This Game is Unusual

Chapter 213 Departure

In addition to the map, there are five clear photos of people.

The photos are all young people, and the lower right corner of each photo is marked with their names and strengths.

Zhu Changwu, a monk at the peak of Qi training.

Tan You, an innate seventh-dan martial artist, has a physique route.

Meng Chuan, a congenital eighth-dan warrior, has agility.

Zhao Ningzhi, a congenital eighth-dan warrior, has a physique route.

Yang Bin, an innate ninth-level warrior, has a power line.

The five photos represent five people, one of whom is a monk at the peak of Qi training comparable to an innate extreme warrior, and the remaining four are all innate high-level warriors!

Xiao Zhi had met one of them in reality.

Yang Bin, who was a special commissioner of the sentient beings group, followed Liu Yi and had contact with Xiao Zhi.

Unexpectedly, he was also sent to the enemy country this time to investigate intelligence.

As far as Xiao Zhi knew, the sentient beings group had sent three teams of players, each with twelve players.

But what Liu Yi passed on to him was only the information of 5 people.

Obviously, the other 7 people in this investigation team should have all died in battle.

Those who were weaker were all killed in battle, and those who survived at least had innate high-level strength.

Xiao Zhi scrolled down, and the next thing was the information of the player from the enemy country.

Regarding the players from the enemy country, there are only texts, no photos, not even specific names, only code names.

Demon Dragon: An innate extreme warrior with a suspected power line.

Dharma King: Suspected to be a monk at the peak of Qi training, he can control flames.

Titan: An innate extreme warrior with a suspected physique route.

It is very simple to identify players from the enemy country. The sentient beings system has marked them, and those with a faint red glow on their bodies are the players from the enemy country.

The above is all the information about the enemy players.

After Xiao Zhi finished reading it, he asked with some doubts: "Just these three?"

Liu Yi quickly replied: "Yes, there are only three people chasing and killing them."

There were only 3 players in the enemy country, so they beat the 12-member investigation team from the sentient beings group to only 5 people, and they had to flee into the mountains and ask him for help?

Come to think of it, this is actually normal.

The opponent is strong!

Congenital extreme fighters, mastering the secret technique of 'burning blood', coupled with the advantages in rank, fighting against innate middle and high-ranking fighters is like an adult beating a child, very easy.

It is actually pretty good that 5 people can escape from the sentient beings group.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi replied: "Okay, I understand, there is no need to delay, I will go there now."

"Xiao Zhi, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Haha, if I kill those players in the enemy country, all the good things on those players will belong to me, Team Leader Liu, you should have no objection to this?"

"No comment……"


Xiao Zhi put the phone back on the bedside table, lay down on the bed, and closed his eyes.

His consciousness instantly entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, in the quiet courtyard, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes.

You are not even in the Dao realm, how dare you be so arrogant, and return the demon dragon, the titan, and the King of Dharma, let's see how I killed you in the past!

Didn't it mean that if you kill an enemy player, you can get a national war meritorious reward?

I'd like to see how many merit points I can get after killing these enemy players!

Xiao Zhi got up, took off his sweat-soaked single clothes, and changed into clean and tidy single clothes. When he was about to put on the parade officer's uniform whose defense was comparable to sharp weapon armor, he hesitated again.

This time he is likely to enter the enemy's territory.

He was wearing the official uniform of the parade envoy of Dachang Kingdom's Beilan Road, and entered the territory of Xuanming Kingdom to kill people. He was a little sensitive.

Doing so, if one is not good, it may trigger a war between the two countries in advance.

Forget it, let's not wear official uniforms this time, let's go out in casual clothes.

Xiao Zhi hung the parade official uniform back in the closet of the house, took out a strong blue suit, and put it on his body.

After leaving the courtyard, Xiao Zhi put a large package of dried monster meat on his back in the official office, then took his dragon colt and prepared to leave.

He has the map in his mind.

In Dachang Kingdom, there are horse paths between counties, counties, and roads. If you run along the horse paths, you don't have to worry about getting lost.

On this trip, he did not plan to bring his parading wrestlers with him.

After all, this time it is necessary to cross the border, and it is not appropriate to bring these people from the government together.

Besides, as a parade envoy, he has a dragon horse mount that can travel 8,000 miles a day, and those parading warriors under him don't have it. Letting these patrolling warriors follow will only slow down his progress.

As for Yang Xu...

Yang Xu has been staying in his courtyard these days, practicing in seclusion.

Corpse demons have the cultivation methods of corpse demons, and they also need to cultivate secretly.

Venerable Li Yuan asked Yang Xu to follow him, and asked him to use the power of Qi and blood to suppress the invasion of Yang Xu's mind by the dead energy.

But being together doesn't mean that he and Yang Xu have to 'close each other' and never leave each other. As long as they are one person and one demon, within a certain range, that's fine.

The courtyards of Yang Xu and Xiao Zhi are next to each other, so they are considered to be together.

Now that Yang Xu is retreating and cultivating, Xiao Zhi feels that he should not bother him anymore.

Let him go alone.

He is now a cultivator in the Dao realm, and he must have no problem dealing with those guys who are not even in the Dao realm.

It is an extremely long process for death energy to erode one's mind. Longju's speed is extremely fast. It only takes 2 or 3 days at most. In such a short period of time, Yang Xu's mind will not be overwhelmed by death energy. erosion.

"grown ups."

"grown ups."

When Xiao Zhi led Longju out of the official office, the guards at the gate of the official office saluted him respectfully.

Dachang Kingdom has a strict hierarchy, and monks in the Taoist realm have a very high status. To some extent, they are already considered aristocratic class.

Xiao Zhi nodded to them, then got on his horse.

With a flick of the reins, the dragon horse under its crotch neighed and began to run forward.

There are so many pedestrians in the city, the speed of the dragon horse can't be improved at all.

Once out of Beilan Dao City, the dragon horse suddenly accelerated, its speed increased several times, and it shot forward like an arrow!

In the midst of the wind and lightning, a powerful wind pressure hits the face!

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi's current physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people. If it were an ordinary person, at such a fast speed, he might not even be able to hold the reins, and he would be thrown out directly.

As expected of a dragon colt, the dragon colt is not only fast, but also has amazing endurance and is extremely durable.

After running for more than 3,000 miles, it became a little tired.

Beside a small river, Xiao Zhi got off his horse, rubbed his back, which was a little uncomfortable from being bumped, and led the dragon horse to drink water by the river.

After Longju was full of water, he took off the package from the horse's back, took out a large piece of jerky monster meat, and handed it to Longju.

Longju swallowed it in one gulp, snorting and chewing heavily.

Have you ever seen a meat-eating horse?

Although the dragon colt may not look like a horse, it has a trace of dragon blood, but it is actually a standard carnivore.

Moreover, it does not eat ordinary wild animal meat.

At the very least, it must be the meat of a ferocious beast before it will bite.

Thanks to book friends 20200309224229081, book friends 20171102064124526, and dd monks for their rewards.

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