This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 43 Who is the enemy

The Crazy Policewoman leads the way, and takes off her clothes to follow behind.

As the two moved forward, the surrounding environment became darker and darker, the breath of death spread here, and there was nowhere to put the bones, so they could only be exposed in the wilderness.

The Crazy Policewoman is originally a chaotic and evil camp, but in this kind of place it is like a fish in water.

And after taking off her clothes, she didn't feel timid at all, and followed behind the crazy policewoman with great interest.

Glancing at her calmly taking off her clothes, the crazy policewoman asked curiously, "What do you do? How come you have no fear at all here?"

"I'm a psychiatrist, and I sometimes record shows on TV." He took off his clothes and smiled shyly, "The mental hospital is much scarier than here, and I'm used to it."

The Crazy Policewoman glanced at the other party, and felt that the other party looked very peaceful, but there was a feeling that could see through people's hearts.

This person seems to be quite difficult to mess with.

She carefully walked around the players and stopped until she reached the other side of the necropolis.

After making sure that no one else could see it, she pointed to the bottomless void in front of her and said, "Let's go, they're right below."

He took off his clothes and didn't move.

He looked at the crazy policewoman suspiciously, then shook his head: "Are you lying?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Intuition, with a little reasoning."

"That's amazing, my brother!" The crazy little policewoman's eyes lit up immediately, "There are two brushes."

"I just took a guess. You don't feel right to me. Ordinary people lie for some purpose, such as for profit, to cover up the truth, and to avoid loss of honor. But you lie, just for fun .It is rare to see an example like yours. Come to my hospital when I have time, and I am ready to have a good chat with you."

"Come down with me and I'll find you."

"Lie." She took off her clothes and shook her head again.

However, he still looked down and asked, "How do I get down?"

"Jump down."

The Cop Girls kicked the undressed butt and kicked him off the edge of the necropolis.

Afterwards, she also jumped off the edge, caught the undressed in mid-air, and then cast two magic spells instantly.

[Feather Fall] and [Light Ball].

Both of these magics are second-order magics, and they only need to have the ability to dive to the second layer of the law layer.

The falling momentum of the two of them slowed down immediately, like two feathers floating lightly in mid-air, falling slowly.

Afterwards, a ball emitting blood-red light was also released from the fingertips of the Crazy Policewoman, surrounding her all the time.

The two fell deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper.

As the depth increases, the surrounding air continues to cool.

The surrounding walls were already covered with frost, and the brown ice had a disgusting color.

If the puffs of corrosive gas have substance, occasionally a large number of white ghosts can be seen flying from the two of them into the sky, a breath of winter.

I don't know how long it took, but the two finally came to the bottom of the large cemetery.

Unlike the darkness in the middle, the lower part of the necropolis is full of crystal clear crystals.

A large piece of dark blue mushroom is attached to the crystal, feeds on the crystal, and releases a faint light.

"Wow, I didn't expect the scenery below to be pretty good. There seems to be something in those crystals?"

Jumping to a crystal, the Crazy Girl Policewoman sees that there seems to be a person sealed inside the crystal.

When she jumped to the crystal, a group of white ghosts suddenly flew into the crystal, and the whole crystal began to crack. Half-rotten zombies jumped out of the broken crystal and rushed towards the Crazy Policewoman.

Facing the sudden attack, the crazy little policewoman directly pulled out the ax on her back, and with one stroke of the ax,

He cut off the opponent's head neatly.

In the black blood all over the sky, she touched the ax in her hand, with a wicked smile on her face: "This thing is still comfortable. Brother, are you scared?"

"No." She took off her clothes and remained extremely calm.

"Cut, it's boring. Go on and see what else is interesting here! Can you sing?"

"I think we should be more careful."

"It's fun to be reckless! Let's continue exploring!"

The two began to scurry in a sea of ​​crystals.

The difference is that every time the Crazy Policewoman sees a corpse sealed with crystals, she will go up and knock on it to see if something will come out.

While taking off his clothes, he constantly observes the surrounding environment, trying to infer more information through the surrounding environment.

The corpses sealed up by the crystals are all soldiers, but the outfits of these soldiers are clearly distinguished.

Some of them are huge demons with simple and bulky equipment.

But the other part is human.

These human beings have a stout physique, and some are not inferior to demons, so they should be the elite of human beings.

They seemed to be frozen at the moment of the battle, and their expressions were very firm, and some of them even had enlightened smiles on their faces.


After walking for a while, he took off his clothes and stopped suddenly.

"Brother, what's the matter?" The crazy policewoman suddenly asked curiously.

"Don't talk, let me think about it."

Close your eyes, take off your clothes, and your brain will run at high speed, and a memory palace will emerge.

The memory palace sounds mysterious, but it's not that difficult to use.

As long as you go through a certain amount of training, through repeated fantasies, psychological hints, and repeated memories, you can completely project a familiar room into your mind for memory and derivation.

And the memory palace where he took off his clothes was his office.

In the simple office, images of countless warring parties have been stored at this time.

With a snap of his fingers, the crystals enveloping demons and humans disappeared, allowing him to see the influence of each other more clearly.

Walking on this battlefield, he constantly supplements the details in the middle through his excellent imagination, making the logic of the scene more complete.

If Arturia is the general, then taking off his clothes is the captain of the special forces.

He is incapable of dealing with the big picture, but when it comes to the details, he is the expert.

With constant reasoning and thinking, he has become more and more clear about the war sixty years ago, but there is always a lingering doubt.

"The wounds of the weapons are wrong. The wounds on humans and demons were not caused by each other." Returning to reality, he couldn't help but say, "Unless..."

"Unless what?" The crazy little policewoman on the side asked curiously.

"With so many bodies here, it's clear that there's been a war before. But it's not a war between demons and humans because they haven't attacked each other."

He raised his head, took off his clothes and said brightly: "So, I suspect that they have teamed up. Then the question arises again, who is it that demons and humans are fighting together?"

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