This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 226 Report to the principal's office

They say they want to install lights in the library, but the reality is—it’s still early for lights to be installed.

The light bulb can be used, but the supporting energy is a problem. Even without the development of alchemy, just miniaturizing the first version of the device is a big problem.

But those are the post-work, and the electrification team that luckily got results can already publish its first official paper.

Andrew originally planned to see if he could be of any help. After all, he was signed, so he couldn't just take the benefits and do nothing. But unfortunately, he was quickly captured by Professor McGonagall.

"I have to go out for a meeting, Taylor. During this time, I need to trouble Albus to deal with those messy things. You go to Albus's office on duty, and don't let him accumulate too many documents..."

Professor McGonagall gave this instruction with a worried look on her face.

Andrew made a bold guess. In theory, this worry should not be directed at him.

But soon the professor started talking about other topics, "By the way, so is your transfiguration. Let Albus guide you. Don't worry about the rest - especially the lamp conversion. Don't waste time on that." Up there, alchemy is too early for you."

"Yes, Professor."

As a result, Professor McGonagall went to the meeting with a little anxiety, while Andrew came to Dumbledore's office with trepidation.

He couldn't help but be on tenterhooks - he didn't remember until he left Professor McGonagall's office that today was the publication day of "Magical Legends"!

But what can he do?

I could only bite the bullet and walk towards Dumbledore's office, picking up the files that needed to be processed.


"Pile of cockroaches!"

Andrew shouted the password, entered the steps of Dumbledore's office as if nothing had happened, and rang the doorbell.

A strange accent was speaking, but before Andrew could distinguish it clearly, there was a shout, "Come in!"

Without thinking twice, he entered the room—and saw hell.

Yes, a living hell.

The Sorting Hat was placed on Dumbledore's desk, and the portraits of the previous headmasters on the wall were staring at it, and - the latest version of the damn "Magical Legends"...

"Oh, it's the, um, Taylor in Minerva's office, keep reading, no rush!"

Please be sure not to do this.

Andrew desperately wanted to protest, but it was in vain.

The hat coughed twice and continued its performance.

[Yes, after that battle, the two began to seriously examine each other's strength - Dumbledore no longer thought that Grindelwald was a proud man who did not know how to restrain himself, and Grindelwald also put away his nearly Humble hubris. 】

[Probably the two most outstanding wizards of this century finally stopped fighting for the time being, and used their almost terrifying prophetic abilities to start looking for a better future for wizards - they reached a unity with each other, and with greater ability comes greater responsibility. . 】

[This sense of responsibility made the two begin to think about everything - yes, everything, everything now and in the future, what wizards need, and how to become better. 】

[But in their free time, the two of them will also have a little entertainment - playing cards. But it is not our common Thunderbolt Explosion Card, but a Muggle skill, which can be regarded as an additional discovery when the two of them were thinking about the future. 】

[But unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the two of them to play cards in a different mode. The two of them divided the cards and started to touch them. When the third card was revealed, the game was over. 】

[Yes, the two divined each other's cards and their own cards, and then saw the results...]

[But sadly, Dumbledore found after the statistics afterwards that he was completely crushed - it was not that he was not good at arithmetic or divination, but... he was so unlucky... This was almost his only crushing victory. place...]

? ? ?

Why did it stop?

Andrew's eyes widened and he looked at the Sorting Hat - not to mention, what he read out felt completely different from what he wrote. It even felt like, well, how should I put it, a legendary novel.

Keep going...

But the Sorting Hat stopped talking, and the principals on the wall also...

Andrew finally realized something was wrong. He turned his head and saw another visitor - ah, no, the owner of this place.

This was a scene he had never imagined - but luckily he experienced it in Professor McGonagall's office.

He turned around and greeted Dumbledore with a calm face, as if nothing happened.

"Ah, good morning, Professor Dumbledore, I'm here to report."

"Well, you..." Dumbledore also looked as if nothing had happened. He looked around, then clicked with his finger, and a chair appeared in the corner of the desk.

"The new table is difficult to deal with. Let's make do with it here for a while. Sit down," he directed Andrew while sitting in his seat. "Minerva said you, um, understand?"

"Yeah, I understand, and it's almost stable and I can feel the existence of the rules."

"A very impressive achievement... yes, very impressive," Dumbledore said in admiration - which would have been more convincing if he had not put away the Magical Legends and the Sorting Hat.

Of course, he would never think about why "Magical Legends" appeared in Dumbledore's office.

As Dumbledore picked up a piece of parchment and stroked it, a stick that was not very straight appeared. "Here, Taylor, try to straighten it."


Andrew had just used his wand to communicate with it when he found something wrong - if he closed his eyes, the feedback from Transfiguration would be very strange.

In short, in the rules he could communicate, it was a bifurcated, odd-shaped branch with a bunch of pine branches, not the bent stick...

But Dumbledore's test still had to be done, and Andrew decided to follow the rules.

He began to close his eyes and perform Transfiguration on the stick with all his strength according to the rules - first summarizing it into a whole, and then making the stick straight...

It was just that this process consumed more magic power than he thought, and the stick seemed to be trying to resist his Transfiguration...


Andrew opened his eyes and almost laughed.

The wooden stick in his hand turned into what it looked like when he communicated with Transfiguration.

"Very good... very powerful... this stick will be your homework before this spring break, find a way to understand it..."

Dumbledore smiled and praised, and then spoke to Andrew kindly.

The whole scene was extremely warm and was definitely a first-class teaching scene. If it weren't for the half-open book sticking out from under the Sorting Hat on one side, everything would be perfect.

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