This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 221 Lupin's New Job

"I got fired again..."

Lupine sighed - although his name has changed many times, and even the boss who recently fired him called him by another name, his real name is indeed Lupine, Remus Lupin.

"That guy Sirius..."

Lupine sighed - he swore that he had encountered the most reversals this year.

The seemingly innocent Peter became the murderer, and Sirius became the victim - which made him so ashamed that he didn't know how to face his old friends.

But something even more outrageous happened soon, and Sirius suddenly became a popular professor.

Merlin's beard!

If it weren't for the fact that there were photos in the magazine that was sold everywhere, he would have suspected that it was just a character with the same name - seeing a ghost, Sirius and the professor, does this have anything to do with it?

Because he was too surprised, he stared at the magazine in a daze for a while, and then he was fired - although the real reason was not this, but there was no way, the boss just found this most suitable excuse.

As a werewolf, he is a cheap handyman who can be fired at any time without compensation or even only get half of the salary - giving two-thirds of the salary is a generous boss, and he has never met the full amount.

So, he got used to it.

But he still had to find a job - the full moon was approaching, and he would be very tired in the next few days, which would make it even less suitable to find a job.

"Go and have a look over there at Knockturn Alley..."

He couldn't go to a high-end place like Diagon Alley. Occasionally he would carry some things or run errands and pass by. But if he wanted to work, he would have to show his ID and then be kicked away directly.


"A pharmacist recruiting people and running errands?"

From the mouth of a bald man over there in Knockturn Alley who was responsible for promoting some information, he got a deal that sounded good.

Lupine's eyes widened - he really didn't know who had such courage.

There are a bunch of liars, thieves, and black magic worshipers here. Even if they are slightly smugglers and black traders, the largest black market in the entire magic world is here. Is the other party crazy? Come here to find a bodyguard?

If he disappeared completely, it would not be discovered by the Ministry of Magic in a year or two.

"Why are you so dazed, you're a pharmacist from Azkaban."

Seeing that he was stunned, the other party gave a strong explanation.

It's enough - the guys who can survive from that place are more than enough to open a shop here, and ordinary wizards can't get in at all.

"Why come to us?"

"It's cheap, and they can control the situation...I'm telling you because you are honest. I don't tell other people."

The man who was barely considered an intermediary curled his lips, indicating that he had given Lu Ping a big advantage.

Indeed - most wizards who have fallen to this point directly start stealing and robbing or even go to the Muggle world secretly. Only a small number of werewolves and expelled students come here to find business. Of course, some correspondence students have no place to go. I'll give it a try for a while.

But the latter is also easy to get involved with. After you meet a few shady bosses and save enough money, you can get an official certificate and find a formal job, as long as you are not a bad person who studied by correspondence.

‘Except for occasionally changing body, does it still meet the requirements? Just be worthy of those two bottles of potion... The effect of the weak elixir is pretty good... As for the other one, well... it's wonderful...'

"Go, of course."

If it's just running errands, it's the easiest - even if he occasionally tries medicine, it's not impossible. He's very good at potions and can tell the quality of most medicines.


"Come in..."

When Lupine arrived at the agreed place as invited and knocked on the door, he heard this sound - the door opened almost instantly.

'But it's a bit clumsy. Azkaban is at this level... huh? ’

Burning purple flames - no, not flames, but ice flames, malicious black magic.

Lupine put away his contempt. There was no doubt that the other party was a very experienced black magic enthusiast, and he did not even rule out the possibility of a dark wizard.

"Ah, it's not a magic experiment, it's just for you to see," the wizard opposite raised his head, "Although technically the person who recommended it is not an idiot, I still have to make it clear."

"Please raise your head..."

Lupine was very cooperative.

"It's a bit ugly, but it's enough..."

He heard sounds of disgust.

"Let's talk about what you know first. If it's a correspondence course, tell me about your understanding of potions."

Correspondence courses of course - real diplomas cannot be used under fake names.

That was Lupine's best memory, and he didn't want to discredit it.

However, after just talking for a while, the other party raised his head and looked at him, "Nonsense, correspondence courses are not of such a high level - the nails are showing..."

‘Discovered? ’

But there was nothing he could do - he was already expecting the customary words from behind like "get out".

"It's true... It's not a big problem. I can brew the wolfsbane potion. I'll give it a try on you when the moon is full..."

Some of the latter words were not heard clearly, but Lupine heard them clearly in front.

"Wolfsbane potion?"

"Of course, I will. Although the materials are a bit expensive, the cost can be reduced if you find the right place. In addition, please wear a mask when you work. God knows if your saliva will cause the potion to fail..."

It's almost discriminatory, but Lupine doesn't care very much - it's enough if he doesn't drive him out and provides a job, and there is even a wolfsbane potion that can prevent excessive weakness in the future...

"Can you fight? Forget it, it looks just average..."

"Mind drinking the test drink... Forget it, I can see you can't drink it... Find someone else"

"Also, if you can provide some useful black magic, I can quote separately..."

"Start working tomorrow... No, let's start today..."

"Go over there first and get your work clothes, especially the mask! Then we'll see how efficient you are and decide your salary..."


Lupin left, and the recruited pharmacist sighed.

"He should be paid a month's salary in advance. That pure and clear look, damn it, what kind of middle-aged man is this... My damn kindness, no, I still have to investigate, forget it, tell him to pay him daily with meals..."

"Four of them came at once, but only this one seems to have some knowledge of potions, not a fool like the correspondence course... That's right, potions are high-profit after all..."

"Let's boil a few potions to break even first to maintain business-fortunately, it was relaxed later and I can boil potions, otherwise I have to learn again after I come out..."

"Then The goat recipe is not bad, it can be used. In addition, the use of black magic must be strengthened... You can't always rely on basic spells to protect yourself... But black magic also has problems, so you still have to find some serious things to learn..."

"And that potion recipe, the profit is too high, first weakened and improved, and find a good supplier and sales... Really, if there is a place to learn..."

"It's really busy..."

"I hope this werewolf is not fake, I have to hide when the moon is full. If he doesn't drink the potion and bites me, I will lose a lot..."

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