This is a Miracle

Chapter 170 Bailuo vs. Aolai King, Wang Wei's Battle

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"His Majesty..."

Haierbo raised his tearful face, and he desperately wiped away the pain in his arms.

The boy wanted to stand up, but couldn't get up at all.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, Haierbo, I couldn't..."

"You've done a great job, Haierbo."

The big pure white hand fell on Haierbo's head. He was only a 13-year-old child, but Bailuo gave him such a heavy burden and sent him here: "You are the pride of my Aden..."


These two words made Haierbo cry again.


Above the Aolai Kingdom Hall, the originally calm Aolai King finally showed a strange look.

"Is it finally here?"

He sat arrogantly on the throne, and his eyes were full of disdain: "Then let me see, the king you spent all your life to find, the man worthy of your dedication to serve, whether he is qualified to be my opponent! "

Tens of thousands apart, King Aolai wanted to see Bai Luo, but he couldn't see clearly, as if a fog shrouded him.

Compared with the vagueness of King Aolai, Bai Luo saw him clearly.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

King Aolai didn't understand why he couldn't see clearly, but he still stared at Bai Luo's figure.

At this moment, in the eyes of the two Lords of Miracles, only each other was left.

"If you want to see it, you can."

"But don't blink."

Bai Luo's voice had a hint of anger: "King Aolai!"


In the lobby, pure white wings spread out like flower buds, Xue Li's Wang Wei turned into a substance, and appeared directly in front of King Aolai across thousands of miles.

Shirley protected Haierbo with pure white wings made of energy.

Wang Wei, who was proud of the king, was also forcibly cut off.

"His Majesty..."

Haierbo opened his eyes, his eyes shone with pure white light, which was the embodiment of Shirley's transcendence power descending on him.

"This is?!"

Aolai Wan Yao immediately realized the current situation.

This is the confrontation between the Lord of Miracles and the Lord of Miracles, the Kings!

"Go back!!"

King Aolai was still sitting, and he felt Shirley's Wang Wei, which was very strong and very special.


King Aolai: "It's not enough!"


The invisible Wang Wei collided, and the power of transcendence was very strong, and even forcibly resisted 20% of King Aolai's Wang Wei.


King Ao Lai: "Then come a little more!"

[Wang Wei: 40%! 】


In the dream forest, Lilith, who heard Bai Luo's call, bent down and saluted Bai Luo's will: "The fairy is with you."


The scepter radiated light, strands of fairy power circulated on Haierbo's clothes, and the colorful miracle power rose into the sky like a storm. It was Wang Wei from Lilith.


A large amount of fairy power poured into Mao Lulu's body, and between life and death, even she was transformed.

The pure white cat floated from the ground, like smoke flying around Haierbo twice, and then quietly landed on the shoulders of the teenager.


The cat Lulu happily barked at Haierbo.

They are missionaries, travel together, and adventure companions together.

In this life, we must share weal and woe, never give up.

"This is?"

King Aolai suddenly stood up from the throne, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his heart was even more shocked: 'The second type, the power of miracles! ’

This guy is more than a miracle?

how is this possible? !

'I see. ’

King Aolai grinned and said, "Is this the future you're talking about, Saros?!"

"very good!"

"Then let me see if your future is good enough for me to bow down proudly!"

[Wang Wei: 50%]


This invisible confrontation actually surpassed energy at this time.

Flowers bloomed out of thin air, and countless buds grew from the floor, which instantly turned into towering trees, all over the entire courtroom.

"A miracle of nature?"

Above the hall, the matter began to collapse, and all the demons began to activate the power of miracles to resist this change of all things.


Shirley's transcendence power turned into the appearance of a unicorn, crossed this piece of nature, and went straight to King Aolai on the throne.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Fifty percent of King Aolai's prestige was offset by Xue Li and Lilith, but he did not change his face, instead, his face was full of ecstasy.

"How many years have you not met such an opponent?"


King Aolai's eyes were broken into pure white and rainbow light, and he looked directly at Haierbo below and the figure in his eyes.

That is the king of Aden, and the master of the boy——Bai Luo.

"But compared to me, you are far worse!"

[Wang Wei: 70%! 】


The space above the hall was broken, and countless cracks spread in all directions.

Then, the time and space collapsed, and Wang Wei of King Aolai forcibly swallowed the power of Haierbo, as well as Xue Li and Lilith into his power.

This is a brand new space, like a new world.

But it belongs to King Aolai, and it belongs to him alone!

"Bend your knees!"

King Aolai's voice echoed above Haierbo's head, and at the same time it turned into more pressure and descended overwhelmingly: "I am the king of this place!!"

The heaven and the earth trembled, and all things crawl.

There is only one master here, and that is him coming proudly!


The sudden voice came when King Aolai felt that he was in a safe position to win.

It was a woman's voice, cold and cold.


King Aolai felt great displeasure in his heart, which was from the humiliation he had experienced in the past, from the humiliation of a woman who was as cold as her voice.

The Queen of the North!

The name suddenly popped out of King Aolai's mind.

No way, because this new breath is too similar to her.


At this moment, in the sanctuary where Avalon had not awakened, Isafiya opened her eyes from the ancient throne.

"There is such a thing."

King Aolai stared at these icy eyes as if looking at a dead person in shock, and he could no longer suppress the ecstasy in his heart.

"three item!"

"In this world," King Aolai laughed, "there are actually people who can really have three miracles!"

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

King Aolai: "I'm proud to come and admit that you are the worthy king in this world!"

"But if you want to form an alliance with me proudly, since you dare to come, you should know my rules, right?"

Only those who defeated Aolai and King Aolai were qualified to form a true alliance with Aolai.

Otherwise, even if the so-called covenant is signed, King Aolai will not take you seriously.

Only those who I am proud to identify with are worthy of being my friends!

And being my Dongaolai's friend is to share life and death. I, Dongaolai, will never disappoint or betray anyone!

"But are you worthy of being my friend?"

King Aolai: "Wang Wei: Release all!"

【Nine, nine and eighty-one difficult! 】

King Aolai released all his Wang Wei, which was the collapse of the law that surpassed the change of all things.

His will is the law!

His words are the only laws in this world!

"You talk too much."

Senior Sister sat on the throne, she whispered disdainfully: "King Aolai."


Endless fighting methods poured out from Haierbo's body, and the darkness was replaced by the starry sky.

And his eyes are as bright as the Milky Way, as if he can see through the world.

Star Realm, Avalon Star Realm ignored Dong Ao's ten thousand laws and forcibly suppressed it.

In front of the world, any law is a fart!

Compared with the whole world.



However, King Aolai was a four-thousand-year-old master of miracles after all, and his strength was by no means comparable to Senior Sister and others.

Just now, simply fighting for Wang Wei, this is barely equal, and no one can do anything.

"it turns out..."

The smile on King Aolai's face stagnated: "Hey, are you kidding?"

"My miracle is four sleeps, and I can stop my miracle with only three..."

For a moment, King Aolai looked at Senior Sister: "Do you think you are?!"


However, before King Aolai could continue to speak, the starry sky seemed to be hit hard by something from the outside.

"what happened?"

King Aolai looked at Haierbo, but found that his eyes began to change.

The left eye is like a burning dark sun.

Right eye, like a bright red blood moon.

"Zi la la la."

The sound of the space being torn apart was extremely harsh, and King Aolai raised his head, only to see that the starry sky was torn open.

"This is?!"

Inside, there was a pair of eyes that made Aolai Wangdu feel terrified, like a monster that chose someone to devour.


"Blame blah blah!"

The stars fell, and at this time, the terrifying Wang Wei turned into a mad king of embers, but went straight to the king of Aolai.


King Aolai wanted to defend himself, but all his Wang Wei had been held back by Senior Sister, Lilith, and Shirley, and he could no longer be separated and dealt with Leon.

Leon's claws are getting closer and closer, and the bloody mouth is big.


The crown fell to the ground, and her long hair was scattered.


Aolai Wang lost, and in Wang Wei's confrontation, he lost to Bai Luo.

What made King Aolai even more unimaginable was that during the whole process, he didn't even see Bai Luo's figure.

A king who defeated him only by the miracles under his command.

Aolai Wang wanted to meet Bai Luo, but the whole collision between Wang Wei and Wei was over. Senior Sister, Lilith, Xue Li, and Bai Luo had all disappeared, and only Leon was still there.


How many years has he not suffered such humiliation again?

However, recalling the surprise before, although it was only Wang Wei's confrontation, he did have a momentary fear. . .

"Is that what you meant?"

King Aolai analyzed the hint that Bai Luo left him: 'Only by defeating him can I be qualified to challenge you. . . ’

"Defeat my strong man."

King Aolai understood, he turned his head and looked at Leon: "Can you tell me your name?"

Shirley's miracle power is not weak, but she is a horse, and a horse is a mount.

Lilith is very strong, but her miraculous power is only natural, and is not in the eyes of King Aolai.

Sister. . .

The strongest among them is Senior Sister, and she is also the most qualified opponent to defeat Aolai Wang.

But ask her?

King Aolai was not stupid, he knew that such state secrets could not be leaked at all.

What's more, the temperament of Senior Sister and the Northern Queen is too similar.

King Aolai had never bowed his head to the Empress of the Extreme North in his entire life. If he was asked to swear with a senior sister or a woman, Aolai Wang would feel ashamed.

Only Leon, the mad king who seemed to eat the whole world up.

King Aolai is very belligerent, but Leon is one of the few characters who has shocked him simply with his aura since his debut.

Just like him, overbearing enough, enough. . .

No, it's crazier than him!

And that moment, although rare, was indeed the breath of death.

Undoubtedly, the other party has the aptitude to kill him.

"One day, you'll grow up enough to match me."

King Aolai looked at Leon: "I'm looking forward to the day I fight with you."

One day in the future, if King Aolai wants to confront Bai Luo, then Leon will definitely be the one to fight him head-on.

‘As expected of the king you chose. ’

'A miracle under the seat,' Aolai Wang mocked himself: 'It's enough to make me go all out. ’

"Tell me your name."

King Aolai asked again: "The strong one!"


It's a pity that Leon's Wang Wei has no reason at all. He is chaotic and irritable. How can he answer the question of King Aolai?


King Aolai seemed to see something in Leon's eyes, and he smiled: "So, I don't even have the qualification to know your name?"

"good very good."

Being insulted again, King Aolai was very angry, but he still endured it.

This arrogance is exactly the same as he was back then.

Aolai Wang understands him!

What's more, who would be on an equal footing with a person whose momentum lost to him?

"My name is Dong Aolai, I can remember it or not, but this is the name of the defeated general who just lost to you."

King Aolai: "I allow you to tell them that in terms of your aura, no, you have defeated me Dong Aolai head-on!"

Aolai King: This honor and record, I am proud to come, I recognize it!

"But soon, I will challenge you again," King Aolai said, "to wash away the humiliation of this 'one blow'!"


The Mad King of Ashes couldn't understand what he was saying at all, but he kept talking again, and it made a sound and responded, otherwise it would appear that he was very embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you haven't reached the peak yet, but I will fight you fairly," King Aolai said, "As long as you sleep, I will use the power of sleep!"

"How about it?"

King Aolai: "The nameless powerhouse."


What is it, the Mad King of Ashes can't understand it at all.

And Leon wouldn't know that his incarnation of Wang Wei had caused him such a big trouble.

"Ha ha ha ha."

As if he was approved by Leon, King Aolai laughed, as if he had regained his youthful passion.

Wang Wei dissipated, and the world like a mirror disappeared.

"Your Majesty, you..."

"It's okay."

King Aolai looked at the fallen crown, he picked it up, and the woman in white wanted to help him straighten his hair, but was stopped by King Aolai: "I'll do it myself."


After finishing his appearance, King Aolai once again looked at Haierbo below.

I saw that the young man at this time has already changed greatly from his previous appearance, and the power of miracles is constantly surging, which is obviously a state only at the peak of the hero level.

"Achieving the Tao in one day is comparable to ten years of hard work."

"Congratulations, boy, no, Aden's messenger, Haierbo!"

This sudden progress and breakthrough, even Haierbo himself did not expect.

‘The power of miracles is not just a matter of working behind closed doors. ’

'The farther you go, the more you have experienced.' Before leaving, Bai Luo's words were still in his ears: 'Who said the messenger couldn't be stronger than the general? ’

'Even if it is a messenger, you are my messenger from Aden. ’

"It seems that the king has already got the answer."

Haierbo's body is still in pain, Wang Wei's pressure is not so easy to dissipate, it has nothing to do with the breakthrough of strength.

His previous humiliating performance, other demons don't know, but how does King Aolai know.

However, King Aolai didn't care.

A 13-year-old child, facing Wang Wei who is 20% of himself, can behave like this, if this is his son, Aolai Wang can laugh in his dreams.


King Aolai admired Haierbo more and more: "But I still have a question that I want to ask you."

Still have questions?

Haierbo was puzzled: "Your Majesty, what do you want to know?"

"What are Adonians?"

Feel the power of Bai Luo's Wang Wei, the four miracles.

Looking at the current Haierbo, even a mere 13-year-old child is so neither humble nor arrogant, fighting for his life, King Aolai is interested in this new Aton.

He wondered if the Atons were as good as this kid.


Haierbo didn't expect King Aolai to ask such a question, but looking at the king's serious eyes, Haierbo smiled.

"I'm Aton."

Haierbo let go of the hand holding the scepter, he endured the severe pain, opened his arms, and only supported his body with his own strength.

"Every one can stand up."

Haierbo raised his head, looked directly at King Aolai, and shouted with all his strength, "And dare to overlook the world!!!"

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