This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 191 Give me some sausage and beans

"How's it going, Andrew?"

Percy almost rushed over when Andrew knocked on the office door - if Professor McGonagall hadn't been there, he might not have completely lost his temper.

'So, the professor kept Percy? No, it should have been left by Percy himself. He is more mature and knows that passing by at this time will only be unhelpful... Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall can talk things through with him...'

However, there is no need to analyze it now...the culprit has been firmly identified.

"Fortunately... they are all safe." After telling Percy what he was most concerned about, Andrew showed the thing in his hand, "We finally found this... a diary that is said to be able to chat with people..."

"Talk to someone?"

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, "You're chatting with someone? Magic props of this level are rare even in Hogwarts. Even a magic portrait made by pouring magic power into it requires an extremely high level of magic... Um, Taylor, why is there such a thing?"

In addition to the tattered diary, there were three sweet potatoes roasted to perfection on the table.

There is no doubt that this is what Professor McGonagall is referring to...

'Hell, I was so nervous and wanted to take away the hot potato that I forgot about the sweet potato...'

Only then did Andrew come to his senses - he felt that he was not to blame.

Not everyone has a big heart like the twins. He brought the most evil being in the magic world wrapped in sweet potatoes - he just wanted to get this hot potato into the hands of the right person as soon as possible.

"It's hard to explain, professor," Andrew said, trying not to look at the three sweet potatoes and laugh out loud, "but I have to say that they were sent with this diary - of course, in theory. , they are also my dinner..."

An emotion that Andrew couldn't understand appeared on Professor McGonagall's face. She finally sighed, and then used her wand to make the diary fly over. The roasted sweet potatoes rolled on the table and were picked up by Percy. One of them.

"I happen to be hungry, Andrew."

Percy quickly hid aside with the sweet potatoes - as you can imagine, in order to let Andrew's pressure go smoothly, Percy never went out.

'But that's no reason to steal my dinner, Percy! ’

Although he knew in his heart that Percy might have picked up a sweet potato to make the situation less embarrassing, Andrew could be sure that if everything was verified, it would not be a problem for him to eat sweet potatoes in Dumbledore's office...

"I can't destroy the lever...Taylor."

Professor McGonagall quickly put down her diary and quickly left the office. After saying a few words to the portrait at the door, she returned to the office, "Tell me about the process. I think this thing is the limit...unless Albus himself wants to Playing pranks."

"So, this diary was brought to school by Miss Weasley from the second-hand books at Flourish and Blotts? Then it was discarded and passed to Mr. Filch, and then it was stolen again and was taken away by the Weasley twins. Come back? They are still unwilling to betray who took the diary, but they are only willing to help him be imprisoned? "

This long list of twists and turns did sound very convoluted. Professor McGonagall frowned, but finally let go. Although she wanted to deduct some points, since Andrew didn't deduct them on the spot, she didn't. Good to say something.

But when she saw Percy in a daze holding a sweet potato out of the corner of her eye, she realized that Andrew was not a prefect and had no right to deduct points.

"That's right, Professor."

Andrew nodded - Percy's look of being frightened by his younger siblings was totally worth the price of a sweet potato.

"Where's Ron?"

"Ron already used Veritaserum that night...I don't think there is any need to investigate."

"Well, very good..."

When Professor McGonagall was about to ask further questions, there was a knock on the office door, and Percy quickly opened the door with a sweet potato in one hand and the other.

"Ah, we were dining. I came just in time."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded to Percy, and then quickly came to the desk, "There are two more, and it seems that I have a share - everything in the school kitchen is good, but the roasted sweet potatoes imitated by magic are always good." It’s like cooking.”

Under Andrew's gaze, Dumbledore picked up a sweet potato casually, and then handed one to Professor McGonagall skillfully.

Visibly, Professor McGonagall hesitated and then took it.

"Oh, of course, eating sweet potatoes exclusively is certainly worthy of calling me, Minerva, but this shouldn't be an important thing, right?"

As Dumbledore spoke, he looked at the things on the table curiously, and then he was attracted by the tattered diary on the table.

"No trace, Minerva."

Dumbledore couldn't look away.

'trace? ’

"Yes, Albus, no, and with my ability there is no way to destroy or disintegrate it."

"That was so much fun."

Dumbledore's originally gentle eyes showed obvious curiosity. He hesitantly tapped the sweet potato with the hand holding the sweet potato - it began to float in the air by itself and then peeled apart, and a silver spoon emerged...


Professor McGonagall coughed.

The spoon stopped moving.

“It doesn’t taste that good after it’s cold…”

Andrew pretended not to hear anything, and so did Percy.

Letting the sweet potato and spoon fly in the air, Dumbledore glanced at the diary and then opened the title page.


The spoon fell on the table, but fortunately the sweet potato was saved by Professor McGonagall.

"Interesting, really... very interesting... how was it discovered?"

The smile on Dumbledore's face was obviously very heartfelt, and Andrew repeated the acquisition process again.

"That's right, it's it, very good, very good... There is no doubt that, Mr. Taylor, you will be the President of the Boys' Student Union next year."

? ? ?

Principal, what crazy are you talking about!

This is for a seventh-year student! I will only be a third-year student next year!

Even Professor McGonagall was frightened by Dumbledore's words, "Too early, Albus, he will only be a third-year student next year!"

And Percy behind Andrew-he had been stunned for a long time.

"Ah, I forgot about this..."

Dumbledore forced his eyes away from the diary, and then just pointed with his finger, and the whole diary was wrapped tightly with parchment.

"Anyway, Ravenclaw will get 50 points... no, 100 points. Also, come to my office after the badge's hidden contents are cracked..."

"That's it," Dumbledore said in an indescribably cheerful tone, "This is a moment worth celebrating - well, enjoy our sweet potatoes."

Without further ado, four silver spoons appeared, and one of them began to scoop up Dumbledore's portion.

Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment, then began to celebrate as well - Percy followed suit.



Andrew hesitated, then softly called the house elf.

"Yes, Mr. Taylor."

"Give me a portion of sausage and beans, thank you."

What could he do?

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