This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 547 Final Exam

While the students were still staying up late to prepare for tomorrow's final exam on Transfiguration, the seven little ones had already eaten and returned to their respective dormitories.

Seeing that Vincent indeed brought delicious food, the three Nevilles believed his excuse.

What a good roommate, who dared to risk being caught by Snape - well, it wasn't really that dangerous.

It's a pity that under the careful care of Professor Sprout, the mandrake that can lift Filch and Mrs. Norris from petrification matured yesterday.

Madam Pomfrey must have brewed the medicine, so tonight is the last day for casual night walks.

"I hate it!" James swallowed a piece of stew with tears, "If only we could have thought of it earlier!"

Alfred also had regrets on his face, "I heard from senior students that if you come to Hogwarts, you have to swim at least once at night, otherwise your graduation will be full of regrets."

Vincent smiled awkwardly, "Don't be disappointed, there are still 5 years left, we always have a chance."

Neville, who was only focused on eating, nodded seriously.

Compared to the night tour achievements, he wanted to seize the time to review.

Fred and George also went over there. Cedric and Rolf's roommates were not bad students, and Daphne had no problem even more.

Hermione was slightly suspicious, but she brought back a lot of snacks, and Lavender and Parvati were both touched and ashamed in the end.

The mission was successfully completed without exposing anyone.

Early in the morning, the top students got up and washed up as usual.

Seeing the big dark circles on the faces of the poor students, most of them smiled confidently.

"She is definitely laughing at us!" Ron walked out of the auditorium angrily. ♦♦  ♦♦

Harry sighed and chased after her, "She's just cheering us up."

"Look -" Ron stopped and pointed at his two big dark circles, "Do you think she would be so kind to cheer us up?"

Harry pinched his thigh,

"Why not? She always shares class notes with us, and recently she revealed a lot of the contents of the final exam."

"I don't believe it anyway." Ron went upstairs angrily.

When Harry first met him on the train, he already knew that his good friend had a strong self-esteem.

Because of his family's financial problems, he didn't buy any snacks, but just brought his own sandwiches.

When it's time to demonstrate magic in an attempt to turn Ban Ben yellow, Vincent and Hermione come in looking for Lucky.

It's better to be embarrassed in front of friends you just met than in front of strangers you don't know.

If Vincent hadn't taken Hermione away in time, Ron, who was sensitive in his heart, would have hated her even more.

Because he cherished this friendship, Harry always took his self-esteem into consideration.

Always share snacks and never choose expensive gifts.

If he hadn't taken this into consideration, the wand that was about to break in two would have been replaced with a new one.

"Ron, wait for me!"

Walking into the Transfiguration classroom on the second floor, Mag was already standing on the podium with a serious face.

When all the second-year students arrived, she calmly stated the content of the exam:

"Conjure it and let it move. The more moves you make, the more points you get.

The fat blue man turned from parchment was dancing very funny steps, jumping and falling down in a particularly funny posture.

Ron's little face turned red instantly.

Fortunately, Harry's worst fears did not happen.

He wasn't angry, he just lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look at Hermione in front of him.

Vincent, who took the first exam, performed very well and should be able to get a perfect score of 320 points. An "o" cannot escape.

Then there is Neville. Although the fat blue man he transforms looks like him, he always turns black inexplicably.

It should be close to the passing line of 150 points, at least with an "A".

Both James and Alfred made some small mistakes, but they should be above 200 and can achieve the "E" level.

Lavender and Parvati, Seamus and Dean performed well and poorly, but at least they all got A's.

Next up was Hermione who was also doing particularly well.

The top student can take one O because he can only take one O, and the top student can take one O because the highest score can only be one O.

The most unexpected thing was Ron who made no mistakes throughout the whole process.

It would be perfect if Fatty Blue could be made more like him and his movements more natural and smooth.

Good friends behaved well, and with Hermione's careful guidance, Harry also behaved perfectly.

Perhaps it was because three Gryffindor students could get O, but McGonagall, the invigilator, finally stopped pouting.

Following Charms, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and History of Magic, a new Thursday brings the final Potions.

What makes the little snakes very excited is that Snape, who is said to have committed crimes and fled to the Antarctic, is back.

It was summer, and he was still wearing a black robe that was tight at the top and wide at the bottom.

His face was still sallow and his hair was still greasy.

Vincent, who was the first to pass the written exam in the second grade, started making fire retardants.

Of course it's not a master-level work that can prevent severe fire, but the potion he brewed can be called perfect.

Snape glanced at him coldly, and then wrote a number on the report card very conspicuously.

Anyone who is not blind can see that it says "320".

"Flattered" Vincent quickly left quietly.

If they stay any longer, Gryffindor students will surely suffer.

Draco gritted his teeth as he set up the cauldron and put the ingredients in it until he could no longer hear the footsteps.

My dean is back, so please be patient for a little longer.

As more and more students finished their exams and left, the second-year final exam ended at 10 a.m.

The seventh-grade "S" Ultimate Wizard Level Qualification Examination was held last weekend. When the sixth-grade students completed the exam in the afternoon, the 1992 school year at Hogwarts also came to an end.

At the dinner, Dumbledore told everyone a joke first.

Although no one was laughing, he spoke with gusto for two more.

After listening, Vincent was the first to yawn.

Then more and more students yawned uncontrollably.

Hermione didn't fight, but she endured it very hard.

Dumbledore looked at Vincent with somewhat resentful eyes.

Isn't it just that I'm nagging a bit in my old age, so I need to use psychological suggestion to make everyone subconsciously do the same thing.

"Well, I believe everyone is tired of waiting."

He set his sights on the four huge hourglasses at the entrance of the auditorium.

“Another year has passed and now it’s time to award the Academy Cup.”

The little badgers are all very open-minded.

"Fourth place, Hufflepuff with a total score of 468."

Most of the little snakes are quite proud.

Without the brilliant methods of their dean, they would definitely be at the bottom of the humiliation.

"Third place, Slytherin with a total score of 477."

Only 9 points away, Sprout looked at Snape with resentment.

"The second place is Ravenclaw with a total score of 752."

The eaglets and Flitwick were all smiling politely.

The Academy Cup is certainly important, but with their open minds, they are more willing to spend time specializing in knowledge that interests them.

"Then the one who won first place——" Dumbledore paused for a moment and spoke before the students could respond:

"They are Gryffindor with a total score of 873!"

Before the cheers of the little lions could start, countless Wess suddenly shot out from the Gryffindor table to swish and explode fireworks.

They exploded near the high auditorium ceiling, transforming into one random thing after another.

Snape just looked up and saw a giant round owl firework.

Needless to say, this must have been Vayne's little bastard's idea.

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