This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 767: Old Bitch Deng must have some hidden agenda

Divination is the last exam in the morning, and there are Herbology and Charms and History of Magic in the afternoon.

There are several elective courses such as Care of Magical Creatures tomorrow. The two who have chosen all the courses will take all the exams without missing a single one.

Before going to the Great Hall for lunch, Vincent thought it necessary to tell Dumbledore about the prophecy.

"Hermione, do you want to come?"

She shook her head, "I'll wait for you in the Great Hall."

She has really changed a lot because she can resist her strong curiosity.

She didn't even ask about the content of the prophecy. If it was "last year" in the second grade, she would at least ask about it indirectly, if not digging deep.

People grow up and become more mature.

Vincent came down from the North Tower alone and walked quickly to the corridor leading to the gargoyles on the eighth floor.

No password is required, the access control opens automatically.

Go up the spiral staircase and knock on the door before entering the office.

"Come in."

Vincent walked into the principal's office.

Dumbledore actually has a guest, old man Newt, who he met yesterday.

"Hello, Mr. Scamander."

Newt nodded at him, "It seems I need to step aside."

Dumbledore saw Vincent's serious expression and knew that there must be something important.

"Newt, let's talk another day."

When old man Newt left the principal's office, Vincent immediately took out his wand and closed the door, completely isolating the surrounding space.

"Oh-this is quite advanced magic." Dumbledore smiled at him, "It seems that you have gained a lot this year."

Vincent sat opposite him and went straight to the point without answering: "Professor Trelawney has a new prophecy."

The smile on Dumbledore's face disappeared instantly, "About whom?"

"Voldemort and his two servants."

The most loyal servant will get the help of another servant to break free from the chains that bind him.

And Voldemort will make a comeback with the help of the two servants, stronger and more terrible than before.

Vincent did not say the second half of the prophecy.

This is his own business, and he doesn't want anyone to interfere.

Dumbledore was silent for a long time, "Does anyone else know?"

"Hermione guessed it, but she doesn't know the content of the prophecy."

Another servant had no clue, and the most loyal servant who was still chained...

Those on the top floor of Azkaban?

Dumbledore's face became more and more solemn, "Thank you for your information, I think I may be busy recently."

Not only do we have to look for clues to the Horcrux, but we also have to pay attention to Harry's condition, and now we have to be wary of Voldemort's two servants.

Compared to these, the Ministry of Magic's previous intervention in Hogwarts is simply not worth mentioning.

The words have been brought to Vincent, and he thinks it's time to leave.

But just as he stood up, Dumbledore called him.

"Vincent, you are an adult, right?"

"Huh?" Confused, Vincent looked down at his watch.

June 7, 1998.

The time added by the time converter is exactly four years.

Vincent's face was full of vigilance, "Professor, I'm still more than a month away from adulthood."

Dumbledore, who smiled but didn't say anything, looked at him with a scare.

This old bitch Dumbledore is definitely going to plot against him again!

"Professor, I'll leave first if I'm fine."

After saying that, he disappeared like a gust of wind.

Dumbledore shook his head, "This is a great thing."



In the Great Hall,

Vincent sat down at the Gryffindor table with an unhappy face.

First, Trelawney's prophecy, then Dumbledore's plot, all the good mood of the whole day was gone.

No matter how delicious the lunch was, he couldn't taste anything.

Even if the dessert was a scone that was so sweet that it was greasy after a small bite, he didn't taste anything special after a bite.

Neville next to him thought that there was not enough sugar in the scone today. He took a big bite and it was so sweet that he quickly drank half a bowl of clam bacon soup.

James and Alfred finally noticed the abnormality.

"Old Wen, what's wrong with you? Is it because of the old liar?"

"I guess so."

The whole dormitory told the truth in the divination test. I think Vincent should be depressed because he didn't get a good grade.

James shook his head and sighed, "I really don't understand the world of you academic masters. It's just that you failed a Divination course. Neville and I both failed two courses."

If Lupin hadn't been so kind and gave all of them "O", I'm afraid that I would have only passed one of the four exams in the morning, Transfiguration.

"Ah..." Vincent also sighed.

Sometimes he really envied his poor roommate.

Live a relaxed life, do whatever you want, and only worry about grades at the end of the semester.

"Why are you sighing?" Hermione came over.

James and Alfred kept winking at Neville.

Seeing him stunned, the two simply pulled him up.

"Old Vin, let's go to the greenhouse first."

When Neville was pulled away, he was still staring at the scone he had only eaten a bite of, "Old James, Alfred, I'm not full yet."

"Stay any longer, you won't be able to eat anything."

Even if there was no dog food, the looks from the girls were enough to creep him out.

Hermione sat down, "Didn't you tell Professor Dumbledore about the prophecy? What's there to worry about?"

"Actually..." Vincent paused.

It's not that he doesn't trust her, but the second half of the prophecy is too scary.

Even Voldemort can only be a false Dark Lord, what will he, the real Dark Lord, face at that time?

Once the prophecy comes true, all his relatives and friends will definitely be watched closely.

"Actually, I'm not worried about the prophecy. I'm worried about why Professor Dumbledore specifically asked me if I'm an adult."

"Hmm..." Hermione lowered her head and thought.

What things in the wizarding world require adults?

She suddenly blushed and shook her head fiercely,

"Uh... Could it be that he saw that you were too leisurely recently, so he deliberately asked this question to make you worry about yourself?"

"Ah?" Vincent shuddered subconsciously.

Although Dumbledore was an old man in his heart, he was not boring to this extent.

Just like suggesting that he take all the courses last semester, since it was specifically asked, there must be a deep meaning.

Vincent let out a long sigh, "Never mind, I will know sooner or later anyway."

The same is true for the prophecy.

It's not his character to tie himself up in a cocoon.

Instead of scratching your head here alone, it is better to take action first and be fully prepared.

Hermione's mouth corners slightly raised.

This is the Vincent she knows.

No matter what kind of problems and difficulties he encounters, he can always maintain an optimistic and positive attitude to come up with solutions.

Full of security, people can't help but want to rely on him.

"The Herbology exam is about to start." Vincent's eyes left the watch, "Let's go."

Hermione ignored the hostile looks from the girls and walked out of the hall quickly with him.



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