As soon as Cheng Feng finished speaking, he immediately received applause from the whole room!

Not only the primary and secondary school students and teachers, but also the college students in Qingbei who love Cheng Feng!

Many teachers in Qingbei also stood up suddenly!

A thunderous applause for Cheng Feng!!

"That's very well said, Mr. Cheng!!"

"Strive for the advancement of education! What a touching sentence!"

This passage was taken from "How Steel Was Tempered" and was slightly modified by Cheng Feng to completely fit the theme of "education".

Let all education practitioners feel the same way!

In Cheng Feng’s words, education is not just a matter for Zhao Decheng and those in high positions!

It is a matter for every teacher and every person who is interested in the advancement of education!!

Relevant to everyone!!

The pattern suddenly reached the top!!

Influenced by the crowd, Qian Kun, Principal Song and other older generation education practitioners all stood up!

Send applause to this young man and express their respect from the bottom of their hearts!!

It’s not just Cheng Feng’s gorgeous writing style!

It was his explanation of university and education that put all of them to shame!!

Cheng Feng's ideological level is at least dozens of steps ahead of them!!

The atmosphere in the auditorium made Zhao Decheng pale!

He was like a withered leaf in a heavy rain, beaten to the point of being helpless!

No matter how he refused to believe the facts before him!

In order to get rid of Cheng Feng, he used so many 60% tricks!

Gather all the teachers together to write an article to deal with Cheng Feng!

He requested that the topic of the lecture be temporarily changed, and he chose the topic of "University and Education" which he was most confident in!

The result was still a disastrous failure!

His decades of academic accumulation and outlook on life were smashed to pieces by Cheng Feng’s three speeches!!

This is an unbearable humiliation for Zhao Decheng!

"Hoo, ho..."

Zhao Decheng, who had just taken antihypertensive medicine, was breathing rapidly again!

His face is getting grayer!

The assistant on the side quickly ran forward, pulled Zhao Decheng down, and took him to the lounge.

Everyone looked at this scene and felt mixed emotions in their hearts.

This arrogant and conceited professor from Qingbei has been beaten into this state in front of Cheng Feng, whom he despises!

When the host saw this, he hurriedly came on stage.

"Okay, then thank you two teachers for your wonderful speeches!"

"This is the end of this 'Dialogue between Two Generations' lecture!"

"I hope every student, and even everyone in society, can gain something!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the audience burst into applause!

And of course this applause is all for Cheng Feng!

The excited students all rushed to the podium and gathered around Cheng Feng, happily!

Many teachers had tears in their eyes when they saw this scene!

With this speech, Mr. Cheng can be said to have done a great thing (cafa) for the entire society and nation!!

Cheng Feng is really using his huge influence, talent and character to inspire all young people!

Principal Song, Qian Kun and others gathered around. His face was full of excitement.

"Mr. Cheng, thank you for bringing this speech to a successful conclusion!"

"Your words and deeds will definitely bring huge changes to the young people in this society!"

They responded with warm applause.

Cheng Feng said.

"Now that I have come to Qingbei, I have made up my mind to tell the world everything I think and think!"

Cheng Feng’s words again attracted admiration!

Those who resisted Cheng Feng still had numb expressions on their faces.

The tearful atmosphere in the auditorium was like a loud slap on their faces!

In the live broadcast room.

Cheng Feng’s fans immediately went crazy!

The channel in the live broadcast room can hardly bear it!

They were busy for a while, and then they all went out!

Leave the live broadcast room and rush to every inch of the Internet to rectify Cheng Feng’s reputation!

The atmosphere on the Internet has already been turned upside down with the end of the Qingbei lecture!

First of all, the slander about Cheng Feng as a "ghostwriter" has been self-defeating!

The articles published by those unscrupulous media have now been proven to be a slap in the face!

They can only delete the article in a panic!

But every media outlet was remembered by Cheng Feng’s fans!

They went to these media platforms and denounced them crazily!

Teacher Ma’s scarf from the Writers Association has become a playground for netizens!

Cheng Feng's fans are writing all kinds of weird things in his comment area!

Express their sarcasm!

There are those who write about Martian literature, there are those who pretend to be movie buffs to sell movies, and there are still people who directly call Teacher Ma an old and disrespectful person!

Teacher Ma could only close the comment area in silence!

Then, there was the shock caused by all Cheng Feng’s speeches!

Three speeches, Young Takiguni's Story, Hot Wind, and University!

It fully demonstrates Cheng Feng’s literary talent!

Classical Chinese, vernacular Chinese, Cheng Feng is at your fingertips!

Especially the last one, it only took ten minutes to create!

The ideological level of Cheng Feng’s speech also shocked everyone!

Scarf, D station, and Douyin were quickly dominated by Cheng Feng’s name!

All videos about Cheng Feng have been released and received a lot of views immediately!

There is a high school teacher who organizes students to recite Cheng Feng in groups. Young Takiguo said that after the video was released, the number of views quickly exceeded 800,000!

Cheng Feng’s thoughts caused a huge shock in society!

Cheng Feng is worthy of his role as a leader for young people!

And those who boycott Cheng Feng already hate Cheng Feng very much!

They saw themselves being beaten in the face by Cheng Feng, and saw everyone praising Cheng Feng!

They are like clowns!

So, they all took action!

In the auditorium, those who fell into the wind left the excited crowd and gathered in the corner.

A media editor said.

"People from our newspaper office will be here soon!"

someone else said.

"The reporter I contacted is already waiting inside and outside!"

"This time, we must defeat Cheng Feng! Otherwise, no one will think about it in the future!"

"Yeah, look at the Internet, how bad our reputation is?! Some young boys have already come outside our editorial building to scold us!"

The media editor waved his hand.

"Stop talking about those useless things! The top priority now is to make Cheng Feng surrounded by our people as soon as he walks out of the auditorium!"

"Whether we attack him or provoke him, as long as he says the wrong thing or does the wrong thing, we will have room for speculation!"

They are very confident about it.

Have great confidence in the resources you have!

They don’t care if the lecture fails!

As long as Cheng Feng makes a fool of himself in front of their cameras, they will immediately swarm in and eat him up!

When the time comes, black can also be said to be white!

In the era of traffic, the pen in the hands of reporters can kill people!

Some people think about it and think that if Cheng Feng is brought down, there may be an opportunity to eat all the traffic!

In the editorial office of Lanfang Sunday.

Editor Li asked angrily.

"Where is Xiao Liu? When can Xiao Liu arrive at Qingbei University?!!"

One person replied timidly.

"Xiao Liu has already taken people there, and we are here now!!"

Editor Li nodded fiercely!


He looked gloomily at Cheng Feng on the screen.

Their reporters have already driven to Qingbei University.

There are many other media outlets that have also sent people to kill Qingbei like crazy!!

They have made a comprehensive plan!!

Be sure to have cameras and microphones at your disposal when Cheng Feng walks out of the auditorium after the lecture, and use the most tricky questions to provoke him and attack him!!

As long as he says the wrong thing or loses his composure when provoked, then they can make Cheng Feng unable to speak at all!!

Under their media offensive, no matter how talented Cheng Feng is, he will definitely be pulled down!!

In the auditorium, Cheng Feng, who was surrounded by everyone, had long noticed those sneaky people hiding in the corners.

He is very clear about the vile behavior of these people.

But he doesn't care.

Do you want to use the media to block him and make him lose his composure?

Cheng Feng already has the answer in his heart.

In his previous life, the famous social activist Mr. Wen Yiduo once delivered a famous speech before being assassinated by a despicable enemy!

Now, facing these despicable people who use pens instead of swords, let Cheng Feng tell them with this "Last Speech"!

How can justice be killed by despicability!.

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