This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 290: don't be delusional

The way he handled it calmly was beyond the banshee's expectations. Seeing that William didn't do anything directly, but gave himself a chance to argue... and justify, Andrea was overjoyed and quickly said:

"I actually..."

I'm actually at the forgery scene! ! ! How can you say such a thing! ! !

The banshee's small lips opened and closed up and down, looking like a little goldfish deprived of oxygen. Those words that had poured into her mouth could not be spit out.

This... it seems that there is no way to explain it! Am I admitting that I "passed" the official document privately and was about to forge a signature? Or admit to peeking at his treasure map?

According to human law, as long as the lord is willing, it seems that these two can be sentenced to... hang...

Seeing the look of doubt in William's eyes, she knew that she had to say something, so she said with an embarrassed expression:

"I... um... I... I was suddenly a little thirsty just now... and then..."

William raised his eyebrows noncommittally, then pointed to the teapot not far away, and the three delicately shaped teacups that were placed with the teapot.

"Then, a little thief happened to pass by and hid the three cups temporarily, and only now secretly returned them, so you can only drink from my cup?"


Seeing that she couldn't be fooled, Andrea bit her silver teeth. She secretly held her breath for a few seconds, and then pulled up the hood of the black robe, revealing a "reddish" pretty face.

She showed her plain white arms and gently rubbed the corners of her clothes, then lowered her head and said shyly:

"I am actually..."

William sighed, Ying Ting's eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"You've actually coveted me for a long time, haven't you?"

"Huh?!" Andrea opened her mouth in surprise. Although she really wanted to use this excuse to get away with it, this rush answer was a bit unexpected.

William shook his head, walked quickly around the female goblin who was "trying to play stupid", and walked to his chair, looking like he was hiding from some wild bees and butterflies.

Andrea looked a little annoyed.

I...Although I did plan to use this "script", isn't it a little too much for your appearance that I'm afraid I'll jump on you and kiss you forcibly?

The banshee looked at William's trajectory with a speechless expression, watched him carefully circumventing her, watched him pull away the chair, watched him raise his head and said to herself hesitantly:

"You... didn't do anything to my chair, did you?"

"What do you do with the chair?"

Andrea was a little dazed by the question, but she reacted instantly, and her pretty face, which had just returned to fairness, instantly turned red with anger.

"How could I possibly do... to your chair! And I just..."


Keenly aware of the meaning behind the umm, the female fairy subconsciously swallowed and said in a low voice:

"I...I mean...I don't feel embarrassed to do that, and I'm not usually like this. I'm actually...well, a very reserved woman..."

William waved his hand, interrupting her unconvincing defense, and nodded regretfully, "Well, needless to say, I believe you."

He sat on the chair, pushed away the cup Andrea licked in disgust, and then began to self-examine with a blank face.

"I can't blame you for that. I've been careless recently."

? ? ?

Glancing at the confused female fairy, William shook his head and sighed:

"Recently, because of the discussion of the city plan, I did get too close to you, which may have made you have some unrealistic illusions, and then the idea that you can get me. This is my mistake."


Looking at the man opposite who was deeply analyzing herself, Andrea smacked her lips, and suddenly felt that her teeth hurt a little, and her stomach seemed to be a little sour...

William continued with a melancholy expression: "I knew that my charm could not be restrained, but I didn't pay attention to keeping a distance from you, and I didn't wake you up in time. I was careless, and I need to apologize to you."


"Although we can't reach a consensus on urban planning, please believe that I still recognize your ability very much. I hope this little misunderstanding will not affect the trust between us, and you are still the city construction officer that I recognize.

Today's matter will rot in my stomach and I won't mention it to others. I hope you can focus more on your work and stop being obsessed with my appearance. I'm actually just an ordinary person..."

William's persuasion became more and more sincere, but the irritability in Banshee's meticulousness became more and more serious, and even the expression of the "beaten Huaichun girl" was almost unstoppable.

Why are you... um, although you are really beautiful, why are you so narcissistic!

How can I become a dissatisfied **** in your mouth?

Although she said that, after recalling her actions just now, Andrea had to admit reluctantly that in William's eyes, she really looked like a pervert...

Seeing William's eloquent posture, the banshee hurriedly took advantage of his breath taking time, and sincerely stated that she would never do it again, and that she would immediately cultivate her self-cultivation after returning, so that even if the lord got into the bed, she would be able to do it. Holding back his hand against him, trying to become a person who is out of vulgar taste.

Seeing that her attitude of admitting mistakes was so William nodded gratified and expressed his appreciation for the banshee's awakening. Then he even left the table, opened the door for her with his own hands, and sent her out of the main hall.

As the door behind her slammed shut, Andrea, who was originally grateful, suddenly turned black, and desperately rubbed her shoulders, trying to rub off those embarrassed trembling feelings.

She secretly swears and swears that unless it is necessary, she must stay away from that narcissist in the future, and she will never give him another chance to hold her to talk!

Hearing the rustling sound outside the door, William's mouth curled slightly, then Shi Shiran returned to his seat and sat down, put his hand on the file basket next to him, and scraped it one by one with his thumb.

After touching a space that was obviously slightly larger, he opened the official document without changing his face, and a folded city plan was in sight.

William sneered contemptuously.

Hehe, in order to keep playing with the computer and not be discovered, I could even restore the hair that fell on the keyboard perfectly. You can't even compare to when I was ten years old!

After laughing at the naivety of the banshee in his heart, William took a good time to extract the new plan, formed a ball, and threw it back into the file basket. Then, he opened the system panel and found the interface of the territory development task.

[Territory development task: give your faction a name (main task 1) (completed)]

[Territory development task: Repair the city destroyed by monsters (main task 2) (to be opened)]

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