This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 230 An adventure that doesn’t seem like an adventure

Andrew had never thought that Dumbledore was such a terrible man of action - he originally thought that the headmaster would plan the trip, prepare the luggage, pick the days, and then set off at a suitable time.

This is a series of preparations that should be made for adventure.

But now...

Andrew looked helplessly at the Black Lake - Dumbledore had already gone down to the lake to retrieve the stone tablet, and the three lucky ones were also brought over to guide the way...

'It's just nonsense... at least make a plan. It's not an adventure novel. I started two days late and was jumped on by someone else...'

But he had nothing to do but complain - except to play with magic and build snowmen by the black lake out of boredom.

'It's really a bit of cheating...'

Andrew waved his wand and it formed the shapes of several students in the dormitory next door.

It's not difficult, and even in the reality of Andrew's force, it becomes like snapping it out of a mold.

'Hey, that's a bit scary... give him a funny hat...'

The effect was much better, so Andrew started to pile on the next snowman, this time it was the guys next door...


When the three students, who still looked incredulous, were led out of the Black Lake by Dumbledore, they were stunned by the nearly a hundred snow-made Ravenclaws by the lake.

"Is this okay?"

The Ravenclaw student who entered the water saw himself, "It's so similar, Taylor."

"Don't be so exaggerated. You can do it too. It's just that the number is larger."

Andrew stopped his hand, cast a spell on these snowmen, and ran over quickly - Dumbledore was looking at a picked up stone tablet at the moment. He had to see what his principal was going to do.

"Very interesting, Taylor." Dumbledore looked at the stone tablet with a smile. "It's a small island in the sea. It's a little remote, but the journey is not far, so - let's set off."

? ? ?

Andrew was a little dumbfounded, but Dumbledore looked determined, "Just inform Professor Snape, let him get ready, and then go to my office."

After giving instructions to Andrew, Dumbledore set off directly with the other three lucky people, while Andrew had to trot ahead to Snape's office.

‘Even if you have to leave, you should entrust someone more reliable. Principal, our dean is a duel champion after all... Could it be that all the professors in the castle have gone on vacation? ’

Andrew was thinking in his mind, and a very outrageous idea emerged - Professor Snape shouldn't be very strong, right?

Are you kidding... Andrew shook his head and threw the thought away.


Professor Snape was indeed in his office - but he was in a bad mood when Andrew knocked on the door.

Also, in the middle of winter, my lounge was flooded...

Anyway, that's what it is said...

"What is it, Mr. Taylor?"

There was a look on Professor Snape's face that told him not to approach strangers, which made Andrew quickly speak out the order he heard.

"Stay behind? Ha... okay..."

With a bit of ridicule, he agreed, and then asked Andrew to take his leave and leave with a look of disgust.

'It really... feels like I'm being arrested to make a potion...'

With this feeling of complaining, he quickly went to Dumbledore's office and saw the three students who still looked a little nervous.

"I met Professor Snape and brought the request to him."

"Very good, it looks like nothing is going on. We can set off," Dumbledore said calmly, as if this is how adventure should be.

"The destination is near the Hebrides Islands. There happens to be a floo network connection point there, and the specific location we want to reach is Sura Island."

"Remember to call your name, Taylor, you start..."


Andrew nodded helplessly, took out a small handful of Floo powder from the exquisite box next to the fireplace, and threw it into the blazing fire.

"Sura Island."

The flames rose, and the green flames confirmed that Andrew was connected. He stepped into the flames, read the destination clearly, and then felt the dizziness.

'The long-distance floo network is real...'

That squeezing feeling made him want to curse, but unfortunately he couldn't. After spinning for a while, he came to a very old-fashioned fireplace.

"What the hell is that about building a stove in a toilet?"

Andrew swore and cursed, stood up and started to straighten his robes - hell, he didn't even change his clothes for an adventure...

Forget it, the transfiguration is done - Andrew waves his wand, the clothes transform, then the dust is easily shaken off, and finally the original shape is restored...

'This doesn't seem like an adventurous's too clean...'

He really didn't know how to describe this seemingly failed adventure, but he still had to wait for the people behind him to come over.

The next one is the sixth grader of Gryffindor. He looks very excited. It can only be said that he is worthy of them...

And then Ravenclaw…Hufflepuff…

Everyone looked at each other and began to arrange their clothes. When Dumbledore came over, a green flame came out of the fireplace that had not been used for many years. Their principal walked out of the flames as easily as walking. Taking a step forward, it was as graceful as if you had stepped into your own territory.

Principal, I want to learn this!

Andrew felt hot for a while, but still gave up.

"Well, the place is right. According to the map, we need to go north and go to the sea, but let's get out first."

Dumbledore stepped out of what looked like a toilet, then looked around, and disappeared in a flash, returning a moment later.

"Come, hold my hand."

He said kindly to the first student, "Taylor, don't let them run around."

In less than half a minute, Dumbledore appeared and took away the second, then the third, and finally Andrew.

After a not-so-serious dizziness, Andrew saw the ocean clearly-yes, Dumbledore took them to the coast in one step.

"I used magic to deal with this... Next we need a ship to sail... Just wait a moment..."

It was indeed a moment.

Because the ship was soon transformed by Transfiguration.

"It's pretty strong, let's go..."

Dumbledore looked like he had not lost his craftsmanship, and took the four people directly to this purely magical ship, and then simply tapped it with his wand, and it began to gallop on the sea.

Andrew felt it and found that it had reinforcement, stability, acceleration and some other things he couldn't tell apart...

In short, it turned into a magic item...

'Damn it... I can only, well, only attach one magic, and I have to be very careful...'

He's not bragging, but transforming ordinary items and transforming them into magic items are two completely different things...To put it bluntly, the students in the Transfiguration Castle he created couldn't even interfere with the spell...

Oh, the other party is Dumbledore, so it's okay...

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