I have to say that the only feeling I had when playing the dungeon with Dumbledore was...

Nothing to do.

The second door lock was unlocked by myself. The follow-up was even simpler. The huge sculpture of Slytherin and a basilisk just killed the mirror and were then locked to death by the water - the eyes were blocked by the mirror. The fragments were locked, and the entire snake was tightly trapped by dozens of water-like ropes, which could only be visited by people.

"There's only one basilisk..."

Dumbledore ordered the new Transfiguration Doll to be inspected and shook his head in disappointment, "Maybe there are other things left, but they were probably moved away during the decoration a few hundred years ago, or the last one." Time…no more anyway.”

'So the harvest from this adventure is...a basilisk, a fairly fresh snake slough, two barely usable snake sloughs, and a secret room? Quite poor resources...'

It's not Andrew's disparagement - if it weren't for the gimmick of the Chamber of Secrets, this thing wouldn't even be enough for Dumbledore to take action.

Professor Snape, who originally seemed a little happy, didn't look too good at the moment - after all, this is the place left by Slytherin, and no matter what the distribution, there must be a share of Slytherin House, but the current situation, A snake skin is the limit...

"A thousand-year-old basilisk..."

Percy was still a little impressed now, "It's unimaginable."

"It's not hard to imagine. This level of imagination is not even as good as if you went out and said you were the heir of Slytherin, so you discovered the secret room and turned it in to the school."

Andrew joked in a low voice with Percy who was lagging behind, "Then you can go to the Slytherin common room and point at those people's noses and curse blood."

"I'm not crazy, I'm going to do something stupid like this."

Percy rolled his eyes and muttered in a low voice, "Our family has been Gryffindor for generations! Besides, it's not like the Chamber of Secrets has never been opened, so no one can pretend to be one."

"Opened it?"

Andrew was stunned for a moment, is that so? Can't remember clearly...

"Yes, there are still victims, but almost no one mentions it. I only heard about it when I was a child."

Hmm... The victim, I have an impression... Andrew finally remembered. Yes, the victim is Myrtle...

Andrew sighed, and the original mood that seemed to be a duplicate disappeared.

It’s really…

Voldemort, the one who should have penetrated Azkaban when he was at Hogwarts.

"Professor," he was silent for a while and quickly walked up to Professor McGonagall, "How should we deal with that basilisk?"

"After notifying Warren, he will be executed. The materials after the execution will be handed over to Professor Snape. After all, this is the property of Slytherin House."


"Well, it's the little girl above. Although she looks like a little girl, she actually entered the school earlier than me." Professor McGonagall shook her head, "But before I entered the school, the tragedy happened."

This is what it looks like...

To execute one of the murderers in front of the victim... there could be no fairer act.

Andrew no longer had any doubts, and retreated, falling into silence like the others.


"Kill, a snake?"

Myrtle looked at Andrew?

"What does the snake have to do with me?"

Myrtle looked at Andrew and smiled silly.

"Don't you have the slightest memory of your death?"

Andrew looked up and looked at Myrtle in surprise.

"Of course I did. I was asked about it, but then no one cared anymore. Instead, people from the Ministry of Magic began to expel me and keep me away from Olive Humbey."

? ? ?

Is the Ministry of Magic so indifferent?

"Hasn't anyone investigated?"


Myrtle thought about it for a moment.

"I had been missing for a long time. Many professors went to Professor Dippet to accuse me of truancy. Only then did the principal order people to look for me, and then they discovered that I was dead...in this innermost compartment."

"That's it, it's over?"

"Well, no? Professor Dippet was very angry. Yes, he was very angry and ordered a strict investigation. That was basically the only time when anyone asked me how I died... But I forgot what I said, um, You don't know how scared Olive Humbe looked at that time, I bet she won't forget it even after she dies..."

Ghost obsession.

Are you more concerned about Olive Humbe's feelings than your death?

"No one was dealt with?"

"Yes? I said I was stared at by a pair of strange eyes, and then I died, and then...well, it seemed to be Hagrid? Yes, it should be him, he was fired, but Dumbledore protected him …Just getting fired…it’s so…”

Why are you harmonious again? It seems that Hagrid has been falsely accused.

But, you don’t care at all about Hagrid? Or do you feel that Dumbledore's protection makes you sad?

No, it should be the obsession of ghosts...

Does Olive Humbe... care so much?

"That Olive Humbey, do you still have an impression of her?"

"Of course, I kept pestering her when she was studying, and then, um, then, when she graduated? Then when her brother got married, I made a fuss again. , finally, finally...well, then I was expelled from the Ministry of Magic and couldn't go to her, so I had to stay in Hogwarts."

Until graduation, no, even until my brother gets married.

Andrew felt his emotions torn apart - he finally understood why the analysis of ghost morphology in those transfiguration introduction books could be included in the restricted book area.

A dead person discusses his death with you, and even death itself is not what he cares about. He is more concerned about someone, something, which really makes people feel that the whole world is collapsing.

He no longer knows how to introduce the execution of the snake to Myrtle - he doesn't even know if Myrtle cares about it.

However, it must be said that the action is not only to comfort the dead, but also to comfort the living.

But, it seems that something is wrong.

Andrew thought about it, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Let's go and watch the snake being killed. The basilisk is the murderer who killed you."

He could only tell Myrtle so much, and hoped that he could figure it out on the way back.

"Murderer? Hagrid?"

"There's someone else, just one of the murderers."

"Well... Ravenclaw students... OK, OK, although there are many scumbags, I'm still willing to believe you."

She finally walked down steadily, and Andrew was able to see her appearance clearly - everything else was fine, but the badge on her body was very obvious.

Andrew was very familiar with it, a unique logo, he also had one.

The logo of Ravenclaw.

"Let's go, you lead the way, if you must see a snake killed, then let's go."

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