This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 60 Hagrid's Dog

"What a disaster..."


As soon as the potions class ended, the students who filed out began to whisper about what had just happened in the class - Professor Snape's temper was shockingly bad today, and he sprayed the students like he was in the first class of school. Bloody head.

He didn't even let go of those students who usually performed well in potions class - just because the color of their potions didn't achieve the perfect effect.

"It's really scary...How many times have you been scolded, Andrew?"

"Twice," Andrew shook his head, "I treated the two beetles wrong, and then I didn't cut the grass roots at an angle when slicing them."

There's nothing he can do about it. He still occasionally makes some non-magical mistakes - one of the beetles looks similar, but one has to remove the internal organs from the back, and the other has to remove the internal organs from the abdomen and cut off the left leg...

The former one is understandable, but why is the latter one! And what's very magical is that the beetles that cut off the left leg and the right leg have two completely different effects when the medicine is added, and they also act on different medicines respectively.

He really couldn't understand such a trivial knowledge point outside of the Transfiguration System. He could only rely on a brief preview in advance and then read the book in class to deal with it - this resulted in his potion level being only able to maintain the level of not exploding. The pot can produce products, which can occasionally reach the level of less than perfect potions.

"'s okay. But why is the professor so irritable today?"

"I don't know, Gryffindor's classes are obviously in the afternoon..."

Andrew shook his head and lied - he still knew why, but this gossip must not come out of his mouth.

Being targeted by that professor would kill someone.

Things have to start in the morning - Andrew woke up early as usual and went for a run at Black Lake. Coincidentally, he met the senior Hufflepuff student again today.

After introducing each other yesterday, the two ran side by side for a while, and then the taller Sher called out to Andrew.

"Look over there."

He spoke suddenly, slowed down a bit, and pointed in the direction.

Then the two saw Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts.

"Oh my god..."

"Merlin's beard..."

The two of them sighed almost at the same time. A ferocious beast that looked as if it came out of hell appeared in front of them - but that was not what surprised them.

This ferocious guy's eyes were filled with joy, helplessness and powerlessness. He was being dragged by Hagrid's neck toward the Forbidden Forest. Even from a distance, they could hear Hagrid's voice coming over him occasionally. sound.

"Good dog..."

"Thanks a lot…"

Such a scene deeply shocked Andrew and Schell.

"Do you think you can handle it?"

"I think I can handle three bites."

Andrew swallowed and replied.

It's not that he's afraid of dogs, it's that the dog's interaction with Hagrid, which can barely be called 'playing', is too sensitive. It's completely different from the giant monster last time - he feels that his transformation The technique is not good enough to trap the opponent, to be precise, it is too far behind...

"I'm a little stronger than you, I can resist a little longer..."

Sher's face was a little pale, and the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention how much stronger Hagrid was who could masturbate a dog with one hand.

But Sher soon brought up another topic as if he had discovered a new world, "Do you think this thing is the dog that recently gave Snape a bite?"

This does make some sense - judging by the flexibility of it and Hagrid's game, it's certainly possible. The fact that Professor Snape was bitten by something has long been spread around the dinner table, but today we finally met the real owner.

"It seems that things on the fourth floor of the castle have indeed been taken away, but I'm afraid Snape is going crazy today - the culprit came out to bask in the sun, and he will probably be fed some delicious food because of his good guarding... I bet he organized I will definitely not go around the Forbidden Forest recently.”

Can you Hufflepuffs stop gloating so much?

Although Andrew himself laughed out loud - but now Andrew is regretting his morning laughter.

Sixth grade students don't have to take Potions class, but he, a first grader, laughed too early...

'However, it seems that the Magic Stone has indeed been removed from the corridor on the third floor - although I don't know exactly what happened, Professor McGonagall should have a lot of free time now and should have time...'

He hasn't shown his imitation Head Bubble Charm to the professor yet - whether it's in the direction of modification or imitation, Professor McGonagall's reminder will definitely be a huge help to him.

Due to the death of Professor Quirrell a few days ago, he estimated that Professor McGonagall might not have the heart to deal with this matter and delayed it for a few days. If it continued to be delayed for a few days, the Christmas vacation was coming soon, and it would be too much delay.

Thinking of this, Andrew took out his class schedule and took a look at it. After confirming that his memory was correct, he said hello to his roommates and walked towards the second floor where Professor McGonagall's office was.


"Ah...please come in."

A somewhat familiar male voice sounded in Professor McGonagall's office. Andrew was confused for a moment, and then opened the door.

"Wait a minute here, the professor has gone to class - ah, it's you, your name is..." A red-haired boy sat in front of Professor McGonagall's desk, working hard on a pile of documents that he didn't know what they were - —But Andrew discovered that the ink bottle beside him was not actually opened.

But now is not the time to care about this, he must make the other party less embarrassed, "Andrew Taylor, we have met many times in the library."

"Yes, yes," Percy was very nervous for some reason, "We also discussed the topic of transfiguration twice, and the professor spoke highly of you."

'It's strange, what is he nervous about? It's normal for a Gryffindor prefect to appear in the professor's office...'

However, he didn't say a word about this matter. Instead, he made an excuse and tried to leave - the people who were in the way should stay away. There was a portrait at the door anyway, so he wasn't afraid of not being able to explain clearly.

"Ah, it's okay. Anyway, I have to sort this batch of official documents here. You can just read over there for a while - I remember that the professor has a very interesting monthly magazine. Are you here? Just take a look over there.”

To Andrew's surprise, Percy didn't really want him to leave. Instead, he found him a few transfiguration journals, and then sat there and stubbornly started working on the documents - but occasionally he wanted to look back. But he quickly turned his head back firmly, as if there was some strange creature behind him.

‘What? ’

Andrew was a little curious, but he suppressed his curiosity, picked up the magazine and started reading seriously.

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