This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 219 The exact path

"Professor, you really think highly of me. I'm only halfway through my second year..."

After the puzzle was solved, Andrew even felt lucky.

The existence of rules-is this something he should be exposed to?

Andrew thought for a long time and finally came up with an answer.


After figuring out the rules, he tried to apply all his knowledge of Transfiguration and spells to it.

The rules only make magic, especially Transfiguration, better used, not that no magic can be used without the rules-the most classic one is the traceless expansion similar to the terrible permanent Transfiguration in front of him. This side uses Transfiguration to change the rules to achieve the goal, while the other side uses spells to influence the rules to achieve the goal.

"Mr. Taylor?"

Perhaps because Andrew was silent for too long, the elf whispered.

"Sorry, I have something to leave for, and the inspection will be postponed to the afternoon. Please, and at noon, help me take the meal to the Black Lake directly. I guess I won't be back."

"Okay, sir."

The elf agreed immediately.

Andrew rushed towards the Black Lake without stopping - he had a hunch that he could do it.

No, he must be able to do it.

Now that he understood it clearly, he understood it...

Running all the way, making the snow that had been trampled hard squeak, Andrew came to the place where he often used the range deformation spell - the grass that was originally green now looked extremely eye-catching.

No, not only eye-catching, but also out of place.

Andrew waved his wand and used the extremely skilled range deformation again. The discomfort immediately began to weaken. The messy grass that emerged easily merged with the surrounding environment, and even had a sense of fusion...

'Yes, it is fusion...'

Andrew lay on the ground and checked patiently - the land that was originally deformed was out of place with the surrounding grass, but now it looked like a normal grass. It was just that all the vegetation was killed for some reason, but it was accepted and repaired by nature.

Even in winter, the power of life was wrapping and assimilating the land that had just been transformed.

Yes - the communication and changes in the rules made the grass that was originally modified by Andrew's Transfiguration become normal grass.

'No wonder it's a range transformation...'

He finally understood the professor's arrangement - the reason why he was asked to use range transformation is because only when the range is large enough can there be a possibility of contact with the rule change.

This piece of land is suitable for grass growth, and when it becomes grass, the vague rule is born - even if part of the grass is burned, it can continue to become grass after a period of time.

But this rule is so weak that it is very easy to change and contact - if it is replaced with a traceless expansion spell, who knows how long it will take for him to understand the changes to the space rules.

'It's so suitable, so suitable...'

Andrew began to tidy up the land he had previously ruined.

The pieces that were affected by the Transfiguration and did not look like grass at all began to wither and even merged into the original grass a little bit.

'Not only... definitely not only...'

In repeated attempts, Andrew found that the fake grass that was originally dead actually showed signs of life on the edge.

‘Dead to alive… yes, the threshold of dead to alive…’

He was sure that the only thing standing in his way was the magic power to transform the dead into the living.

No, if it was limited to plants, as long as he got close to living plants, he would directly cross that indescribable realm.


He smiled.

“Mr. Taylor, your meal…”

The elf’s reminder woke him up from his surprise, and he realized that a long time had passed.

“Don’t worry, go back to the castle first, I’ll find an empty classroom to solve it.”

He looked at his work with expectation on his face.

After crossing this round of threshold, what kind of homework will the professor assign him?

Really... looking forward to it...

"Sorry, Mr. Taylor, I'll go to the kitchen and prepare a new one right away, it's already cold."


Andrew was stunned, "What time is it now?"

"Two o'clock in the afternoon, sir."

"Okay, thank you."



When Andrew ran to Professor McGonagall's office with an uncontrollable excitement, a rare smile appeared on the professor's face.

"If I'm not mistaken, yes, professor."

"It's much faster than I thought. I originally thought you would be a genius if you could do it before the end of the school year..."

Professor McGonagall exclaimed-she didn't worry at all that Andrew misunderstood.

"It's the professor's arrangement. I thought of it after I saw that room."

"Can you feel it?"

Professor McGonagall looked surprised.


"I just showed you Professor Adams's plant assimilation magic...I just didn't expect you to notice that transfiguration..."

"Assimilation magic?"

Andrew thought about it-and found that he had indeed made a mistake.

That assimilation magic, yes, also has rules - using the same seed, then misleading with magic, protecting with potions, and even following the rules of nature. The use of multiple rules allows the new seed to replace the original tree in a mystical sense.

However, the great transformation technique was more direct and the impact was more severe.

"Have you gone to the Black Lake for experiments?"

"I went over the first time and then confirmed the matter."

"Very well, let's go over and take a look."


"You understand more than I thought, Tyler."

Professor McGonagall looked at the grass that had returned to its original state - then pointed with her wand, and a large piece of grass flew up, then landed and merged into another piece.

The fusion was perfect, and the raw aura suddenly expanded a lot.

"That's it, adapting to the rules and then trying to change..."

"but why?"

Andrew blurted out.

"Because, the more you want to understand, the less you can do it..."

Professor McGonagall smiled, "And as your magic power increases, it becomes more and more difficult to understand the rules. Your magic power has grown well, but you are behind the realm of transfiguration, otherwise I would not let you try it."

'It's really difficult...'

"This is the difference between a genius and a top student. Although it may make you proud, it is true."

Professor McGonagall sighed, "Percy... I originally thought he could touch the threshold, but unfortunately... the concepts and rules, unless he specializes in transfiguration for a long enough time after graduation, he will not have a chance to try again..."

"Next, take out the lawn and blend it into another piece. Use them to polish your understanding of the concept of lawn. Then we can move on to the next step of teaching, Merlin's socks. It's faster than I expected..."

"Yes, Professor."

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