This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 400 It’s not me who’s wrong, it’s the world

The lotus seeds are crystal clear, the flesh is as thin as crystal, and the touch is as warm as jade.

A small seed, with restrained spiritual energy and full of vitality, it is an extremely rare spiritual root.

With Lu Bei's extremely limited knowledge in the world of immortality, there is no way to tell if the spiritual root is close to the face. We only know that the middle-aged man in the crystal coffin has an extraordinary origin and fell into the immortal world. The lotus seeds are closely related to him, and he must not be a mortal spirit. root.

This is a spiritual root from the fairy world.

Found a treasure!


Lu Bei was so happy that he couldn't help but laugh heartily. Within three seconds of being proud, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Under his horrified gaze, the lotus seeds sank into his palm, plunged into his body, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lu Bei was shocked. For a moment, he imagined images of parasites, body snatchers, and biological viruses. Finally, he was shocked to find that the physical lotus seeds did not take root in his flesh and blood, but went straight to the small world.

White buds emerge, and a few strands of white whiskers poke out. They extend around like tentacles, reaching the endless ocean.

The lotus seeds sank to the bottom of the sea, took root, sprouted, and grew vigorously at an extremely fast speed, just like the sky-reaching vines in the legend of the magic beans. In just a moment, two huge lotus leaves spread out on the sea surface.

"How can it be?"

The small world in the Void Refining Realm is illusory and not real. There is no soil, no aura, and no conditions for the growth of life. How can spiritual roots survive?

But unfortunately, the lotus seeds have taken root, are growing well, and are developing quite well.

Lu Bei looked confused, scratched his head, and was confused.

Immediately afterwards, a scene happened that subverted common sense.

While the lotus seeds grow rapidly, they affect the foundation of Yin and Yang, attracting the light of the Five Elements, turning the void into reality, changing the false phantom of the small world, and affecting the surrounding sea area to become a reality.

No! Can! able!

Lu Bei remembers very clearly that the monks in the Void Refining Realm understood the principles of heaven and earth and gained a small, illusory world to form their own domain.

After advancing to the integration stage, the monks take the secret realm and integrate into the small world, turn the imaginary into the real, practice and then turn back to the first, and then compress and solidify the Taoism that they have understood for many years, and give birth to their own magic weapon.

During the subsequent tribulation period, the magic weapon was refined many times, and the monk's Taoist heart was strong. He found his own way among the three thousand avenues, and finally became an immortal and gained immortality.

These principles were clearly written by Hu Er in the information about the monks in the tribulation period. The monk in the fusion period who has the closest relationship with Lu Bei is Bai Jin. She explained her understanding of the fusion period and her conjectures about the tribulation period, and also It’s not much different from what Hu Er said.

Lu Bei firmly believed that Hu Er would not lie, and Bai Jin would not be able to do so. The monks in the world's integration stage and the tribulation stage all followed this path of promotion. If they are right, then...

Damn it, this is not how cultivating immortality is, his path has gone astray.

Lu Bei was dumbfounded and at a loss for a moment. Then he looked at the small world. The two colors of yin and yang and the light of the five elements were in an orderly manner. With two lotus leaves as the pivot, the false small world became reality bit by bit.

The spiritual roots absorb Yin, Yang and the Five Elements, creating land out of thin air, spreading out their territory, leaving a small part to strengthen themselves.

It is true that with the speed at which spiritual roots spread to reality, it will take at least a hundred years to turn his small world into reality. Even because of the continuous proliferation of the small world, a hundred years is a conservative estimate, and it may not be completed in his lifetime. .


The scene was so weird that it completely subverted Lu Bei's concept of cultivating immortals. He said that he was terminally ill and his future was not bright.

He thought that as an immortal, he was probably at the end of his cultivation, and he only had a minimum qualification of 3 billion...

Wait a minute!

Lu Bei: (一`一)

Suddenly, he discovered that going astray might not be a bad thing. With his qualifications, his teammates had more paths to go. As long as they continued to experience, they could force their way into the sky even if there was no path.

Moreover, the small world is too huge and there is no secret realm that can be filled enough. Now it is self-sufficient, which just solves the biggest problem in the integration period.

It's a good thing!

Be brave, he is right, this is the correct way to cultivate immortality.

It is the people of the world who are wrong, they are the ones who have gone wrong!

"Yes, that's it. At this point, it's only them who are at fault."

Lu Bei muttered and looked at the three losers fiercely. A mediocre person with mediocre qualifications can expect a path to immortality, but he has gone astray. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He said angrily: "The gourd is good, just right." Can it be used as a show-off? I need a warrior to step forward and try it out?"

Mr. Xinli looked ugly, and took the initiative to stand up without waiting for Lian Lin and Wang Yan to vote.

As an outsider, she is quite self-conscious.

"Sect Master, what was that seed just now?" Lian Lin asked curiously. She didn't have access to the magic weapon, so she asked to see if it was novel.

"A lotus seed. It's ripe. I tasted it. It tastes okay." Lu Bei said angrily.

Good guy, you are buying a casket for a pearl!

The credibility of Lu Bei's words was too low, and none of the three believed it. But looking at him, he looked like he had suffered a big loss. It was obvious that he had used lotus seeds incorrectly and wasted a good treasure.

Lian Lin and Wang Yan didn't want to bring bad luck to their boss, but Jun Xinli was secretly happy. Seeing Lu Bei's misfortune made him happier than her finding a chance.

Let's talk about Lu Bei. A treasure hunt failed and the losses were extremely heavy. Geng Geng Huai was quite dissatisfied. He first used a gourd to collect the black soil from Lingquan to open a passage to escape, and then pushed Lord Xinli in with a slap.

Sacrifice teammates, proficiency +1

The halo of the water curtain flickered, a heat wave hit their faces, and several people returned to the end of the Burning River.

"Go on, open the portal and walk again." Lu Bei ordered in a deep voice.

According to the familiar Xinli Jun, the three stone portals had the same result, and they all led directly to the main hall where the crystal coffin was placed. But he just didn't believe it and took a chance, thinking that the other two portals also had a chance.

Jun Xinli didn't notice it because of bad luck.

Unlike him, once the bad luck for hundreds of millions of years breaks out and life has its ups and downs, it is time to turn around and everything will be smooth sailing and good luck will continue from then on.

A standard gambler's mentality, confident that you can make a comeback and win back everything you lose, and insisting on going your own way without repenting.

Mr. Xinli complained secretly. The previous transmission was almost unsafe, and he did not want to take risks easily. He just wanted to send the information back to Xiongchu as soon as possible so that he could get a glimpse of the situation.

Especially the corpse of an immortal, whose body contains the secrets of immortality, has a great possibility of changing the fate of the ancient family.

It's a pity that now she has no say. Lu Bei's fists were clenching. As long as she dared to say no, he would immediately come over and do something.

In the past, Mr. Xinli laughed at the lickers who wanted to eat swan meat and had no ambition to be a man. Now, he just hates that there are too few lickers, especially Lu Bei. It would be great if he licks dogs.

Lu Bei couldn't be reasoned with, so Mr. Xinli was unwilling to do so, so he had no choice but to admit defeat, use the magic formula with both hands, and activate the teleportation array again.


The teleportation array seemed to have lost contact and did not respond at all.

Xinlijun let out a sigh, having a bad premonition, and moved his fingers again. After several failures in a row, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she changed several seals like a maniac and kept trying.

"What are you doing? Hurry up."

Lu Bei frowned and said, "I'm warning you, don't think about getting through it and eating alone. The tricks that failed are all left by Lu. You can't lie to me."

"Shut up!"

"The man named Li is yelling at me?"

"I told you to shut up. I've made a blood oath to lie to you no matter what. Just stand there and wait."

Lord Xinli interrupted sharply, thinking about the curse of the Gu family's bloodline and refusing to let go of any opportunity. In terms of eagerness and anxiety, all the people present combined could not compare to one ten thousandth of her.

After a cup of tea, Mr. Xinli clenched his fists, his delicate body trembling and burning with hot fire.

It failed, and the teleportation array could not be opened. She used all the means at her disposal, but she could not sense the space node.

"Why is this happening? Why..."

The Phoenix Winged Hokage expanded wildly, with little bits of fire spilling out, and its shape continued to collapse and reorganize. Mr. Xinli's face was ashen, and black demonic energy visible to the naked eye was walking around his body, as if he was a precursor to becoming possessed.


There was a loud noise, and the fire that shook the earth's veins surged up.

Xinlijun vomited blood and buried himself deep in the crevice of the rock. He flew out in embarrassment. When he saw Lu Bei, who seemed to be okay, his eyes suddenly turned fierce. She was in desperate need of an outlet to vent her grief.

Fortunately, the indifferent Lu Bei met all the conditions.

Clang! !

Under the signal from Lu Bei's eyes, Lian Lin attacked with the Great Power in his hand, resisted Xinli Jun and fought with him.

Xinlijun had just escaped from the demonic state, and she was filled with rage. She only attacked but not defended with her combos. Her strong sense of martial arts was abandoned by her, and she only wanted to have a good fight.

After a few rounds, due to emotional imbalance, the offensive was extreme and chaotic, and Lian Lin took advantage of the flaw and forced him to lose.

Boom! ! !

There was a flash of golden light, and there was another earth-shaking loud noise. Lord Xinli vomited blood and whined, and the phoenix-winged phantom disappeared, falling to the shameless sneak attack of the despicable person.

There was no other intention. The sneak attack was not due to carelessness. Li Jun yelled at him twice out of revenge. Rather, he had already planned it and simply tried to kill the donkey to maximize his own interests.

The chains were entangled, Lu Bei threw Mr. Xinli into the small dark room, and took out the Thousand Miles Talisman to contact Zhu Jingli who was far away in the Wu Zhou royal family.

After the last separation, Zhu Jingli left a Thousand Mile Talisman to make friends with Lu Bei, saying that the cooperation was very pleasant and he hoped there would be a chance to cooperate next time.

Lu Bei nodded happily and said he would do it next time.

No, next time I come, I will sell my heart to Mr. Li.

"Sect Master, what are you..."

"Contact the Wuzhou royal family. It's not easy for Li Jun to come. He will probably not come again in the future. We must sell her at a good price."

Lu Bei said matter-of-factly: "A real man keeps his word, and he will not break his promise if he justifies her worth... What are you looking at? It's so unreasonable. Do you want me, the sect leader, to be a villain who doesn't keep his word?"


Lian Lin: You are joking, at least the villain is still a human being!

Wang Yan: She has made a blood oath for you, why can't you treat her better?

Let alone Lian Lin and Wang Yan, who saw their future in Xinli Jun, Lu Bei could not get in touch with Zhu Jingli for the time being, so he could only let it go for the time being.

If you sell early, you will get your money back early, and if you sell late, you will get a discount. It can take up to two hours. There can be no delay.

"Let's go back to Wuzhou. This sect will first go to the Datong leader's camp."

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