This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 133: Worker plus one, suspicion plus one

Percy still felt dizzy until he was taken back to Hogwarts.

"Okay, you need to take a good rest for a day, have a good sleep in the lounge, and then come to participate in the office work. I will send an owl to tell her that you are back to help. She must be very happy."

Andrew smiled and took Percy to the door of the Gryffindor lounge, and then ran to the owl shed without stopping - he had to settle things quickly before Percy woke up!

His going out to help had nothing to do with Percy's need to return to school - the money was recovered, Percy could still start his romantic journey, and Professor Adams had nothing to do with Percy's need to return, he was just a professor that Andrew had to inform when he left school.

Percy was just taught a lesson by the dark side of Britain, and he was not stupid enough to keep cheating. If he didn't hurry up to contact the professor, the worker would run away!

It was right to help him, this was the friendship between colleagues, and it was also natural to cheat him - this was the second lesson of society, Percy!

After happily sending the letter out with an owl, Andrew clapped his hands contentedly.

As for the date, he would consider it after the greenhouse construction was completed. Otherwise, he would find a way to explain to Professor McGonagall why he had to leave after coming to help.

Anyway, the construction period was expected to be completed in early August, and he still had time to go - and it was just right to reflect on his mistakes during this period.

Facts have proved that Percy is not stupid.

In the afternoon, the unlucky guy who was originally panicked found Andrew in the library.

"I have a question, Andrew."

"Go ahead."

Andrew put down the magazine and looked at Percy.

"You didn't tell Professor McGonagall about it?"

"If you mean your original purpose, then no, if you mean coming to school, then I have received a reply."

Andrew smiled, and the matter was settled.

"So I'll start working overtime tomorrow?"

Percy sighed, "Until the greenhouse is built?"

"Of course, the professor greatly appreciates your behavior - I can't make a wasted trip."

"Damn it, if I didn't know it was impossible, I would even suspect that those people were sent by you."

Percy rubbed his hair, looking helpless, "I should have been on a date... At least I should have been at home waiting for my mother to call me for dinner."

"No, you should have wandered the streets, and finally found a subway entrance tired and thirsty, spread out your clothes to do magic, and then hope that the admiring people passing by would throw a few shillings."

"Shillings are abolished currency, and I got full marks in Muggle Studies!"

Percy was even a little proud.

"Okay, then pennies... But have you really never learned about thieves and burglaries in class? I remember that there are thieves and liars even in the magical world."

"You look too high, Percy. People can't just look up, otherwise when you fall, you don't know what it looks like below, let alone what to grab."

Andrew shook his finger, "I mean, you have to be prepared for accidents. Reality is often not as good as imagined."

"Maybe, I should have thought more about it."

The loss and recovery of nearly three hundred Galleons had a huge impact on Percy - although he would occasionally imagine it, it was always different to hold such a full bag of gold in his hands.

Moreover, the fact that Andrew almost single-handedly handled the matter made Percy realize that this junior with superb talent in Transfiguration was better than him in this regard - this was a scene he had never imagined.

"By the way, your spellcasting, and the Muggle side..."

After giving up the rebuttal, Percy was worried whether the morning's events would bring any trouble to Andrew.

"That doesn't matter. I have permission, and I didn't do anything that would be considered magic. As for the metal wand, they don't want the Muggle strikers to notice it any more than we do."

"Permission to cast spells?"

"Yes, permission to cast spells."

Percy suddenly didn't want to chat anymore.

" seems you've handled it seems I have to take an additional Muggle Studies Advanced Class."

"The professor will definitely welcome it, but that's for next semester. Let's take a break first, then communicate. We'll be busy tomorrow."

Andrew was very satisfied with the last step of fooling the part-time worker - once Percy started working, the question of why he stayed in school would naturally disappear.

"It's not over yet. I will stay in school and work hard - I don't want the professor to know what stupid things I did."

Percy stared at Andrew, "But the question now is, how do I tell Penelope?"

"Just tell her the engineering time, and then say that you applied to return to school to find an excuse to leave - just to go see her during the holidays."

Andrew kept talking about his old business and forced the two things together.


"Well, it's also good to learn the life of a Muggle and date, isn't it? You can go there from Hogsmeade by Floo or Knight Bus. Even if you have to work overtime, I will help you finish it."

"Great, thank you, Andrew."


'I'll tell you... This is the second lesson...'

Andrew sighed in his heart, his face didn't change, "Tell my family again, so that they don't worry, just say I jokingly tricked you back to do school work."

"I don't think she'll pay much attention, maybe mom will care - did I tell you, Harry went to my house, just first-year Harry."

Don't act like you've been abandoned by your family, you're the one who ran away from home on your own initiative!

"That's good, so you don't get caught by them."

Andrew couldn't point out that the coaxed worker had no humanity towards the opposite sex, so he could only comfort her.

"It's true, Harry's letters seem to have been intercepted. I heard from them this morning that if they were intercepted by the Ministry of Magic, Penelope would be angry and break up."

! ! !

No, at what time do you care about your love letters being intercepted!

No, why did the Ministry of Magic intercept Harry's letters?

Andrew suddenly became anxious - he wasn't interested in Harry's letters, but what was the Ministry's intention?

Will they monitor the school's letters, especially his?

This is a critical question!

If he's watched and intercepted, then he can hang on the roof of the repaired greenhouse to bask in the sun!

Or pull a rope from the greenhouse to the Astronomical Tower and hang him there!

"This is no small matter, Percy."

Andrew became serious, "I must report to the professor immediately to check whether the Ministry of Magic has any surveillance on Harry - especially the bad behavior of intercepting all letters, which is a serious violation of the law!"

'Damn it, it's the honeymoon period, and I just paid for the sponsorship, why are they monitoring Harry, and it's the kind of undisguised one? '

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