"We need to buy a bunch of materials, but the dragon manure compost for the new greenhouse can be prepared now..."

Mrs. Pince, where are you? Someone is making a noise in the library!

Andrew tried hard not to let the expression show on his face - Professor Adams actually tried to tutor him on herbal medicine!

It would be fine if the purpose was simple, but the problem was that Andrew could clearly see the other party's desire for a greenhouse budget.

Get interested in herbal medicine and then stretch your budget?

It's impossible - transfiguration is the way to go, and even if you have to make up lessons, there are potions that may help or spells that will definitely help.

As for those who are interested?

Of course it's the Transfiguration. He has already studied his favorite course, how could he switch to another one? Not to mention that the total budget is only that small, and he can't even pay for it with Professor McGonagall.

According to the note left by the professor, she came back on the day the materials were delivered for construction - Andrew felt much more relaxed at that time.

'Damn it, I'm worrying here, but Percy is happily going on a date... huh? ’

He heard the sound of the window being hit, and quickly followed the sound to find the guy named Hermes.

‘Just kidding, let an owl in the library and I’d be assassinated. ’

Andrew trotted out of the library, went to the end of the side corridor, opened the window, and let the pitiful-looking owl fly in.


'Forehead? ’

Andrew was speechless for a time when he looked at the letter. If he hadn't confirmed that it was Percy's letter that he had sent to him before, he would have suspected that the letter was meant to be a joke.

Damn it!

The prefect of the sixth grade at Hogwarts, recognized as the number one, with all kinds of magic at his fingertips, a being who even puts graduates to shame - Percy Weasley, had his bag stolen in London!

Moreover, he ignored the owl prompts. If the owl hadn't been there, this poor underage hapless guy wouldn't have known what to do!

Because he is underage, he cannot use magic unless he is in danger, and he is not familiar with Muggle roads. If the owl hadn't been there, he wouldn't have known how to ask for help.

'Hold it, Andrew, you can't laugh, it's a credit to you...'

On the way back to the library from the corridor, Andrew tried to persuade himself several times, but in the end he failed.

'Well... we have to find someone to deal with it... we can't just leave Percy over there, or let the owl write back asking for his opinion...'

In theory, this matter should be approached by Hagrid. He is responsible for the defense of the castle, so it is certainly possible. But today Hagrid went to purchase materials, so he could only approach Professor Adams as close as possible.

"Leaving school to do errands?"

"Yes, I need to leave school once and bring a helper here. He can help the greenhouse be better built - Percy from Gryffindor. After I corresponded with him, he decided to return to school early to help for a while."

"Percy," Professor Adams nodded. Gryffindor's prefects can certainly participate to speed up the progress of the project - experts in herbology may be more persuasive, and even if not, they can still help pile up the dragons. Shit or something.

"Okay then, I'll take you away, but you have to leave a message for Hagrid, otherwise it won't be possible to enter the school."

? ? ?

Do you agree?

No, I was prepared, gritted my teeth and pretended to have no budget, and then proposed a model of subsidizing a seed purchase fund in the future in exchange for help. Why didn't you talk about anything?

Andrew felt a little pain in his conscience, but not severe.

Use Hermes to reply to Percy and ask him to stay at the subway entrance with the suitcase. Andrew followed Professor Adams and happily left the main entrance and headed for Hogsmeade.

"We'll first use Floo powder to go to the public fire in London, and then take the Muggle subway to find him."

Adams explained the itinerary, and Andrew, who was keeping his conscience in check, nodded wildly in agreement - the fastest way is actually to let Percy come on the Knight Bus, and a few galleons in the letter will be enough.

But in that case, regardless of whether the money comes back or not, it would be a bit troublesome for the galleons to leak out. Although it does not violate the confidentiality law, it is really embarrassing to tell...



Andrew whispered - too easy for Percy to recognize at this point.

The bereaved dog looked dejected. He was originally as proud as a rooster, but now he is completely stupid.

"Let's go."

Andrew whispered, "Probably where did you lose the money?"

"Ah...Andrew, I'm so stupid..."

"Let's talk about it when we get back. First think about where you lost the money, otherwise you will lose weight successfully when we get your wallet back!"

"Hermes's warning seems to be..."

Percy recalled carefully, while Andrew began to recall the definition of violation in the Secrecy Act - well, if it is not considered to be a spell, it does not exist.

After finding a hotel and putting Percy's suitcase away, Andrew took the other two people to search the bar - hell, this Adams was not much better than Percy.

Soon, Andrew, who had chosen his target, began to secretly make the chosen unlucky person lose crazily - soon his eyes turned red and he left in despair.

Then, as soon as this super unlucky guy turned into an alley, he felt something hit his waist, and an extremely burly man appeared in front of him.

"Hi, just a few questions."

Andrew said in a changed voice, and the transformed 5.56 persuasion artifact in his hand was pressed against his head.

"I lost all my money!"

"I didn't intend to rob the poor guy. What thieves are there around here? We lost something important..."

Professor Adams's deterrent power was stronger than Andrew thought - after asking about the appearance of several thieves, Percy finally confronted him.

"Knock him out, we'll settle the score."

Andrew said, but found that Percy didn't follow.

He seemed to be planning to take out his wand, but he was very hesitant...

What wand to take out!

Andrew chopped the other's neck, and the other fell down very obediently - although Andrew basically didn't use much force, and the force was definitely not enough to knock someone out, but he couldn't resist the other's cooperation.


About an hour later, Andrew and his team finally found the group of people who were having fun. After the persuasion artifact made a persuasion judgment on the sky, everyone seemed very obedient.

The pounds were spent, but the galleons were not used - those gangsters planned to find a suitable channel to sell them, after all, it looked like gold.

"Let's go back to school," Andrew said unceremoniously, seeing Percy's face soften. "Professor Adams heard that you had trouble on your way back to school, so he rushed over. You have to buy a drink after you settle down at school."


The professor was startled, and you still want to go out? Dream on!

Andrew laughed happily.

"By the way, what is yours?"

"It's a Muggle wand, a fake one, which is transformed. It just makes a similar sound, which is enough."

His Transfiguration could not simulate the reaction process of the contents, so it could only scare this kind of thief who stole the bag - but it was enough.

"Let's go back to school and go to work."

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