This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 57: Night Tours Are Addictive

The Fat Lady initially thought that the three children who went out for a walk every night could only visit the castle and have some late-night snacks.

Anyway, she often goes out to visit, so she just turns a blind eye.

But today, Vincent, known as Gryffindor's outstanding student, went out with a little girl under her nose.

"Merlin's beard, could it be for a date?"

When she reacted, the two figures had already disappeared in the corridor on the eighth floor.

"I hope that scene won't happen again..."

The fat lady thought for a moment, then suddenly disappeared from the portrait.

The gatekeeper of Gryffindor visited another portrait again.

Astronomy Tower.

Vincent, who was blowing the night wind, regretted it.

Miss Granger, who was usually serious and always said she couldn't break school rules, was actually getting more and more excited.

This is not a good sign.

He knew very well what would happen to a person who often suppressed his emotions and had no chance of venting them if he had the opportunity to let loose.

He was like this for the eleven years before he came to Hogwarts.

"Don't scream, it will attract Filch here."

Hermione at the tower turned back and glared, "I wouldn't do such a childish thing."

Vincent shrugged, "This place is pretty good, but it's easy to catch a cold if you stay here for a long time."

She straightened her hair, which was messed up by the wind, "Next place."


Entrance to the Ravenclaw Dormitory on the eighth floor.

"Is the Squib a wizard or a Muggle?"



"Then wizard."


Hermione, who failed twice in a row, was not discouraged at all, "Neither of them!"


The dormitory door opened a crack.

She closed the door gently with pride on her face.

“What can turn black into white?”





Hermione frowned slightly, "Paint."


Just when she started to think hard, Vincent, who couldn't stand it anymore, answered the question.



With a look of resentment and dissatisfaction, he closed the door naturally.

"It will occasionally ask questions other than magic."

"That's why I'm going to continue."

The eagle-shaped door knocker asked itself the next question, "Where does King's Cross Station lead?"

Just as Hermione was about to say the word "magic", she was pulled away by an impatient Vincent.

"Hey, let me answer three more questions."

"It's one o'clock in the morning now. I'm going to go back to sleep after my late night snack."

"Supper?" She shook off the big hand holding her arm, "You mean there is a kitchen in the school?"

"What if?

Do you think the food in the castle is made by magic? "

Hermione, who was not embarrassed at all, moved her little head to the other side, "Have you never considered disturbing the chef?"

It is wrong to interfere with other people's rest.

"Then I won't eat." Vincent suddenly turned around.

I obviously want to go and see it, but I just can’t say it.

“Except for the two dormitories on the eighth floor, the only ones left are Professor Flitwick’s office and the Divination classroom.

Which one do you want to go to? "

"Don't even go."

“Oh, there’s an empty classroom and boys’ washroom on the seventh floor.

Which one do you want to go to? "

Hermione turned her little head back, gritted her teeth and said, "Have a midnight snack."

"No problem." Vincent pouted and walked down the steps.

"Aren't you afraid of Filch and Peeves?"

Vincent tapped his forehead with his fingertips confidently.

Hermione turned her head away awkwardly.

If you have the courage to go out for a night out, are you still afraid of being caught?

"Filch has been patrolling the corridors on the fourth floor since the beginning of school.

As for Peeves, you should know that the curse words on the classroom blackboard are not written magically. "

Of course she knew she had asked a stupid question.

But that didn't stop her from letting out an extremely weak hum.

Vincent, who thought he had good hearing, heard it.

He didn't say anything, just quietly speeding down the stairs.

"Stingy guy..."

He also heard the thoughts coming from behind him.

With their familiarity with the castle, even if they didn't go back to get the Marauder's Map, the two of them could successfully reach the fruit portrait outside the kitchen.

Vincent stretched out his hand to scratch the pear, and held the doorknob that suddenly appeared while laughing.

"Come in." He opened the portrait door in a gentlemanly manner.

Hermione had no intention of cooperating.

Before she walked in, she raised her face and gave him a white look.

"Click -" Vincent closed the door behind him.

Without too much explanation, she could see the functions of the four long tables at a glance.

"Good evening, Mr. Wayne."

She followed the sound and saw that it was several house elves wearing shabby clothes.

"Good evening, Papa."

Vincent sat down in his old position with ease, "By the way, she is Hermione - Hermione Granger."

Papa pulled down his big bat ears that were drooping, "Papa knows Miss Granger, and Papa also moved her luggage into the dormitory."

Hermione's expression was extremely rich at this moment.

It only took a short time to go from confusion to shock to anger now.


She looked sideways at Vincent, "Do you think this is fair?"

"You can only accept it whether it's fair or not."

The situation of house elves in the wizarding world is sometimes worse than that of ordinary livestock.

Vincent pointed at Papa and the slightly frightened elves behind him.

"Here at Hogwarts, they can at least have one piece of clothing that is worn but not dirty.

If they stay in a wizarding family like Malfoy, they can only live like slaves. "

Hermione was shocked and pursed her lips tightly.

Not only could she not accept that the school would be "exploiting" house elves like other places,

It is even more unacceptable to accept that he has become an "accomplice" without knowing it.

"I know this is abnormal, but there are so many abnormal things in the wizarding world that I can't even count them."

Vincent, who tried to remain optimistic, drew out his wand, "Without it, wizards can't use more powerful magic.

What do you think is needed to make it? "

Hermione knew what he was trying to say.

Without the efforts of ancient wizards, the magical world would not be what it is now.

Maybe it will be better, maybe it will be worse.

She stroked her grapevine wand.

Inside, there is the heart nerve of a fire dragon as the core of the staff.

Even Ollivander, who made it, probably didn't know whether it died of natural or unnatural death.

"Because I saw it, I can't pretend that I didn't see it."

Vincent looked as if that was indeed the case.

The owners of Grapevine Wood are almost always wizards with lofty pursuits and far-sighted visions that always shock their friends who think they understand them.

Wands made from the heart nerves of fire dragons usually have stronger learning abilities than other types of wands.

But it is extremely fickle and the most adaptable to dark magic.

Although Hermione calmed down, her stubbornness did not diminish even a little bit.

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