This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 140: black wind rhino

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On the edge of the Western Wilderness, the Grand Canyon is still active, becoming deeper and longer.

At the same time, a large amount of groundwater gathered in the Grand Canyon, turning the first half of the Grand Canyon into a deep river. However, there are no fish or aquatic animals living in this river for the time being.

Because of the continuous splitting of the Grand Canyon, geological activities such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur from time to time, and the environment of Xihuang is also constantly changing.

Tribes living on both sides of the Great Rift Valley, as well as those affected by environmental changes, have migrated.

These migrating tribes competed with the aborigines on the migration road for various resources, many tribes perished because of this, and some tribes took the opportunity to rise.

The wave of great migration has spread throughout the Western Wilderness, as well as the Northern Wilderness on the other side of the Grand Canyon.

At first, because the Western Wilderness was very vast, the battles of those tribes were only carried out in the Western Wilderness.

But as time went by, this wave of migration finally began to spread to the Southern Wilderness and the Eastern Wilderness.

The Jackal tribe's entry into the Eastern Wasteland is just the beginning, and more tribes are still moving towards this direction.

Among these tribes, there are small tribes, medium-sized tribes, and even large tribes. They have traveled far and near to the Southern Wilderness, and the time of arrival is different.

What is certain is that the living environment in the Southern Wilderness will become even worse. For territory and resources, whether it is the aborigines tribes in the Southern Wilderness or the tribes that have migrated, they will do their best to fight for it.

If the tribe wants to survive in such an environment, there is only one option left, and that is to keep getting stronger!



In the cold winter season, Jiang Xuan was flying in the sky on a glutinous rice ball, and the howling cold wind slapped his face constantly.

If the physique of the four-color warrior is not strong enough, and the body releases heat like a furnace to warm the body surface, it really can't stand the cold.

The dumplings came out for food, and Jiang Xuan always felt bored staying in the tribe, so they came out together.

The wingspan of the dumplings is nearly ten meters, and it is still growing.

Due to its huge size, it needs to eat a lot of food every day.

Therefore, it goes out foraging almost every day, whether it is winter or summer.

At this time, the land is white and the animals are either hibernating or only active near their nests. It is very difficult to hunt.

Today, the glutinous rice **** have been flying for several hours, but still nothing.

But the dumplings did not give up. After a short rest, it continued to fly further afield to find suitable prey.


When the dumplings flew over a forest, it finally made a new discovery.

In the forest, dozens of large animals were walking slowly. They were very large and covered with thick black long hair.

Tangyuan immediately lowered its flight height to better observe these animals.

On the back of the dumplings, Jiang Xuan also took the opportunity to observe these animals.

"Huh? This is... a rhino?"

Although a lot of snowflakes fell on these animals because of the heavy snow, the thick and long horns on their heads were very obvious.

Jiang Xuan had never hunted rhinos because there were no rhinos in the forest near the Veng tribe.

However, when he was chatting with the old witch once, he heard that he had seen a black wind rhinoceros in the Southern Wilderness.

The black wind rhino is larger than the bison, with rough skin and thick flesh, and its defense is terrifying.

The black wind rhino has obvious characteristics.

It has a high back, a sharp rhinoceros horn on its head, a short tail and, in winter, a thick coat of long black hair.

In spring, all the long black hairs on the black wind rhino will fall off. In summer, the new hair grows slowly, and it does not grow rapidly until autumn, covering the whole body when the cold winter comes.

It is worth noting that the black wind rhino is extremely aggressive and has terrifying fighting power.

Ordinary predators don't dare to provoke them at all. If they are hit by the black wind rhino head-on, even the fierce Megalodon may be seriously injured and die.

However, the fact that predators dare not provoke them does not mean that tribesmen dare not hunt.

No matter how powerful the Black Wind Rhino is, it cannot win against a large number of tribesmen who are good at setting traps and using various poisoned weapons.

For tribal people, the black wind rhino is a treasure all over the body.

Their extremely tough hides, hard and huge bones, thick and hard horns, and a lot of meat are all very attractive to tribal people.

As long as there are capable hunting teams, they like to hunt black wind rhinos, and as long as they successfully hunt one, they can bring rich rewards.

The black wind rhino, which had no natural enemies at first, was targeted by tribesmen, and the population was greatly reduced.

Of course, because the black wind rhinoceros itself is extremely powerful, there are not many tribes capable of hunting them. Although the population has decreased, it cannot be easily wiped out.

"Tangyuan, fly a little lower."

In order to better observe the group of black wind rhinos, Jiang Xuan made the dumplings fly lower.

The glutinous rice **** fell again and circled over the black wind rhino group.

With such a big bird in the sky, the black wind rhinos suddenly became vigilant, they gathered more closely, and stared at the glutinous rice dumplings in the sky, guarding against the sudden attack of the glutinous rice balls.

Jiang Xuan observed for a while and was very interested in these black wind rhinos.

"It would be great if you could take them back and use them as mounts!"

For some reason, such an idea suddenly popped into Jiang Xuan's heart.

The current mounts of the Veng tribe are mainly blue sheep and big horned deer. Although they run fast and have a certain attack power, these two animals have a fatal disadvantage, that is, they are relatively timid.

They have been used as prey by various predators for a long time, and they have developed the ability to run fast.

But because of this, in addition to running fast, their combat effectiveness is not strong.

In contrast to the jackal tribe, their jackals themselves are predators, very ferocious, extremely powerful in combat, and naturally possess the ability to fight cooperatively.

If the vine tribe and the jackal tribe fight against each other, can those blue sheep and bighorn deer really show their true strength?

Jiang Xuan is not optimistic about this.

Therefore, he has been pondering whether he can find a stronger mount, so that the warriors of the Vine tribe can become powerful cavalry.

He looked for many kinds of animals, but he was not satisfied.

Until today, he encountered these black wind rhinos!

Black Wind Rhino's defense is abnormal, its running speed is not slow, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong. If it can be tamed and used as a mount, the strength of the Vine tribe will be greatly improved.

burning text

"That's a lot tougher than a jackal."

The more Jiang Xuan thought about it, the more excited he became, watching the eyes of these black wind rhinoceros light up.

The only problem is how to capture these powerful and huge black wind rhinos.

It's not too far from the Vine tribe.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.



On the edge of the Western Wilderness, the Grand Canyon is still active, becoming deeper and longer.

At the same time, a large amount of groundwater gathered in the Grand Canyon, turning the first half of the Grand Canyon into a deep river. However, there are no fish or aquatic animals living in this river for the time being.

Because of the continuous splitting of the Grand Canyon, geological activities such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur from time to time, and the environment of Xihuang is also constantly changing.

Tribes living on both sides of the Great Rift Valley, as well as those affected by environmental changes, have migrated.

These migrating tribes competed for various resources with the aborigines on the migration road. Many tribes perished because of this, and some tribes took the opportunity to rise.

The wave of great migration has spread throughout the Western Wilderness, as well as the Northern Wilderness on the other side of the Grand Canyon.

At first, because the Western Wilderness was very vast, the battles of those tribes were only carried out in the Western Wilderness.

But as time went by, this wave of migration finally began to spread to the Southern Wilderness and the Eastern Wilderness.

The Jackal tribe's entry into the Eastern Wasteland is just the beginning, and more tribes are still moving towards this direction.

Among these tribes, there are small tribes, medium-sized tribes, and even large tribes. They have traveled far and near to the Southern Wilderness, and the time of arrival is different.

What is certain is that the living environment in the Southern Wilderness will become even worse. For the territory and resources, whether it is the aborigines tribes in the Southern Wilderness or the tribes who have migrated, they will do their best to fight for it.

If the tribe wants to survive in such an environment, there is only one option left, and that is to keep getting stronger!



In the cold winter season, Jiang Xuan was flying in the sky on a tangyuan, and the howling cold wind kept slapping his face.

If the physique of the four-color warrior is not strong enough, and the body releases heat like a furnace to warm the body surface, it really can't stand the cold.

The dumplings came out for food, and Jiang Xuan always felt bored staying in the tribe, so they came out together.

The wingspan of the dumplings is nearly ten meters, and it is still growing.

Due to its huge size, it needs to eat a lot of food every day.

Therefore, it goes out foraging almost every day, whether it is winter or summer.

At this time, the land is white and the animals are either hibernating or only active near their nests. It is very difficult to hunt.

Today, the dumplings have been flying for several and still nothing.

But the dumplings didn't give up. After a short rest, it continued to fly further afield, looking for prey suitable for capture.


When the dumpling flew over a forest, it finally made a new discovery.

In the forest, dozens of large animals were walking slowly. They were very large and covered with thick black long hair.

Tangyuan immediately lowered its flight height to better observe these animals.

On the back of the dumplings, Jiang Xuan also took the opportunity to observe these animals.

"Huh? This is... a rhino?"

Although a lot of snowflakes fell on these animals because of the heavy snow, the thick and long horns on their heads were very obvious.

Jiang Xuan had never hunted rhinos because there were no rhinos in the forest near the Veng tribe.

However, when he was chatting with the old witch once, he heard that he had seen a black wind rhinoceros in the Southern Wilderness.

The black wind rhino is larger than the bison, with rough skin and thick flesh, and its defense is terrifying.

The black wind rhino has obvious characteristics.

It has a high back, a sharp rhinoceros horn on its head, a short tail and, in winter, a thick coat of long black hair.

In spring, all the long black hairs on the black wind rhino will fall off. In summer, the new hair grows slowly, and it does not grow rapidly until autumn, covering the whole body when the cold winter comes.

It is worth noting that the black wind rhino is extremely aggressive and has terrifying fighting power.

Ordinary predators don't dare to provoke them at all. If they are hit by the black wind rhino head-on, even the fierce Megalodon may be seriously injured and die. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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