across the border of Dachang Kingdom and entered Xuanming Kingdom to investigate the situation. Among them, two teams have all died in Xuanming Kingdom, and there is another team. They are being hunted down by players from the enemy country, most of them are killed or injured, and they won't last long."

"Being hunted down by players from the enemy country?" Xiao Zhi frowned: "Team Leader Liu, where did the players from the enemy country come from? Have you investigated clearly?"

Liu Yi said in a deep voice: "Later, I will send you the information we have obtained about the players from the enemy country. You only need to log in to the Zhongsheng Group website to see the information. Now let's get down to business. The remaining team we have is In the team, there is a monk player. His cultivation qualification is very high. In the future national war, he may become a powerful combat force. If he can not die, he had better not die, so...Xiao Zhi, we hope you can Get out, get out and save him."

Xiao Zhi wanted to say, since this monk player has high aptitude and great growth potential, why did you send him into the enemy country to carry out such a dangerous mission?

But after thinking about it, he still held back.

"Location, tell me the location." Xiao Zhi exhaled and said, "If it's in Beilan Road, or a place not far from the border between the two countries, I can help save people. If it's too far into the enemy's country, I'm sorry , I will not risk my life to rescue.

After all, his life is his life, and mine is also my life. I don't think his life is more important than mine. "

Liu Yi said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, it's not too dangerous. The enemy players chasing and killing them are all innate warriors, and there are no Taoist monks among them."

"Location." Xiao Zhi said.

"It's still in Xuanming Kingdom, about 100 miles away from the border between the two countries. I will send you the specific location, information about this team, and the information about players from the enemy country via WeChat later." Liu Yi said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded.

He and Liu Yi, the deputy head of the sentient beings group, had added WeChat to each other long ago.

As soon as the call ended, Xiao Zhi's WeChat rang continuously for a while.

Xiao Zhi opened it and saw that the relevant information had already been sent.

There is a topographic map of the border of Beilan Road in Dachang Kingdom. The large mountains, rivers, county towns, county towns, and even some villages are marked on the map.

Outside Dachang Kingdom, about 100 miles away, where the mountains and forests are marked, there is a dazzling red dot. This red dot should represent the location of the player team of the Sentient Beings Group.

Xiao Zhi looked carefully for a while, and memorized the general terrain around the red dot, as well as the name of the county seat closest to the red dot within Dachang Kingdom——

Baisang County.

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