This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 113 The exam begins

The Examinations Authority is an agency under the Ministry of Magic, but it is highly independent.

There are many reasons. Ms. Marchban's qualifications are too old, the technical requirements of the Bureau are too high, the examiners themselves are too high, and the Bureau's high reputation in the hearts of wizards are all important reasons.

After all, the Wizarding Administration is to actually formulate the scope and questions of the OWLs and NEWTs exams, and this assessment is recognized by almost the entire magic world and is extremely valuable.

It is almost impossible for someone to hold a certificate but not make any achievements - this thing is not based on a percentage system. If the students don't learn it, they don't learn it. If the students don't learn enough, the administration will really dare to fail all the students in a certain subject. Yes.

This was something Andrew concluded based on the information he saw from Professor McGonagall. At the same time, he also noticed the transcripts of previous years. Unfortunately, the Divination and Defense Against the Dark Arts courses at Hogwarts belonged to that class. This is a subject that was almost wiped out.

A personal relationship is a personal relationship, and the administration will be merciless in deducting points - the examiners have waited for a year to get to this day.

But even so, the school still has to entertain the examiners well.

Andrew didn't even run on non-rainy days for a long time. He got up early, went to Professor McGonagall to report, and then began to check the tables and chairs in the examination room for the last time.

Huffman was no exception. He was even more excited than usual during the inspection.

"It was actually my turn to check." He used his wand to make the table rotate in the air and then landed. "I was very worried at the time..."

"Then you got ten certificates?"

Andrew also turned the tables over - this would be enough to check, this was a way to prevent Muggle tactics, and the examiners would place anti-cheating spells on all tables before the exam.

"I made a mistake in one subject, and I didn't choose another subject because I wasn't interested."

Huffman said matter-of-factly, "But I don't dare challenge Quan Xiu. That's not a job for humans."

"How do you get good fortune-telling results?"

Andrew's resentment towards Professor McGonagall is still fresh in his mind.

"Because I never do divination, I just give standard answers."

Huffman raised his head, "There are two scoring mechanisms for excellence. One is to answer the standard completely, and the other is to make the examiner believe that you can really do divination. The same goes for arithmetic divination. If you want to get a certificate, you have to - -Oh, no, you are a specialist..."

Divination also requires convincing the examiner with behavior. The Andrew in front of him has already passed the NEWTs transfiguration test with one foot - it is enough to allow Professor McGonagall to put books in the restricted area in the office for him to read.

This half month has only been busy, and after that, Professor McGonagall has been having one-on-one questions and answers every day - even if it only lasts for ten minutes or less, it is something that wizards outside would never dare to dream of.

After feeling a little depressed, Huffman cheered up again, "Percy is a ruthless person who chose twelve subjects. I suspect he also plans to tie his brother Bill's record and get twelve O's."

"Percy studied twelve subjects?"

Andrew's mouth opened wide, "He actually still has the heart to talk... I mean, deal with documents?"

"That's why he is said to be a ruthless person. He was able to solve everything without any confusion. He also took care of himself well. Except for not playing Quidditch, he was perfect for everything."

"It's really scary."

Andrew said it sincerely, Percy was truly amazing in this regard.

"It's just that no one paid attention to studying after Percy."

Huffman lowered his voice, "The twins' level of mischief can be said to have broken records. We thought Ronald would come back, but it turns out that he is particularly good at fighting..."


"Well... He specializes in jinxes, and his protective magic and spells are just average, but he is really good at jinxes... Muggles are also particularly good at fighting..."

Is that so?

"Your measures against Slytherin are really perfect."

"Of course, but this year it's much more complete than before. After all, Harry Potter is better at uniting students than us - he can pull everyone out to fight in groups in the first grade. He's really the best."

Huffman shook his head, "Let's not talk about that anymore - there is a written exam in the Charms class in the morning. Although there are no surprises in theory, we still have to be prepared for someone to be caught cheating. Where are you on duty?"

"Let's go to the OWLs exam room. The fifth graders should be more restrained, and it's closer to me - I haven't seen the exam yet."

"It's the same - seventh grade is just going through the motions. Basically no fool would cheat in seventh grade, but you can go if you want."

"How to deal with it in previous years?"

"In the past, Professor McGonagall was here for the fifth grade, the male prefect went to the seventh grade, and the female prefect was in the office. This year, the professor can relax."

"That's good."


Breakfast was not stable - Andrew always felt like the fifth grade students were secretly looking at him.

But there is no blame for this. Even Ravenclaw students have to panic when taking exams. Those who memorize exam questions, those who cast spells temporarily to practice, those who take out a notebook and take a look at it from time to time...

But no matter how hard they tried, the exam time still started.

Students from other grades began to disperse one after another to start classes or prepare for the second period, leaving only a bunch of people waiting for exams in the entire restaurant.

Andrew was called over by the examiners and watched as they cast various anti-cheating spells on the inspected seats.

After the inspection, these chairs will be transferred to the dining hall by magic to eliminate the last cheating method, and Andrew himself will witness the last leg of this anti-cheating method on behalf of the school.

As for the dining hall, another group of examiners and professors will cast a spell to ensure that there is no possibility of cheating - after all, cheating in the OWls exam will start with expulsion.

"I confirm it."

After the examiner finished casting the spell, Andrew signed his name on the anti-cheating procedure sheet, and then began to watch the elves move the tables and chairs.

The whole procedure was not completed until about 9:15.

Then two signatures were confirmed, and Professor McGonagall and Professor Marchbank signed and kept the signatures.

"You can notify the candidates."

At this moment, the auditorium was already full of single tables and chairs and a full set of anti-cheating paper and pens.

Andrew was settled in a corner far away from the examination room. He sat there and watched the fifth-year students file in and find their seats.

He even saw Percy walk in with confidence - it was a pity that he couldn't say hello.

A test paper sealed by magic was placed in front of him, then checked, unsealed, and distributed to all students.

Andrew signed his name again, extremely serious.

"The exam begins."

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