This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 280: What's wrong with being an honest person?

According to Nico's original words, before he obtained the "Jewish Book of Abraham", he was an ordinary wizard who had never been exposed to alchemy.

Vincent took out a magnifying glass, turned it up slightly and discovered the rough marks on the silk thread.

He had Nico's manuscripts and nearly six hundred years of research.

He also has Grindelwald's magic book, which contains hundreds of improved dark magic spells.

Not only is he a natural master of Occlumency, he is also a newbie with a full set of skill books.

Eric and Evelyn were arguing,

I found my precious son holding his robe and giggling.

"Did happiness come too suddenly and your brain was too excited?"

"Nonsense! I think he just deserves a beating, just let me clean him up!"

Only a few minutes had passed before Eric and Evelyn started to giggle as well.

"The title deeds to three gold mines and ten silver mines!"

"And the title deed to twelve acres in Devon!"

"Mom and Dad, can you please keep your voice down?"

"Yes, yes,

Don't let the goblin hear it. "

Bogrod outside actually heard nothing.

Every vault owner's protective measures are different.

Some of them have replication spells cast on them, and some even have fire spells placed on them.

out of sight,

Can't hear.

To the goblins, Vault No. 7 has always been the most mysterious.

"Mr. Bogrod—Mr. Bogrod!"

In a daze, Bogrorod opened his eyes as wide as light bulbs, "Ah - sorry, distinguished four guests.

The way the Wayne family looked when they came, they looked like when they left.

Just when passing the fire dragon, all four pairs of big eyes looked at it a few more times.

When they returned to the Marble Hall, they happened to meet the Granger family exchanging gold galleons.

"Hey - Chris!" Arthur also walked in from outside at this time.

Behind him were Molly and the Weasley children.

Fred and George ran up to Vincent with smiles on their faces.

"Dude, you never know how much we both miss you!"

"Is it a gift for missing me?"

"As expected of our good brother!"

Vincent politely thanked Bogrord and walked out of Gringotts with them.

"We'll be ready soon." Arthur extended an invitation to Wayne and the Grangers. "We'll finish later and let's go have a drink."

"Okay." Chris agreed with a smile.

Eric nodded with a wry smile.

"You'll never guess what just happened." George sat on the white steps outside.

"Harry said the wrong name when using Floo and went to Knockturn Alley next door."

"Is it Knockturn Alley where the dark wizard hangs out?"

He mysteriously pulled Vincent to sit down, "Harry also went to Borgin's and Burke's, a specialty store that specializes in black magic props.

Guess who he saw? "


"No." Fred on the other side cleared his throat, "Wayne, I will definitely tell my dad!"

"Pfft-" Vincent laughed, "Malfoy and old Malfoy?"

"That's right!" George looked around and said,

Then lower the volume,

“Instead of buying something, they’re going to sell something.

Dad went to search their house just the day before yesterday, but unfortunately Fudge stopped him. "

Vincent understood instantly, "Our minister is going to make a fortune."

Every family goes there once a year, and there are a lot of them in Jingalong.

"My dad said he would dig through those basements and secret passages next time."

Although he is benefiting from his son, Arthur's recent momentum is really strong.

As the person in charge of this investigation, most of the wizards who had made fun of Weasley kept their tails between their legs for fear of being targeted.

In the vast magical world, only some extreme pure-blooded men still go their own way.

What a pity, there is still waiting for them at Fudge.

Vincent finally saw it.

On the surface he is acting stupid, but secretly he is smarter than anyone else.

Not only can you make a lot of money, but you can also give it a good beating.

"Merlin's beard! We thought he was as greedy for money as the goblins!"

Fred and George had shock written all over their faces.

A small part of them were surprised by Fudge's political skills, and the rest were frightened by Vincent.

"I'd better not offend you in the future." George shook his body in an exaggerated way, "What if I get targeted by you?"

"I'm not a bad person."

"No!" Fred gritted his teeth and said, "Honest people are the most insidious, and Seid is the best example."

"He was forced out by you." Vincent shook his head, "Look at Quirrell, he is also an example."

Rita is very efficient,

A detailed report was published yesterday.

Chilo, who was honest and kind during school,

Why did he suddenly become a dark wizard who covets the magic stone?

She didn't say it clearly, but today she mentioned another famous dark wizard.

Antonin Dolokhov.

He was one of the first Death Eaters, fought in the First Wizarding War, and tortured a large number of Muggles and wizards who did not support Voldemort.

The most critical thing is that he killed Molly's two brothers, Fabian and Gideon Prewett.

The Weasleys arrived earlier than the Waynes, but they wasted a lot of time looking for Harry.

With Fred and George's condition, they probably haven't had time to read today's newspaper.

After chatting for a while, Eric, Arthur and Chris walked out side by side.

Several ladies and children followed behind, whispering.

"Meet at Flourish and Blotts in an hour!"

The three men walked towards the Broken Axe, talking and laughing.

The three ladies followed with a smile.

"Don't go to Knockturn Alley!" Molly suddenly turned back and glared at the twins.

They pouted and surrounded Harry, "Mom, we will keep an eye on him."

"It's you!"

Harry was stunned for a moment, "Come on, that was an accident."

"You have to be adventurous." George nodded at Vincent, who was walking in front, "Furakan, one of the most mysterious marine creatures."

Hermione, who was communicating with Percy about learning methods, quietly pricked up her ears.

"Hey - buddy, aren't you going to talk about those things?"

Vincent turned around, "The newspapers are all - well, this has to start with me helping Gugu lose weight."

North American jealous king Kenny and passionate Jennifer;

Miss Linyin, who becomes colder the more familiar she is;

Four Ilvermorny students who are like little transparent people;

Dean Graves with a hot temper;

Auror Sam who is always laughing.

"Wow - you actually met so many new friends!"

Fred looked heartbroken, "It turns out that new people are better than old ones, no wonder you replied to us so late."

Vincent smiled awkwardly, "No, I guess the owl got lost."

"Oh." Harry and Ron both believed it.

Fred and George thought about it carefully and thought it was very likely.

Everyone believed it, only Hermione didn't believe it.

Although it was difficult to explain clearly, she just knew that Vincent was avoiding the question.



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