"Don't worry, Taylor, you will be there when the paper is released! I can't believe we would have taken this step without you..."

While Andrew was still lamenting about this alchemical instrument, his dear seniors had already spoken.

"Ah, just a little reminder..."

"No, no, Taylor, this is a major reminder, even a direction. This is a completely different thing. We are going to tell you to perfect it again, use a vacuum glass tube to encapsulate it, and then send it directly after confirming that it is stable. On Alchemy Today, trust me, Taylor, it’s the front page!”

Just a few words mixed into a paper... Andrew didn't know what to say for a while.

But there was no need to say anything because he was asked out not long after.

"Ah, by the way, I'm sorry if I interrupted your research. You can continue your work. Don't worry, we can get the stable version in two days! Please keep it secret for the time being, and we will report it to you in two days. Professor McGonagall."

The people in the laboratory stopped celebrating and started working formally. Andrew had to leave and returned to his laboratory, but this time he couldn't learn the transformation technique.

The glowing tungsten wire directly attracted all his attention, and now his mind was filled with that thing.

Tungsten wire...heats...emits light...

What would happen if the tungsten wire was created by transfiguration?

Will it be judged as a strong attack and destroyed under high temperature? Or still lighting?

Especially for him - after conforming to the rules, the deformed tungsten wire is closer to the performance of tungsten wire, but what about thermal lighting?

Just do what you say, since the other side is encapsulating it, so it’s not bad for him.

However, in order to be safe and not destroy the alchemy machine, he finally chose to ask the elf for some bamboo from the warehouse.

Because he still remembers that the first light bulbs used bamboo filament carbon strips for heating...

Treat it with flames, and then transform the carbon wire into tungsten wire. Andrew used the transformation technique to imitate the complete bubble head spell to save it, and then walked cautiously towards the other room.

It's a mule or a horse. Now you'll know if you take a walk.

He knocked on the office door and was met with a firm rejection.

"Stop talking, Taylor, you have a share of the credit this time, and we will not agree to revoke it!"

If he hadn't spoken quickly, the door would have almost closed.

"Wait a minute, I'm here to test new materials!"

"New material?"

"Yes, the tungsten wire is made using the deformation technique. The main body is bamboo carbon wire that will not cause damage."

"Ah, I know. We have read the information. There is a great alchemist among Muggles who used it to make lamps!"

Well... Muggle studies classes are still very useful in the wizarding world.

Andrew meditated, then put on his dragon leather gloves and began to load and unload the tungsten wire - after all, this was a precious prototype. Although he didn't know how to use such lamps when there were more of them, who could say about magic?

"It's on, no problem!"

"I'll try again!"

Gryffindor students volunteered to install their own transformed tungsten wires.

But this time the light was completely different, and even flames came out directly.

"Transfiguration...failed...the temperature is too high!"

But the problem was not big. The machine was shut down directly, and the failed bamboo silk was quickly removed. The sixth-year Gryffindor looked at his work with a surprised look on his face, and touched the one that Andrew replaced - -If he hadn't been able to feel the weak power of transformation, he might even have suspected that this thing was used by Taylor to trick them...

‘Isn’t a temperature of two thousand degrees considered damage? So the closer it is here, the closer it is to the properties of the deformed object...and...'


Andrew suddenly thought of a very, very serious thing.

He had experimented with it when he was in first grade - the product of the transformation spell cannot be affected by another spell until the transformation spell is destroyed...

So, if it is the electric field in the transfiguration spell, will it be affected by the magical magnetic field?

He quickly put forward his opinion - people are more superstitious and successful, and he can't escape it. What if it works out this time?


The other party looked at the excited Andrew with a troubled expression, "We all know this principle. After all, it is the Transfiguration course at the beginning of the sixth grade..."

"But, Taylor, have you ever thought about what kind of transformation technique can be used to say that it is not affected by Hogwarts' protective magic?"


Andrew was stunned.

Indeed, what kind of transformation technique can avoid the impact of the castle's ridiculously strong magical protection?

Even their laboratory was operating under the protection of the castle. He himself did not dare to say - no, there must be no breakthrough.

"I'm overthinking it..."

"But it might be a good topic. Maybe Professor McGonagall can... we can write it in when we write the report."

? ? ?

Stay away from me, don't take me with you if you want to die, don't splash blood on me!

Ah, wait, serious research, that's fine - even if it requires Professor McGonagall to do research, it's normal.

The professor is extremely tolerant of this, especially when results have been achieved.

That light bulb is really...ah, no, that tungsten filament is great!


The other party is worthy of being able to get people to study the existence of the notorious power connection team in Hogwarts. Two days are two days. Just when a bunch of people in the castle are still studying the inexplicable squid summoning technique on the Black Lake, a new report Already written.

"Professor, the progress of the electricity experiment."


Professor McGonagall showed a trace of surprise on her face - the laboratory was opened near the end of the year, and now there are results?

She read the report once, was stunned, and began to read it carefully for the second time.

"Is that so? Let's go and take a look."

The vigorous professor took Andrew to the laboratory, and Andrew also saw the real finished product for the first time.

In a thin tube was a not very straight tungsten wire, with both ends protruding and connected to the heated alchemy instrument.

At Professor McGonagall's request, it was easily lit, and even lit once with the original tungsten wire. Professor McGonagall was even excited to use Transfiguration to make a tungsten wire, which was also lit.


She looked at the machine working over there, and the whole person fell into a kind of contemplation. It took a long time for her to say a sentence with a smile.

"Mrs. Pince will be very happy. She thinks even the lamps with glass are too dangerous. Now the library can install enough lights."

? ? ?

Andrew's eyes widened - he had never expected Professor McGonagall to think this way.

Not only the professor, but everyone else looked at each other, and the joy they had originally felt for inventing the lamps was reduced.

'Damn it, why does it feel like my reputation in school has dropped! '

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