This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 231: Adventure Speed ​​Pass and Mysterious Spring Water

'Hell, there's even an incognito extension... and it's even hidden so cleverly...'

Andrew, who didn't even need to row on the boat, finally discovered a hidden magic and was very happy - this was not a seamless expansion of the definition of a spell, but an expanded space for transfiguration to change the rules.

'Interesting, really interesting...'

"It's your turn to sing, Taylor, don't be so silent..."

Dumbledore's voice sounded, waking up Andrew who was almost addicted. He was stunned for a moment before he realized what Dumbledore said.

'I only know a few lullabies, but I haven't heard anything else...and I can't translate on the spot...'

Even the lullabies were learned by listening to the nuns coaxing the children in the courtyard... Regardless of the accent, there are even words with a rural accent...

But that's not a big problem, he's thick-skinned.

Anyway, I would rather sing than tell adventure stories or anything like that - putting flags is a trivial matter, hanging an astronomy tower is a big deal.

After the lullaby was sung, Dumbledore took the lead and started laughing.

Then came the other three, and when it was Dumbledore's turn - the ship arrived.

"This is the sea area, Tyler, do you feel it? The mermaid's hidden spell."

Dumbledore changed the subject easily and pointed to the sea in the distance.

Andrew stood up and began to cast a spell on the sea water over there - the unreal distortion immediately came back. There was no doubt that this side was hidden by the spell.

However, the strength is average. If he uses transformation to forcibly distort, this defensive spell will soon be completely covered and completely become...

"Don't be so rough, Tyler, stay here, risking is not destruction...we just have to see what's out there."

As Dumbledore spoke, he knocked lightly on the void with his hand - after a weak to just right magic wave, it seemed as if a door was opened, and a desolate island appeared in front of them.

"Get off the boat and get ready for adventure..."

Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, the Gryffindor students were the first to rush forward. After Dumbledore stepped down, the entire hull turned into the color of the sea and disappeared.

‘You don’t need to add so many spells for a one-time adventure, right, principal? ’

But it was useless. Dumbledore led the team to the front. As Andrew walked in last, the island returned to the hazy feeling from the front.

This is a stone island, horribly desolate, except for some bird droppings - no, principal, I haven't finished sighing at the scenery yet!

Andrew whined, but in vain.

As Dumbledore stepped onto the island, a smooth road appeared, and the other three people quickly followed.

Andrew followed at a trot, and after about twenty minutes of smooth walking (although there were rocks, high slopes, cliffs and stone thorns, everything was useless), they came to a fairly wide area.

The only thing that can be said to be different here is a spring with a very low flow rate - but judging from the carefully placed rocks around it, there was indeed someone, no, a fishman taking care of it before.

? ? ?

Is that all?

Andrew took a final look at the environment and found that Dumbledore had used magic to condense a ball of water.

“Soaking in spring water that makes swimming easier…”

Dumbledore concluded, "The mermaids probably used it to bathe babies before they moved..."

Reasonable and convincing.

Also, how can a mermaid who uses a stone as a necklace have treasure?

Even if there were pearls during the migration, they cannot be used now - pearls are the most unstable. The so-called "old pearls are yellow" refers to the fact that pearls are easily damaged to describe people.

"Do you want to wash it?"

Andrew asked casually - he had no intention of soaking.

One thing is that this thing only has the effect of human body transformation, and its strength is only that high. He really doesn't like it.

And the key point is, if you soak it, will your body transformation skills be affected in the future?

However, Dumbledore easily saw his worries.

"You can just use your legs to soak it, Taylor. It will be of some use to you. This is not the effect of human body transformation. It is a magical blessing. Even if there is a slight change, it will be just right for you to get started in the future, although it will not help much. ”

Like this?

Andrew believed Dumbledore's judgment. He took off his shoes and socks, and then soaked his calves in it, while the others soaked their entire bodies.

"Professor, how do those fishmen deal with the child's breathing problem now?"

Andrew suddenly remembered this question and asked casually.

"Because Black Lake is fresh water, it is not very stimulating to the child, so there is no need for assistance."

Dumbledore responded with a smile and shook his head slightly as he checked the island one last time.

"It'll take about half an hour. I'll go take a look and come back later."


"Come back now?"

Andrew looked at the fireplace, his whole body felt bad - after the soak, Dumbledore took them directly to apparate back.

Then it's time to floo powder and fire into the public hearth in Hogsmeade.

What kind of adventure is this?

Are you lying on the national service list?

Andrew calculated that in less than half a day, they could even go back to school for dinner.

With doubts and puzzlement, he and the others began to walk along the road towards the school gate - then Hagrid opened the door and looked incredible, "Ah, Dumbledore, are you guys, going out to play?"

Hagrid was even a little confused - he was obviously thinking about when Andrew and the others left school, but Dumbledore was there, so he couldn't ask this question.

"Well, it was a great trip."

Dumbledore nodded and took Andrew and the others back to school.

"Okay, go and do your own things, Taylor will be on duty for a while, I still have something to do."


"I can't believe that we went on an adventure with Dumbledore and got the spring water treasured by the fish people!"

Where did you see it, kid?

This is a picnic! And that's an abandoned bathhouse...

But Andrew really couldn't interrupt their enthusiasm, so he could only keep silent.

'By the way, is Dumbledore trying to find the treasure place? Looking for Horcruxes? Yes, the secret room is closely related to the diary, and the treasure map of the fish man is likely to be used...'

'But the level of the mechanism in that place is enough for me to go there...'

Andrew sighed - it was a little reward, but that's it.

He can now live underwater without the Bubble Head Curse, and even swim a little faster, but because it is not fully soaked, the bonus is limited...

But it's not a big problem, it's easy to imitate once you learn the human body deformation, and it won't affect...

'I have to go back to work overtime...'


When passing by the Black Lake, he heard a heart-wrenching cry, and then a smile came to his face.

'Let you guys have so much free time to play snowman... Anyway, I didn't make my own dormitory, so continue...'

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