This Guy Can Get Along Well, But He Really Doesn't Get Used To It When Things Happen!

Chapter 91: Cultivate Oneself, Harmonize The Family, And Bring Peace To The World! !

Cheng Feng's words caused the whole place to fall into silence.

On the Internet, people from all walks of life who became excited because of his opening were also dumbfounded.

This is....

Classical Chinese?

Cheng Feng said another classical Chinese sentence???

The way of a university lies in being virtuous, being close to the people, and striving for perfection.

Everyone was lost in thought.

Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere exploded again!

Everyone realized that Cheng Feng had nothing to say!

As soon as he opened his mouth, another golden sentence came out!!

In the auditorium, the depressed students cheered up!

They just thought that everything was over!

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng brought them another miracle!!

This time, it’s still unscripted!

Moreover, after Cheng Feng learned that the topic had been temporarily changed, it had only been more than ten minutes!

In the middle, there was only one speech from Zhao Decheng!

In such a short period of time, he has already completed the draft?!

The leaders and professors who were waiting to see Cheng Feng make a fool of themselves were all dumbfounded!

The students may just be shocked!

And they are even more panicked!

They are all engaged in education, and they all have profound academic skills!

They quickly realized how valuable Cheng Feng’s words were!

Be clear about morality, be close to the people, and strive for perfection!

In just a few words, the mission of the university is outlined with a far-sighted vision!

Principal Song was already dumbfounded.

He has been engaged in education for so many years, and he is still in Qingbei, the top university in the country.

He couldn't even say such words, and he couldn't even imagine such thoughts and heights!

Cheng Feng’s vision astonished him!

How is this possible? In just ten minutes, how did he do it in such a high-pressure environment, with so many people watching him, and write a rough draft?!

This is a fucking god!

With Principal Song's cultivation, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

In the live broadcast room, Cheng Feng’s fans immediately perked up!

"Hey, Brother Cheng, you are the eternal god!!!"

"Damn it, who said Brother Cheng has nothing to say?!"

"You bastards framed Brother Cheng so much. In Brother Cheng's eyes, your tricks are nothing!!"

In the live broadcast room, those who resisted Cheng Feng were extinguished.

They just feel their scalps are numb now.

Who the hell is this person?

In ten minutes, you came up with such a motto in your mind?!

The fans in the live broadcast room were still immersed in ecstasy and discussing eagerly!

"Damn it, I can't keep up with my knowledge level. What do brothers Cheng Gao mean by this!"

"I analyze that what Brother Cheng means is that the purpose of a university should be to promote lofty character, learn and apply it to life, and enable people to reach the most perfect state!"

"My God, this is so profound!"

"Stop talking now, brothers, look what Brother Cheng says next! I almost jumped up!"

Those who boycotted Cheng Feng just watched the discussions among Cheng Feng fans silently without daring to say a word.

They stared at Cheng Feng on the screen, with a little bit of hope in their hearts!

Cheng Feng just came up with this sentence to calm down the situation? If the whole article is of this quality, how is it possible!!

In the auditorium.

Cheng Feng looked at everyone in the audience.

According to the ancient meaning of this article, the meaning of "big learning" refers to the knowledge of ethics, philosophy, etc. of "pursuing principles and rectifying the mind, cultivating oneself and governing others".

But on this occasion, it is more appropriate to refer to modern universities.

In his previous life, Mr. Cai Yuanpei quoted this sentence in his inaugural speech as president.

Cheng Feng was ready to continue talking.

Seeing him pick up the phone again, Qian Kun's waist straightened up!

Zhao Decheng, on the other hand, shouted in his heart that it was not good!

"Knowing that there is stillness can lead to concentration; concentration can lead to tranquility; tranquility can lead to tranquility; tranquility can lead to concern; contemplation can lead to attainment."

"Everything has its beginning and end, and everything has its beginning and end. If you know the order of things, you will be able to take the shortcut."

"In ancient times, those who wanted to show virtue to the world must first govern their country!"

"If you want to rule your country, you must first rule your home!"

"If you want to improve your family, you must first cultivate your body!"

"Those who want to cultivate their bodies must be righteous!"

"If you want to correct your heart, you must first be sincere!"

"If you want to be sincere, you must first know the truth. To know the truth, you must study things!"

"After observing the object, you will know it; after you know it, you will be sincere; after you are sincere, your heart will be right!"

"The mind is upright, then the body is cultivated; the body is cultivated, and then the family is in order; the family is in order, and then the country is governed; and the country is governed, and then the world is peaceful!"

When Cheng Feng finished speaking, everyone was speechless.

This speech stunned everyone!

Most students, and even many teachers, feel unclear in their hearts!

Mainly because this passage by Cheng Feng is really too obscure!

The entire classical Chinese text is less grand and bold than "The Story of Young Takiguni", but more broad-minded and prudent!

For most of them, it already belongs to the super class!

However, everyone can hear the meaning of Cheng Feng’s last sentence!

Cultivate yourself, harmonize your family, and bring peace to the world!!

In Cheng Feng’s speech, there is an interlocking and progressive relationship between the three!

And these connotations are all developed by Cheng Feng starting from education!

It’s so exciting!!

The students and most of the teachers are sincerely convinced!

As soon as Cheng Feng opens his mouth, he looks down at the world with his aura! This just proves that Cheng Feng’s height is far beyond ordinary people!!

And other people, those with profound academic background, are all numb when they hear it!

They all understood what Cheng Feng said!

But after I understood it, I felt even more shocked!!

Cheng Feng first started with the sentence "The Way of University" and started talking about university!

Then go deeper step by step and finally draw a conclusion.

Self-cultivation, family harmony, and world peace are a gradual process that are inseparable!

Immediately the idea was raised to a very high macro perspective!

Previously, Zhao Decheng and others looked down upon Cheng Feng's status as an anchor!

I think he is not qualified to talk about education! Education can only be discussed by a senior professor like him!

Now, compared with Cheng Feng’s speech, what Zhao Decheng just said can be said to be nonsense!!

The scariest thing is!

It took Cheng Feng more than ten minutes to come up with these words!

From the announcement of the topic change to the end of Zhao Decheng’s speech!

Only about ten minutes!

Cheng Feng used these ten minutes to come up with an obscure and profound classical Chinese article and contributed two magnificent golden sentences!!

Now, the ghostwriting accusation against Cheng Feng has been self-defeated!!

Cheng Feng used his strength to tell everyone how genuine his literary strength and his broad mind are!!

On the Internet, Cheng Feng's article "The University" brought everyone into a state of excitement and shock!

Then, like oil in a hot pan, the heat suddenly bursts out!

Cheng Feng fans are going crazy!

"Hahahaha, Brother Cheng is awesome!! Brother Cheng is awesome!!!"

"It's so fucking awesome, you can cultivate yourself and bring peace to your family!! Who of you can compare to Cheng Feng's height??"

"Brother Cheng is the real educator!! You guys are just villains compared to Brother Cheng!!"

"I thought it was all over just now! It turns out that Brother Cheng is Brother Cheng. Creating miracles is as easy as drinking water and eating!!"

"Who the hell said Brother Cheng is a ghostwriter? Come on, come out and talk!! Stand at attention!!"

Fans are ecstatic!

What if they just breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Cheng Feng's "The Way of University"!

That’s extremely exciting now!

Cheng Feng was not speechless because of these people’s little actions!

Instead, they talked a lot and brought the issues of universities and education to the level of the whole world!!

This crushes Zhao Decheng and all those who slander Cheng Feng!!

And those who hate Cheng Feng are now in panic!

They never expected that even if they changed the topic temporarily, even if they deliberately chose a topic that Cheng Feng was least familiar with!

Cheng Feng still gave such a wonderful speech!!

Whether it was the literary level of this classical Chinese article or the height of his thoughts, their wretched mentality was knocked to the ground!!

They are really afraid of Cheng Feng!

There was complete silence in Lan Fang's Sunday editorial office.

The reporter who was ordered by Editor Li to make a fuss about Cheng Feng's ugliness asked with a trembling voice.

"Editor Li, how should I write this article next?"

The expression on Editor Li's face changed from panic to anger!

He grabbed the mouse and threw it hard on the reporter!

"Why the hell are you writing? Is there something wrong with your mind?!"

The entire editorial department was stunned into silence by Editor Li's rage!

In the Qingbei Auditorium.

The teachers and students looked at Cheng Feng with admiration and awe!

Cheng Feng looked around at the people in the audience and picked up the microphone again.

Cheng Feng's movements seemed to have magic power, immediately calming down all the noise.

People looked at him in disbelief!

Could it be that he hasn't finished speaking yet?

In the live broadcast room, fans quickly shouted.

"Brothers, stop making trouble now, Brother Cheng still has something to say!!"

"Yes, everyone be quiet!!" (Hello, King Zhao)

All sounds stopped.

Cheng Feng looked at everyone and said.

"Just now, I was talking about college."

"Then next, I want to talk about my views on education."

"I'm going to talk about what I think is my relationship with education."

"Some people think that as a anchor, I don't have any educational experience."

"So, compared with those professors and leaders, I am not qualified to talk about education."

"These people don't think I can say anything."

"But I'm here today, and as the last act of this whole lecture, what I want to say is.

"Education is closely related to everyone!!"

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and changed.

He already has a plan for how to express his next thoughts.

That is the shocking and famous sentence in the classic book of the previous life of the Bear Kingdom, "How Steel Was Tempered"!

Cheng Feng looked at the people in the audience, his eyes were bright and his voice was like a bell!!

"Human, the most precious thing is life!"

"Life belongs to us only once, and a person's life should be spent like this:"

"When he looks back on the past, he has no regrets for wasting his years, nor is he ashamed of doing nothing!"

"That way, when he is dying, he can say:"

"My whole life and all my energy have been devoted to the most magnificent cause in the world -

"Strive for the advancement of education!!".

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