The results of the three portals are the same, it doesn't matter who you choose.

Lu Bei is skeptical about this. If the results are really the same, there is no need to set up three levels at the same time.

The devil is hidden in the details. Xinlijun believes that the results are the same. He must have ignored the details during the exploration process and used the same problem-solving idea three times.

To sum up, it is really important which portal you choose first.

Therefore, after excluding one wrong answer, deducing in reverse, and eliminating the interference caused by luck, Lu Beiji conservatively chose the leftmost portal.

The reasoning was interlocking and the logic was rigorous, making him feel that he was sure.

Lord Xinli had no idea what Lu Bei was thinking, so he cursed inwardly and looked at the door on the left.

The teleportation point had changed, and she had no idea what was going on behind the door, just in case Lu Bei saw through the clues. She was anxious but did not dare to hesitate for too long. A layer of undetectable arrogance attached to her body, she waved her hand to stir up ripples, and strode in. in.

There was darkness between heaven and earth, and the twisting black mist covered the sky and weighed heavily on the earth.

Like a demon or a charm, there seemed to be some vague noise, and the eerie chill made people feel frightened.

It's still a one-way portal.

Xinlijun stepped out and was at the top of the main peak of the black mountain range. The person who set up the teleportation array was very considerate and did not let her search around, and directly placed the destination in front of her.

Against the background of green light that looks like demonic clouds, the black hall stands quietly on the top of the mountain, telling the nameless story.

The black mist surrounds it, making it difficult to see its general outline. If you want to take a closer look, the black mist twists and turns, making it impossible to get a glimpse of its true appearance.

A chill rose in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more fear he grew. Mr. Xinli didn't know what was hidden in the hall. He only knew that the sense of crisis would not appear inexplicably. There must be great terror hidden in the hall.

"Jun Li, you said there are phantom formations, killing formations, and a steady stream of ferocious beast attacks in front of the tomb..."

Lu Bei took two steps forward, pointed at the dark main entrance of the hall, and snorted: "Where is it? Why haven't we met anyone?"

Because there is no process, there is no devil hidden in the details. This makes Lu Bei very dissatisfied. All the logical reasoning is in vain. He is fighting with the air throughout the whole process, making it look like he is not very smart.

The sense of crisis lingered, and Mr. Xinli didn't want to talk to Lu Bei. He bit the bullet and explained: "I only said that it might happen, but I didn't say that it would definitely happen. The tomb is right in front of you, and you... you don't What kind of pressure do you feel?”


Lu Bei looked at the palace shrouded in black mist, and then at Xin Lijun, whose body was tense. He turned to look at the three younger brothers, and found that each of the three Zhan Hongqu was more nervous than the other. Especially Zhan Hongqu, who was at the lowest level among the three. His face was pale at the moment and his breathing was a little confused.

Is it true? Why didn’t I respond?

Lu Bei was deeply surprised. When something went wrong, there must be a monster. His eyes glowed with golden light, and he was sure that the surroundings were not hallucinations. Then he said: "I didn't feel pressure at first, but after being scared by these people, I immediately felt it."

After saying that, he slapped Jun Xinli and pushed him forward a few steps: "Hurry up and lead the way. Remember to tell me what you see or find as soon as possible."

"Too reckless!"

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall, so Mr. Xinli refused to go deep into the dangerous place: "I have never gone deep into the tomb, and I know nothing about the situation inside. To be cautious, I will leave here first. Let's all recruit helpers and agree on a time... "

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Lu Bei waved his hand and rolled out a black chain, wrapping it around Xinlijun's waist: "Add a safety rope, I will pull you if there is danger. Do you have any questions?"

Are you trying to give me a hand? You are obviously afraid that I will escape!

Lord Xinli was filled with hatred and glared at Lu Bei fiercely. When he saw the latter raised his fist with shining white light, he turned around and strode towards the main entrance of the hall.

The five steps at the main entrance of the main hall are arranged in the formation of the five elements. I don't know if it is due to the passage of time or other reasons, but several people walked through it without any risk and did not trigger the formation.

After walking through the five steps, Xinlijun's clothes were soaked in cold sweat on his back, and Lian Lin was almost the same as Wang Yan. The deeper he went into the hall, the more fear he felt, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Leave now!

Cutting the red song was the worst, half of the body was leaning on Lu Bei, and he barely managed to avoid falling down with the help of his strength.

Lu Bei flicked the Immortal Sword Intent with his fingers, fed him some more Xiantian Qi, and asked Zhan Hongqu to practice in a small room. Then he ordered the guardians on the left and right, holding the chain to make Xin Lijun move faster.

The moment he entered the hall, a cold air hit his face. Mr. Xinli felt his hands and feet were as cold as if he had entered an ice cellar.

This chill came from the bottom of her heart, not from the direct physical senses. Even if she burned the Phoenix Flame, she could not dispel the chill called fear.

The empty hall was filled with dead silence. A few people held their breath and moved forward with concentration. Xinlijun and the other three became more and more frightened as they walked. Lu Bei was not in the atmosphere, and he did not feel the so-called pressure from the beginning to the end. In order not to break away from his younger brother, he was uneasy and uneasy, looking scared and frightened.

After dozens of steps, the stone gate at the end of the hall blocked the way.

Lord Xinli refused Lu Bei's request and sat cross-legged on the ground, unwilling to open the stone door to find out. At the same time, he also warned Lu Bei not to seek death. The chill from the bottom of his heart would not be fake. Once this door is opened, it will inevitably attract the enemy. disaster.

Lu Bei was noncommittal. His teammates were under great pressure, but he didn't care at all. His teammates were deeply frightened, but he still didn't care at all. This was the rhythm of exclusive opportunities coming to the door. He would be a fool not to push forward.

Besides, it’s here now.

He raised his hand and pressed on the stone door. Without waiting for any force, the two stone doors opened to the left and right. The rumbling sound was extremely loud in the hall, which shocked Xinli Jun and others' scalps to numbness.

The inner hall was empty, except for a crystal wall that stood out, emitting five colors of soft light, which warmed Lu Bei's heart.

The breathing of Xinlijun and the other two people was stagnant. Under the tremendous pressure, they closed their eyes and ran the exercises. They couldn't stop sweating.

Lu Bei walked into the inner hall like no one else. Halfway there, he found a humanoid shadow dancing with the soft light inside the crystal wall.

He walked forward quickly, and when he came to the wall, he saw clearly that only the light was dancing, and the figure trapped in the crystal ice did not move at all.

The middle-aged man is tall and burly, with loose wild hair and a strong and muscular body of bronze. Although his armor is broken and he is holding a broken knife in his hand, he cannot stop his domineering appearance and his majestic look looking down upon the world.

Who is this person, who is he fighting, and why is he sealed here?

If the main hall is a cemetery and the crystal wall is a coffin, will he seal himself?

The middle-aged man's arrogance in looking down on all living beings, his domineering self-dominance, like a devil or a god, deeply shocked Lu Bei's heart.

My heart was so tight that I wanted to say something to vent, but I didn't know where to start.

A man should take this car cover (√)

I want to drive(√)

With longing in his heart, Lu Bei subconsciously raised his hand, touched the frozen crystal with his fingertips, and started the mode of automatically picking up opportunities.

At this moment, a line of sight appeared, and Lu Bei was suddenly startled. Looking in the direction of the line of sight, he found that the eyes of the middle-aged man who had been looking at the sky moved, and the black and bright eyes were breathtaking, focusing on him. .


Lu Bei swallowed, feeling infinitely cold in his heart, and slowly backed away while maintaining the touching posture.

As far as the breath is concerned, the man sealed in the crystal has been dead for many years, his soul is no longer there, leaving only a physical body.

But Lu Bei remembers very clearly that those eyes just looked up at the sky, wanting to compete with God. They were definitely not looking at where he was, and...

As he continued to retreat, his bright black eyes were always watching him, and he never looked back until he reached the door of the inner hall.


Lu Bei closed the two stone doors, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and spoke quickly: "The owner of the house is sleeping soundly. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Get up quickly, disturb the owner's sleep, and I can't afford to take your lives."

Xinlijun and the other three were running their skills, struggling to suppress the fear in their hearts. When they heard Lu Bei's words, they deeply agreed and wanted to leave immediately, but their bodies could not move and were as stiff as stone.

Upon seeing this, Lu Bei loosened the chains and led the three of them out of the hall as quickly as possible.

"Sect Master, what did you see inside?"

Outside the palace, Lian Lin was still frightened and at the same time expressed deep admiration for Lu Bei's arrogance.

Arrogance has the capital to be arrogant. She stopped in front of the door and was unable to continue. Lu Bei was able to go deep into the hall and face the terror. This was probably the reason why the Immortal Sword Intent fell in love with Lu Bei.

"A crystal coffin, a living dead person who is as powerful as this sect leader..."

Lu Bei pondered for a moment and continued: "When I was in Shui Zeyuan, my sect leader saw the corpse of an earthly immortal. The difference between the two is cloud and mud. I guess that the senior in the coffin may have become an immortal."

Lian Lin and Wang Yan had horrified expressions on their faces, and Lord Xinli was also horrified when he heard this. He thought that he had the key to unlock the teleportation array, and secretly thought that it was a God-given opportunity.

If we can get the immortal corpse, we might be able to break the curse that plagues the Gu family's short life.

But right now, how to leave is the primary question.

"Get out of here as soon as possible. The senses that senior gave me are not very good. It seems that I can come back to life at any time." Thinking of what he just saw, Lu Bei's heart went crazy, and his mind spread out, looking for the exit in the corner of the secret realm.

Troubled by the strange black mist, several people's spiritual perception was severely damaged, and Xinlijun, who was at the highest level, was no exception. His ability to sense one thousand meters was already the limit.

The four people discussed it and voted three to one. The winner, Xinli Jun, took the lead, walking in the front and moving in the direction of the miserable green demon cloud.

If there is an exit, the green light in the dark is the best possibility.

Staying away from the main hall, Lord Xinli's fear did not diminish. In order to stay away from the biggest source of danger, he waved his phoenix wings and dived in, regardless of the danger hidden in the green light.

The hazy green aperture opened the barrier, and a square of black soil overflowed with aura. In the center, a spiritual spring gurgled, supporting the jade gourd floating up and down.

The palm-sized gourd looks like a jade, blooming with gleaming brilliance.

Lord Xinli was overjoyed and walked quickly...


Lu Bei pushed Xin Lijun away with a slap. Under the gnashing teeth of the latter, he fished out the gourd and grabbed it in his palm.

"Thank you for the gift of nature!"

"This treasure is destined to be a poor man!"

Lu Bei lamented that fate is destined, and those who are not destined cannot force it. He shook the jade gourd in his hand and poured out one...

Lotus seeds.

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