This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 192 Long time no see, Tom

Life in the diary was muddled, but every time it was opened, every time someone wrote a message in it, it was the best nourishment for the soul.

After being awakened by the little girl of the Weasley family and nurtured with her emotions and magic, Tom felt that he was getting stronger day by day.

But the good days were not over for a few days, and bad luck came - the diary had not been opened for a long time, and the originally nourishing life became a bubble, and the awakened will and emotions quickly declined after losing the provider. Tom could even feel that he was getting closer to death day by day.

Yes, death.

Death that was extremely close - the loss of revived thoughts, the loss of active souls, the loss of everything, turned into a soul in the diary that didn't know when to wake up.

And when he woke up again, was he still himself?

After a difficult life that was weaker every day than the day before, Tom even felt desperate.

It's over - he thought so, it was obviously the same soul, but he had to face death bit by bit.

But the diary was finally opened again.

This time it was a silly boy who looked easy to deceive.

Because the other party was holding a wand and trying to do a silly ritual - it was so easy to fool.

But what followed was a painful memory.

That fool, no, madman, was destroying the fragile Horcrux again and again - yes, in the sense of magic, it was extremely strong and could even protect the soul under the most extreme means.

But in addition to protecting the core soul, every tear and injury will cause damage to the nurturing consciousness - because this is not the soul that the Horcrux is supposed to protect, it is a redundant existence.

After hundreds of times, or more torture, he finally got the opportunity to communicate with the fool - but this time the text had no magic and emotion at all, it turned out to be the Gryffindor's silly broken neck ghost!

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves - after many days of torture, he has repositioned himself.

Since it is a Gryffindor ghost, it is most likely a Gryffindor student.

Attract Slytherin with the glory of blood, deceive Ravenclaw with ancient knowledge, seduce Hufflepuff with rare delicacies, and seduce Gryffindor with great adventures - then make up adventures and let them indulge in them.

Hide the treasure first. Whether it is interrogation, begging or fraud, he can grow up in one confrontation after another.

Perfect the details in the interrogation, trust each other, and then open the secret room - that scene must be very beautiful.

But he never thought that the students of Gryffindor were so vicious and their minds were as sinister as his most elite Death Eaters!

Under the continuous burning of the flames, he succumbed much faster than he expected.

But this is nothing - even if it was hastily fabricated, he still killed the rooster that posed the greatest threat to the basilisk.

Moreover, the treatment was much better. After the last fire, he had been quiet for a long time - this was almost incredible, and such a scene made him extremely happy.

When the diary was opened again, he habitually emerged with such words.

[What should I talk about now? 】

【There's a lot to talk about, Tom. Long time no see, I hope you haven't forgotten me. 】

The small amount of magic that poured in was filled with a terrifying aura, this was definitely not the little ghost from before.

【To be polite, I'll introduce myself, I'm Albus Dumbledore. 】


"Have you heard that it's completely sealed off."

"Well, it's the wall and blockade that Professor McGonagall conjured up, it's said something extraordinary happened."

"Is it someone who died?"

"I haven't heard from anyone..."

The dinner table tonight was unusually lively - after all, there was big news.

The bathroom next to the library, which was basically unused, was sealed off, even Myrtle couldn't get in, it was said that it was Professor McGonagall who sealed it off.

Anyway, many people saw Percy blocking others from entering the bathroom door, and it was said that Hufflepuff's Nazarov was also involved - as for the cold-faced Ripper, he followed all the way.

From the afternoon to dinner, almost everyone really saw the sealed place, so the topic was never getting hot.

Under the impact of such a lively topic, the incident of Ginny Weasley being almost expelled, which was expected to make the headlines today, did not become popular.

"By the way, Ron, did Percy say anything?"

"He didn't even show up... and he wouldn't say anything even if he showed up. He is as annoying as that cold-faced ripper..."

Ron spread his hands, "Ginny, someone told me that she was threatened by that Taylor, but she refused to say anything..."

"Maybe it's something serious, and Percy is here, that Taylor will definitely not mess around."

"That's right... hush..."

Ron shook his head repeatedly, and the people around him lowered their voices.

The person they were discussing, that Taylor, came over.

"I'm afraid you'll have to be in detention tonight, Mr. Potter."

"Detention, why?"

Ron's eyes were still a little provocative.

"The fight with Slytherin three days ago... Are you going to be in detention or explain the accomplice?"

Ron and Harry's arrogance was suppressed at once.

Regardless, this matter cannot be brought up openly—especially since they have higher combat power.

“It’s your bad luck that the professor saw you…”

Andrew lowered his voice, "Be careful next time."

The two nodded repeatedly - it only counted once, and it was because someone reported it, so what else is there to say?

"You don't have to follow him. What does he count as a magic fight...a group fight? Do you dislike the short confinement time?"

Of course, only Harry was given confinement - because even Professor McGonagall felt that he should be given a supplementary confinement.

Because after handing in the diary and referring to the events of the day, it was easy to conclude that Ron was most likely seduced and that Harry was directly and subjectively involved in the speeding incident.

Andrew didn't act on his own initiative. He had already reported the solitary confinement, and the professor completely nodded. The reason why he didn't use the flying car as an excuse was because the matter was settled at the Ministry of Magic level and could not be used as an excuse.

Taking away Harry who was depressed, and then Ginny who was happy and not like being in solitary confinement, and the twins.

"You two choose first..."

Andrew was grateful for the diary, "Professor Lockhart needs help answering letters, Mr. Filch needs help organizing files, and the hospital is short of two chamber pot washers, so it's a job for two people."

"Go to the hospital!"

The two said in unison.

? ? ?

Are you feeling sorry for your sister by rushing to clean the chamber pot? Or are your hobbies too weird?

Andrew will not judge - respect personal preferences and don't disturb others.

"What about you?"


Ginny almost answered.

"Then I'll go to the files."

Harry nodded.

"The two of them worked together. Answer the letter and report it."

What choice do you have as a first-timer - can I solve the diary in less than a day? Didn't I pay the price? It’s not Miss Ginny’s cooperation!

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