This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 87 The Correct Use of the Marauder's Map

Not long after Dumbledore and Snape left, Quirrell collapsed to the ground in the office as if from exhaustion.

"Get up! You idiot-"

He turned over weakly, with three gunshot wounds vaguely visible on his back.

"Hiss - Master, please slow down."

The wound without blood was pale, like a piece of dead flesh being peeled off.

This is a very advanced body transformation technique that can completely hide wounds.

Quirrell, grinning in pain, finally understood why his master's nose looked so much like a Muggle socket.

The transformation technique that can permanently change the body made him feel as painful as when he was in Albania.

When the meat on his back was completely peeled off, his rather big butt wriggled upwards little by little.

An ugly lump of flesh returned to the back of his head, gradually forming half of a hideous face.

Voldemort's mouth opened slightly, and an extremely strong aura of dark magic enveloped Quirrell.

His pale and smooth skin quickly became wrinkled, and even the sideways half of his face looked much older.

"Master, my body..."

"Seven days, you only have seven days left."

Quirrell supported the ground and tried to stand up, "I-I don't have any strength."

"Not even unicorn blood can save you now, Quirinus."

"Master, where are the tears of the phoenix?"

"You have damage caused by dark magic in your body. There is only one way to survive."

Quirrell was trembling all over, and cold sweat was flowing down his bald forehead.

Transforming the body into a being between life and death can indeed offset the rejection of possession and the side effects of using black magic.

But this is evil and irreversible.

"Dumbledore's magic is indeed very powerful, but I have gone further than anyone else on the road to immortality."

Voldemort's voice was full of temptation, "Quirinas, I can give you a better body."

"Master, what price should I pay?"

"Your loyalty, your soul, your everything."

Quirrell pressed his forehead hard against the ground, breathing heavily.

"My respected master, I am willing to give everything I have."

"Very well." Voldemort grinned.

"Hold my wand, Quirinus."

"As you command, my master."

Gryffindor Tower.

"Um - why is Professor Dumbledore always running in circles?"

"It's probably Lao Han's leg that's having an attack."

"Then there's no need to just go back to the principal's office and leave it like this."

Vincent was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Prongs, Moony, Wormtail, and Padfoot don't sound like serious people.

Dumbledore had been the principal for so many years, so he might not have known about the existence of this map for a long time.

"Really?" The twins were stunned.

It turned out that it was not because the place they picked was bad, but because they were reversely tracked out of position.

George quickly threw the map on the table.

It's so scary, so scary.

Your principal is indeed your principal, nothing can be hidden from him.

"Don't worry, he didn't say anything tonight." As soon as Vincent touched the map, he noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Hermione nudged his shoulder.

"Querrell—Querrell is gone."

"He was clearly still there just now!"

She lowered her head and looked at the location on the third floor. Sure enough, Quirrell's name disappeared.

"He may have gone out." Fred turned the map to his side.

Quirrell's name is nowhere to be found.

"Did he find out? And he hid his name?" George glanced at Vincent.


If Voldemort was a natural master of Legilimency, then it would not be impossible to discover that he was a natural master of Occlumency.

And Dumbledore had thwarted this man many times, so how could he reveal his thoughts?


When Vincent watched "The Philosopher's Stone" in his previous life, basically all the characters appearing in it were spoiled by barrages.

Who would walk around with a dragon egg? Newt.

What bottle is Hagrid guarding? Jar.

Why is there a ghost sitting in front of Mag? Even if you die, you will have to take a make-up exam.

Welcome to "Hermione and Her Useless Men\

,"Harry's house was turned into a cat cafe,

Voldemort's nose is still there and stuff like that.

The key is a tongue twister that came up when Snape took the blame:

Voldemort always thought that Snape was his spy, but in fact Snape was Dumbledore's spy. This shows how smart Snape is! The information he provides to Voldemort must have a certain value to gain Voldemort's trust, but must not provide real important information and bring danger to Harry Potter...

Anyway, this is a long list, and he has no idea of ​​reading it all.

Therefore, Snape, the double agent, is almost certainly a master of Occlumency.

If the Marauder's Map had been exposed last time, there would be no need to wait until now to hide the name.

Vincent looked at the map and suddenly remembered that Voldemort's name had never appeared on it.

"If Dumbledore is deliberately going around in circles to tease us, why is Quirrell doing it?"

Fred smiled and shrugged, "Who knows, maybe he's teasing us too~"

"Is it possible that it can't be detected?" Hermione scanned the entire map.

The names of the Googoos in the Owlery outside the castle can be seen, which shows how powerful the magic exerted by the Marauder's Map is.

Fred and George looked at each other and told them what happened when they studied the password.

The thoughts of the four makers, Prongs, Moony Face, Wormtail, and Padfoot, are actually preserved in the map like the Sorting Hat.

The twins did not find the password on their own, but deduced it from the clues they provided.

"Well..." Vincent held the SAS commando dagger, "Your name is Lucy."

There is an extra name on the map, and it overlaps with him.

"!!!" The three of them looked at him dumbfounded.

"Wait for me."

Vincent seemed to understand something and quickly returned to the dormitory with the map.

He opened the big box under the bed and named each of the items inside.

However, their names do not appear on the map.

"What did you say?" George stood up excitedly.

Vincent, who returned to the common room, raised the Marauder's Map in his hand, "It cannot show things that the maker doesn't know about, or things that cannot be plotted in the first place."

Hermione's mouth twitched, "What exactly did you ask your parents to send?"

"Ahem -" Vincent pretended to be stupid: "But we can track the scarf wrapped by Quirrell."

"What if he wasn't wearing one?"

"Then pick something he'll have with him at all times."

"Eh, that's so disgusting~" The twins tightened their clothes.

One is that Quirrell turned into some kind of unknown existence, and the other is that he relies on certain personal items to track him.

"Professor Dumbledore already knows that something is seriously wrong with him, and I don't think we all need to worry about it anymore."

Although the twins and Hermione were a little reluctant, since Quirrell was a dark wizard that even Snape couldn't handle, they would only be doing a disservice if they persisted.

A true Gryffindor is brave, not overestimated.

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