Walking on the way to the cemetery, the weak chicken man was full of joy.

An ugly smile appeared on his face, and rows of sharp fangs were revealed, making the surrounding players sick.

"Brother Chicken, don't laugh, it's so disgusting."

"That's right, with your current appearance, you don't need to lose money if you are beaten to death in the street, and the other party will earn a pennant for nothing."

"What do you know!" Weak chicken man said disdainfully, "I am fulfilling a wish."

"Fulfill your wish?"

Thanks to "The Devil and the Dungeon", Weak Chicken Man throws his live game video on station B every day, and the number of fans is soaring every day. Now he is pleased to receive an excellent up main medal, which is honored as "" Chicken brother".

Well, it's actually the same as before.

Before he broadcast live, he casually slurred, saying that he had liked more than 100,000 coins that day, and that the next live broadcast of women's clothing, he did not expect to be pushed up by sand sculpture netizens in less than an hour.

A lesson can be learned from heaven and earth, he is a straight titanium alloy man, how could he do such a thing.

Besides, he was born so dignified that he can be called the fifth grandson of the game area, what if he is greedy for his body after dressing up as a woman.

Unexpectedly, this game bug directly gave him this opportunity.

Don't you want women's clothing, I'll give it to you!

And this time I'm not the only one, all the players collectively wear women's clothing, you guys go lick it!

In his live broadcast room, the players were also making emoticons of vomiting one after another.

"Brother Chicken, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't want to see your women's clothing."

"Why can't I control this hand? I shouldn't be greedy for his body."

"His right hand is chopped off and hangs on the wall. I must always remind me that young people can make mistakes, but not all mistakes are forgiven."

"Brother Chicken, die soon, sincerely."

Ignoring the voices of the audience, the weak chicken man not only did not close the live broadcast room, but kept talking about it.

I don't know if it's because of the involvement of other players, but his coquettish talk is completely super-level performance, making the audience want to watch it but not wanting to watch it, and they are very entangled.

The current attributes of the players are not low, and the speed is not slow even after mimicking the imps, and they soon arrived at the destination, the large cemetery.

Although it is said to be a large cemetery, there are no tombstones here, only a huge cave that keeps going down.

The dark cave is bottomless, like a passage leading to another world.

As the wind passed by, harsh echoes sounded from the cavern, as chilling as screams from another world.

What was even more frightening was that a white ghost came out of the cave and walked towards the living creature with an expression before death.

It's just that after seeing the players, they all stopped.

On the ghost's lifeless face, there was an obvious expression of disgust, and then walked in another direction.

"I don't know why, but I feel like I'm being despised? Is my skirt not flamboyant enough, or are these ghosts too floating?"

"Okay, I know you're flirty enough. Sister A has gone to the hospital, and now let me, a weakling, lead everyone to clear this dungeon!"

Weak Chicken Man stood up proudly, but the players greeted him with questioning eyes.

"Brother Chicken, we know that you have a good eloquence. You have a good tongue, and you can learn all kinds of front and back attacks. But you can lead a group to beat the book, can you?"

"Don't underestimate people! I have learned all the three axes of Miss A. First test the strength, then collect information, and finally go up. Give me all your bodies, and I will lead you to victory. First of all Test your strength, Brother Tuhao!"


Extraordinary 4+1 who had been named shouted feebly.

"What's the matter, Brother Tuhao, did the rain and wind blow last night?"


Ou Huang thoughtfully explained from the side, "He managed to draw out a set of gold with his own strength, but he threw lava once and got nothing. Alright, Xiaofei, next time I will help you draw. "

"I don't want other people's wives."

"Okay, don't you still have a spare purple suit, hurry up and test the strength."

Under the urging of Ou Huang, Fei Fei 4+1 reluctantly stood up and walked towards a ghost that had just floated out.

Swinging the epee in his hand vigorously, he slashed directly at the opposite ghost.

He specializes in swordsmanship. Currently, his swordsmanship has reached level three, and his swordsmanship is among the best among players.

Although it was just an ordinary horizontal slash, his movements were crisp and neat, his body and waist were united, and the epee in his hand turned into a white light, slashing at his enemy.

It's just that the sword fell through.

The ghost has no entity of its own, and physical attacks are completely ineffective.

After swinging this sword, Extraordinary 4+1 returned to its original position and continued to shut itself down.


"Physical attacks are useless...at least most of our combat power has been crippled. Next, it's time to collect information. First sword prophet!"

The first sword prophet jumped out immediately, and activated his ability that he could only use once a day.

Accompanied by her ethereal voice, a prophetic poem was read out.

"Ugly creatures want rich rewards

The absence of the legendary man makes this almost impossible

That adult doesn't want you to go back

But he also wants you to get the job done

if you insist

Taking off your clothes will be the key to breaking the game. "

After reading the poem, the first sword prophet was directly blown to pieces and was reborn.

After listening to this prophecy poem, the weak chicken man's face was obviously ugly.

Judging from the content of the prophecy poem, it is clear that he is discriminating against his leaders, and telling them that without Artoria is just wanting to eat fart.

It's clear that you look down on me, right?

Today, I really want to pass this copy!

After carefully pondering the last paragraph of the prophetic poem, he hesitated and finally made a decision.

He took off his dress.

The breeze blew past, making his crotch slightly cool.

The gazes projected by the surrounding players made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, and his whole body was not well.

Although it was fine when everyone was a slime, but now others have clothes to wear and he doesn't, which makes him feel uncomfortable all over.

Suppressing this sense of humiliation, he stayed in front of everyone for more than ten minutes, and finally couldn't help asking: "Has there been any changes?"

A player looked down, then turned his head: "No. Congratulations, you are still normal."

"Can you stop messing around with the underworld and do some personnel work? Has there been any change in the ghost? Has there been any change in the underground? Has a boss appeared?"

Seeing that the player on the opposite side kept shaking his head, the weak chicken man was almost desperate.

Is this all right?

I have sacrificed my integrity, but I still can't pass this dungeon?

Just as the weak chicken man was thinking hard about the key to breaking the game, a player was rushing towards the cemetery.

"Oops, it's too late to record the program. I can't catch up with today's event, and I can't log into the Q group. Where are those people?"

Going around a dark forest, he finally saw a player appearing in front of him, and immediately rushed forward excitedly: "This player, where is the main force?"

The crazy little policewoman was bullying the summoned kid boredly by herself. When she heard this sentence, she turned her head and her eyes lit up.

The kid player in front of him was ugly and ordinary, but the ID on his head was exciting.

take off your clothes!

Thinking of the previous prophecy poem, she immediately understood the true target of the prophecy poem.

She is not interested in game rewards, what she is really interested in is how to be the first to cut off the head of a brand new monster.

Almost without thinking, she immediately made a choice according to her interests.

"I know, come with me." A bright smile appeared on her face.

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