This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 465 The Power of Yin and Yang (Thanks to the leader ‘Black Tongue Candy’ for the reward)

Skills—abandon demons, pass;

Skills - mental arithmetic, pass;

Skill - soul-killing, pass;

Skill - Shenxiao Sword Intent, you can have this;


As the top group in the Tribulation Period, Taifu has so many skills that you can turn the page and turn the drop-down menu. With the 50% success rate of the 'Blood Nest' skill, plus the probability of repeated skill extraction, Lu Bei thought To find out how deep the master is, we can only take him back to the basement and keep him for three to five years.

But no.

Others don’t know, but Lu Bei, who comes from version 3.0, knows very well that the Taifu was born in the ethereal secret realm of Yunzhong Pavilion. Today he invites the Taifu to the basement, and tomorrow someone will come and invite him into the basement. At that time, the offense and defense will be easy to change, and it will be the Taifu. I took a brush and drew straight characters on his legs.

A man born in heaven and earth, how can he live in the basement for a long time and be upright? It would be better to consider teaming up with senior sister, sister She, and cousin.

Lu Bei held the Qingjian in his hand and the Qingrui lamp in the creaking nest. While bleeding the Taifu, he lamented the impermanence of life.

Plans are not as fast as changes.

With his strength, he would definitely not be able to beat the master head-on. His original plan was to show off his muscles and call Lao Qin to come to his rescue when necessary, so that the master could weigh it up. If he wanted to ride on his head and dominate him, he had to do it well. Preparation for taking off three layers of skin.

He never expected that Thief Bald Donkey's ultimate move was so powerful. With the blessing of three...two demonic bodies, he was able to knock Taifu down head-on.

It's a good thing, but the Taifu's petty mind can lead to enmity today, and there will be big trouble in the future.

I can’t kill but can’t kill, and I can’t let go. What should I do?

Or, as usual, he would be aggrieved, take a few photos, and ask the master to make a blood oath, and the matter would be over for today?

It's unlikely, but Lu Bei decided to give it a try. As the saying goes, it's better to resolve enemies than to end them. If the master takes two steps back, it's good for everyone to take one step back.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about. In the world of immortality, strength is respected, and the winner has the right to speak. He won today, so he should have the initiative.

Thinking of this, Lu Bei stopped bleeding and sent the two top swordsmanship to the recycling bin with his abandoned sword technique. Like Lu Zhou's sword intent, the two sword intents of Shenxiao and Jiangque were too high to be immediately integrated into the immortal sword intent.

In the temporary storage area of ​​Blood Nest 3/3, the skill ‘Ban Chen’, which converges the aura of the realm, is deleted to make room for a skill called ‘Yuanshen Demonic Appearance’.

As for the Taifu, half of his health bar was drained by Lu Bei. His face was as pale as paper, and his aura was even more restless.

It had nothing to do with bloodletting, it was purely a physical contact just now, and Lu Bei touched him.

This time, it is very particular. Although it has not reached the balance state of yin and yang, it has greatly alleviated the crisis of the lonely sun. It is like the rain comes after a long drought, and even the drizzle and breeze can bring a bit of coolness.

At least, it cools down enough.

The sun gained a little bit of the yin, and she stopped with satisfaction. Half of the soul was no longer domineering, the balance was broken, and the other half of the demonic soul took advantage of the situation. On her pale face, her eyes gradually darkened, showing signs of being possessed.

This is the rhythm to be completed.

The Taifu sighed helplessly, with self-deprecating sadness on his face.

The power of the sun is silent, self-destruction is no longer possible, and there is no way to die with the devil. The most terrifying thing is that the devil's thoughts cannot be suppressed, and there is a possibility of going crazy at any time.

After years of suppression, once she failed, she would be extremely vicious after losing her mind after being possessed by the devil, and she would be able to do any evil thing.

The first thing that is harmful to the world is to replenish the obsession, find the nearest lunar power, and forcibly harvest the furnace cauldron.

That is Lu Bei.

Thinking of this, I just regretted that I hesitated for a moment and missed the great opportunity to self-destruct.


Lu Bei slapped the Taifu on the shoulder, and the boiling demonic thoughts disappeared in an instant like white snow encountering the scorching sun.

At the same time, when the sun touches the lunar sky, the irritability is relieved and the person becomes more docile.

Tutor: "..."

There was a saying, and at a certain moment, she was a little moved. This was the best cauldron.

Just for a moment, the idea was rejected by her as soon as it came up. Li Taiqing, ah Li Taiqing, you hate the devil that robs people of dual cultivation the most in your life, why are you going to become a devil today and live like what you hate the most?

The demonic thoughts dissipated, the sun was nourished by the yin energy, contented and silent, the Taifu's two souls were no longer disturbed, the mind was clear, and the sharp temples and eyebrows softened a lot.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with Taiyin's killing power. These old ladies are plotting against me!

Lu Bei left at the first touch, once again confirming that there was something wrong with the technique he was practicing.

It has long been seen that if Lone Yin is not born, Taiyin's killing power will go its own way. If it is not supplemented by the lower part of the skill, it will definitely not last long.

As he expected, Taifu only kept half of the technique and secretly practiced the whole thing by himself. The unlucky ones who only practiced the first half, such as him and Zhao Shiran, were all regarded as supplements.

It's shameful that she has such a plan. She really thinks that she can do whatever she wants with a little bit of beauty, and she doesn't even urinate and take photos...

Oh, it's quite beautiful.

In front of the beauty, Lu Bei was shocked to find that he was a little shaken, and hurriedly called in the three guardians for help. Perhaps because of the acquisition, the three magical powers of protecting the law were far less than before. It was not until the three foxes came to the rescue in disguise that the Taoist heart was firm.

What, the good-for-nothing brother still has some uses.

At least when it comes to rebooting, no one can match him.

Lu Bei was talking about his good brother, and when he looked at the beauty of the Taifu, he felt that the roadside was just grass and grass, which was more than enough to quench his thirst, and there was no sweetness at all.

Just average.

"Master Taifu, what happened today was all caused by your fault. You relied on strength to bully the weak. There is no trace of a master's style at all."

Lu Bei said sincerely: "I don't care about the old woman's fault, and I don't want to be acquainted with you. This second-hand broken sword and this oil lamp with a missing wick are kept as apology. Today's offense will be wiped out. What do you think? ?”

Not really.

The Taifu wrapped his hands around the chains, pointed his toes on the ground, and bent his knees in the air. He turned around and looked at Lu Bei calmly: "These two are my magic weapons for life and death. You can't take them away unless you kill me first."

"So there's nothing to talk about?"

"What do I have to talk about with the devil? You'd better kill me now, otherwise your reincarnation of the devil will be spread throughout the world."

"The reincarnation of the devil?"

Lu Bei looked confused and raised his hand to touch his chin. Not to mention, his dignity just now was a bit like that of an alien demon.

If they hadn't come from a clean family, were extremely self-aware, were just a pure white flower, and had nothing to do with the devil, they would have almost believed the Taifu's nonsense.

"Old witch, if you can't beat her, you can't beat her. What's the point of framing her?"

Lu Bei curled his lips: "You said that I am the reincarnation of a demon. Some people must believe it. If you mention the demon bodies just now, my sect leader can only laugh at you for your short-sightedness and your ignorance of the vast power of Buddhism."

Does Buddhism have such a technique?

The Taifu frowned and expressed disbelief. She had seen many Buddhist masters practicing Buddhism backwards, and indeed they had the power to forge a golden demonic body. However, practicing Buddhism backwards only simulates becoming a demon, and confusing reality with falsehoods cannot make it true. If Lu Bei was not a demon himself, and practicing reversely to regain the demon's true self, how could he be able to match the evil of the demon with a mortal body.

The Taifu only believed what he saw and did not believe Lu Bei's lies. He would rather die together and both exhaust their lifespan than open the Taiyi Yantian Map and let him go.

"Let me say it for the last time, this sect master is not a demon. If I were a demon, how could the Sutra of Abandonment entrust the inheritance to me? He cannot be the same..."

Halfway through the words, Lu Bei saw that Taifu suddenly realized something and seemed to have figured out something. He immediately stopped speechlessly and said angrily: "Yes, this sect master is the reincarnation of the demon of heaven and the demon of lust. There is no one everywhere right now. What should we do?" Got to do something."

The Taifu's expression remained unchanged, calm and cold, and completely unthreatening.

Familiar picture, as if I have seen it before.

Lu Bei rolled his eyes. Anyway, he didn't suffer any loss. He would treat it as punishment after touching it twice. The moment he raised his hand to touch the Taifu, he stopped in time and took two steps back cautiously: "What a witch, you want to supplement this sect master? When it comes to the reincarnation of demons, you are clearly worse than me."

The Taifu smiled faintly, neither admitting nor denying.

The atmosphere was at a deadlock, and Lu Bei couldn't delay any longer. Let's just say that the Taifu was a strong-mouthed king like Xinli Jun. He could shout loudly, but he was more timid than anyone else when he really made a move.


Lu Bei laughed heartily, and carried the Qing sword in his hand to sweep away the girdle tied around the Taifu's waist, and then lifted up the skirt of his clothes with the edge of the sword and slowly slid it to both sides.

There is one more thing inside.

This is not the point. The point is that Lu Bei held the jade slip in his hand. Yin Pingping shook it at Taifu, saying that he wanted to record it for his collection.

The Taifu had an icy face throughout the whole process, his breath was calm, and he didn't want to do this at all. He was already thinking of dying together, so he naturally looked down on other things.

Seeing that only a small piece of clothing was left on his upper body, Lu Bei threw down the Shangqing Sword with his backhand, and slapped the Taifu on the shoulder, making him face away from him.

He leaned his head up, blew wind into his ear, and said with an evil smile: "Master Taifu, you don't want to either..."

"hurry up."


Lu Bei: (_)

What does it mean to hurry up? Who are you looking down on here?

"That's fine. Let's warm up before practicing dual cultivation. This demon has many tricks to make you cry."

After saying that, he broke the chains with both hands, and when the master fell down, he took the delicate body into his arms, and spread out the Yin and Yang Pisces formation at his feet.

Isn't it just to collect supplements? He has two mysterious treasure maps to protect his body, which can guarantee his absolute dominance in the dual cultivation. Today, it is not certain who will collect who.

Yin and Yang are separated, and the sun and yin merge in an instant.

Lu Bei frowned tightly and took over the huge power of the sun. The Taifu looked deeply at Lu Bei, then closed his eyes and used his kung fu to absorb the endless power of the lunar yin into his body.

The momentum of yin and yang was beginning to take shape, and the faulty Taiyin Killing Path and the Sun Countering Path were perfectly connected, and the black and white swimming fish rotated around the two people.

At the same time, the evil thoughts buried deep in Taifu's body dissipated in an instant, and the split souls also began to merge.

Sensing the changes in the soul, Taifu was relieved. The technique was perfect, and the seriously injured soul was restored bit by bit. The progress of the yin and yang trend was three points faster than she imagined.

In a few moments, when her seriously injured body has fully recovered, she will have the trump card to go to hell with the devil.

As for this dual cultivation...

Taifu's distracting thoughts dispersed, and her state of mind became clearer than ever before. Using herself as the foundation, she pursued the path of Yin and Yang. There were numerous ups and downs along the way, and she finally attracted evil thoughts to enter her body. Not only have there been numerous killings over the years, but they have also gone against the original intention. The demons took advantage of this situation and brought it upon themselves, not on others.

A hall opened, and endless messages came to her. Along with waves of sleepiness, she followed the sleepiness and took a nap for a while.

On the opposite side, Lu Bei exchanged the power of the lunar yin and obtained a large amount of the power of the sun. The soul was affected by it. The personal panel refresh prompt:

Shaoyang constitution, located in the fourth line.

There was no obstacle at all, and he easily broke through the pain of the yin and yang cycle that had troubled the Taifu for many years.

Because he has no understanding, it is difficult for him to understand any magical methods from the changes of yin and yang. He only feels that the delicate body in his arms is getting lighter and lighter.

It's no longer soft and soft, and it's still a little bit irritating.

Lu Bei opened his eyes with a soft sigh and looked into a pair of bright black eyes like stars:

"Brother, why are you at my house? Why are you still holding me?"

Lu Bei: (′д`σ)σ≡っД)っ

"you you you……"

"My name is Li Taiqing."

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