This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 196 Adventure (Outing)!

"Then, let's begin." Dumbledore lightly tapped the faucet. The small carved snake pattern emitted a dazzling green light when the wand was touched, but was soon covered by a violet light.

"Hiss, hiss..."

Andrew heard a spooky sound coming from a faucet, as if something was about to crawl out and attack.

‘Snake, yes, it’s snake language? ’

At the sound of this sound, it began to emit a burst of white light, then quickly rotated and grew in size, and pressed the pool down, eventually forming a long pipe that could be drilled into.

So terrible…

Andrew had probably analyzed Dumbledore's magic - the professor's unabashed approach made it not that difficult for Andrew to understand.

The spell just now bewitched and activated the entrance, and then gave it a short magical life. Under the ridiculously strong transformation spell, it opened the blockade of its body using the method in its memory.

To put it simply, it's like a smart door lock sprouts arms and legs. He inputs all the passwords he has memorized and then opens the door...

'Hiss... let alone this lock, not even Gringotts' treasury can guard against such a method, right? But Gringotts seems to have lost it last year? That's okay, it doesn't deserve it. ’

“So interesting…”

Dumbledore stared at the pipe, his voice of admiration obvious, "Without our complete knowledge, there is a passage leading to the underground... What a great surprise."

"There is no doubt that someone intervened in the repair of the castle's pipelines a long time ago, at least hundreds of years ago, and then established this secret passage that leads directly to the underground." Professor McGonagall checked the protection of the pipeline, "However, all history None of the principals found out about this secret passage.”

‘It may also be due to inspection... No, it is impossible for the principal to hide the existence of the secret room, because he has dozens of methods of expulsion that are much better than the basilisk, instead of stupidly using a snake to complete it. ’

"Then, the mirror goes down first, and then the water."

Dumbledore clicked his wand, and the two deformed creatures shrank a bit and then got into the pipe. "And, Severus, how are you?"

Professor Snape did not comment and got into the pipe, then Dumbledore himself, then Percy and Andrew. Professor McGonagall stayed at the end, re-sealed the bathroom and was the last one to step in.

'Sure enough, it's a pipe network... and even a weak lighting system. Damn it, how much power does this have in the castle? ’

As he slid down the dense pipeline, Andrew judged his position along the way.

Probably on the surface... underground... this is almost deeper than the Black Lake, right?

Probably because of the water passing through, the pipes are a little damp, but it's not a big problem. Andrew soon felt a magical force slowing down his fall, and even the slope of the pipe was decreasing.


After sliding through a section of flat pipe, his butt lightly touched the ground outside the pipe.

A burst of magical power came, and he was pulled up, and the moisture on his body disappeared in an instant.

Then, it was Professor McGonagall - but Andrew didn't pay attention at all, he just focused on the room they were in.

A ball of flame floated from the ceiling, burning the whole place ablaze.

It was part of a tunnel—the walls were clean, the floor was dry, and the bright firelight drove away all the darkness.

'Hell, it must have been cleaned by Dumbledore... I can't believe no one has used it for so many years...'

Andrew is full of resentment - even if he can't write it directly, it can be used as material accumulation. How many people have seen the magic secret passage that has not been repaired for more than ten years?

Not to mention that this is the model that was used to build the school!

But he is a pure bastard who only wants to gain experience and has no right to speak.

However, Professor McGonagall looked at it for a while and then directly found the exit. "Here, there is another pipe with an automatic return effect. It is also a borrowed castle protection magic... Merlin's socks, this can't really be the one, right?"

"Professor, you mean, the secret room?"

Percy hesitated briefly before blurting out.

"Although we have thought it was a fake for many years, but..." Professor McGonagall looked at the surrounding environment, "There is no doubt that this place has existed since the founding of the school, and I can only control part of the authority..."

"Come on, it looks like I have to send a message to a legend - tell them that I have discovered another buried treasure."

Dumbledore was joking, but his expression and actions were not relaxed - the mirror and the water ball had already gone ahead to explore the way.

"There are many rat skeletons. It seems that there is someone here who makes a living by eating rats."

Andrew didn't know how Dumbledore communicated with the deformed creatures. Anyway, he started to report the time from a long distance away.

As for the problems of light and moisture, they were completely solved by the flames on the ceiling - Andrew could even see the traces of magic processing left on those stone slabs.

One thing to say, if he hadn't known that this was the legendary secret room, Andrew would have even felt like he was on an outing - as if someone was driving a flash-kill belt to refresh the map.

"Another interesting discovery. Well, wait a minute - don't worry, I'm here."

Dumbledore smiled, and soon, the water ball came over wrapped in a huge snake skin.

"Merlin's socks!"

Percy looked at the snake skin, "Is this a basilisk? Yes, it must be a basilisk. There is a basilisk hidden underground!"

"No doubt, Weasley, I hope there is more than one basilisk - but I'm afraid there won't be more, as few can live for thousands of years."

Dumbledore looked at the snake skin, "Perhaps it's a good gift for Hagrid, Taylor, take it."

Take it?

Andrew was stunned and realized that the professor didn't ask him to drag it, but to transform it.

He picked up the wand and used all his strength to release the Transfiguration...

'It's harder to transform than expected. This thing has too high magic resistance. My magic power is just barely enough...'

Fortunately, it's just a dead thing - it quickly turned into a beautiful cloak.

"Improvement from last time..."

Dumbledore nodded, "Go on, there's a stone wall ahead, and it seems to have the same lock."

? ? ?

This way?

Are you going to kill the snake and give me the snake skin? Or the snake skin?

Andrew rarely has strong demands for things, but this snake skin is really good for practicing range casting - the magic resistance is higher than that of processed dragon skin. Andrew is sure that the original skin is much better than those common half-blood dragon skins.

But Dumbledore didn't say anything, just walked in front.

The group continued on their adventure (outing), but Andrew suddenly had a need for equipment.

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