This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 548: Final Dinner

Filch, who had only been freed from petrification for a few days, could not believe the reality in front of him.

Not long after the dinner started, when McGonagall had just won the annual Academy Cup, countless fireworks suddenly exploded.

In his nightmare for more than half a year, he seemed to have this scene where sparks were flying everywhere.

That's right!

And there's red-headed Wes here to cause trouble!

After a round of fireworks, sumptuous food appeared on the long table.

Fred and George sat down, not intending to spoil their meal.

Judging from their slightly excited expressions, there should be a second round of Swish Peng Fireworks.

Dumbledore ate the pudding, occasionally raising his glass to take a sip with the professors.

Trelawney, drunkenly, put down an empty wine bottle.

She reached forward and accidentally knocked over three other empty bottles.

Snape, who was next to him, quickly ducked away.

"Oh, Severus?" Trelawney swayed closer,

"Merlin's sherry! When did you come back?"

Snape stepped back to the side in disgust, "I've always been there."

"Impossible!" She was so excited that she waved her hand forward.

"My third eye tells me that a series of unfortunate things will happen to you."

In some ways, it was indeed a series of misfortunes.

But this is hindsight.

Also, put down that bottle of sherry that slipped away!

"You're drunk."

Trelawney uncorked the bottle and smelled the fresh and elegant aroma, "No, Severus, I'm not drunk.

She suddenly straightened up and looked up at the ceiling.

Snape was stunned for a moment.

"Hiccup-" She hiccupped, then shivered with her head down,

"Today is truly a day to celebrate."

Filling her glass with wine, she drank half the glass in one go.

Snape's face was horribly gloomy.

In the past thirteen years, I have come here almost every year.

He hated the prophecy, but he couldn't ignore it.

"Severus—" Trelawney raised her glass, "To celebrate the end of your misfortune, why don't we have a drink?"

"No." Snape stood up and left the staff table with a dark face.

Can there be any reliable predictions from this crazy drunkard?

As he strode towards the door of the auditorium, several small round white objects fell on the long Slytherin table.

Draco was splashed with soup on his school robe.

"Who is it!"

Crabbe and Goyle put down the big chicken drumsticks in their hands and looked around with wary eyes.

Realizing something, Daphne quickly stood up and walked past Snape.

There was a loud "Peng" sound, and the bubble beans that expanded when exposed to water burst the soup bowl.

The soup spilled onto Draco's smooth and neat blond hair.

"Hahahaha——" Fred and George rolled on the floor laughing.

Draco touched his forehead, "Damn it Wes!"

Picking up a bubble bean the size of a Quaffle, he threw it hard at the Gryffindor table.

It flew almost right by Snape's big nose.

A few drops of soup fell on his greasy black mid-length hair, and also on his big, terrifyingly gloomy face.

With a "Hugh" sound, Bubble Bean flew over the heads of the little lions, smashed the window and flew out of the castle.

"Good shot!" Li raised a mutton chop to his mouth.

"Player Malfoy is indeed the ace of the Slytherin team. He can even play the role of pursuer!"

Draco clenched his fists, and just as he was about to say something, another splash of soup splashed him in the face.

There was more than one bubble bean, and this time it was Gower's big soup bowl that burst.

Pick it up with both hands and throw it hard.

"Peng——Peng Peng——"

Snape turned around as he pushed open the door to the auditorium.

The expected scene did not appear.

Bubble Bean seemed to be hit back by something, just in time to knock Draco down to the floor.

Judging from the metal bat held in Vincent's hand, the ball thrown by these hands was really accurate.

"Wow!" Li made a batting motion in an extremely exaggerated manner.

"Look at our player Wayne, he conjured a bat out of nowhere and hit the ball back to player Malfoy!"

Draco, who was helped up by Crabbe and Goyle, looked livid.


Snape sneered.

Let's fight, we must fight.

Moreover, it will be such a commotion that it will shock the world, make people cry, and cause some students to be expelled.

"Ding ding——" Dumbledore tapped the wine glass, and then pointed the Elder Wand at the Slytherin table.

The bubble beans that were still expanding quickly deflated.

"I think the carnival should be saved for the last weekend of the semester, which is tomorrow."

Vincent transforms the bat back into a Court of Owls badge;

Fred and George put a few small balls back into their pockets;

Li sat down and took a bite of the mutton chop in his hand;

Draco gritted his teeth and sat down.

Dumbledore at the staff table smiled, "The train will leave at 11 a.m. on Sunday. I would like to wish everyone a happy summer vacation in advance."

It's quite enjoyable now.

Although relatively speaking.

Snape walked out of the Great Hall door with low pressure, like an evil spirit.

Vincent shivered inexplicably.

He ignored Draco's eyes full of unwillingness and resentment, and met Dumbledore's eyes full of meaning.

When the principal speaks, he must still be given the face he deserves.

But in the early hours of the morning, it’s time to party to your heart’s content.

Owl Court Activity Room.

"Please welcome our Gwent champion to the stage!"

The innermost ring was temporarily replaced by a podium.

The students stood below, and they all applauded Luna with smiles on their faces.

She walked up to the podium quietly and took a trophy from Vincent.

The material is memory alloy, and the shape is Gugu holding up a Gwent card high.

The words "1992 Hogwarts Annual Champion" are on the card, and the name of Luna Lovegood is engraved on the base of the trophy.

"Congratulations." Vincent signaled her to take a closer look at the trophy.

Luna turned to the back in confusion and found a small string of symbols engraved on the tail feathers.

"Wayne, what are they?"

"Some simple little decorations."

She blinked her big eyes, "Will it show its original magical function after rearranging it?"

Vincent smiled and nodded.

The intuition of this little witch is always accurate.

He put the microphone back to his mouth, "Next is our runner-up!"

The whistles blown by Fred and George were particularly piercing, so sharp that they could not be covered by the mighty applause.

It felt like a tease, and also like a satire.

Percy walked up to the podium with red ears.

He took the iron-copper alloy trophy handed by Vincent and stood beside Luna without saying a word.

"Finally, our third place!"

Roger Davis raised a sterling silver trophy amid even more enthusiastic applause.

As the new captain of Ravenclaw Quidditch, he was tall and handsome and very popular among students.

"Okay, the award ceremony is over." Vincent pulled out his wand, "Let's have some music!"

The wall lamps turned into basses one by one, and more and more bass saxophone brass pipes appeared from the ceiling.

Accompanied by the automatic performance of the instruments, the entire activity room was shrouded in music with a strong sense of rhythm.



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