This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 114 First Day of Exam Week

Invigilation is not a good job.

Even if Andrew is not really an invigilator, but is just a school staff member to assist in the exam in accordance with the procedures, he cannot slack off and read books or do other things.

This job is very tiring, but he cannot slack off.

After all, it is easy for him to be criticized when he comes to the exam room at his age, and it would be irresponsible if he is careless - this is not an office after all, so many people are watching.

Only when Professor McGonagall comes to see him can Andrew breathe a sigh of relief - even if the pressure is less this year, Professor McGonagall still looks back and forth with great concern.

Fortunately, the first exam was extremely safe and there were no accidents - no students fainted due to too much pressure, and no one was caught for cheating.

Andrew breathed a sigh of relief, and then greeted the examiners, and made sure that all the test papers were collected and the names were filled in well before he was completely relieved. He asked the house elves to collect the tables and chairs, and then he completely finished the morning task.

There is no such thing as a good thing to do - after finishing the easy work of processing documents in the office and helping the professor run errands, what will happen if you are distracted during the exam?

After the house elf reset the table, Andrew stretched his body and walked out of the hallway - he was very tired now and planned to go back to the lounge to clear his mind and lie down for a while.


Huffman was almost the same as him, with a tired face.

"Finished - luckily there's a practical in the afternoon."

Andrew muttered quietly, "I have to go back and lie down for a while. The work in the past two weeks is heavier than I thought."

"It's good that there's no trouble. I hope no one will be caught cheating this year. You go back and rest first - if it doesn't work, just sleep a little longer and go to the kitchen to make up for it later."

"Let's talk about it later... After all, there's ice cream at noon."

He waved goodbye to Huffman and walked towards the lounge, then fell asleep on the bed - his active mind helped him a lot in the past, but once there was nothing to attract his attention, it was very torturous.


"Eat, Andrew."

When Hal pushed Andrew awake, Andrew felt alive again.

I'm afraid I have to think about something less serious tomorrow. After all, the invigilator can move around, but he can't.

"I heard that you went to invigilate?"

Who is slandering me?

Fifth-year students still have to stay for two years, and Andrew doesn't plan to hang up this resume that is easy to cause hatred.

"Just confirming that the exam room is normal. I am only responsible for serving the examiners, not students."

He shook his head quickly. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have this reputation - although there is a little concealment, it is definitely better than this junior first reporter going out to ruin his reputation.

"Ah... Isn't it an invigilator?"


Andrew said firmly, "Just a waiter, working from dawn to dusk without getting paid."

"Poor... We thought you were exempted from the final exam."

Hal looked disappointed, "After all, you said you would take leave for the entire exam period."

"Almost... I will probably have to study by myself for the next two weeks, but fortunately I have notes."

"But you didn't tell us..."

Several roommates looked at each other, and from each other's expressions, it can be seen that no one has been entrusted with taking notes.

"Other seniors... should not fail... right?"

Andrew's confidence is a little lacking - other courses are okay, but the difficulty of self-studying potions is very high.


"There's something worse - homework has to be handed in, too."

Andrew spread his hands, and everyone's faces were suddenly filled with happy expressions - you can't take all the good things.


It's true that you have to make up homework - but you don't have to do it at night.

It's good for the friendship between classmates to be a little exaggerated. It's human nature to worry about your brother's hard life and to worry about your brother driving a Land Rover.

'But it doesn't seem to be anything to be proud of...'

Andrew read his notes while watching the examiners casting spells on students for spot checks - there is basically no possibility of cheating, so he can do some homework or do something else on the table comfortably, as long as he doesn't make noise.

To be precise, he must do something else, which is in line with his mascot positioning - he must sit there and be serious in the morning for the centralized exam so as not to affect the students' answers, and he must relax in the afternoon so as not to make the students who are one-on-one with the examiners nervous.

He played the role he should play well, and took the opportunity to finish his homework and homework by himself. He even stared at the examinee for a while, but was soon warned by the examiner - just read your book and don't disturb the examinee unless something unexpected happens.

This is simply unreasonable - but the examiner is the most powerful in the OWLs exam room, and he is lucky to have a seat. Their dean, Professor Flitwick, is outside with a list and calling people, and he can't even enter the exam room...

Fortunately, no accidents happened to the fifth-year students - the examiner can easily put the broken plates and cups back together, and the same goes for the animals that were cast.

Andrew spent a pretty good afternoon listening in and reading, and plans to bring some extracurricular books tomorrow afternoon.

The exam room didn't even need to be cleaned up in the afternoon. Andrew asked the elves to clean the room and that was it - Professor Flitwick didn't even leave when he left.

"How do you feel about the exam, Taylor?"

Professor Flitwick asked with a smile.

"Very disciplined."

Andrew finally found a word without emotion to comment.

"Indeed, very disciplined. Professor Tofty actually asked how you were doing with your spells."

The dean smiled with some malicious intent.

Professor Tofty?

Andrew recalled and found that it was the professor who warned him - well, it seemed that Huffman had said that under the leadership of Ms. Marchbank, the people in the Administration had basically no prejudice, and could even be said to be very enthusiastic, but they were very demanding on grades...

At that time, Andrew thought it was normal - it was normal for someone whose job was to score based on knowledge to be so demanding on grades, but now...

? ? ?

If you have the guts, use Transfiguration to judge! You can't be so one-sided just because the examiner is good at spells!

While Andrew was still speechless, Professor Flitwick left with a smile - there will be a spell test for the seventh grade tomorrow, and he still has to watch it.

It took a little time for Andrew to figure out that his dean was using him to relieve some pressure after working all day - it was so cold, when will the students of Hogwarts really stand up?

He shook his head and smiled, then started running towards the kitchen. At this point, the ice cream left over from lunch might not have been taken away by the Hufflepuff students yet. He decided to break his moral code and snatch the ice cream away.

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