This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 44 Miscalculation

The seriousness of taking off her clothes made the crazy policewoman a little incomprehensible.

In her opinion, as long as the game can be hacked and hacked, it doesn't matter what the plot is.

As long as the ax cuts smoothly, the plot is acceptable no matter how shitty it is.

But for undressing, studying the plot is another way to play.

According to his contact during this period, there are very few NPCs in this game, and there are not many tasks. Most of the time, players are groping for themselves. It doesn't seem to be a plot-oriented game.

But now it seems that this game is not without a plot, but is hidden very deep.

For example, in the depths of the cemetery where they are now, if you don't study it carefully, you will only know that this is a large battlefield. Who would have thought that there is another secret hidden here.

"A mysterious third party... What does this have to do with the origin of the Necropolis? Moreover, the power of this party is so strong that Hell and human beings can join forces, so the power must be about the same as the sum of the two parties. But the problem is that there is no one found at the scene. The body of the third party, so who is the third party?"

I took off my clothes and thought for a while, but found that I had no clue for the time being.

Using the virtual helmet to open a document, he temporarily wrote down these clues, and prepared to re-deduce them later when there were more clues.

When taking off her clothes and thinking about the problem, the crazy policewoman was not idle.

She happily triggered the crystals everywhere, and then chopped off the heads of the zombies the moment they came to life, having a great time.

With so many kinds of heads, she could chop from the east gate to the west gate with an ax without blinking for three days and three nights.

But after hacking for a long time, even she found something was wrong.

Why are these monsters inexperienced?

Looking back, just as she was about to tell her doubts and take off her clothes, she found that the corpses had all changed.

Mushrooms grew on the corpse at an extremely fast speed, making the corpse full of mushrooms.

After growing to maturity, these mushrooms will explode quickly again. In the dull explosion, a large number of white spores are released from the mushrooms, turning into a white ghost, and then rising from the bottom of the necropolis.

Watching the ghost go away, the crazy little policewoman thought about it, and felt that this matter had nothing to do with her.

Go ahead and chop your head off.

The more she chopped, the happier she was, and the more she chopped, the more excited she became, until a new zombie appeared, and she also chopped it subconsciously, but was surprised to find that the familiar feeling did not come.

In front of her, the already thin and skinny zombie raised a finger, blocking the ax of the Crazy Policewoman, only a spark was thrown.

The strength attribute of the Crazy Girl Policewoman has been increased to 30, and the ax skill is level 4. She is a character who can start a mountain with an axe.

And the other party is just a zombie that seems to have no strength, half of his body is still fixed in the crystal, it is hard to imagine how the other party blocked his axe.

Holding the ax tightly, the crazy little policewoman jumped back and shouted loudly: "Your Excellency, is it a bone or a dumpling?"

The skinny zombie looked at the crazy policewoman suspiciously, then nodded his head, and a magical light flashed out.

Casting a language proficiency on himself, he asked in an authentic Beijing film: "Whose subordinate are you?"

"Hehe, she can talk. She doesn't change her name or surname when she walks down the road. She punches Nantianmen and steps on Huangquan Road. She's half crazy, half devil, half crazy, so she's nicknamed the Crazy Policewoman."

"Crazy policewoman? But, what I'm asking is, whose subordinate are you? The devil, or the brave? Or a third party?"

"Forgot, I don't have a good memory, and I don't bother to care about the plot."

The zombie looked at the crazy policewoman for a long time, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Are you wary of me? Don't worry, I have no malice towards you."

"I'll believe what you say, don't I lose face.

You wait, I'll call the experts over. "

Not long after, she took off her clothes while she was still thinking, and was pulled over by the crazy little policewoman.

Seeing the new kid, the zombie showed a gentle smile again.

"Whose subordinates are you?"

"Then whose subordinate are you?" He asked immediately after taking off his clothes.

"It doesn't matter if you say it, I am Satan Ye, a subordinate of the Demon King, one of the Seven Demon Lords."

Saying this name, the zombie puffed up its chest, ready to receive the admiration from the other side.

But in front of him, the crazy little policewoman just tucked her nose: "Who? Brother, do you know him?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

The zombie was instantly discouraged.

"Does no one know my name anymore? How is the Demon King now? Is he okay?"

Taking off his clothes and looking at Satan Ye for a long time, the calmness and rationality in his eyes made Satan Ye a little uncomfortable.

In front of those eyes, it seemed that all the secrets could not be hidden, which made him feel uneasy.

After a few minutes, he took off his clothes and said, "The devil is fine now."

"I can rest assured that."

Satan Ye laughed, as if he really cared about the safety of the Demon King.

However, seeing his smile, the expression on his face after taking off his clothes remained unchanged. He just pointed at the other party and said, "You are lying. I have been observing you for a long time. When I knew that the devil king is fine now, the corners of your mouth were twitching, and your pupils were slightly twitching." The magnification of that shows that you are fearful."

"If you are really a subordinate of the Demon King, you shouldn't have such a reaction."

"To sum up, you shouldn't be a subordinate of the former demon king, so who are you? Why did you lie to us?"

The smile on Satan Ye's face slowly disappeared.

A large number of spores suddenly emerged from his body, and directly penetrated into the body of the undressed and crazy policewoman from various places.

Afterwards, countless mushrooms began to grow using the two people's bodies as nutrition, and after a few breaths, they completely devoured them.

Looking forward to the newly grown mushrooms, Satan Ye originally wanted to extract the other party's soul spores and decipher the other party's origin.

However, he didn't see anything.

"Strange, the creature swallowed by the soul mushroom will definitely form the soul of the other party. Why is there nothing?"

"Could it be that these two brats have no souls? How is this possible?"

"Hey, I really slept for too long, so long that I can no longer understand these new things. But it doesn't matter, I still have time, and I can wait."

Layers of crystals surged up like flowing water, wrapping the Satan leaf in the crystals again.

He didn't pay much attention to the appearance of the little ghost.

After all, he had killed the other party, leaving no flesh and blood behind, so there was no need to worry about some demons sending his message out.

All he had to do was wait until a greedy and powerful demon came here and became a vessel for his resurrection.

However, this time he completely miscalculated.

He had no idea what creature he was facing.

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