This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 58 This midnight snack is so delicious

“We can’t change everything.

Vincent leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling with wandering eyes, "We are just little wizards who have just entered the first grade."

"Then I will become the most powerful person in the wizarding world."

Hermione's eyes were so determined that he looked back in shock.

"The first Muggle-born Minister of Magic in history..."

Shortly after taking office, the minister reportedly resigned due to a mysterious illness.


It's clearly a conspiracy.

Vincent chuckled and shook his head, "I didn't expect your condition to be more serious than mine~"

As soon as he lifted his solid leather shoes, he quickly stood up as if by reflex.

"..." Hermione walked over with a dark face.

"What do you want to do?"

"Stop you."

The dazed Vincent was pulled towards the kitchen door by her.

"Why can't I have a midnight snack?"

"You can't trouble them."

He suddenly stopped and said, "Should I be the head office myself?"

Hermione tugged several times but failed to move, "Just you?

Can you still cook? "Although she was extremely suspicious, she still let go of her little hand.

Vincent asked Papa confidently, "Can I cook something?"

"Of course, Mr. Wayne." Papa pointed to a small wooden door with some anxiety.

"I'll do it myself. ♡♢  ♦♦" Vincent came to the small door and used transfiguration to expand it to a size that could barely fit in.

Hermione followed suit.

"You want to steal some lessons?" He swept his wand over the unlit candles.

"I'm here to supervise you."

She looked at the lit candles, her expression becoming a little unnatural, "Lest you make this place a mess."

"I know the repair spell." Vincent looked at the ingredients that had been casted by the preservation spell, "What do you want to eat?"

"It's not bad to eat."

He turned to look at the tiny Hermione and thoughtfully picked out a few eggs.

After selecting tomatoes and noodles, he used a floating spell to levitate all the ingredients under a pair of extremely uneasy eyes.

"The kitchen knife is flying——"

An ordinary Western-style kitchen knife fell on his right hand.

"Clear water like a spring——"

The summoned water flow cleans the ingredients with the pull of the left wand.

Vincent then raised the kitchen knife sideways and quickly cut the tomatoes into slices.

The moment the egg shell was cracked open with the back of the knife, his left hand holding the wand pointed at a small bowl.

The small bowl floating under the egg whites and egg whites firmly caught them when they suddenly fell.

Tap the alder wand on the edge of the bowl, and they begin to swirl and stir on their own.

Hermione's little face looked a little surprised.

Regardless of whether the food he makes is delicious or not, just because he is proficient in using these simple magic spells, it is already a pleasing feeling.


The house elves outside couldn't help but applaud.

Vincent turned and bowed his thanks.

The clear water summoned again fell steadily on a large floating iron pot.

A few small candles floated over to boil the water, and all the dried noodles that were almost soaked fell into it.

"With or without pepper?"

Hermione, who was already stunned, shook her little head.

The alder wand drew a half-arc from top to bottom, and the tomatoes and the evenly stirred eggs fell into the iron pot at the same time.

A burst of sweet and sour smell made her swallow her saliva subconsciously.

Vincent looked back, and she suddenly moved her little face to the side.

How could he, who was born in a big foodie empire in his previous life, not be able to cook one or two simple delicacies?

Tomatoes, also known as tomatoes, are rich in vitamin C, malic acid, citric acid, fructose and other ingredients.

Eggs are rich in lecithin, which not only nourishes brain nerves and improves the activation of brain cells. In addition, sterols, lecithin, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other elements can also serve as nutritional reserves for the body.

The starch, amino acids, vitamins, calcium ions and iron ions contained in dried noodles can effectively soften blood vessels, prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and can also increase bone strength to a certain extent.

When these three simple ingredients are combined, incredible and wonderful effects will occur.

If tomato and egg noodles had levels, he could call himself the master of magic without pride.

The main color is the red of Gryffindor House, with sporadic yellow as an embellishment, and the smell is even more exciting.

Hermione couldn't believe that the big boy in front of her could actually cook, and the food he cooked looked decent.

Vincent waved his wand again, first put the tomato and egg noodles in the iron pot into a large bowl, and then placed them and the cutlery firmly on the tray.

"You can eat." He walked over to Hermione.

She nodded numbly, "I can't eat so much."

"You can do it."

She walked out of the small wooden door and sat at the long table.

Vincent turned around and walked in again.

"What else do you want to do?"

"Let's continue making midnight snack~" He spread his hands and looked at the house elves with a smile.

Hermione held the silver fork and rolled up a handful of noodles with a complicated expression.

The sweet and sour taste in her mouth made her widen her big brown eyes.

This is undoubtedly delicious, and the more you eat it, the more delicious it becomes.

Being accustomed to frozen and canned food, she discovered that food without condiments can be made delicious.

Unknowingly, she raised the big bowl after finishing the noodles.

He drank every drop of the light red soup, burped and showed an extremely satisfied smile.

At this time, Vincent happened to come out with another bowl.

"You spent fifteen minutes just to cook another one of the same thing?"

"Of course not." He sat opposite her, "I slowed down the process and said what needed attention."

Hermione looked at the large amounts of three ingredients floating in the wooden door, and noticed the smiling faces of the house elves who controlled them.

"Can't you cook it for them?"

Vincent held up the silver fork, "Not to mention there are hundreds of them, even if I make it, they won't eat it."

"Why?" Hermione frowned, "We are not their masters."

"Because of the natural fear of wizards." He skillfully rolled up a handful of noodles. "This has been engraved in their genes."

Hermione lowered her head.

She originally thought that after becoming the Minister of Magic, the situation of the house elves under the mandatory regulations would definitely become better than it is now.

But what Vincent said reminded him of the most crucial point.

As long as the house elves' deep-rooted thoughts do not change, even if all wizards treat them well, they will only be able to solve the superficial problem.

Hermione suddenly raised her head and stared at Vincent who was dining.

"Are you changing their minds?"

He swallowed the noodles slowly, "I've been doing this since the first time I saw them.

Do you know about the liberation movement in America?

They need a leader, a truly free-thinking leader. "

Hermione nodded thoughtfully, looking away from his face with a smile.

"I don't hate you now, Vincent Wayne."

"Should I be honored?"

"What do you think?"

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