This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 281: The New Unlucky Guy's Appearance

There are many things that can be done in an hour.

They are all children, and it is inevitable that they will be attracted by new things and fall behind.

Every time Vincent looked back, he would find that one person was missing.

When only Hermione was left, he knew that what was coming had finally come.

"Grown taller?" Vincent stood in front of her, "It's a pity that I have grown taller too."

Even though Hermione stood on tiptoe, she could only reach his nose, "I should have developed earlier than you."

"You don't exercise enough."

"Impossible!" She suddenly narrowed her eyes,

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"No." The smile on Vincent's face gradually disappeared, "I can't tell you, at least not now."

"You won't--" Hermione made a mouthful.

"Of course not." He looked at the second-hand shop, "Instead of worrying about me, you might as well worry about yourself."

Percy was reading an old book, "How the Prefect Gains Power" with relish.

Ron, who passed by, licked a mouthful of ice cream,

and then approached with curiosity.

He read aloud the description on the back cover: "Hogwarts prefects and their careers after leaving school - it sounds quite attractive."

"Go away!" Percy closed the book impatiently.

Hermione's mouth twitched slightly,

"The more competitors there are,

the more it proves that my choice is right."

"Don't fool yourself." Vincent continued to move forward, "We all have the possibility of becoming the people we once hated."

"Your eloquence has improved." She said and followed behind, "Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It depends on the person. Anyway, I will not become a person like Malfoy."

Crossing a fork in the road, both of them can see the crowded Flourish and Blotts bookstore.

A banner was pulled out from the upstairs window:

Gilderoy Lockhart signed and sold his autobiography "The Magic Me" -

Today afternoon 12:30-4:30

Vincent stopped where he was, "I think you will definitely hate yourself in the future."

"What were you talking about just now?" Hermione came back to her senses a little.

"Forget it, just pretend you didn't hear it."

She glanced at it in confusion, then turned her attention back to Flourish and Blotts.

The older witches were all crazy.

They were all amazingly powerful, and they could always squeeze out the young witches and come to the bookstore to get a whole set of books.

Lockhart's title of "Friend of Women" was completely established.

Vincent looked at his watch and found that the time had come to 12 o'clock.

The witches began to squeeze out with a more crazy attitude.

"You don't want to go?"

Hermione shook her slightly red face.

"Okay, then I'll slip away first."

Everyone has the right to pursue idols.

According to Rita's news, the vain Lockhart will definitely target him.

He doesn't want to be used as a mascot and appear in the headlines of newspapers with this person.

Not long after hiding, Molly appeared with a wind-like walk.

She was followed by Jane, but Evelyn was next to Eric.

Arthur and Chris's expressions were both envious and helpless.

Except for the Wayne family,

everyone here holds at least one of Lockhart's books.

At 12:30, he also showed up.

As high-profile as always,

as eye-catching as always.

Lockhart stood on the roof of the bookstore with a very bright smile on his face.

A scream that seemed to pierce the eardrums sounded instantly.

The same bright sunlight shone on the golden cloak behind him, reflecting the brilliance of the sun god.

Perfect appearance, perfect appearance.

In terms of pomp, it has to be Lockhart who opened his arms and jumped from the roof.

The people below caught him.

The middle-aged witches on the outside are blessed.

With the help of the shop assistants, the confused Lockhart was finally able to sit at the gorgeous desk placed at the door.

"Thank you for your support!" He looked at the crowd with a confident and charming smile.

Every witch can get his blessing when signing.

Eric and Evelyn walked into the alley where Vincent was staying.

They both highly praised this business ability.

"Although it's a bit disgusting, it's not worse than our pop king overall."

"It's much worse, Michael won't show off everywhere."

Eric nodded, "Now that you put it, I think he's even more disgusting."

They were not the only sober people present.

Lucius stayed in the alley next door with his wife and children.

"Dad, I hate this man."

"Draco, do you know why we stay here?"

"Because we are not the same kind of people as them."

"No, because the clown's performance is too hard, and our charity will be regarded as humiliation."

Draco was about to say that he understood,

the crowd outside the bookstore automatically parted to the side.

Lockhart held Harry's little hand affectionately,


we will definitely be on the front page."

Then he warmly embraced Fred and George, "Oh - long time no see, little guys!"

Hermione seemed shy.

She lowered her head, shook hands, and hid behind the twins.

"Merlin - I can't believe this!" George was kicked in the calf just after he finished making fun of her.

Just as Fred's laughter rang out, he was also hit very suddenly.

I haven’t seen her for a whole summer, and Miss Granger’s fighting ability has skyrocketed.

"Have you seen Wayne?" Lockhart waved to the short photographer.


It's hidden, but no one knows where it is.

"He will be very sorry."

The twins and Harry were holding back laughter.

It would be a real pity if we actually took a group photo together.

The photographer stood in front of the five people and clicked the shutter frantically.

Thick smoke from the camera drifted into the crowd, and Arthur and Chris just choked.

"I hate this guy."

"Me too."

The two fathers spoke in unison, but the mother stood in line like a little girl.

Fred and George, whose eyes were about to be blinded by the flash, saw the opportunity and slipped into the crowd with graceful posture.

Hermione lost their two human shields and blended into the crowd as quickly as possible.

Harry blinked, not expecting to be able to leave openly.

But as soon as he made a move, Lockhart hugged him warmly.

"Oh, the little guys are all shy——

I know you can't, right? "

Draco watched Harry's feeble struggle with disdain.

"Dad, there are more clowns."

Lucius nodded happily, "Keep it in mind at all times and don't lower your level."

Before answering "yes", Harry, who was firmly "clamped" by Lockhart, showed a painful expression.

"Dad, should we go there?"

"Wait a moment." Lucius immediately put away his smile.

After Lockhart took the photo, he didn't let Harry go.

“Ladies and gentlemen—” he waved to silence the crowd, “what an extraordinary moment this is!

I want to use this wonderful occasion to announce a small thing that has been suppressed for some days and has never been announced. "

Under countless expectant eyes, he looked at the helpless Harry next to him.

"On this day, young Harry and his classmates walked into Flourish and Blotts Books just to buy a copy of my autobiography.

I am willing to give this book to them for free on the spot, but they don’t know one thing——”

Harry was shaken by him and almost dropped his glasses that had slipped to the tip of his nose.

"They will soon have something more valuable than my humble work, My Magical Me.

That is to get a real, magical me! "

Lockhart faced the crowd, "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am here to announce with great pleasure and pride -

This September I will be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! "

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