This is a Miracle

Chapter 169 Credentials, see for yourself!

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【You killed Haxa, right? It was you who killed him. 】

'It wasn't me, I didn't kill it. ’

'It's not me. ’

When such a question was put before him for the first time, Haierbo's heart trembled slightly.

But he Han Kuai calmed down and started to defend himself carefully. He didn't kill his 'companion', he really didn't.

[To kill, sometimes you don't need a sword, a pen, or even a word. 】

[From the time of drinking porridge, you have been actively waiting for him to make a fool of yourself, and then you can crush him]

[Once, twice, three times, you create opportunities, create atmosphere, in order to isolate him]

[So what is this called? Cold violence? Or bullying? 】

'Why do you say that. ’

'You, you are talking nonsense! ’

Why do you say that to him, he didn't do anything.

did nothing!

[When His Majesty heard that he had trespassed into the magic forest, in front of him was filled with advice from the Aden family, the goblin family, and the tree elves family—kill Haxar! 】

When Bai Luo saw this, he immediately understood.

Someone is manipulating the atmosphere, and someone is setting a dead end for Haxar step by step, forcing him to violate Aden's law.

Otherwise, with Haxa's character, he would endure it no matter what.

But Haierbo's hand in the cafeteria became the last straw that broke him.

It is impossible for Bai Luo to give a chance to a person who is hated by everyone and has stains.

So he didn't say anything and didn't need to.

Everything, just follow the rules. . .


Haierbo's body trembled with horror,

He forcibly restrained, and even let go of the scepter, just to hold the hand holding the national letter.

The young man prayed in his heart that it would calm down and stop trembling.

However, the people present were all powerful children of miracles, how could they not see Haierbo's situation at this time.

Although it's not clear why.

But he was really scared.

'Will not. ’

'Will not! Will not! ! ’

'The teacher won't count me here! ’

Haierbo kept breaking out in cold sweat on his forehead, and his original calmness and calmness were completely subverted at this moment: 'This is the diplomacy of a big country, this is Aden's diplomacy! Even a teacher can't be joking here! ’

Bai Luo personally promised him.

Killing him is equivalent to declaring war on Aden, and they will never die.

No matter what, the old uncle could not let Bai Luo fall into the dilemma of starting a war or breaking his promise.

He must be joking!

Or, it's just a little test, a test.

Yes, it must be!

It's because he didn't realize it, because he wasn't smart enough to take into account the old man's thoughts.

'Look, look for it. ’

Haierbo gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down: 'Clues, there must be clues left for me, there must be! ’

"This kid is shaking."

"It seems that the donkeys are out of skill."

"Another little guy who can only play tricks, Your Majesty, cook him, just like the previous ones."

"Hey, I haven't seen anyone struggling in the frying pan for a long time."


The laughter and abuse of the demons kept echoing in his ears, but Haierbo couldn't hear it. He was completely immersed in his own world.

[In these three days, I will teach you new knowledge, and I will also teach you the true Aden spirit and will. 】

【Can I call you teacher? Although only three days, but. . . 】

【Can. 】

[Then, do you forgive me, teacher? 】

'Hardman Rains! ’

Haierbo's mind went blank, tears were in his eyes, and the name he saw made him want to cry: 'Why, why do you do this? ’

You clearly know the name of King Aolai, why do you still humiliate him?

If he reads this sentence out, how will he get around?

Aden Kingdom openly looked down on Aolai Kingdom, even if the messenger made a blunt statement and Aolai King said, "Oh, does your king really think so?", it was enough to make him speechless.

'I know, I'm a stained person. ’

'It is impossible for a person with blemishes to stand in a bright and beautiful place,' Haierbo: 'But this is the diplomacy of a major country, this is where I finally mustered up my courage, and where I desperately want to prove myself! ’

'He was stained, so he died, and now that I am stained, I have to, die? ’

Does Aden really want to go to war with Aolai Country?


Absolutely impossible!

Only this, Haierbo can be sure.

However, the uncle's wisdom was unfathomable, and Haierbo couldn't think of how his death would benefit Aden.

Unexpected doesn't mean no.

After all, that was the old uncle, a monstrous wise man who scared him and didn't dare to make mistakes at all.

"Are you afraid?"


"Don't be afraid, you'll be back."

On the last day before the mission, Bai Luo found Haierbo.

The two sat together in the open space in the dream forest, looking at the bright starry sky above their heads.

It seems that they are no longer monarchs and ministers, but the elder brother is cheering for the younger brother who will be on his own.

"But teacher..."

"Don't listen to him, it's just to scare you," Bai Luo patted the young man on the shoulder and smiled, "So, you don't need to send a hundred times, just once is enough."

It is almost impossible to complete the mission a hundred times.

Because no one can be sure, every time is safe.

And as long as there is one mistake, Haierbo will die.

"One time is not enough."

Haierbo said firmly: "It is because it is difficult a hundred times that I can prove that I, I have no bad intentions..."

"What a bad idea."

Bai Luo rubbed the boy's head and smiled, "In my eyes, you are very clean."

Haierbo felt that he had plotted to kill Haksa, which made him tainted in Bai Luo's mind.

But Bai Luo didn't think so.

Haierbo is still young, just like a child cleaning the room for his parents, but he gets all the water. His starting point is good, but what he does is wrong.

The teenager is different from Haxa. As long as he is guided well, he will definitely become Aden's future humerus minister.

What's more, he has already apologized to his parents.

"But I killed..."


Bai Luo slapped the boy on the back of the head and forehead, directly interrupting his words: "Nonsense! The people I killed, fuck you."

"I asked you to go on an envoy, and there was only one reason from beginning to end."

Bai Luo put his hand on the boy's head, and then forcibly ruffled his hair: "Because you are from Aden, because no one here can represent Aden better than you."

"no one?"

"I am Aden, fearless."

Bai Luo: "Although there are many such people here, they are too simple."

"And me?"


Bai Luo smiled: "You still lack a little courage, and you still lack fearlessness."


The scepter slowly fell to the ground under the demonic wind of a certain demon. The sound of the collision was drowned out by the sneering sounds of the demons, but it fell into Haierbo's heart, but it was so deafening.

There was a faint blue light in his lowered eyes.

'You are right. ’

Haierbo took a deep breath and secretly said in his heart: 'I, I forgot that I am an Adonian. ’


Cat Lulu never thought that it would be such a terrible thing to be an ambassador.

She looked at Haierbo who had bent over to pick up the scepter, her eyes were watery, worried about Haierbo's failure and his safety.

"I'm fine, don't worry, Lulu."

Haierbo's body no longer trembled, he regained his composure, and then began to calmly think about ways to break the game.

He is afraid of the old uncle, but admires the elder brother Bai Luo.

If it was for the sake of His Majesty, who brought warmth to his home again, he would not be afraid of anything.

If you ask him, why?

Haierbo: Just me, I want to make him king!

"Don't worry, don't worry, be calm."

Haierbo gracefully opened his credentials on the way out of his waist. He watched it carefully, reading it silently, word by word.

"It doesn't seem like Aton is great either."

"On this little bit of ability, you dare to come to me to be proud of the Myriad Demon Nation."

"Saros is really going back as he lives. This country is no good. That miracle master called Bai Luo is probably a useless person."


At this moment, Haierbo's bending movement stopped.

"What did you just say?"

The young man raised his head, and for the first time on other people's territory, in this proud court, he showed a trace of anger.


Haierbo's voice was cold, but Cat Lulu immediately understood and helped him lift the fallen scepter.

Suddenly, the boy grabbed the scepter and slammed it on the ground.


The invisible power of miracles, centered on Haierbo, emerged in all directions.


The next moment, Haierbo closed his credentials under the suspicious gazes of the demons, Ao Laikong, General Gangyan, and even Aolai King.

‘Yeah, why did I forget who I am? ’

'I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I'm sorry. ’

'What am I afraid of? Say something wrong? Still, die? ’

The Adonites are fearless, Heerbo is smart enough, but he still has something to fear.

Awe is not terrible, but how can Adonians be afraid of outsiders? !

"What is the first sentence written in this book of nations?"

Haierbo smiled. He grabbed the credentials with his left hand, weighed it lightly, and then pointed to the left and right: "Do you want to know? Huh?"

"Since you want to know, why don't you see it yourself?"

After Haierbo finished speaking, he released the credential he was holding in his hand and let it fall slowly.


Suddenly, the young man swept away the scepter, and it was an important object made of jade and hit King Aolai.

"Hardman Rains!"

"The first sentence in this book of nations!"

Above the hall, Haierbo's voice echoed: "Why don't you see for yourself!!!"

Su Jing and all the demons in the audience were interrupted by Haierbo's sudden words.

At this moment, only that credential was quietly thrown in the air.


However, before the national letter came to King Aolai, nine pure white tails suddenly swept across, and a jade hand protruded from it and grabbed the national letter in his hand.


"This guy!"

"How dare he?!"

"Presumptuous, too presumptuous!!"


"You are so brave."

On the cold face of the nine-tailed fox girl, there was unprecedented anger: "Not only did I call my king with a slanderous name, but also threw this thing in the hall to do such rude things!"

"Insolent thing?"

"You are proud to publicly humiliate my lord!"

Haierbo raised the scepter and pointed to the front: "Could it be that the two countries have diplomatic relations, you are only allowed to humiliate my country and nation, and I am not allowed to tear your face?!"

"Stinky boy!!"

"What are you Aton!"

"I am proud to come to a great country with mountains and mountains, how can it be compared to a place like yours?!"

Haierbo's words completely angered the demons present.


Suddenly, the endless demonic mist rolled.


The terrifying centipede opened a thousand eyes, the colorful spiders let out a terrifying roar, and countless monsters appeared from the fog.

"how dare you..."

Even Ao Laikong, who originally wanted to speak for Haierbo, was full of confusion at this time.

"Why don't I dare?"

"Yesterday, I was Haierbo," the boy roared in a deep voice, "But today, I represent Aden, and I represent my king!"

Haierbo can be ashamed!

But the Messenger of Adon, no!

"I call the monarch of another country in the name of the monarch of one country," Haierbo scolded loudly: "Is there a problem?!!"


For a while, the group of demons was silent, not knowing how to respond.

Identity is like a gulf.

Any of them could easily crush Haierbo, but this young man represented the King of Aden, a messenger of the king.

Moving him is like moving Bai Luo.

He can scold you, but you can't scold him.

At least today, you can't!

"Go back, and give me the credentials."

"His Majesty?"

"Give it to me first, Tu Shan."

On the throne, King Aolai put his hand on the pillow, and then took the national letter that Tu Shanji respectfully presented.

But King Aolai didn't just look at it. Instead, he threw it up and down in his hand like a toy.


King Aolai pressed his credentials on the table in front of him, and said, "You represent King Aden, and you are also a king. Now you can really call me that, it's no problem."

"But it's okay, it doesn't mean I can't be angry."

The corners of King Aolai's mouth twitched slightly: "Is that right?"

At this moment, King Aolai's eyes suddenly overlooked, and that icy gaze fell on Haierbo for the first time.


Huge pressure rushed towards him like a tsunami, and they pressed hard on Haierbo.


Haierbo only felt severe pain in his legs, and he quickly grabbed the scepter, holding it tightly with both hands to prop up his body.

Not the same, completely different from the previous group of demons!

However, there is no miraculous power.

The sense of oppression that King Aolai brought him did not simply come from the power of miracles.

This is the aura, the majesty of the king!


The kneecap shattered under the gaze of King Aolai.


A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Haierbo's mouth. He wanted to stand up, but moving his legs was a pain in his heart.

Even if he just stood like this and persisted, he had exhausted all his strength and mind.


King Aolai: "Not bad, under my Wang Wei, I can still stand."

Wang Wei, the measure of a miracle, is also the majesty of a king.

"But do you know how much Wang Wei I used?"

However, before Haierbo could answer, King Aolai gave the answer: "Only, one in ten thousand."


Haierbo was stunned. He resisted the pain, raised his head, and wanted to speak, but King Aolai didn't give him a chance to speak at all.


"Now," King Aolai said, "two out of ten thousand!"

"Clap! Ge la la!"


The leg bones were broken, and a lot of blood stained Haierbo's bone legs.

But the young man closed his eyes tightly and used the strength that he almost clenched his teeth to avoid the pained wailing.


Mao Lulu couldn't stop her tears. She wanted to use the cat car, but Haierbo stopped her: "Go on, go on!!"

Can't go back!

Absolutely can't go back like this!

"I'm still, standing."

Haierbo couldn't raise his head, but he let out a low growl from his throat: "I'm still standing!"


King Aolai likes this kid, and it is precisely because he likes it that he takes it seriously: "Then I will add a little more, just a little."

[Wang Wei: 20%]


From 1 in 10,000 to 20%.

A thousand times greater than the previous Wang Wei, Haierbo was instantly enveloped.

Not to mention Haierbo, who just barely reached the hero level, even if a legendary powerhouse is here, facing Wang Wei of King Aolai, it would be unbearable.


Haierbo only felt that his head was stunned, as if a heavy hammer had hit the back of his head, and the boy felt that the world was spinning.

Sight, hearing, smell, and even touch are all blurred at this moment.

The darkness is like an abyss, and the surrounding is deadly still.

Then, there is pain.

"Ge la la la!"

The bones all over the body turned into powder, and every nerve was breaking. It was a hand of hundreds of billions. They tore every cell and tore it into pieces.


In the darkness, Haierbo could no longer bear it.

He screamed and screamed desperately, rolling around in the darkness, but he couldn't feel himself, he couldn't feel anything but endless pain.

One second, one minute, one hour. . .

Haierbo didn't know how long it had passed, but the pain did not disappear, nor did it weaken, instead it became more and more terrifying.


The young man was crawling on the ground, his eyes lost focus, and his whole body twitched as if he had lost his bones.

In the gray-white world, pitch-black liquid flowed out of Haierbo's broken bones.

Life is like temperature, gradually getting colder.

'His Majesty. . . ’

'His Majesty. ’

Tears of blood fell from Haierbo's eyes: 'Hierbo, let you down. ’

Weeping in pain, tears streaming down my face.

A messenger, but abroad, showing such an ugly appearance in front of the officials of other countries.

He threw Aton's face away!

'sorry. ’

'But,' Haierbo is only a thirteen-year-old child: 'It's really difficult, Your Majesty. ’

'It hurts, it really hurts. ’

'Where are you, Your Majesty? ’

However, no matter how Haierbo shouted in his heart, howling, shouting, and howling, he still couldn't hear or see anything.

There's nothing here, just like he used to be.

Empty, except for his mother, the world has no place for him at all.

'Am I going to die? ’

Haven't done anything, haven't been a hero yet.

Haierbo raised his head with all his strength. He stared straight at this pitch-dark world. Even though he couldn't see anything, he still wanted to see, to see what he had been looking for in his life.

"Is there really a fairyland in this world, mother?"

"Yes, Haierbo."

The woman's hand gently stroked the child's head.

"Where is the fairyland?"

"In the future," the mother's voice was getting smaller and smaller: "your future."

'wonderland. . . ’

The boy cried, he knew what his mother meant.

The fairyland she mentioned was never a fairyland, it was Haierbo's spiritual harbor, his future home.


In the darkness, a little light appeared in the young man's sight, and what followed was a crisp, but it seemed to dispel all darkness and fear.

It was a horse, a white Pegasus with wings.

It is like a beacon in the dark, and wherever it passes, only a pure white storm is left, sparkling, warm and soft.

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