This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 86: Quirrell is not a suspect

After personally escorting the four satisfied little lions back to the dormitory, Dumbledore and Snape both walked downstairs.

"Severus, this is an extremely dangerous form of dark magic."

"He is smart and knows how to use strong fire to burn all the blood."

Snape's tone was slightly mocking, "You haven't thought about him being a dark wizard, have you? He's even much stronger than some people."

"I definitely wouldn't have thought of it." Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "Quirinas had always been well behaved before, but he only had the aura of dark magic in his body since he came back from vacation.

He said he met a vampire, don't you think I should believe it? "

Snape did not answer this question, "Wayne hit him five times. Even if the wound has healed, there will definitely be some traces left."

Dumbledore stopped in front of an office on the third floor.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Quirinas, are you asleep?"

"Ah - I haven't - not slept yet -"

Snape squinted.

Although there is no evidence, the person inside is always the most suspicious.

"Bang - da - bang -"

After there was a lot of noise in the office, Quirrell timidly opened a gap.

"Good evening."

Snape pulled the door open with a grim expression.

Quirrell, who was wearing a long alcohol-scented scarf and purple-red striped pajamas, was so shocked that he fell to the ground.

"Severus, you, you, you..."

"Get up and take off your clothes!"

Seeing him standing up awkwardly, Snape pulled his pajamas off.

"Turn around!"

Quirrell shrank his head back and turned around tremblingly.

When the pajamas were taken off, Snape's whole face was covered with them.

It's white and has no scars.

"Turn back!"

The shoulders are smooth, not even wrinkled.

Snape looked at Dumbledore, who was staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Pants off!"

Quirrell clamped his legs and took a step back, squeezing his neck, "This-this is not good."

"Do you want me to come in person?"

He quickly bent down and put his hands on his pants.

"Take it all off?"

"To the knees!"

As soon as Snape finished yelling, the same purple-striped pajamas slipped down to his knees.

Dumbledore was still looking at the ceiling.


Snape stood up again and glared at Quirrell, who was only wearing his underwear.

There were no signs of any gunshot wounds, only a few red marks that seemed to have been caused by a recent fall.

The black magic aura was also very weak, and it didn't look like it had been used up just a short time ago.

Sometimes being too unsuspecting can actually become the most suspicious point.

Quirrell bowed and hugged his arms, taking another step back in fear.

With a "pop" sound, he tripped over his pajama pants that were pulled down to his knees.

Dumbledore glanced briefly, then continued looking at the ceiling nonchalantly.

"You-don't come here."

Quirrell moved all the way to the desk, "I-I-I just keep taking off my clothes."

Snape laughed again.

He smiled darkly, "I'm not interested in you."

"This - this is it." Quirrell took back his hands on his pants.

"Untie the scarf on your head."


Dumbledore lowered his blue eyes.

The long scarf was slowly untied.

Snape, who squinted his eyes, saw a shiny bald head and immediately walked around behind him.

The back of the head is quite bright and a little dazzling.

Now only one part remains.

But Snape had just finished saying that he was not interested.

"That's enough, Severus." Dumbledore held out his hand to Quirrell.

"I'm sorry, Quirinus.

A dark wizard appeared in the Forbidden Forest. Can you tell me where you were just now? "

After Quirrell got up, he picked up his pajamas with some anxiety.

"I actually—actually have the habit of sleepwalking."

Snape narrowed his eyes and stared at his big butt, "Sleepwalking? Where's the Batman you told me about last time?"

"That-that's actually me."

Quirrell put on his pants with a slight blush, and then covered his lower body with his pajamas.

"You?" Snape met Dumbledore's gaze.

“I had a dream at the beginning of school—when I was sleepwalking, I met a mysterious person.

I was injured in the back, so I thought of going to your office to get some potions. "

This was a good reason, but Snape always thought something was wrong.

His intuition told him that the guy who was said to be dressed like a bat must be Vincent who was just pretending to be stupid.


Who sleepwalks and dresses like a bat?

Not bad for a night trip!

"Where's your wand?"

Quirrell looked sideways at the desk.

There lay peacefully a nine-inch alder wand.

Snape picked it up and looked at it.

There are no breaks or traces of transfiguration.

What's more important is that the entire wand is very new, with no hint of black magic or killing curses.

As we all know, a ruined wand cannot be repaired.

No matter how powerful the magic power is, it is only superficial.

"Use your wand to cast magic."

Under the gaze of two pairs of big eyes, one black and one blue, Quirrell slowly waved his wand towards the office.

"Clean up--"

Some messy books flew up and were automatically arranged neatly on the bookshelf.

Snape's face fell.

This alder wand seems to be really undamaged.

"I'm sorry, Quirinus.

Please forgive our rudeness for disturbing us late at night. "

"No-it's okay."

Dumbledore politely apologized and walked out of the office.

Before Snape left, he glanced at Quirrell, who was holding his pajamas, firmly covering his lower body.

As far as he knew, there were only two wizards in the entire British Isles who could heal their injuries to such an extent and be able to cast spells without a wand.

One is Dumbledore next to him, and the other is the person who has disappeared for eleven years and cannot even be named.

"Severus, do you have anything to say?"

"I only have one sentence."

Snape tightened his robes tightly, "Quickly cancel your plan to become a savior.

Even if it's not that person who appears in the Forbidden Forest tonight, Quirrell must have a deep connection with him. "

Dumbledore stopped and said, "Indeed.

Quirinas seems to have no suspicion, but this is precisely the biggest suspicion. "

"You're not going to expose him?" Snape said in a sarcastic tone, "Oh, yes.

You are Dumbledore, the great wizard who cannot make any decisions based on subjective guesses. "

"Don't be angry, Severus."

Dumbley's blue eyes seemed to be able to penetrate his thoughts, "Everyone deserves a second chance. This is the creed that I have been pursuing for many years."

Snape tilted his head and said, "I think Wayne is pretty good. The Disillusionment Curse is not a magic that first-year students can learn."

"Don't worry, I won't let Harry take any chances."

Dumbledore finished speaking and walked upstairs.

After hearing this, Snape, who had a very complicated expression, turned around and wanted to say something more.

But until the other party's back completely disappeared, he was unable to speak out.

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