This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 220 The Gate of Transfiguration

"More useful and powerful than I imagined..."

In the dormitory, Andrew began to relearn the art of transfiguration in a real sense - after touching the rules, something that was not even described in the textbook, all the art of transfiguration changed in front of him.

Weaker magic power consumption, longer transformation time - and shameless coverage...

Yes, coverage.

Although he has not personally tested it, he has learned one thing after experimenting with the most basic transformation many times - his current transformation can only be overwritten by someone with a better grasp of transformation, or it can be overridden by someone with a better grasp of transformation. The spell is broken.

Beyond that, only time will wear off his transformation.

'Just kidding...'

Andrew looked at his wand, feeling dazed.

This is no longer a matter of too much intensity, but a matter of truly crushing the entire school's students - even Percy can't crush them in the realm, let alone the rest of the students.

As for the crushing spell, not to mention, there is no student in the school who can do it.

The strength of a spell is determined by a series of things such as magic power, proficiency, knowledge reserve, etc., and the word crushing power... to put it bluntly, this level needs to be taught.

'If I create a swamp in the corridor... if the professor doesn't come it will be forbidden to pass. ’

He sighed and remembered Professor McGonagall's additional explanation.

[If they cannot come into contact with the rules before their magic power grows, then all a transfiguration magician can do is to continuously accumulate their own knowledge of transfiguration, continue to improve in the field of transformation, and gain access to the rules, but before they come into contact with the rules , all accumulation will be easily suppressed by rules. 】

'After being exposed to the rules, you understand, integrate, and change...'

'If you think about it this way, it's just the beginning... nothing to be proud of...'

He recalled the terrible transfiguration spell in the firewood room below the castle, and then thought about the anti-Apparition spell that covered the entire school - he could still feel the horror of the spell in the former, and he couldn't sense the spell in the latter now. a change in rules.

'Some are busy. In the words of the professor, it can be regarded as officially embarking on the path of learning the art of transformation...'


"Practice your transfiguration well?"

"Yes, practice hard." Sirius looked at the familiar and unfamiliar flowers, plants and trees in the Forbidden Forest. "You are a little behind now. Study hard. During the summer vacation of your third year, I will personally teach you something to save your life - insects. That disgusting guy with the tail has been hiding for half his life."

"But is it really necessary, Dumbledore said, the Dursleys can protect me during the summer vacation..."

Harry answered habitually, and then suddenly remembered what he had talked with Sirius before - Sirius had said that he would take him away from there if possible...

He became excited, and sure enough he soon heard Sirius' explanation.

"You don't have to go back during the summer vacation. I will discuss it with Dumbledore. Even if you don't go back to my house, you can still buy a new one. But you still have to learn transfiguration. Those offensive curses do look very... It’s useful, but it won’t help you as much as you think.”

Sirius looked a little nervous, "What happened last year was really weird. Quirrell, as a professor, died directly in the school, and you even fainted...This year it's even weirder, Wormtail appeared, There is also a secret room…”

"Secret room?"

"Yes, Chamber of Secrets...Harry."

Sirius couldn't help but be nervous - he was still very concerned at first, but after reading a legend, he really couldn't help but have the same attitude as before about divination.

I used to be a divination professor at school, and now I’m a divination professor for horse people...

One of them can be said to be unreliable, but if both of them say it, it is really terrible... Dumbledore believes both of them, he has no reason not to believe it.

Yes, he brought Harry to the Forbidden Forest this time just to find a centaur for divination - he had laughed at it when he was running wildly in the Forbidden Forest, but now it involves Harry...

Although he was discovered by the students and Hagrid got involved, the centaur still made unfortunate predictions... He made up his mind to help Harry adjust, just like he helped the traitor back then.

"I'm pretty good at Transfiguration, Harry, but it's a pity that Professor McGonagall is too intimidating to work with."

Although he felt that Sirius was bragging, Harry couldn't help but think of the person who saw Professor McGonagall in the office every day - and nodded.

It would be terrible if Sirius became like that.


"So this is what solidifying flames are like..."

Andrew used the transformation technique he was good at, analyzing and improving it one by one - without any difficulty.

It's like memorizing the Rubik's Cube formula before trying to solve the Rubik's Cube. You can see the correct solution almost at a glance.

The flame was surrounded by the void and kept beating, but it was no longer like before. It lost its temperature and light after a while - he could easily regard the flame and the burning object as a whole and then deform, except for the inexpertness caused by The loss speed is a bit fast, and there is no pressure at all.

'At this rate, during one Christmas vacation, I can almost sort out all the transfiguration techniques I have learned, even improve them, and then start learning new ones...'

'I'm afraid Miss Granger won't get perfect marks before graduation...'

He has completely crushed the person he was a day ago - just like Professor McGonagall said, he has truly stepped into the threshold.

"Try a new spell...well, change into an umbrella..."

Even for such a basic transformation technique - Andrew can roughly judge the time of failure and greatly delay it. He can even make the transformation technique dissipate when the object is destroyed in a large area.

'If I guess correctly, if I can really change the rules, then it will be truly regarded as an umbrella. The transformation spell will not be effective until it is completely destroyed, but that will also prevent it from changing back to its original substance. , because it is already another object in terms of rules...'

'By analogy, if it is human transformation... Although I haven't learned it yet, if it can be changed, then... yes, that is also a complete change... Yes, Disguise Magus...'

He suddenly thought of the highest achievement of human transformation, the Metamorphosis Magus.

Natural shapeshifters can transform themselves into anyone they want, even without being detected by the magic world's usual detection methods.

Are you born with rules in mind?

He thought about it - after the door of rules was opened for him, the transfiguration technique really opened a door for him.

"We can no longer fantasize, Andrew..."

He warned himself, "I will be very busy tomorrow. I have to first understand how grass becomes grass, so that I can integrate the rules for the first time."

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