This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 59 The First Day of Qi Luo's Death

The truth will eventually come out.

To be more precise, although there were various rumors in the morning, most of what happened last night was finally revealed by the end of the morning class.

Quirrell is dead - this is confirmed news.

He is not only a professor at Hogwarts, but also his mother's child - even though he was not even considered a sacrifice, the school still notified his family, and the ghosts witnessed it all.

The students who got up last night confirmed that the carriage they saw last night was indeed occupied after visiting Hagrid out of curiosity. According to the appearance in the morning and the fact that the school alarm was not triggered, everyone directly speculated that the person who came might be an assisting Auror.

"If Dumbledore wants to call, he must at least call the Auror to help. It can't be the striker -"

The Gryffindor student said so.

The students who changed their courses to self-study had enough time to think about the discussion in the morning - due to the sudden corridor ban in the school this year, they naturally thought that Quirrell wanted to sneak in there, so the battle should start from the corridor over there and go all the way to the office.

Or some people speculated that it was a trap, and Quirrell, who escaped the trap in a hurry, was ambushed by the Aurors who had been waiting for a long time - and Dumbledore didn't do it himself because he couldn't bear it.

And Harry himself was dragged in - some people even speculated that Harry was cursed by Quirrell, and Quirrell planned to take advantage of Harry being sent to the hospital to alert a lot of people so that Quirrell could go to the corridor.

In short, all major versions have some flaws, but everyone discussed it very happily.

"Andrew, what do you think?"

"I read the Magic Defense textbook..."

Andrew got himself a piece of chicken breast - it was a bit dry, and after swallowing it, he continued to explain.

"Christmas vacation hasn't even started yet, and we're missing a professor... I don't think this class will be missing at the end of the semester. We'll probably have to find a substitute professor, so I'd better improve my grades."

"That's not easy to find... Not many people are willing to be professors for this class, and another professor died this year... I think there's a high possibility of self-study and exams... But Andrew, will you read textbooks other than Transfiguration?"

"I will definitely do that before the exam."

Andrew's words made the students around him laugh - Quirrell's death didn't cast any shadow on them. For most of these young students, death was still a distant word, and Professor Quirrell's unpopularity made his death meaningless to them.



Such a voice was churning in Harry's mind. He felt that his forehead was about to split, and his body was in a mess, as if he had been trampled by countless bison, and there was no place that didn't hurt.

But another burning and crazy flow of heat swam through his body, making it impossible for him to continue sleeping.


He opened his mouth slightly and made such a sound.

"He's awake!"

Harry heard such a surprised voice.

"Snape definitely did something to Harry!"

"Don't say that, kid."

Another voice sounded, "Before he was sent to me, he took a healing potion, and it worked very well."

"That means he gave Harry a painkilling and healing potion in order to fight more!"

"What kind of words are you talking about..."

Harry had such a thought in his mind, but he felt that Snape seemed to do such a thing.


He suddenly felt thirsty and made such a sound. With a mouthful of cold water, he was finally able to open his eyes.

"Ah, Ron? Neville?"

He looked around and found his roommates lying on the beds on both sides.

"What are you doing?"

"They were pinned in the corridor by Snape for most of the night. We came here directly to save you. They were not found until the morning... Madam Pomfrey said they needed to stay in the hospital for half a day to ensure rest."

Although he knew it shouldn't be, Harry still wanted to laugh.

"I'm glad you're okay, Harry."

Ron grinned, "By the way, I have to tell you some bad news - Hermione came once and brought us the notebook from this morning."

"Well, this does seem like something she would do."

"By the way," Neville interrupted and added, "They said Professor Quirrell died last night. He cursed you to make it easier for him to steal things in that corridor."

"Snape lifted the curse - but it seems that he used magic to teach you a lesson..."

Dean added a knife.

This confusing relationship made Harry's already painful head unable to handle it all at once.

"Let me think about it again... This is too confusing..."


"Knock knock knock..."

Dumbledore's office was knocked again.

"Come in, ah - Minerva."

Dumbledore smiled, because Professor McGonagall only had one document in his hand.

"What's up? I was working hard until last night."

"Nothing important, Albus."

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore, "Harry has woken up, and the office is currently under renovation. We need a new professor."

"I'm afraid it's difficult - few professors are willing to take over other people's work, especially when it's halfway done. I'll try my best."

"In addition, Severus called to report that he seems to be planning to work part-time."


"No problem."

"There is one last thing," Professor McGonagall put the documents on the table, "We received a well-packed package, Albus, the mirror you ordered has arrived, that is the Mirror of Erised."

Professor McGonagall's serious face even showed a suppressed smile.

She still knew a little bit about Dumbledore's plan-using the mirror to make a trap that ordinary people would never leave. The more desire there is, the more they can't get out of this mirror.

But, the noise last night was too loud. After she learned a little bit, she found that the mirror was in a rather embarrassing situation.

The trap was not installed, and the target did not exist.

Obviously, Dumbledore also realized this.

Not only the mirror, but also most of the mechanisms, carefully set levels and induced traps were all useless at once.

It is said to protect the Philosopher's Stone, but the Philosopher's Stone is even carried by Dumbledore himself now-it should have been placed in the mirror as bait...

This is very embarrassing.

But Professor McGonagall suddenly had an idea.

"Do you still want to use this mirror, Albus?"

"Please feel free to use it, Minerva."

"Although it is a bit of a waste of resources, it can indeed play a role in the teaching work."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "Then I will move it to my office."

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