This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 766 The Damned Prophecy

The Defense Against the Dark Arts exam is over, followed by the Divination exam in the north tower.

All the curtains in the classroom were drawn, and there was even a fire burning in the fireplace, filled with smoke.

There is no sense of mystery at all. On the contrary, it is stuffy and hot, making people just want to get away from this ghost place as soon as possible.

When the students came outside the classroom, Trelawney was spinning around in circles.

He was still mumbling words, so he was probably performing some mysterious divination ritual.

Hermione had a completely different opinion about Lavender's statement.

This divination professor who likes to play tricks must be worried that there will be too few students taking elective courses next semester, so he specially put on a performance that he thought was wonderful.

"Ah-" Trelawney suddenly screamed and fell limply to the floor.

This is too hard.

Just when Hermione was wondering what she was going to do next, Vincent quickly walked into the classroom with a confused look on his face.

"The false Dark Lord..."

Trelawney was lying flat on the ground, her eyes were blank, and she was muttering something in a low voice.

Vincent half-crouched and put his ear close, trying to hear what she was talking about.

“A servant…the most faithful servant is helped by another servant…to break free of the chains that bind him…

The false Dark Lord will return with the help of his two servants...even more powerful...and more terrifying than before..."

Trelawney suddenly grabbed Vincent's arm and recounted the last part of the prophecy word for word:

"The real Dark Lord is about to show his terrifying power... bring long-lasting darkness and fear... completely shatter all rules and order..."

She let go and tilted her head to the floor.

But she raised her head very suddenly and looked at Vincent in front of her with wide eyes.

"Mr. Wayne?"

Vincent quickly calmed down from the shock and stretched out his hand to her gracefully, "Professor, are you okay?"

The confusion on Trelawney's face disappeared instantly, "Oh, something went wrong while I was communicating with the Third Eye."

She grabbed Vincent's hand and stood up, "Please don't worry about me, this is normal."

She moved her hands and feet to signal to the students outside that she was fine.

"So that's it." Vincent walked out of the classroom thoughtfully.

The false Dark Lord should refer to Voldemort. As for the two servants...

He was more concerned about the last part of the prophecy than these.

Showing the power of terror? Bringing darkness and fear? Shattering rules and order?

What is going on!

I planned to enjoy the joyful campus life in the next four years, but why did the damn prophecy always come to cause trouble?

If you do this, it's easy to have an explosive state of mind.

Hermione had been keeping an eye on Vincent.

His face didn't look right, he seemed a little crazy and a little depressed.

If you don't know him too well, it's really hard to see his irritability and uneasiness.

She moved her gaze to the classroom. Trelawney was holding a black curtain, probably preparing for the exam.

As far as she knew, the old liar actually had something.

Is it a prophecy?

I'm afraid that the content can make Vincent behave like this...

"Okay!" Trelawney's voice disrupted her thoughts.

The black curtain had surrounded a table, and Trelawney stood in front holding a crystal ball and looking at the students.

"Whoever's name I call will go in for the exam."

After she finished speaking, she got into the curtain.

"Harry Potter!"

It took about 5 minutes before Harry came out.

His eyes were squinted by the smoke from the fireplace, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Hermione Granger!"

Hermione walked into the classroom and opened the black curtain, looking back at Vincent, who was frowning.

"Sit down, darling."

She suppressed the worries in her heart and sat opposite Trelawney.

"Please look at this crystal ball, look carefully and slowly, and then tell me what you saw."

Hermione leaned forward and gazed into the crystal ball in front of her.

Except for the white mist that was constantly spinning inside, nothing could be seen anymore.

"Professor, I can't see anything."

"Ah?" Trelawney's expression quickly calmed down, "My dear, that's because you are confused about your future."

Hermione twitched her lips.

The old liar does have something, but not much, and not now.

"My dear, please take a closer look."

Hermione endured the suffocating smoke and opened her eyes wide, looking extremely carefully.

"Professor, I still can't see anything."

Trelawney's expression was not good, "My dear, it seems that you have no qualifications to be a prophet at all."

"Oh." Hermione just wanted to get out of this hellish place as soon as possible.

Of course Trelawney knew that she was impatient, "Please go back and read more textbooks, it will be of great help to you."

"Goodbye, Professor." Hermione stood up, opened the black curtain, and walked out of the classroom without looking back.

"Vincent Wayne!"

She came to Vincent and said, "Don't pay attention to what Professor Trelawney said. I just told the truth that my grades were not ideal."

If you can get good grades by just talking nonsense, then it’s okay not to take this divination class.

Vincent forced a smile, "I will also tell the truth."

He walked into the classroom, lifted the black curtain, and sat down generously.

"Dear, please look at this crystal ball carefully and slowly, and then tell me what you see."

Vincent leaned over and stared at the crystal ball.

Like Hermione, apart from the white mist that kept spinning inside, nothing else could be seen.

"Professor, I can't see anything."

"Ah? Why again--" Trelawney took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"Dear, that's because you are confused about your future."

Vincent twitched his mouth.

He was 100% sure that Trelawney had just said the same thing to Hermione.

"Dear, please look carefully again."

It was already very careful and careful.

Even without the smoky smoke from the fireplace, Vincent was extremely sure that he couldn't see anything.

"That's a pity." Trelawney sighed, "Dear, it seems that you don't have the qualifications to be a prophet at all."

Vincent said "Oh" softly.

Two consecutive students who didn't give her a little face, Trelawney's expression management was on the verge of collapse.

"Please go back and read the textbook more. It will be of great help to you."

"I will, Professor."

He still saved some face, although not much.

"Ron Weasley!"

Hermione left the North Tower with Vincent in tacit understanding.

Although they did not get good grades in Divination, neither of them regretted telling the truth.



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