This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 139: children of the vine tribe

West Wilderness, in an unnamed forest.

The frog tribe finally found a stream with water, and they took a short rest beside the stream.

"Quack quack..."

The giant frogs happily jumped into the stream, moisturizing their dry skin with the water.

Although the Southern Wilderness has already fallen heavily, the Western Wilderness is still hot. Only the place close to the Southern Wilderness will be cold, and the further west, the hotter.

The Western Wilderness is too big, and it took the frog tribe more than half a year to get here from the hinterland of the Western Wilderness.

No one knows how long it will take to reach the Southern Wilderness.

But one thing is certain.

That is, the further south they go, the denser the forests and the more water they have.

This discovery is the biggest comfort for the tribesmen of the frog tribe during their migration. They told themselves that they would definitely be able to reach a place where there is no shortage of water, sufficient prey, and suitable for survival.

Huo Meng, the leader of the frog tribe, walked to the water's edge. He saw his own reflection through the stream, and saw that the totem lines and warrior lines on his face had been covered with sweat.

Huo Meng simply took the water, washed his face, and enjoyed the comfortable feeling of the water flowing over his cheeks.

Then, he found Wu.

"Witch, help me draw a new totem pattern."

"it is good."

The frog tribe witch found the paint from the animal skin bag that he carried with him, first stirred it with water, then dipped the paint with his fingers, and painted on Huomeng's face little by little.

The totem pattern of the frog tribe is not complicated. It is a round giant frog with long legs. It is very abstract and even looks a little funny.

In fact, the totem patterns of all tribes are similar, and there are only a few tribes with good-looking totem patterns.

Because you can't expect every tribe's first shaman to be a painting genius.

Perhaps a certain witch was more talented in painting, but he could only draw the lines to look better, but he did not dare to change the totem pattern.

Only some large tribes with a relatively long heritage can make the totem pattern look better through the continuous fine-tuning of generations of witches.

After the frog tribe shaman painted the totem pattern, Huo Meng said again: "Remember to draw the six-color warrior pattern, and make it thicker."

The frog tribe witch nodded, then took out six kinds of paints, mixed them, and painted them on Huomeng's face one by one.

"All right."

After the frog tribe witch finished painting, they put away all the paints. These paints are very important to the witches.

Huo Meng took a photo on the calmer water, then nodded in satisfaction.

Although his strength is only three colors, as long as he has six colors painted on his face, and he looks tall and majestic, he can still be quite bluffing.

"Are we really going to the Southern Wilderness? I think that if we go further, the environment is already very good, with forests, water, and prey."

Wu Da of the Frog Tribe migrated all the way to the Southern Wilderness, and was not very enthusiastic, because the Frog Tribe's understanding of the Southern Wilderness was limited to the descriptions of the two people from the Teng tribe.

Huo Meng asked, "Witch, what season is it now?"


"Yes, winter, but now let's not talk about snow here, we don't even need to wear thick animal skins. I remember it was not like this before."

The frog tribe witch frowned slightly, but did not speak.

"The place where our frog tribe has lived for generations used to be a big forest. The water in the lake of God is always very sufficient. Every winter, it will snow, and our giant frogs will hibernate in caves."

"But what happened later? In just over ten years, everything has changed."

"It doesn't rain often in the sky anymore, it doesn't snow in winter, the big forest is gone, the lake of the gods is dry, and the giant frog doesn't hibernate anymore."

Huo Meng pointed to the ground and continued: "Now this place is equally hot and rains less. If we stay here, who knows if it will become like the place we used to live?"

"Since we have already embarked on the road of migration and have traveled for so long, why not directly migrate to the Southern Wilderness?"

"Even if it is close to the Southern Wilderness, there will be no need for such long-distance migration in the future."

After the frog tribe witch heard Huo Meng's words, he sighed slightly and said, "You are right, but the road is too long. Haven't we encountered enough dangers along the way?"

"Witch, even if we find a place nearby to settle down, can we guarantee that there is no danger? Impossible."

The frog tribe witch nodded helplessly, believing Huo Meng's statement.

"I'll take the warriors to hunt first."

Huo Meng left the creek, followed by a giant frog.

In fact, most of the frog tribe's clansmen have the same idea as the witch. The Southern Wilderness is too far away. They just want to find a good place and settle down.

If it wasn't for Huo Meng's persistence, the frog tribe wouldn't even be able to get here.

Huo Meng was also very tired, especially when everyone didn't understand him, the feeling of exhaustion was even more frustrating.

But for the continuation and even growth of the frog tribe, he must persevere.

As he said, there is no absolutely safe place in this land. Even if you settle down, you may be invaded by other tribes or even destroyed.

If that's the case, why do you want to live?

Only by migrating to a place that is really suitable for the survival of the frog tribe can the frog tribe have a chance to grow. Otherwise, in the absence of totem gods, insufficient population, and unsatisfactory living places, the frog tribe may die at any time.

"Follow me and go hunting!"

Huo Meng straightened his waist, raised his head, and walked towards the forest ahead.

By the creek, the warriors of the frog tribe looked at each other, then whistled, and followed Huomeng's pace with the giant frog with its wet skin.


Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe.

"Leader, leader..."

Jiang Xuan was trying to make some bamboo slips, but someone shouted loudly outside.

Tangyuan went out hunting with the giant eagle, Jiang Xuan could only put down the bamboo slices that were being baked, and went to open the door himself.


Jiang Xuan walked into the yard, stepped on the thick snow, walked to the yard door, removed the wood that had been frozen on the surface, and then opened the yard door.

"Pregnant, pregnant!"

Outside the door is Uncaria, his expression is very excited, and his eyes are full of light.

"Pregnant with what?"

Jiang Xuan felt a little inexplicable.

"Poria, Poria is pregnant with my child!"

When Gokuteng said this, he was so excited that he could not wait to jump up.


"Really, what Fuling told me, Wu also went to see it."

"That's great, congratulations, Uncaria, you're going to be a father."

Jiang Xuan felt very pleasantly surprised that Uncaria was about to become a father, which gave him an indescribable feeling. In short, his mood was complicated, and his happiness for Uncaria was the most obvious.

"Chief, do you think Poria is pregnant with a boy or a girl? Should I name the children? I have to prepare food for them."

"By the way, there is no shortage of thick animal skins. Children can't be frozen in such a cold day."

Uncaria said a lot, even a little incoherent, obviously overexcited.

Jiang Xuan said helplessly: "Is it a little early to say this? It will take at least half a year to be pregnant, and the weather may be very hot by then."


Uncaria scratched his head in embarrassment, and said again: "It's alright to choose a name first? Chief, why don't you think of a name for me."

"I can't help you with this kind of thing. It's still so long anyway. Think about it for yourself. It's best to ask Fuling's opinion."

Thinking about names is a very troublesome thing, and Jiang Xuan felt that it would be better for the Uncaria couple to deal with the headaches themselves.

"Okay, then I'll go back and ask Poria."

The sky began to snow again, and the two entered the house.

Uncaria was still very excited to tell Jiang Xuan something about the child, and he was even thinking about how to teach the child to hunt.

Jiang Xuan was baking bamboo slices, listening to Uncaria's imagination about the future, and discussing with Uncaria from time to time.

This feeling is very strange.

The Vine tribe has not been established for a long time, and its members are mixed from various tribes. Because of their different living habits and different thinking, they are not particularly harmonious.

But now, the second generation of the Vine tribe is about to be born.

In fact, since the establishment of the Vine Tribe, hundreds of children have been born. With the sufficient food and resources of the Vine Tribe, most of the children have survived, and of course a small number of them have died due to various reasons.

These children are the hope for the future of the Vine tribe.

If the Vine tribe can survive forever, these children will live, grow and learn various skills in the tribe.

When the second and even third generation children of the Vine tribe grow up, everything in their memory will be about the Vine tribe.

They will have a strong sense of identity with the Vine tribe, and as long as the tribe treats them well, most of them will protect the tribe from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, the friendships among these children will, in turn, affect their parents.

These people from different tribes may have conflicts with each other because of differences, but children will not stop playing with their friends because of the conflicts between adults.

The children have a good relationship, and the adults will ease the relationship a lot for the sake of the children.

Therefore, the Vine tribe has many children, which is a good thing for the tribe.

How far the tribe can go in the future depends on the performance of these children when they grow up.

With everything the Teng tribe has now, and the knowledge Jiang Xuan has mastered, he is very confident that the children of the Teng tribe can be stronger than the children of other tribes, have more knowledge, and better display their talents.

Regarding this point, Jiang Xuan is very confident!


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Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe.

"Leader, leader..."

Jiang Xuan was trying to make some bamboo slips, but someone shouted loudly outside.

Tangyuan went out hunting with the giant eagle, Jiang Xuan could only put down the bamboo slices that were being baked, and went to open the door himself.


Jiang Xuan walked into the yard, stepped on the thick snow, walked to the yard door, removed the wood that had been frozen on the surface, and then opened the yard door.

"Pregnant, pregnant!"

Outside the door is Uncaria, his expression is very excited, and his eyes are full of light.

"Pregnant with what?"

Jiang Xuan felt a little inexplicable.

"Poria, Poria is pregnant with my child!"

When Gokuteng said this, he was so excited that he could not wait to jump up.


"Really, what Fuling told me, Wu also went to see it."

"That's great, congratulations, Uncaria, you're going to be a father."

Jiang Xuan felt very pleasantly surprised that Uncaria was about to become a father, which gave him an indescribable feeling. In short, his mood was complicated, and his happiness for Uncaria was the most obvious.

"Chief, do you think Poria is pregnant with a boy or a girl? Should I name the children? I have to prepare food for them."

"By the way, there is no shortage of thick animal skins. Children can't be frozen in such a cold day."

Uncaria said a lot, even a little incoherent, obviously overexcited.

Jiang Xuan said helplessly: "Is it a little early to say this? It will take at least half a year to be pregnant, and the weather may be very hot by then."


Uncaria scratched his head in embarrassment, and said again: "It's alright to choose a name first? Chief, why don't you think of a name for me."

"I can't help you with this kind of thing. It's still so long anyway. Think about it for yourself. It's best to ask Fuling's opinion."

Thinking about names is a very troublesome thing, and Jiang Xuan felt that it would be better for the Uncaria couple to deal with the headaches themselves.

"Okay, then I'll go back and ask Poria."

The sky began to snow again, and the two entered the house.

Uncaria was still very excited to tell Jiang Xuan something about the child, and he was even thinking about how to teach the child to hunt.

Jiang Xuan was baking bamboo slices, listening to Uncaria's imagination about the future, and discussing with Uncaria from time to time.

This feeling is very strange.

The Vine tribe has not been established for a long The members are mixed from various tribes. Because of their different living habits and different thinking, they are not particularly harmonious.

But now, the second generation of the Vine tribe is about to be born.

In fact, since the establishment of the Vine Tribe, hundreds of children have been born. With the sufficient food and resources of the Vine Tribe, most of the children have survived, and of course a small number of them have died due to various reasons.

These children are the hope for the future of the Vine tribe.

If the Vine tribe can survive forever, these children will live, grow and learn various skills in the tribe.

When the second and even third generation children of the Vine tribe grow up, everything in their memory will be about the Vine tribe.

They will have a strong sense of identity with the Vine tribe, and as long as the tribe treats them well, most of them will protect the tribe from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, the friendships among these children will, in turn, affect their parents.

These people from different tribes may have conflicts with each other because of differences, but children will not stop playing with their friends because of the conflicts between adults.

The children have a good relationship, and the adults will ease the relationship a lot for the sake of the children.

Therefore, the Vine tribe has many children, which is a good thing for the tribe.

How far the tribe can go in the future depends on the performance of these children when they grow up.

With everything the Teng tribe has now, and the knowledge Jiang Xuan has mastered, he is very confident that the children of the Teng tribe can be stronger than the children of other tribes, have more knowledge, and better display their talents.

Regarding this point, Jiang Xuan is very confident! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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